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dice sucks

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Re: dice sucks

Postby BoganGod on Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:50 pm

The Lost Warrior wrote:Sometimes I wonder if this whole game is nothing but a complete waste of time. The results are often decided within 3 to 4 rounds, sometimes even in the first or second with shitty dice. Whenever you are attacking 7 vs. 3 is like no match!!! 7 gone within seconds. And 4 vs. 1, in 75% of cases you are bound to fail. Admins are not paying any attention to this shit? Why no steps are being taken to reduce the role of luck from the games and add a bit more to good strategies?? Totally worthless.....

waaaaaaah, wwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh, why f*ck faces can I not get perfect dice everytime in a game I'm not paying for. WWWWAAAAAAAHHHHH poor little me.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby mookiemcgee on Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:26 pm

Butters1919 wrote:
Woltato wrote:Dice are random. The reason so many players think they're rigged is down to how your brain works. Ie you tend to notice when you've had a bad beat and it sticks in the memory, however all the times you have average or good luck with the dice you don't notice and quickly forget about it.

Unfortunately that logic works with x-gf's too!

Logic never worked with my ex-gf's... guess that is why they are ex's.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby Beast Of Burson on Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:44 pm

I think everybody is under the same assumption as most of us are when we first sign up. That we will take CC by storm because we played this and we always kicked ass.

I can admit I was like that. They will learn. The dice are what they are. Bitching about them isn't gonna change the outcome or the situation.

What I have a prob with is the way the auto setup is. Sometimes some of us get a bonus or 2 right off the bat before our first move!

But that's a whole other thread.
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