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Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:25 am

Jurasu wrote:
ColinM wrote:It's been said that it was deliberately left out of the coding but why? Why not change the coding so that once a successful attack is made, you will get a spoil at the end of your turn even if you are timed out? Also, sometimes things happen in Real Life and you unavoidably can't complete your turn. It's bad enough that you are unable to complete your attacks and/or make reinforcements, without having to suffer a loss of spoil, too.

I believe the original intention was as a sort of punishment for people who forgot to end their turns. Losing the ability to finish attacks, forting AND losing a card are detriments more often than waiting out the timer to purposely avoid a card for some sort of strategic reason. Encourage people to fully complete their turns before moving on to whatever else.

really? did you have a conversation with lackattack regarding this? do you have an old thread from back in the day that states as much? this is YOUR OPINION and should not be stated as some sort of "off the cuff reminiscence of the rules and how they were brought about." PM lackattack and ask him. better yet, i'm sure Andy knows the answer. I trust lack and if he did it, it was for a reason. same as his removal of the surrender button, it was for a reason. i'd really like to know what the idea was behind it. i personally love it, because it gives the game another dimension and it is not just a RISK clone knock off, it is it's own unique gaming format...

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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Donelladan on Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:29 am

Omg owen, seriously, calm down and read it again.
You put it in big bold red letter, he said " I believe" which means he does not know and he never claimed he knew it.

Anyway he is most definitely right that it was never the intention to allow people to miss cards on purpose, because nuclear spoils did not exist at the beginning of CC when the "no spoils for running out of time" was implemented. In escalating and flat rate games it is very rare to see people run out of time in purpose.

Also if it had been developed with the intention of letting the choice to people not to take a card, then they should have implement a button "skip the reinforcement phase and do not take a card".
It is very obvious that the 1 hour period to finish your turn hasn't been implemented so that people can skip card, but rather to avoid games to be too long.

Of course, as said previously, it is not illegal to do it.


I am so nice I even found an answer from Andy for you !

AndyDufresne wrote:The current reason you do not get a card for not ending your turn is that by making that the only way to get your card, we are reminding you not to stall the game unecessarily (I.E. starting your hour turn, getting finished in 5 minutes, and then letting the game sit while you are 'playing your turn' for 55 minutes).


Also note this answer was made before nuclear spoils were implemented.
Nuclear spoils were implemented in December 2009.

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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:50 am

Donelladan wrote:I am so nice I even found an answer from Andy for you !

AndyDufresne wrote:The current reason you do not get a card for not ending your turn is that by making that the only way to get your card, we are reminding you not to stall the game unecessarily (I.E. starting your hour turn, getting finished in 5 minutes, and then letting the game sit while you are 'playing your turn' for 55 minutes).



THANK YOU!!! there is our answer... so, it was intended as a reminder/punishment, but evolved into a strategy that has since been ABUSED (according to Andy's answer, which i fully believe). code it in now, if it is possible. however, it has become such a part of CC strategy, i wonder what the overall reception would be. not just from the less than 1% that visit the forums... the black jesus stands corrected... the black jesus has spoken..-Jésus noir

p.s.-i do believe i said to check with lack OR andy... as usual, i was 100% correct... BOOM!
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Jurasu on Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:41 pm

So I'm really confused. Did you just try to cherry-pick my post to find some minute detail to tear into me? Then you somehow decided to give me a verbal lashing for stating my opinion as an opinion in a thread that people have been debating their opinions? As both you and Donelladan have both highlighted, I said "I believe." I would not attempt to claim something as a fact if I did not have the evidence on hand to back it up. Then on top of that you simply restated what I said and claimed to be 100% correct all along.

I get that you like to be the unofficial keeper of the rules and that you also like the overuse of sarcasm and rhetorical questions because it amuses you, but it often comes off as really childish. There's a reason that I read a lot of what you've posted over the years and rarely respond. You try to ostracize anyone who dares to have a different opinion from the almighty Jésus noir. I find it highly ironic that you frequently talk about cliques forming being one of the undermining elements on CC and how you wish more people were active on the forums again when you try to run roughshod over a new poster until they no longer wish to visit the forums anymore.

By the way, thank you Donelladan for digging up that old post.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:47 pm

Jurasu wrote:So I'm really confused. Did you just try to cherry-pick my post to find some minute detail to tear into me?

that was not a minute detail. to declare that sort of statement without backing it up, as Big Daddy D did for you, you leave yourself open to that. i already said i stood corrected, however, i was 100% correct in stating that lack or andy would have the answer. do your research before you make such bold statements at your whim... ;) ;) ;)
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Jurasu on Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:17 pm

An opinion is a thought that does not have to be based in fact. It can be formed from context and one's own knowledge. One can state an opinion without backing it up with fact. If you wish to debate the logic behind an opinion, you are free to do so, but you instead decided to attack me for expressing my opinion while stating that I claimed it was fact. That's called an ad hominem.

I also refer to it as cherry-picking a minute detail not so much because I thought it was a small detail, but because that was the only thing you responded to in an entire post directed at you, which I see you have done again. Now that I think about it, I actually think you would have an excellent career as a politician owen. Dodging portions of responses that you don't want to respond to and spinning other parts in a way that benefit you or cast doubt on your opponent. Bravo!
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:27 pm

Jurasu wrote:*meandering post that nobody will be bothered to read*

i'm still right and you still didn't back up your made up, yet factual, rule... Big Daddy D had to swoop in and save you, because you were too lazy to search for an ACTUAL post backing your assumed "fact." the black jesus was still right...-Jésus noir
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby elbitjusticiero on Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:32 pm

It's legal, but completely infuriating in speed games, especially the less "speedy" 5-minute speed games.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby elbitjusticiero on Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:38 pm

Jurasu wrote:Now that I think about it, I actually think you would have an excellent career as a politician owen. Dodging portions of responses that you don't want to respond to and spinning other parts in a way that benefit you or cast doubt on your opponent. Bravo!

This is the "helpful" guy everyone was missing from the forum.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:57 pm

elbitjusticiero wrote:
Jurasu wrote:Now that I think about it, I actually think you would have an excellent career as a politician owen. Dodging portions of responses that you don't want to respond to and spinning other parts in a way that benefit you or cast doubt on your opponent. Bravo!

This is the "helpful" guy everyone was missing from the forum.

says the guy with 57 posts and zero credibility... the black jesus has dismissed you as irrelevant... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby elbitjusticiero on Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:00 pm

owenshooter wrote:
elbitjusticiero wrote:
Jurasu wrote:Now that I think about it, I actually think you would have an excellent career as a politician owen. Dodging portions of responses that you don't want to respond to and spinning other parts in a way that benefit you or cast doubt on your opponent. Bravo!

This is the "helpful" guy everyone was missing from the forum.

says the guy with 57 posts and zero credibility... the black jesus has dismissed you as irrelevant... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

Says the guy who stated "I'm not back" and then stayed... Less than zero credibility. Also, you're a fucking asshole.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:03 pm

so, it has been determined that although it is not against the rules, it is counter to the actual intent of the "intentional flaw." so, should this now be moved to suggestions, to have this intentional flaw fixed? it truly has become a part of the strategy/fabric/culture of the site, the flash point for so many forum battles/fights/discussions, etc... it would be interesting to see if they want to fix this intentional error or if they would choose to leave it be... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-to my fan boy stalker, please stay on topic. i acknowledged your existence within this thread, that should get you through the remainder of the week. have fun at the fan club pot luck social this weekend!!! but lots of merch, it all goes to support my lavish black jesus lifestyle...
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby elbitjusticiero on Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:15 pm

owenshooter wrote:so, it has been determined that although it is not against the rules, it is counter to the actual intent of the "intentional flaw." so, should this now be moved to suggestions, to have this intentional flaw fixed? it truly has become a part of the strategy/fabric/culture of the site, the flash point for so many forum battles/fights/discussions, etc... it would be interesting to see if they want to fix this intentional error or if they would choose to leave it be... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-to my fan boy stalker, please stay on topic. i acknowledged your existence within this thread, that should get you through the remainder of the week. have fun at the fan club pot luck social this weekend!!! but lots of merch, it all goes to support my lavish black jesus lifestyle...

I'm not stalking you. You just keep appearing in every fucking thread with your "helpful" advice.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:34 pm

elButtJuiceiero wrote:
owenshooter wrote:so, it has been determined that although it is not against the rules, it is counter to the actual intent of the "intentional flaw." so, should this now be moved to suggestions, to have this intentional flaw fixed? it truly has become a part of the strategy/fabric/culture of the site, the flash point for so many forum battles/fights/discussions, etc... it would be interesting to see if they want to fix this intentional error or if they would choose to leave it be... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-to my fan boy stalker, please stay on topic. i acknowledged your existence within this thread, that should get you through the remainder of the week. have fun at the fan club pot luck social this weekend!!! but lots of merch, it all goes to support my lavish black jesus lifestyle...

I'm not stalking you. You just keep appearing in every fucking thread with your "helpful" advice.

please stop trolling, please stop stalking and please stay on topic. i made a very poignant summation of the entire thread and it was ruined by your desire to be acknowledged by me. i am sorry to the CC forum goers for this child's behaviour. so, again:

so, it has been determined that although it is not against the rules, it is counter to the actual intent of the "intentional flaw." so, should this now be moved to suggestions, to have this intentional flaw fixed? it truly has become a part of the strategy/fabric/culture of the site, the flash point for so many forum battles/fights/discussions, etc... it would be interesting to see if they want to fix this intentional error or if they would choose to leave it be... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby elbitjusticiero on Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:54 pm

Because, of course, whatever owenshooter has to say about anything is the definitive word about that issue. "Poignant" indeed.

Just shut up already.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:08 pm

elButtJuiceiero wrote:troll, troll, troll. i love owenshooter. troll, troll, troll.

seriously, this is a great thread with some vibrant discourse going on. please do not continue your attempts to derail it!! copy pasted the last valid post that suggested this possibly be considered for an actual suggestion in suggs. if you want to continue your little one sided lovers quarrel, take it to PM's (which will be quickly deleted), so the rest of the adult forum community does not have to deal with your childish antics. they get it. you love me. they get it. you seek my approval. now, let this thread continue without your constant and boorish interruptions. thank you. Copy and past follows, the black jesus has spoken:

owenshooter wrote:
elButtJuiceiero wrote:
owenshooter wrote:so, it has been determined that although it is not against the rules, it is counter to the actual intent of the "intentional flaw." so, should this now be moved to suggestions, to have this intentional flaw fixed? it truly has become a part of the strategy/fabric/culture of the site, the flash point for so many forum battles/fights/discussions, etc... it would be interesting to see if they want to fix this intentional error or if they would choose to leave it be... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-to my fan boy stalker, please stay on topic. i acknowledged your existence within this thread, that should get you through the remainder of the week. have fun at the fan club pot luck social this weekend!!! but lots of merch, it all goes to support my lavish black jesus lifestyle...

I'm not stalking you. You just keep appearing in every fucking thread with your "helpful" advice.

please stop trolling, please stop stalking and please stay on topic. i made a very poignant summation of the entire thread and it was ruined by your desire to be acknowledged by me. i am sorry to the CC forum goers for this child's behaviour. so, again:

so, it has been determined that although it is not against the rules, it is counter to the actual intent of the "intentional flaw." so, should this now be moved to suggestions, to have this intentional flaw fixed? it truly has become a part of the strategy/fabric/culture of the site, the flash point for so many forum battles/fights/discussions, etc... it would be interesting to see if they want to fix this intentional error or if they would choose to leave it be... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby elbitjusticiero on Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:11 pm

Somehow I knew you wouldn't shut up.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Sep 08, 2016 5:08 pm

elbitjusticiero wrote:Somehow I knew you wouldn't shut up.

can you please refrain from posting if you have nothing substantial to add to the discourse? thank you. apparently, the mods are asleep at the switches...
the black jesus has spoken and please scroll up to see what is going on. the troll is derailing this thread, i do apologize.. the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby elbitjusticiero on Thu Sep 08, 2016 5:39 pm

Keeps talking... And he even apologizes for other users... How far up your own ass can you be? One has to wonder.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Donelladan on Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:28 am

Enough, both of you.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:11 am

Maybe I can help

Owen, I like you, but you have a bit of a tendency to lecture and pretend that you're the sheriff round these parts. That riles up some folk.

elbi- You're right- Owen knows his stuff until he doesn't. You ain't gonna get him to admit that though. He'd rather quit thr site (and come back all grumpy) than say he was wrong.

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