Conquer Club

The 7th Tourney (Completed)

Tournaments Completed in 2016.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

The 7th Tourney (Completed)

Postby concrete on Wed Jul 13, 2016 5:14 am

Below is the post I made for qualifying tourneys to be played out and the 6 winners and the 2 players with the most wins would qualify to play in this......
The 7th Tournament and here we are.
I have started a series of 7 Feudal War qualifying "tournaments". 2 standard, 2 poly two, and 2 poly three
The 6 qualifiers will be used to qualify for the 7th tourney. The 6 will be broke down into 2 categories..... 3 tourneys for 1799 pts and below and 3 tourneys for 1800 pts and above.

General Info About All 7 Tournaments
I will start 2 tourneys at a time. Each will be the same as the other....
(Qualifier) Feudal War, poly 3, esc., chained, foggy, sequential, no trench....1799 and below
(Qualifier) Feudal War, poly 3, esc., chained, foggy, sequential, no trench....1800 and above
The winners of each advance to the Finals Tourney (#7)
(Qualifier) Feudal War, poly 2, esc., chained, foggy, sequential, no trench....1799 and below
(Qualifier) Feudal War, poly 2, esc., chained, foggy, sequential, no trench....1800 and above
The winners of each advance to the Finals Tourney (#7). If The winners have already won a qualifier tourney, read below.
(Qualifier) Feudal War standard, esc., chained, foggy, sequential, no trench....1799 and below
(Qualifier) Feudal War standard, esc., chained, foggy, sequential, no trench....1800 and above
The winners of each advance to the Finals Tourney (#7). If The winners have already won a qualifier tourney, read below.
7th (Finals) Tournament.... The Winners of the 6 previous tourneys, myself (if I haven't won a qualifier {what can I say, I host, I play in this tourney} if I have won a qualifier, then the next 2 players with the best placement in the tourneys that is not a winner will fill the 7th and 8th spot. If the 7the spot is used on me, the 8th spot will be filled with the player with the best placement in the tourney that isn't a winner.
The settings for the Finals (7th) Tourney are: esc., chained, foggy, sequential, no trench.....a best of 5 per round so we will revisit each game type played. Two standards, two poly 2 and one poly 3. Each will be played in a round.
Players can join up to three of the first 6 tourneys if they wish as long as the points work at time of sign up. How ever, you may only play in one of the two tourneys that I start together.....examples
Player A has 1779 points at the time I list the two poly 2 tourneys. He/she signs up for the poly 2 tourney for players with 1799 or fewer. That tourney fills and starts. That player can not then gain 40 points giving them 1819 and sign up for the poly 2 tourney for 1800 and above. He/she could however be at 1779, sign up for the appropriate poly 2, then at the time the standard tourneys start if that player has over 1800, they can sign up for the 1800 and above in the standard tourney.
Each tourney will have 8 players with 3 rounds each. Each round is best 2 out of 3 to advance.
Prizes There are no prizes or medals for winning a qualifier. Winning one of those grant you "admission" into the 7th tourney. For winning the 7th tourney and coming in 2nd, these will be the prizes.....
1st place: 350 Credits, yellow star, GA medal for winning the 7th "tournament"
2nd place: 150 Credits, pink star
That's how that works.

The "7th" Tourney"
Game Settings :
    Map :: Feudal War
    Game Type :: Standard, Poly 2, and Poly 3
    Initial Troops :: Automatic
    Play Order :: Sequential
    Spoils :: Escalating
    Reinforcements :: Chained
    Fog of War :: Yes
    Round Length :: Casual ( 24 hours )
Tournament Information ::
    The 8 Qualifiers
    8 Players
    Random match-ups
    Best 3 out of 5 games each round (two standard, two poly2, one poly 3)
    Players will receive a total of two (24 hour) invites.
    Contact me if you have a problem joining any games
    Failure to do so within the stated 2 invites
    Will result in You being disqualified from the tournament
    In the case of a player not excepting his/her 1st round invite, then the player who has the next highest wins in the
    qualifiers will take their place. After the 1st round, missing the 2 invites means a default win for their opponent.


show: The 7th Tourney Players List

show: The 7th Tourney Bracket Round 1

show: The 7th Tourney Bracket Round 2

show: The 7th Tourney Bracket FINALS
Last edited by concrete on Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:37 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: The 7th Tourney (FULL)

Postby concrete on Wed Jul 13, 2016 5:15 am

All spots have been filled by players who qualified in other tourneys
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Re: The 7th Tourney (ONGOING)

Postby concrete on Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:13 am

Round 1 invites sent out
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Re: The 7th Tourney (ONGOING)

Postby concrete on Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:35 am

The tourney is over and it seems I win.....great playing all.


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Re: The 7th Tourney (Completed)

Postby Mad777 on Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:18 am

Congrats! Medals & Prizes awarded accordingly.

".....Under Phucumol treatment....."
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