To me, Clans are what keeps me here at Conquer Club. It's that simple really, if it were just a game, I would have left a long time ago. The friendships I've developed, the excitement over something new, the challenge to be better then before.
This is what draws me into Clans.
2016 was a rough year for me, both personally, professionally, and in my volunteer activities both here and elsewhere.
I had some serious health concerns, both for me and my family. I closed a small business, and reopened another.
I struggled to find the excitement, the motivation, and the passion that drove me for so many years.
I will admit, there was a point in which I considered throwing in the towel. Let others take over, let others do the work.
Instead of striving for excellence, taking on the hardest tasks as I was accustomed to do, for the first time I considered taking the easy road. I could have easily rationalized it 100 ways. For my health, for my relationships, for my job.
Instead, I have recommitted myself to pushing myself further. Not to accept mediocrity. Good enough, is not good enough.
In light of this, I have revamped the Platoon Report format to something fresh. A reminder to myself that even little things can be made better.
This year, I will focus on being better. To make myself, better. Clans, better. We can do better, we will do better.
This year, my focus on improvements will be for you, the ones who come here and make this place great.
Thank you, because you are the ones who make me a better me.
Jason (a.k.a., IcePack)
To those of you who participate, who get involved, to those who volunteer.
To those who help make Clans the most special place.
This is for you.
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Note: If you find something of particular interest, if you have any feedback. I would love to hear what you have to say.
Any comments regarding the Platoon Report (positive, constructive criticism, or negative) are appreciated.