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different type of tournament

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different type of tournament

Postby MSpitts24 on Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:27 am

I don't play tournaments, but had an idea for a different type of one.

Participants would sign up to play ALL CC maps against Whambot 1v1 with normal settings (automatic, sequential, escalating, chained; no fog, no trench). they would have to play all games within a month vs Whambot, without playing the same game twice. At the end of their games, they would list their record, and their shortest round game as tie-breaker 1, and longest rounds in a loss as tie breaker 2.
Participants would list their records, I would check the top few to make sure they were accurate.

It would either end there, or the top 2-4 could play Classic same settings in a single elimination mini tournament of champions. I know it's not your normal tournament, but it would be different, interesting, not lock up slots (fast games vs Robot), and not require much admin.


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Re: different type of tournament

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Feb 06, 2017 4:27 pm

The bots can only play the simpler maps, so it couldn't be all CC maps. Still, within that limited frame it could be done.

I think greenoaks was running a tournament similar to that just before he disappeared. If you would volunteer to run it I'm sure it could be done.
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Re: different type of tournament

Postby Mad777 on Mon Feb 06, 2017 4:36 pm

There is 73 maps that can be play against bots....that's already a lot.
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Re: different type of tournament

Postby MSpitts24 on Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:10 am

73 is fine. they quickly sign up, maybe 10-20, we start, have to complete all 73 by monthend, report their records, I check the top 2 and those two play a 1v1 for finals. no tournament games to set up. if that is ok, let me know where and how to post, thank-you
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Re: different type of tournament

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:47 pm

MSpitts24 wrote:73 is fine. they quickly sign up, maybe 10-20, we start, have to complete all 73 by monthend, report their records, I check the top 2 and those two play a 1v1 for finals. no tournament games to set up. if that is ok, let me know where and how to post, thank-you

Post in the Create/Join forum as normal.

Make sure you describe the rules fully. What is the scoring system, just 1 point per win? Make sure it's spelled out. Also, what if there's more than 2 people with the same score? Make sure you envision all the possibilities.

Also, how will you deal with people who play more than 73? Penalize them for every extra attempts? Since they are creating their own games, there's theoretically nothing stopping them from creating extras. You need a rule to cover this.
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