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The most different kinds of medals on the site

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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby betiko on Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:34 pm

josko.ri wrote:
betiko wrote:First, your thread is about the most medal types people here have, so i don t really see why you d need a ranking with tiebreakers..

Second, your first list was like a top 5 with a range going from 33 to 26. And you were like half an hour before that looking in detail my profile and medals. So yeah, I knew you were up for something twisted. And nope, I don't believe I'm the center of the universe, but I do know I was the center of your universe this past week. I hope you got over it!

I will make new tie breaker from now on, who first comes to some number of medals, he wins tie breaker over the ones who came after. But for tie breaker in this moment, I leave it as it is now.

My first list had idea to have everyone with 31, for what I have data, and to be upgraded as soon as someone posts and then put his data. Keefie and jdw35 were among the first posters and I updated their score which was about 25,26. Later on, I found enough time in hands to properly update the list, so then it was not anymore criterium "who makes post, I update the list with his data".

It is interesting how you are bashing me for reporting that you have medal awarded unproperly, and I was actually right in the case because the medal was indeed awarded unproperly. You are not bashing yourself for being fully aware that you have undeserved medal yet you have remained silent about that fact and hold the medal for how many months or years before it was removed from you.

I was once in the same shoes like you having awarded medal undeservedly for organizing a tournament. At that time, I had reported myself and the medal was removed from my profile. You know, some players have honor in medal hunting ;)

Obviously, you like the idea to own undeserved medals :lol: ;)

josko... this is a luck based game. if how randomly some dice have worked for you in a tournament final is what constitutes your honour, I'm fine with it. Don't start judging me if a few years ago I received 2 medals for a tournament. You are also doing it to other people as I have received PMs telling me you did the same to them.
If I'm in a big department store and they give me twice the change because they did a mistake at the register, or if they made a mistake on the pricetag in my favour; yup, I would definitely keep it quiet. If it's a small business I'd definitely tell the cashier. In this case... no harm done to CC if they give 2 medals by mistake. I really don't give a shit if you have a problem with that; and if you asked to be stripped that medal from yourself, I just think you are an idiot.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby Symmetry on Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:41 pm

betiko wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
betiko wrote:First, your thread is about the most medal types people here have, so i don t really see why you d need a ranking with tiebreakers..

Second, your first list was like a top 5 with a range going from 33 to 26. And you were like half an hour before that looking in detail my profile and medals. So yeah, I knew you were up for something twisted. And nope, I don't believe I'm the center of the universe, but I do know I was the center of your universe this past week. I hope you got over it!

I will make new tie breaker from now on, who first comes to some number of medals, he wins tie breaker over the ones who came after. But for tie breaker in this moment, I leave it as it is now.

My first list had idea to have everyone with 31, for what I have data, and to be upgraded as soon as someone posts and then put his data. Keefie and jdw35 were among the first posters and I updated their score which was about 25,26. Later on, I found enough time in hands to properly update the list, so then it was not anymore criterium "who makes post, I update the list with his data".

It is interesting how you are bashing me for reporting that you have medal awarded unproperly, and I was actually right in the case because the medal was indeed awarded unproperly. You are not bashing yourself for being fully aware that you have undeserved medal yet you have remained silent about that fact and hold the medal for how many months or years before it was removed from you.

I was once in the same shoes like you having awarded medal undeservedly for organizing a tournament. At that time, I had reported myself and the medal was removed from my profile. You know, some players have honor in medal hunting ;)

Obviously, you like the idea to own undeserved medals :lol: ;)

josko... this is a luck based game. if how randomly some dice have worked for you in a tournament final is what constitutes your honour, I'm fine with it. Don't start judging me if a few years ago I received 2 medals for a tournament. You are also doing it to other people as I have received PMs telling me you did the same to them.
If I'm in a big department store and they give me twice the change because they did a mistake at the register, or if they made a mistake on the pricetag in my favour; yup, I would definitely keep it quiet. If it's a small business I'd definitely tell the cashier. In this case... no harm done to CC if they give 2 medals by mistake. I really don't give a shit if you have a problem with that; and if you asked to be stripped that medal from yourself, I just think you are an idiot.

Do you think that CC is equivalent to a big department store, then, rather than a small business?
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby betiko on Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:40 pm

Symmetry wrote:
betiko wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
betiko wrote:First, your thread is about the most medal types people here have, so i don t really see why you d need a ranking with tiebreakers..

Second, your first list was like a top 5 with a range going from 33 to 26. And you were like half an hour before that looking in detail my profile and medals. So yeah, I knew you were up for something twisted. And nope, I don't believe I'm the center of the universe, but I do know I was the center of your universe this past week. I hope you got over it!

I will make new tie breaker from now on, who first comes to some number of medals, he wins tie breaker over the ones who came after. But for tie breaker in this moment, I leave it as it is now.

My first list had idea to have everyone with 31, for what I have data, and to be upgraded as soon as someone posts and then put his data. Keefie and jdw35 were among the first posters and I updated their score which was about 25,26. Later on, I found enough time in hands to properly update the list, so then it was not anymore criterium "who makes post, I update the list with his data".

It is interesting how you are bashing me for reporting that you have medal awarded unproperly, and I was actually right in the case because the medal was indeed awarded unproperly. You are not bashing yourself for being fully aware that you have undeserved medal yet you have remained silent about that fact and hold the medal for how many months or years before it was removed from you.

I was once in the same shoes like you having awarded medal undeservedly for organizing a tournament. At that time, I had reported myself and the medal was removed from my profile. You know, some players have honor in medal hunting ;)

Obviously, you like the idea to own undeserved medals :lol: ;)

josko... this is a luck based game. if how randomly some dice have worked for you in a tournament final is what constitutes your honour, I'm fine with it. Don't start judging me if a few years ago I received 2 medals for a tournament. You are also doing it to other people as I have received PMs telling me you did the same to them.
If I'm in a big department store and they give me twice the change because they did a mistake at the register, or if they made a mistake on the pricetag in my favour; yup, I would definitely keep it quiet. If it's a small business I'd definitely tell the cashier. In this case... no harm done to CC if they give 2 medals by mistake. I really don't give a shit if you have a problem with that; and if you asked to be stripped that medal from yourself, I just think you are an idiot.

Do you think that CC is equivalent to a big department store, then, rather than a small business?

nope: I think that CC handing 2 medals instead of 1 is like a big department store making a mistake in your favour, I'm pretty sure you can understand the comparison. CC isuing 2 medals by mistake is not going to result in any type of loss for them. Now if I buy a 1 year premium and CC issues me 2 year premium by mistake, I might tell them they did a mistake.. because this could result in a big problem for CC mostly if it's a bug happening multiple times. I thought a man with such a brilliant mindwouldn't need this kind of explanation.. CC isn't spending much on those medals you know, it's not real metal nor real plastic (but hush it's a secret)
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby Symmetry on Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:42 pm

betiko wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
betiko wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
betiko wrote:First, your thread is about the most medal types people here have, so i don t really see why you d need a ranking with tiebreakers..

Second, your first list was like a top 5 with a range going from 33 to 26. And you were like half an hour before that looking in detail my profile and medals. So yeah, I knew you were up for something twisted. And nope, I don't believe I'm the center of the universe, but I do know I was the center of your universe this past week. I hope you got over it!

I will make new tie breaker from now on, who first comes to some number of medals, he wins tie breaker over the ones who came after. But for tie breaker in this moment, I leave it as it is now.

My first list had idea to have everyone with 31, for what I have data, and to be upgraded as soon as someone posts and then put his data. Keefie and jdw35 were among the first posters and I updated their score which was about 25,26. Later on, I found enough time in hands to properly update the list, so then it was not anymore criterium "who makes post, I update the list with his data".

It is interesting how you are bashing me for reporting that you have medal awarded unproperly, and I was actually right in the case because the medal was indeed awarded unproperly. You are not bashing yourself for being fully aware that you have undeserved medal yet you have remained silent about that fact and hold the medal for how many months or years before it was removed from you.

I was once in the same shoes like you having awarded medal undeservedly for organizing a tournament. At that time, I had reported myself and the medal was removed from my profile. You know, some players have honor in medal hunting ;)

Obviously, you like the idea to own undeserved medals :lol: ;)

josko... this is a luck based game. if how randomly some dice have worked for you in a tournament final is what constitutes your honour, I'm fine with it. Don't start judging me if a few years ago I received 2 medals for a tournament. You are also doing it to other people as I have received PMs telling me you did the same to them.
If I'm in a big department store and they give me twice the change because they did a mistake at the register, or if they made a mistake on the pricetag in my favour; yup, I would definitely keep it quiet. If it's a small business I'd definitely tell the cashier. In this case... no harm done to CC if they give 2 medals by mistake. I really don't give a shit if you have a problem with that; and if you asked to be stripped that medal from yourself, I just think you are an idiot.

Do you think that CC is equivalent to a big department store, then, rather than a small business?

nope: I think that CC handing 2 medals instead of 1 is like a big department store making a mistake in your favour, I'm pretty sure you can understand the comparison. CC isuing 2 medals by mistake is not going to result in any type of loss for them. Now if I buy a 1 year premium and CC issues me 2 year premium by mistake, I might tell them they did a mistake.. because this could result in a big problem for CC mostly if it's a bug happening multiple times. I thought a man with such a brilliant mindwouldn't need this kind of explanation.. CC isn't spending much on those medals you know, it's not real metal nor real plastic (but hush it's a secret)

I understand your reasoning, I just don't agree with it. I suspect that, given your rather long and elaborate justifications, that you basically know that you're in the wrong too.

You know that taking something that doesn't belong to you is wrong as a basic point stands true. The point applies even if it isn't stolen There's a basic point that it should be returned if you know it's not really yours.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby josko.ri on Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:14 pm

grt has been added to the list, he earned 28th kind medal early this month. =D>
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:05 pm

What is a training medal? Is that similar to like the mods getting medals for being a mod ?
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby armati on Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:18 pm

this looks like a thread to ask this.
What are the stars for?
Do they do anything?
Trade them?collect them?
What are they for?
First thought is kids get stars in kindergarden, "ok Billy good job, lets put a gold star on top of your piece of paper"
Is that all they are? or is there a reason for them?

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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby owenshooter on Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:26 pm

armati wrote:this looks like a thread to ask this.
What are the stars for?

It actually isn't... This is a thread about medal whores patting themselves on the back and other sexually graphic places. You, my friend, are seeking answers, not a circle jerk... Your answer is here: ... tructions7

Have a great day... And the black Jesus loves you... Be more careful next time!! I'd hate for you to fall prey to the sort of shenanigans the users in this thread would have done to your fresh, innocent soul...-Jn
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby josko.ri on Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:17 pm

Donelladan earned his 32nd different kind of medal two days ago. updated.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby BoganGod on Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:09 am

owenshooter wrote:
armati wrote:this looks like a thread to ask this.
What are the stars for?

It actually isn't... This is a thread about medal whores patting themselves on the back and other sexually graphic places. You, my friend, are seeking answers, not a circle jerk... Your answer is here: ... tructions7

Have a great day... And the black Jesus loves you... Be more careful next time!! I'd hate for you to fall prey to the sort of shenanigans the users in this thread would have done to your fresh, innocent soul...-Jn

Be careful flaming the almighty and humourless great ones of medal collection. Calling them whores is the act of a true misogynist. Don't hate them for what their deprived upbringings have led them to become. Pity them and have tolerance for their outlandish behaviour.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:47 am

BoganGod wrote:Calling them whores is the act of a true misogynist.

We're not medal whores, we're medal satisfaction consultants.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:42 am

Dukasaur wrote:
BoganGod wrote:Calling them whores is the act of a true misogynist.

We're not medal whores, we're medal satisfaction consultants.

medal "conts" for short.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby BoganGod on Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:48 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
BoganGod wrote:Calling them whores is the act of a true misogynist.

We're not medal whores, we're medal satisfaction consultants.

medal "conts" for short.

Mental counts. Would be equally apt.

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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Dec 27, 2016 3:32 am

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:What is a training medal? Is that similar to like the mods getting medals for being a mod ?

these are givin out to SOC students and teacher who help out.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby BoganGod on Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:41 am

Bruceswar wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:What is a training medal? Is that similar to like the mods getting medals for being a mod ?

these are givin out to SOC students and teacher who help out.

Welcome back. Are we to expect the return of the others locked in the eternity basement? The roll call of the missing is getting longer than those that are still here.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sun Jan 01, 2017 6:20 pm

I would have to say that when I first joined this site, the community was very welcoming. It had its trolls and people who wanted to flame and cause trouble. But overall, it was a very welcoming place. Today, this community is far from welcoming. Almost every post has an immediate negative comment posted on it. I think the focus now should be on how to get the community more welcoming. Then, we have a really good chance to see this site have more active users.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby josko.ri on Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:19 am

I took the lead in the most different kinds of medals on the site with earning 34th different kind of medal.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby riskllama on Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:02 pm


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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby BoganGod on Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:24 pm

riskllama wrote:Nothing of Value.

Don't tease the cow in wolve's clothing. They created a new Smeagul award for him, precious medal, precious medal. Not open to anyone who doesn't acknowledge medals as the most important things in this multiverse.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby Symmetry on Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:36 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:I would have to say that when I first joined this site, the community was very welcoming. It had its trolls and people who wanted to flame and cause trouble. But overall, it was a very welcoming place. Today, this community is far from welcoming. Almost every post has an immediate negative comment posted on it. I think the focus now should be on how to get the community more welcoming. Then, we have a really good chance to see this site have more active users.

I think one of the problems is that this was a very closed community in some ways in the past. Being openly gay, or arguing for gay rights in a discussion was, and in some cases, still is considered to be trolling by some posters, thankfully the mods changed the rules a while ago. Asking for Paralympians to be recognised equally here- that's trolling for some. Some of the more racist and bigoted posters seem to feel that they're being trolled when someone takes offense.

Opening up discussions to alternate viewpoints will not always be welcome for those who want a like-minded community.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby josko.ri on Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:48 am

The scoreboard is updated. The most kinds of medals has increased to 35 by myself and there is also newcomer swimerdude99 with 28 kinds of medals.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby King_Herpes on Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:32 am

josko.ri wrote:The scoreboard is updated. The most kinds of medals has increased to 35 by myself and there is also newcomer swimerdude99 with 28 kinds of medals.

They give you back one Ronny stole or no way?

Make me so so mad when the people kinda no see what happen

- Mamiko [^._.^]ノ彡
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby josko.ri on Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:05 am

King_Herpes wrote:
josko.ri wrote:The scoreboard is updated. The most kinds of medals has increased to 35 by myself and there is also newcomer swimerdude99 with 28 kinds of medals.

They give you back one Ronny stole or no way?

Make me so so mad when the people kinda no see what happen

- Mamiko [^._.^]ノ彡

Ronny stole Gold medal from me, but I have received Silver as 2nd placed on the Scoreboard.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby ronsizzle on Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:35 pm

josko.ri wrote:
King_Herpes wrote:
josko.ri wrote:The scoreboard is updated. The most kinds of medals has increased to 35 by myself and there is also newcomer swimerdude99 with 28 kinds of medals.

They give you back one Ronny stole or no way?

Make me so so mad when the people kinda no see what happen

- Mamiko [^._.^]ノ彡

Ronny stole Gold medal from me, but I have received Silver as 2nd placed on the Scoreboard.

if you ain't first, you're last.
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Re: The most different kinds of medals on the site

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:40 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:I would have to say that when I first joined this site, the community was very welcoming. It had its trolls and people who wanted to flame and cause trouble. But overall, it was a very welcoming place. Today, this community is far from welcoming. Almost every post has an immediate negative comment posted on it. I think the focus now should be on how to get the community more welcoming. Then, we have a really good chance to see this site have more active users.

You've contributed plenty to that yourself mr "holier than thou".
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