This is a very simple contest! Play CLAN GAMES, and participate in CLAN CONTESTS and you can WIN BIG in our...Great 10 Year Clan Giveaway!
There will be two "hats" of names for this contest, encompassing seven drawings!
1) Clans & 2) Players
Clan Drawing - one drawing, one winner!
For every war your clan participates in your clan will receive 1 raffle ticket towards the Clan Prize Drawing!
Pick up wars will earn your clan a bonus +1 raffle ticket!
For every Qualifying 2017 Event your clan participates in, your clan will receive an additional 1 raffle ticket!*
Other Special Events may qualify your clan for bonus raffle tickets in the future! (Such as CR@W!)
Player Drawings - six drawings, six winners!
For every CLAN GAME** you play you will earn a raffle ticket with your name on it!
Be the Minister of War (1st Contact & Priv Holder) for your clan and receive a bonus raffle ticket for every war!
Other Special Wars / Events may qualify you for bonus raffle tickets in the future!
Winner Drawings
Winners will be drawn from the raffle ticket pool "hat" one at a time. Tickets will be drawn starting with the Clan "Hat" drawing, then from the Players "Hat" from Blue Stars one at a time until the Grand Prize. If a player that has won a raffle is selected for a second prize, the ticket will be redrawn until a new winner that has yet to be drawn is selected.
Cut off for clan war raffle entries will be all wars started after 01-01-2017 to 11-01-2017. (EDIT: must be completed by the time of drawing)
Cut off for individual raffle entries will be all war games completed by 12-01-2017.
Drawing will take place sometime between 12-15-2017 and 12-31-2017, as scheduling & time permits.
The drawing will be either video taped or done live (to be determined based on interest / capability***).

Individual Raffle Prizes

Clan Prize

Other Terms and Conditions
*Qualifying Events Include but are not limited too: CC7, CL8, RL7, MC3+. Poly & 1vs1 Wars will not count as a qualifying event.
**Maximum of 5 entries per Clan War per Player. No 1vs1 or poly games count towards raffle tickets.
***Method will be determined whether there is an interest for live drawing, or video and posted to youtube and released either via forum or Platoon Report depending on capability.
****Winning Clan must provide a list of active clan members that will share the prize
*****All drawing results are final.
******All names drawn must be active onsite at time of drawing and respond within 48 hour of winning PM
Clan and Player Raffle Tickets Issued List