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[CL8] Premier Div 1st: S&M 2nd: TOP MVP: josko.ri

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby josko.ri on Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:00 am

Doc_Brown wrote:Any bets on Bruceswar's position on the most improved leaderboard at the end of February? :lol:

Bruceswar is recently less active but we are trying to keep his interest for the site to not lose such a valuable player.
However, we checked with him in advance if he will be able to play in the Hive game and he confirmed that he is available.
I don't think he will suddenly start to play and catch the most improved medal.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby rockfist on Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:51 am

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I would make one comment:

Clan Warfare is not where you should be going to accumulate or keep points. There are far easier ways to get or keep points.

Now, I will freely admit that I have never been ranked as high as many of the people conducting this discussion. Its never been my number one priority, so if you want to make that criticism have at it.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby xroads on Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:58 am

As S&M MOW for this league I would like to clarify one thing.

I try to get each member of our clan involved as much as possible. Some are on extended vacations, some want to play very little. People leave the site every day, and we want to try and keep them active as much/long as possible.

I sent literally 10 messages to these players asking them if they are interested in a game this war and if they would be available to take all their turns. Bruce replied back that he has time for one so I put him in. I also asked wild-tiger, OSU jacket, Rodian, and several others, but they were not interested in games right now.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby Lindax on Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:09 am

A report has been filed with me, concerning account sitting abuse. This will be looked into with the help of admin (king achilles), who have the tools to do so.

This thread is not the place to file reports of abuse or infractions, nor is it a place to discuss those issues. The proper way is to contact the TO, which is me, Lindax.

Please leave this up to us and stop the discussion (and mudslinging) here.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby Lindax on Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:06 pm

Lindax wrote:A report has been filed with me, concerning account sitting abuse. This will be looked into with the help of admin (king achilles), who have the tools to do so.

This thread is not the place to file reports of abuse or infractions, nor is it a place to discuss those issues. The proper way is to contact the TO, which is me, Lindax.

Please leave this up to us and stop the discussion (and mudslinging) here.


Maybe I should make myself clearer: Anybody posting anymore about this issue will face consequences, as well as their clan.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby Lindax on Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:24 pm

FALL requested and is granted an extension for the round 6 away games.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:40 am

Finally have a few minutes to catch up on the goings on etc around here.
Theres a lot going on, so I'll try to be concise & clear about things.

1) if you have concerns about sitting abuse, the proper venue is a C&A report just like any other site sitting abuses. If the Admin team have questions or need clarification from the clan team on specifics, they'll contact me as I am the lead person for general clan disciplinary issues. If any abuse or issues are deemed to be found, that would then be relayed to the TO who can make the determination on what (if any) additional measures need to be taken as it relates to the tournament. But Lindax is correct, the place to report it / discuss that matter is not in the CL8 general thread.

If you want to make the TO aware of your C&A case, you can PM him with a link to the thread. If you want to get discussion on the matter as it pertains to the C&A case there, you can post a link here in the main thread as its event related but the discussion / debate should be taken there.

2) If you want to talk about general sitting issues, again this isn't the place. I'm happy to split the discussion off from here and will do so momentarily, but the place to have a general discussion is creating a new thread. If the discussion leads to a group wanting to change the rules, the place to do that would be the CDF.

3) if a team member asks you to do something, or refrain from it, please try to comply with the request. If you feel like any request that the team has made is unreasonable, the way to handle it is not to argue or continue on with the discussion that has been requested to be stopped. You should PM me, and if the request being made doesn't make sense, is unreasonable, or not in line with clan policies and procedures etc I will speak to the team member directly and make a post about it. But openly ignoring a request made or arguing about it (regardless of whether the request was in the wrong in the first place) is just a good way to get yourself a warning. Appeal the decision, dont argue it.

I hope that helps clarify the questions / issues that have come up.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby josko.ri on Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:41 am

IcePack wrote:Greetings,
Finally have a few minutes to catch up on the goings on etc around here.
Theres a lot going on, so I'll try to be concise & clear about things.

1) if you have concerns about sitting abuse, the proper venue is a C&A report just like any other site sitting abuses. If the Admin team have questions or need clarification from the clan team on specifics, they'll contact me as I am the lead person for general clan disciplinary issues. If any abuse or issues are deemed to be found, that would then be relayed to the TO who can make the determination on what (if any) additional measures need to be taken as it relates to the tournament. But Lindax is correct, the place to report it / discuss that matter is not in the CL8 general thread.

If you want to make the TO aware of your C&A case, you can PM him with a link to the thread. If you want to get discussion on the matter as it pertains to the C&A case there, you can post a link here in the main thread as its event related but the discussion / debate should be taken there.

2) If you want to talk about general sitting issues, again this isn't the place. I'm happy to split the discussion off from here and will do so momentarily, but the place to have a general discussion is creating a new thread. If the discussion leads to a group wanting to change the rules, the place to do that would be the CDF.

3) if a team member asks you to do something, or refrain from it, please try to comply with the request. If you feel like any request that the team has made is unreasonable, the way to handle it is not to argue or continue on with the discussion that has been requested to be stopped. You should PM me, and if the request being made doesn't make sense, is unreasonable, or not in line with clan policies and procedures etc I will speak to the team member directly and make a post about it. But openly ignoring a request made or arguing about it (regardless of whether the request was in the wrong in the first place) is just a good way to get yourself a warning. Appeal the decision, dont argue it.

I hope that helps clarify the questions / issues that have come up.

By reading your post (point 1), I am wondering should I additionally make the C&A report against sitting abuse done by FreeFalling123 in the Usa 2.1 game in the proper C&A forum, or the report which was already submitted to Lindax and king achilles by pm is enough?

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby Keefie on Wed Jan 18, 2017 6:13 am

josko.ri wrote:
IcePack wrote:Greetings,
Finally have a few minutes to catch up on the goings on etc around here.
Theres a lot going on, so I'll try to be concise & clear about things.

1) if you have concerns about sitting abuse, the proper venue is a C&A report just like any other site sitting abuses. If the Admin team have questions or need clarification from the clan team on specifics, they'll contact me as I am the lead person for general clan disciplinary issues. If any abuse or issues are deemed to be found, that would then be relayed to the TO who can make the determination on what (if any) additional measures need to be taken as it relates to the tournament. But Lindax is correct, the place to report it / discuss that matter is not in the CL8 general thread.

If you want to make the TO aware of your C&A case, you can PM him with a link to the thread. If you want to get discussion on the matter as it pertains to the C&A case there, you can post a link here in the main thread as its event related but the discussion / debate should be taken there.

2) If you want to talk about general sitting issues, again this isn't the place. I'm happy to split the discussion off from here and will do so momentarily, but the place to have a general discussion is creating a new thread. If the discussion leads to a group wanting to change the rules, the place to do that would be the CDF.

3) if a team member asks you to do something, or refrain from it, please try to comply with the request. If you feel like any request that the team has made is unreasonable, the way to handle it is not to argue or continue on with the discussion that has been requested to be stopped. You should PM me, and if the request being made doesn't make sense, is unreasonable, or not in line with clan policies and procedures etc I will speak to the team member directly and make a post about it. But openly ignoring a request made or arguing about it (regardless of whether the request was in the wrong in the first place) is just a good way to get yourself a warning. Appeal the decision, dont argue it.

I hope that helps clarify the questions / issues that have come up.

By reading your post (point 1), I am wondering should I additionally make the C&A report against sitting abuse done by FreeFalling123 in the Usa 2.1 game in the proper C&A forum, or the report which was already submitted to Lindax and king achilles by pm is enough?


The pm was enough mate, no need to raise a C&A now.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby PaulatPeace on Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:25 am

josko.ri wrote:
IcePack wrote:Greetings,
Finally have a few minutes to catch up on the goings on etc around here.
Theres a lot going on, so I'll try to be concise & clear about things.

1) if you have concerns about sitting abuse, the proper venue is a C&A report just like any other site sitting abuses. If the Admin team have questions or need clarification from the clan team on specifics, they'll contact me as I am the lead person for general clan disciplinary issues. If any abuse or issues are deemed to be found, that would then be relayed to the TO who can make the determination on what (if any) additional measures need to be taken as it relates to the tournament. But Lindax is correct, the place to report it / discuss that matter is not in the CL8 general thread.

If you want to make the TO aware of your C&A case, you can PM him with a link to the thread. If you want to get discussion on the matter as it pertains to the C&A case there, you can post a link here in the main thread as its event related but the discussion / debate should be taken there.

2) If you want to talk about general sitting issues, again this isn't the place. I'm happy to split the discussion off from here and will do so momentarily, but the place to have a general discussion is creating a new thread. If the discussion leads to a group wanting to change the rules, the place to do that would be the CDF.

3) if a team member asks you to do something, or refrain from it, please try to comply with the request. If you feel like any request that the team has made is unreasonable, the way to handle it is not to argue or continue on with the discussion that has been requested to be stopped. You should PM me, and if the request being made doesn't make sense, is unreasonable, or not in line with clan policies and procedures etc I will speak to the team member directly and make a post about it. But openly ignoring a request made or arguing about it (regardless of whether the request was in the wrong in the first place) is just a good way to get yourself a warning. Appeal the decision, dont argue it.

I hope that helps clarify the questions / issues that have come up.

By reading your post (point 1), I am wondering should I additionally make the C&A report against sitting abuse done by FreeFalling123 in the Usa 2.1 game in the proper C&A forum, or the report which was already submitted to Lindax and king achilles by pm is enough?


Lindax wrote:
Lindax wrote:A report has been filed with me, concerning account sitting abuse. This will be looked into with the help of admin (king achilles), who have the tools to do so.

This thread is not the place to file reports of abuse or infractions, nor is it a place to discuss those issues. The proper way is to contact the TO, which is me, Lindax.

Please leave this up to us and stop the discussion (and mudslinging) here.


Maybe I should make myself clearer: Anybody posting anymore about this issue will face consequences, as well as their clan.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby Lindax on Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:40 pm

Some people may be a little hard of hearing. Please refer to IcePackā€™s post about how to report infractions & sitting abuse and what these tournament threads are not meant for.

In addition:

4) If you would like to report a post in these tournament threads, you can do the by PM, to me, or you can use the little triangle with the exclamation mark in the top of the post.

5) These tournament threads are primarily for recording the progress of the tournaments, as well as for posting information about the tournament in question.

Posts that are irrelevant to the tournament, are not beneficial, have nothing to add, etc., have no place in these specific tournament threads. Nor do posts that have no other intention than to stir the shit by being obnoxious, annoying or provoking.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:12 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Lindax wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Also, do game labels not matter anymore?

Yes, they do. Below a reminder of how to label the games. Please follow these instructions and refrain from getting creative:

Game Creation Labels

The 1st Clan Contacts, and some 2nd Clan Contacts, have privileges to create the home games and invite their players. When creating a game use this tournament: "2016 [CL8] Premier Division". For your home games label the games with your clan abbreviation first, followed by "vs", followed by the away clan. For example, the first set of Round 1 is ATL against OSA, so ATL should create their home games with the following label: R1 ATL vs OSA The second set is the OSA home games and the label should be: R1 OSA vs ATL



Okay. Just wondering why this isn't being adhered to by all the clans.

Hi, can we not overlook this just because the annual S&M sitting abuse is taking place about now?

PaulatPeace wrote:TOP did not send a PM to the TO or report to anyone....because we prefer to believe S&M is an honorable clan.


I don't think either of your clans are remotely close to honourable.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:04 pm

Aeternus will not be playing against S&M in the Clan League, as we will not bother with the ordeal of untrustworthy, unsportsmanlike players whom we cannot be certain will play according to the rules. This is an official notification.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby xroads on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:05 pm

Great, thanks for the 4 points! Although it would of been easy pickings anyway.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:10 pm

xroads wrote:Great, thanks for the 4 points! Although it would of have been easy pickings anyway.

FTFY. I guess I can't be surprised your literacy skills are lacking. I don't think S&M will be receiving any free points. Why would anyone want to play against a clan that includes players who have been warned for sitting abuse, amongst other things? I personally don't, and this will likely be our last season in the Clan League regardless.
Last edited by iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby xroads on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:13 pm

You dont play, you forfeit. You forfeit, you loose your games and points.

You cant pick and choose who you play and who you dont.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:15 pm

xroads wrote:You dont play, you forfeit. You forfeit, you loose your games and points.

You cant pick and choose who you play and who you dont.

Sorry, didn't realise you were a Clan Director.

Can I speak with someone about this who plays the game honestly? I don't want to bother with people who's word I can't trust.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby xroads on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:18 pm

Ah, you are comedy.

"AET wont play S&M because we feel they are dishonorable"


We know we would probably loose 16-0, so just want to skip this round to avoid the humiliation.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:19 pm

xroads wrote:Ah, you are comedy.

"AET wont play S&M because we feel they are dishonorable"


We know we would probably loose 16-0, so just want to skip this round to avoid the humiliation.

By your astounding logic, we also wouldn't play against the likes of the Fallen and TOFU, yet we already have done. Your clan is led by people who still, to this day, abuse account sitting, and you yourself don't play by the rules. In what scenario would anyone want to play against people who don't play fair? I don't see the point.

Also, it's "lose". I find it hard to believe a 45yo man is as stupid as you.

Btw, why haven't you responded to me in the other thread? Vocabulary a bit too limited? I'll help you out:
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby xroads on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:24 pm

ah yes TOFU & Fall

Yes I see you also donated 4 points to each of them as well.

I would like to see your proof of account sitting abuse by S&M.

But that is fine, we will take your forfeit and 4 points
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:28 pm

xroads wrote:ah yes TOFU & Fall

Yes I see you also donated 4 points to each of them as well.

I would like to see your proof of account sitting abuse by S&M.

But that is fine, we will take your forfeit and 4 points

TOFU beat us 6-2 home and away. Against FALL we finished 3-5 and 4-4. In what world do any of those results equate to 16-0, as you so confidently projected? A rockfist said himself, the missed turns didn't help, but that has since been resolved.

What I've noticed here, is not only are your English skills rather lacking, but your mathematic ability is also disappointing. Shocker.

Once again, I'd rather speak with a CD rather than some random online guy who probably cares more about cheating for medals than his own kids. Anyone?
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:33 pm

Lindax wrote:I noticed some activity here today. I will read through this tomorrow.

In the meantime, this is from "General Comments" in the OP of the CL8 Main Thread:

Clans are encouraged to self-police and solve minor issues between themselves. However, if you feel that your opponent has broken a rule, please report this by PM to Lindax.

I can tell you right now that I will not deal with any of this here in the forum. As a matter of fact, if somebody wants me to look into this, you better send me a PM.



Read "this" as whatever you're having problems with Caff.
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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:34 pm

I'm online for w bit if you want to PM me. Lindax is in charge of CL8 but I can see if I can help depending on what's needed.

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Re: [CL8] Premier Division

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:40 pm

It's not that something has happened between our clans. However, they are led by players who have been convicted of account sitting abuse previously, and these concerns have been risen again recently. Furthermore, they have players who've cheated the system and see no issue in doing so. I have no desire to force my clan to play a fun yet competitive game against those whom we cannot trust to uphold the rules, and I'm not really sure why anyone else entertains the idea either.
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