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[POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge - FALL Wins 26-15 Final 6/28

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby IcePack on Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:00 pm

josko.ri wrote:I just double check, can maps be aor1 aor2 aor3 they are perceived as different maps true?

Yeah, different maps

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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby josko.ri on Mon May 02, 2016 7:14 am

I didnt find in rules, are Parachute forts allowed?
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby Keefie on Mon May 02, 2016 10:41 am

josko.ri wrote:I didnt find in rules, are Parachute forts allowed?

Yes mate.
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby uckuki on Fri May 06, 2016 8:47 am

FOED-TOP starts this weekend
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby josko.ri on Fri May 06, 2016 8:53 am

uckuki wrote:FOED-TOP starts this weekend

Do you mean FOED - ACE?
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby IcePack on Fri May 06, 2016 9:02 am

josko.ri wrote:
uckuki wrote:FOED-TOP starts this weekend

Do you mean FOED - ACE?

I think he's referring to mini cup where it's FOED vs TOP accidentally in Poly area

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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby uckuki on Sat May 07, 2016 6:49 am

I have too many of these happening at the same time
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby Conchobar on Wed May 11, 2016 2:36 am

uckuki wrote:I have too many of these happening at the same time

Haha, maybe we should just have ACE play TOP so then FOED can all go to the pub... :lol:
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Starting]

Postby uckuki on Wed May 11, 2016 12:59 pm

uckuki wrote:FOED-TOP starts this weekend

well, to my defense, I was sober when I posted this
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby benga on Thu May 12, 2016 6:21 am

will there be a thread where we post game numbers?
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby IcePack on Thu May 12, 2016 7:49 am

benga wrote:will there be a thread where we post game numbers?

Just your war threads

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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby uckuki on Thu May 12, 2016 7:52 am

benga wrote:will there be a thread where we post game numbers?

probably not. this is not a 'regular' clant event. these are 1v1 games and
clan games, by default, gotta be team games. this doesn't count toward
F400. competition winners will get medals.
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby uckuki on Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:36 am


s&m v osa 14:7
hh v fall 11:22
tofu v fiso 13:11
foed v ace 8:2

fall goes to next round.

Known Round 2 match ups so far:
ret v fall
fad v lhdd
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby Conchobar on Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:57 am

uckuki wrote:scores

s&m v osa 14:7
hh v fall 11:22
tofu v fiso 13:11
foed v ace 8:2

fall goes to next round.

Known Round 2 match ups so far:
ret v fall
fad v lhdd

Wow. GO FISO!! =D>
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby Lindax on Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:19 pm

Can the participating clans update the war threads at least once a week please?

Specifically the score and marking the war with [FINAL] when completed.


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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby benga on Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:56 pm

i had war thread stay here for month after it was marked final, so don't know where is the rush anyway
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby Lindax on Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:06 pm

benga wrote:i had war thread stay here for month after it was marked final, so don't know where is the rush anyway

Great attitude. You know what, why not simply forget about updating war threads? Then we, CDs, don't have to register anything anymore, we don't have to award medals anymore, no more cleaning up the forums, etc. Wonderful, saves us a ton of work.

Oh wait, there is a rule somewhere about this, note no. 1:

Responsibilities of the Privilege Holders and War Thread Updaters

1. The first post of a war thread/tournament should be updated at least once a week.
2. The Clan Directors reserve the right to edit/change/update the first post of any war or tournament.
3. To enable clan medal issuing, please record all games on separate lines IN THE FIRST POST, especially 1v1 portions of a war and have them [game][/game] tagged as well.
4. To enable timely clan database updates, all games should also be posted in the Active War Game Lists Thread found Here.
5. Any games created and played, but not counting towards the war/tournament with the privileges must be documented as well such as errors and replayed games. This is to help the CD’s with medal issuing.
6. When a war/tournament is completed the title of the first post must be marked "Final".

Maybe we should simply stop issuing privileges to people who do not update their war threads once a week.

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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby benga on Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:21 am

Lindax wrote:
benga wrote:i had war thread stay here for month after it was marked final, so don't know where is the rush anyway

Great attitude. You know what, why not simply forget about updating war threads? Then we, CDs, don't have to register anything anymore, we don't have to award medals anymore, no more cleaning up the forums, etc. Wonderful, saves us a ton of work.

Oh wait, there is a rule somewhere about this, note no. 1:

Responsibilities of the Privilege Holders and War Thread Updaters

1. The first post of a war thread/tournament should be updated at least once a week.
2. The Clan Directors reserve the right to edit/change/update the first post of any war or tournament.
3. To enable clan medal issuing, please record all games on separate lines IN THE FIRST POST, especially 1v1 portions of a war and have them [game][/game] tagged as well.
4. To enable timely clan database updates, all games should also be posted in the Active War Game Lists Thread found Here.
5. Any games created and played, but not counting towards the war/tournament with the privileges must be documented as well such as errors and replayed games. This is to help the CD’s with medal issuing.
6. When a war/tournament is completed the title of the first post must be marked "Final".

Maybe we should simply stop issuing privileges to people who do not update their war threads once a week.


I bumped my war thread 3 times waiting CDs to issue medal, I have always been patient and now you come with this attitude?
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby The_Samurai on Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:44 am

POLY Round 2 - RET vs FALL

Home games of RET for Set 1 and tie-breaker have been created.

Do I understand correctly that we don't post the game numbers in the 'Active War Game List' as for conventional clan wars, but only in the war thread itself, since this event does not count towards F400 ?
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby Keefie on Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:04 am

The_Samurai wrote:POLY Round 2 - RET vs FALL

Home games of RET for Set 1 and tie-breaker have been created.

Do I understand correctly that we don't post the game numbers in the 'Active War Game List' as for conventional clan wars, but only in the war thread itself, since this event does not count towards F400 ?

Correct Fred :)

Only team games go into the database. So you will need to do it the 'old fashioned way'.

Good luck against FALL, as we found out, they're a bit of a handful. Mind you, if you're lucky Icepack may play a set or two :lol:
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby Lindax on Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:58 am

benga wrote:
Lindax wrote:
benga wrote:i had war thread stay here for month after it was marked final, so don't know where is the rush anyway

Great attitude. You know what, why not simply forget about updating war threads? Then we, CDs, don't have to register anything anymore, we don't have to award medals anymore, no more cleaning up the forums, etc. Wonderful, saves us a ton of work.

Oh wait, there is a rule somewhere about this, note no. 1:

Responsibilities of the Privilege Holders and War Thread Updaters

1. The first post of a war thread/tournament should be updated at least once a week.
2. The Clan Directors reserve the right to edit/change/update the first post of any war or tournament.
3. To enable clan medal issuing, please record all games on separate lines IN THE FIRST POST, especially 1v1 portions of a war and have them [game][/game] tagged as well.
4. To enable timely clan database updates, all games should also be posted in the Active War Game Lists Thread found Here.
5. Any games created and played, but not counting towards the war/tournament with the privileges must be documented as well such as errors and replayed games. This is to help the CD’s with medal issuing.
6. When a war/tournament is completed the title of the first post must be marked "Final".

Maybe we should simply stop issuing privileges to people who do not update their war threads once a week.


I bumped my war thread 3 times waiting CDs to issue medal, I have always been patient and now you come with this attitude?

Attitude provokes attitude, mate.

My request to update war threads is because it helps us volunteers to keep track of things a bit easier (apart from the fact that it's in the rules).

We do our best to keep on top of things, but I'm sure we make mistakes and that sometimes there are delays. Sometime delays are due to us, sometimes caused by clans (by not updating a war thread, for example). What war thread are you talking about? When was this? Did you send anybody a PM about it (me for tournaments, Keefie for standard clan wars)? How many other wars were dealt with in a timely manner?

If I request something totally reasonable and you come with that answer, are you rely surprised I react like that? I wasn't trying to make your life more difficult, I was asking to make our voluntary time and effort a little easier.

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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby josko.ri on Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:56 am

How about awarding tribal medal for winners of each war? I think the best of 41 poly challenge meets requirements for awarding of tribal medal for winners.
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby IcePack on Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:04 pm

josko.ri wrote:How about awarding tribal medal for winners of each war? I think the best of 41 poly challenge meets requirements for awarding of tribal medal for winners.

This is not associated with Tribes at all, although Tribes attempted to get 1vs1 / poly events going without much response / luck.
It's possible something we can discuss in the future, but at this time I don't see that happening as we are giving clan medals for the winner, similar as 1vs1 events in the past.


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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby Donelladan on Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:05 pm

IcePack wrote:
josko.ri wrote:How about awarding tribal medal for winners of each war? I think the best of 41 poly challenge meets requirements for awarding of tribal medal for winners.

This is not associated with Tribes at all, although Tribes attempted to get 1vs1 / poly events going without much response / luck.
It's possible something we can discuss in the future, but at this time I don't see that happening as we are giving clan medals for the winner, similar as 1vs1 events in the past.


You mean winner of the challenge receive clan medal, not winner of each poly war or ?
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Re: [POLY] 1st POLY Clan Challenge [Round 1]

Postby IcePack on Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:12 pm

Donelladan wrote:
IcePack wrote:
josko.ri wrote:How about awarding tribal medal for winners of each war? I think the best of 41 poly challenge meets requirements for awarding of tribal medal for winners.

This is not associated with Tribes at all, although Tribes attempted to get 1vs1 / poly events going without much response / luck.
It's possible something we can discuss in the future, but at this time I don't see that happening as we are giving clan medals for the winner, similar as 1vs1 events in the past.


You mean winner of the challenge receive clan medal, not winner of each poly war or ?

Correct, winner of the challenge (same as we had for 1vs1 event).
But Tribes work the same way, that only the winner of the auto tournament / tournament gets a medal. Not for each match up.

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