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-- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

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-- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby IcePack on Fri May 06, 2016 12:02 am

The Clan Department is excited to bring you our latest development for the Clan World! Each Report contains a variety of insightful and informative pieces designed to keep you well informed of the goings on within the Clan World. We strive to provide easy access to up to date information, stats, rankings, interviews and much more!

In This Edition
In our brief monthly update, Lindax provides us with in depth updates on all the new clan events, I bring you some interesting Top 5 Clan Stats, we hear from Leehar in our fourth "meet the CD's" interrogations, discuss upcoming & starting events, and as always provide you with the most up to date F400 Clan Rankings!

Quick Link for May Articles
War Games CC6, CL7, RL6, Mini Cup, Poly Updates!
Mess Hall Vital Clan Stats, F400 Rankings
Interrogation Room Leehars Interview
Friendly Fire Clan Contests - Clan War Predictions, Mystery Event, Previous Platoon Report Links

This area will be where we highlight any changes within the Clan World, announce new features, or make other assorted announcements and opportunities.
The newest activity around the clan world are the new Mini Cup and Poly Wars that just started up! Check out Lindax's highlights in the War Games Section. Did you check out the shiney new Conquorors Cup? We are gathering information for potential future engraved rings. If you are interested in helping out, check out the thread!
Other than that, I've taken a mini-birthday break this month and have nothing else new to report!


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War Games

Postby IcePack on Fri May 06, 2016 12:03 am

Welcome to the Clan Tournaments Area, where you will find updates on all the Sanctioned Tournaments within Conquer Club's Clan and Tribe Areas! Lindax is our Clan Tournament Director who brings you this update.

Introducing: The Mini Cup
By Lindax

In March benga approached me, the Clan Tournament Director, with an idea for a new clan tournament. He called it the Mini Cup and the idea was to start a continuous series of small, quick, simple and fun clan tournaments where every clan could participate. Every tournament would have 8 clans participating in a single elimination bracket, playing full clan wars over 3 rounds to determine the winner. Once a tournament started clans could sign up for the next tournament, as long as they were not still participating in the previous tournament. This means there would always be the opportunity to sign up and that there could be more than one Mini Cup ongoing at the same time. I liked the idea and approved this new tournament series the beginning of April.

Soon after the first Mini Cup was open for sign-up and people clans seemed to like the idea; after only two weeks Mini Cup I officially started and Mini Cup II was open for sign-up. The tournament format is simple, no seeding and as few rules as possible. Obviously the standard clan war rules apply. For more information on the format and rules, or to sign up, see: Mini Cup sign-Up thread

Further below you'll find more info on Mini Cup I.


CC6: Quick Link

This yearā€™s Conquerorā€™s Cup includes some changes to the format, mainly to try and keep the duration of the event within one year. Round 2 is ongoing with 5 wars now decided without any big upsets. One round 3 war is about to start soon: FALL vs LOW.

Round 2: Best of 43
FALL vs ATL 22-16 FALL wins!
OLE vs LOW 10-27 LOW wins!
ACE vs RA 14-12
S&M vs TNC 22-9 S&M wins!
LHDD vs OSA 22-17 LHDD wins!
FOED vs PACK 20-18
ATN vs RET 12-14
TOFU vs AFOS 24-11 TOFU wins!

Below youā€™ll find the bracket.

show: cc6 bracket

CL7: Quick Link

This edition of the Clan League also has some changes to the format. The most important one is the implementation of promotion/relegation between the two divisions. We have a Premier Division with 12 clans and a Second Division with 14 clans.

For the Premier Division the final round has started. The battle for first place seems to be between FALL, LHDD and TOFU, but nothing is decided yet! Check out some of the newest discussion here!

The Second Division is now also in the final round, with TOP firmly in the lead. ATN and PACK seem to be battling for 2nd and 3rd place right now. There are still plenty of contenders for 4th place the last place for promotion to the Premier Division. The battle seems to be mainly between AFOS and PHNX at the moment, but SOH, ATL and HH are still in with a chance.

Below youā€™ll see the latest results and standings from the first 11 rounds. Keep in mind that for the Premier Division not all matches from rounds 8 to 11 have been decided yet. Same goes for the matches of rounds 10 and 11 of the Second Division.

show: CL7 Results and Standings

RL VI: Quick Link

Random League started in September 2015 and is organized by uckuki. The Tournament includes 17 Clans competing in 12 game mini-matches of random maps. Clans select home teams and settings.

Rounds 1-11 are completed, round 16 just officially started.


show: rl6 bracket

1st Poly Clan Challenge
POLY: Quick Link

In one of our Platoon Reports we asked for volunteers to run the 1v1 Clan Challenge and a similar Poly Clan Challenge. Uckuki took up the challenge and the 1st Poly Clan Challenge opened for sign-up in March. Just now, the end of April, the tournament officially started. The first games are due to start the beginning of May.

It's an elimination bracket tournament, with 12 clans participating. Every round consists of 41 sets of 3 Poly games. For more info on the tournament click on the Quick Link above. Below you'll find the bracket.

show: poly bracket

Mini Cup I
MC1: Quick Link

The Mini Cup I is the first tournament of a continuous series of tournaments, see also "Introducing: The Mini Cup" above. This tournament is only just starting, with the following clans participating: OSA, RET, HH, SC, FAD, AFOS, FOED and TOP. For the bracket, see below.

show: bracket


Tribes: Stand Together. Fight Alone.
Information Provided by Lindax

Auto tournaments for Primitive Tribes now appear under the tournament tab. Here's the latest one, open for sign-up: Primitive Tribes go Random Poly

Auto tournaments for Advanced Tribes and Clans were won by TNC, FALL and TOFU. Looks like LHDD will take the 4th tournament.

The latest tournament Home Map Poly has been cancelled/put on hold for now. Only 4 of the 8 places were filled.

[TGR] Quick Link

This tournament consists of a combination of 1v1 and Poly auto tournaments and team games. The group phase is completed. Round 2, the first round of the elimination phase is ongoing. Of the 4 battles 3 have been decided, LHDD, FOED and TOFU are through to round 3.

show: bracket for elimination phase

show: TGR Participants

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Mess Hall

Postby IcePack on Fri May 06, 2016 12:03 am

Welcome to the Mess Hall! Here you will find a wide variety of articles that don't fit within the other areas of the Platoon Report, including the regular F400 Updates! Look here for user submitted articles as well!

show: Updated 2016 Clan Schedule

Schedule Quick Link

Clanaholic* Top 5 Lists
In a nod to Blitzaholic*, I''ve provided some interesting Top 5 lists for Clans. Enjoy!

Most Wins:
1. TNC 53 Wins
2. OSA 42 Wins
3. FOED 25
4. RET 22
5. OLE 22

Greatest Win % (min. 5 wars):
1. S&M 20.5/23 (89.1%)
2. TOFU 23/27 (85.2%)
3. PACK 21/25 (84.0%)
4. RET 22/30 (73.3%)
5. FALL 16/22 (72.7%)

Largest Margin of Victory (Win %):
1. SC (37) v KRB (4) - 90.2%
2. Sky Force (18) v Water's Fury (2) - 90%
3. TOFU (36) v SoH (5) - 87.8%
4. KNT (36) v LI (5) - 87.8%
5. THOTA (35) v DBC (5) - 87.5%

Most clan wars played
1. TNC 86 Wars
2. OSA 68 Wars
3. HH 43 Wars
4. OLE 43 Wars
5. FOED 41 Wars

Most clan games played
1. TNC [5053]
2. OSA [3620]
3. FOED [2295]
4. OLE [2098]
5. HH [2065]

Largest wars
TNC v MB - DEC 2012 [413]
TFFS v MD - AUG 2013 [210]
MD v 1RFG - MAY 2013 [203]
TNC v LOTZ - JAN 2012 [201]
FAD v TNC - MAR 2014 [151]

Clan w/ highest avg player scores:
1. TOP [2661.6]
2. TOFU [2648.7]
3. S&M [2634.5]
4. ACE [2612.8]
5. OSA [2520.2]

Highest 2 YR F400 Score (All Time)
1. S&M 1444
2. TOFU 1438
3. TSM 1418
4. ACE 1413
5. FALL 1385

Highest 1 YR F400 Score (All Time) (Checked back til 01-01-2012)
1. S&M 1612
2. TOFU 1542
3. FALL 1509
4. LHDD 1508
5. THOTA 1507

Most months on #1 in F400 (since 01-01-12)
1. S&M - 25
2. TOFU - 19
3. FALL - 4
4. ACE - 3
5. None

Highest F400 Debuts
1. ACE 3rd @ 1338 (Jan 1, 2014)
2. TOP 5th @ 1282 (April 1, 2016)
3. ATL 5th @ 1222 (Nov 15th, 2013)
4. FALL 8th @ 1203 (Jan 1, 2013)
5. RET 21st @ 1016

Most titles
1. KORT - 5 Titles (CC1, CC2, CC4, CL4, CL5)
2. ACE - 4 Title (RL4, 1vs1 2011, 1vs1 2012, 1vs1 2013)
3. LHDD - 3 Titles (RC1, NC4, TNCACC1)
4T. TOFU - 2 Titles (CC3, CL6)
4T. OSA - 2 Titles (RL2, RL5)
4T. LOW - 2 Titles (CL2, RL3)
4T. FOED - 2 Title (RL1, 1vs1 2015)
8T. FALL - 1 Title (CC5)
8T. THOTA - 1 Title (CL1)
8T. IA - 1 Title (CL3)
8T. PACK - 1 Title (NC1)
8T. GR - 1 Title (NC2)
8T. TNC - 1 Title (NC3)
8T. ATN - 1 Title (NC5)
8T. BOTFM - 1 Title (ACC1)
8T. PIG - 1 Title (ACC2)
8T. MD - 1 Title (LHC)

Vital Clan Stats - this new feature will provide some basic stats for the clan area taken on the 1st of each month
Ranked Clans: 32
Active Clans: 34
Players in Active Clans: 877
Active Tribes: 5
Players in Active Tribes: 252
Active Wars: 187
Games in Active Wars: 2270
Active Games in Active Wars: 314
Players in Active Wars: 940
Players in Active Wars that have Finished Games: 677
Players in Active Wars in Active Games: 528
Events Currently Ongoing: CC6, CL7, RL6, MC1, POLY1

[Warning this is a large spoiler]
show: Clan Area Rankings

Clan Tournament Historical Records

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Interrogation Room

Postby IcePack on Fri May 06, 2016 12:04 am

Each issue the Clan Department plans to highlight a clan (based on current events, clan wars, or public demand) and a player by interviewing clan leaders and players! We will announce who is to be interviewed here, and you can post all your questions in this thread to be answered in the next issue! We will provide some information on the highlighted clans such as recent or historical achievements, as well as linking readers to their Clan Page so past history, recruitment, and member details will be easily accessible. You'll get the opportunity to ask the Clan's members or leadership any questions, and get to know the group as a whole on a deeper level while the Clans that are highlighted will enjoy some additional exposure and get a chance to introduce themselves to the Clan World in a new, unique way that is difficult to replicate in a recruitment thread.

Player(s) Highlight
This month the Clan Department is pleased to bring you a special interview taken with one of our very own Clan Directors, Leehar! This will be the fourth of a six part interview series where we introduce ourselves to the Clan World. As a previous Head Clan Director, his insight is valued and has always been a respected member of the Clan Community.
If there's someone else you think would be a fun and interesting interviewee for the Clan World, please post below and let us know! We'd love to hear from you! (Please note, not all questions will get answered depending on personal comfort with sharing personal information, etc) Thanks and have fun!

[Warning this is a large spoiler]
show: Leehars Interview

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Friendly Fire

Postby IcePack on Fri May 06, 2016 12:05 am



Up-Coming Mystery Contest!
We have a few upcoming new contests & events! One in particular is pretty "mysterious". 8-[ :?: Watch for it in the upcoming months!

CCup6 Prediction Contest 2,400 Credit Prize!
At the start of CC6 we had 35 participants try to predict what would happen during the course of the event.
After 12 wars completed, we have six participants who still have the potential for a perfect bracket!
dakky21, JPlo64, uckuki, chard, grt, and one unknown LHDD fan have a perfect 12/12 record so far.
Congrats to everyone so far, of those top six - 5 different winners were selected! Things should start getting interesting shortly!

show: Previous Platoon Report Edition Links

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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby rockfist on Fri May 06, 2016 12:57 pm

Like the new info :-D
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Postby BGtheBrain on Fri May 06, 2016 3:01 pm

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Postby IcePack on Fri May 06, 2016 3:05 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:WHERE IS THE INTERVIEW WITH TNC THAT YOU PROMISED US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(my question is serious, but my rage is not. Im just sad.)

Its coming, unfortunately nobody submitted any questions.
It was planned for April, but tbh I forgot to create the questions until it was to late so I pushed it off until May's edition.
May's edition, I got slammed with work and sickness so I wasn't able to get anything to TNC to answer in time to give
you guys enough time to get answers back to me.

Regardless, TNC is next as promised - and I plan to have them (the questions) over to you by the 15th so the answers can be incorporated
into June 1st Edition :) If you don't hear from me by the 15th, start pestering me so I stay on track this month lol


(mod edit: merged thread with platoon report thread)

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Postby BGtheBrain on Fri May 06, 2016 3:09 pm

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Postby IcePack on Fri May 06, 2016 3:13 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:
IcePack wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:WHERE IS THE INTERVIEW WITH TNC THAT YOU PROMISED US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(my question is serious, but my rage is not. Im just sad.)

Its coming, unfortunately nobody submitted any questions.
It was planned for April, but tbh I forgot to create the questions until it was to late so I pushed it off until May's edition.
May's edition, I got slammed with work and sickness so I wasn't able to get anything to TNC to answer in time to give
you guys enough time to get answers back to me.

Regardless, TNC is next as promised - and I plan to have them (the questions) over to you by the 15th so the answers can be incorporated
into June 1st Edition :) If you don't hear from me by the 15th, start pestering me so I stay on track this month lol


(mod edit: merged thread with platoon report thread)

No worries. I just had too much sugar after lunch today. I do admit the interview would be rather blah with only 4 questions

Thanks bud

I did feel bad that I missed it for a second deadline :( I'll make it up by making it extra awesome!
I knew work was going to be busy, but it was the week long flu that really hammered me and made me not get as much done as I was hoping.

TNC shall rise again! or at the very least, have a pretty decent interview!

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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby benga on Thu May 12, 2016 2:39 pm

Mini cup has3 rounds. Nice newsletter btw
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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby Lindax on Thu May 12, 2016 5:28 pm

benga wrote:Mini cup has3 rounds. Nice newsletter btw

I stand corrected and corrected it. :D

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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby betiko on Thu May 12, 2016 5:56 pm

You didn't count our CL6 second division title there ice! ;)
Well maybe you didn t count second division titles at all.. But that has much more value to me than a NC or other minor events..
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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby IcePack on Thu May 12, 2016 7:13 pm

betiko wrote:You didn't count our CL6 second division title there ice! ;)
Well maybe you didn t count second division titles at all.. But that has much more value to me than a NC or other minor events..

Yeah, I didn't count the SD's as titles cuz for one event (CL) I only counted one "title" per event.
The SD being more value than NC or other "minor" events, is subject to interpretation of each person. Regardless, I only counted the one winner / title per event. There were some years where there was a third division as well, it definitely is worthwhile to do and helps clans learn and grow and is a big accomplishment and I dont mean to diminish it, its just how I gathered the information and displayed the titles.


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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby Doc_Brown on Thu May 12, 2016 8:31 pm

IcePack wrote:Greatest Win % (min. 5 wars):
1. S&M 20.5/23 (89.1%)
2. TOFU 23/27 (85.2%)
3. PACK 21/25 (84.0%)
4. RET 22/30 (73.3%)
5. FALL 16/22 (72.7%)

I think you have an error here. The Clan page reports this as:
1. TOFU 23.5/27 (87.04%)
2. S&M 20/23 (86.96%)
3. PACK 21/25 (84.0%)
4. RET 23/31 (74.2%)
5. FALL 16/22 (72.7%)
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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby JPlo64 on Thu May 12, 2016 9:04 pm

IcePack wrote:
betiko wrote:You didn't count our CL6 second division title there ice! ;)
Well maybe you didn t count second division titles at all.. But that has much more value to me than a NC or other minor events..

Yeah, I didn't count the SD's as titles cuz for one event (CL) I only counted one "title" per event.
The SD being more value than NC or other "minor" events, is subject to interpretation of each person. Regardless, I only counted the one winner / title per event. There were some years where there was a third division as well, it definitely is worthwhile to do and helps clans learn and grow and is a big accomplishment and I dont mean to diminish it, its just how I gathered the information and displayed the titles.


I would say you should count 2nd and 3rd division as "titles"
BUT denote "Major" Titles.
Think there historically have been 2 Major titles, Premier League and C CUp.
One could argue that with the field Random League had this year, it should be a Major Title too.
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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby IcePack on Fri May 13, 2016 10:26 pm

JPlo64 wrote:
IcePack wrote:
betiko wrote:You didn't count our CL6 second division title there ice! ;)
Well maybe you didn t count second division titles at all.. But that has much more value to me than a NC or other minor events..

Yeah, I didn't count the SD's as titles cuz for one event (CL) I only counted one "title" per event.
The SD being more value than NC or other "minor" events, is subject to interpretation of each person. Regardless, I only counted the one winner / title per event. There were some years where there was a third division as well, it definitely is worthwhile to do and helps clans learn and grow and is a big accomplishment and I dont mean to diminish it, its just how I gathered the information and displayed the titles.


I would say you should count 2nd and 3rd division as "titles"
BUT denote "Major" Titles.
Think there historically have been 2 Major titles, Premier League and C CUp.
One could argue that with the field Random League had this year, it should be a Major Title too.

This was just a fun little list I came up with, I didn't want to label some events as major or minor over others.
So to simplify it, I labelled them all as titles and gave one per event.
Anyway, if I do the list again in the future I'll consider the suggested changes :)


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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby betiko on Sun May 15, 2016 4:07 pm

Well you set 3 titles for lhdd for example, ask any of us, after the random cup the second division title is the second title with more importance for us, not the NC nor the silly assassin challenge.

This year we are top 3 minimum in 1st division, could eventually win it, OSA in second division last year with us finished 4th in first division. TOP who won this year will be top 4-5 next year for sure. Second division is definitely not a crap title. Third division is..
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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby Lindax on Mon May 16, 2016 7:49 am

betiko wrote:Well you set 3 titles for lhdd for example, ask any of us, after the random cup the second division title is the second title with more importance for us, not the NC nor the silly assassin challenge.

This year we are top 3 minimum in 1st division, could eventually win it, OSA in second division last year with us finished 4th in first division. TOP who won this year will be top 4-5 next year for sure. Second division is definitely not a crap title. Third division is..

Mmmm.... I would think that the clans in a Third Division fought as much for the title as the clans in any other division....

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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby IcePack on Mon May 16, 2016 8:53 am

betiko wrote:Well you set 3 titles for lhdd for example, ask any of us, after the random cup the second division title is the second title with more importance for us, not the NC nor the silly assassin challenge.

This year we are top 3 minimum in 1st division, could eventually win it, OSA in second division last year with us finished 4th in first division. TOP who won this year will be top 4-5 next year for sure. Second division is definitely not a crap title. Third division is..

I'm not saying any title is more important than the other for this list.
This was just a fun list I put together that isn't official.
When compiling it I had to decide the parameters, and to me I was giving one title per event. So for this list, winner of the title was #1 in PD.
SD is like winning a silver medal, yes it's still important and valuable but I'm listing only the golds.

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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby IcePack on Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:56 pm

Apologies for June being late, I've been very sick, hurt my shoulder badly & had a family member pass + other family related issues all this past week.

It's almost completed, if I can't manage to finish by the 15th I'll publish what I have and push a few articles / contests back.

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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby rockfist on Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:54 am

That sucks man. Feel better.
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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby betiko on Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:13 am

IcePack wrote:
betiko wrote:Well you set 3 titles for lhdd for example, ask any of us, after the random cup the second division title is the second title with more importance for us, not the NC nor the silly assassin challenge.

This year we are top 3 minimum in 1st division, could eventually win it, OSA in second division last year with us finished 4th in first division. TOP who won this year will be top 4-5 next year for sure. Second division is definitely not a crap title. Third division is..

I'm not saying any title is more important than the other for this list.
This was just a fun list I put together that isn't official.
When compiling it I had to decide the parameters, and to me I was giving one title per event. So for this list, winner of the title was #1 in PD.
SD is like winning a silver medal, yes it's still important and valuable but I'm listing only the golds.

there's a few titles that are chocolate medals if you consider that second division is silver; that's more my point! ;)
I agree that CC and CL first div are like gold, but none of the rest is!
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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby rockfist on Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:41 am

When I look at the 2nd division its not that there aren't good teams in it. There are usually 1-2 teams that would be very competitive in 1st division, but the bottom teams in 2nd division would be no challenge to a top team in 1st division.

Now look at the results of 1st division. Whether LHDD or Fallen wins first division, both of you will have ties (maybe losses didn't look) to teams in the bottom half of the first division. There are no "weeks off" during 1st division play, its more of a season long pressure situation rather than a "if we beat x and y we will win" situation.

Yes, good results against other top teams are important, but one could theoretically lose 4 points against the 2nd and 3rd place team and run the table in other matches in Premier division and win the league. If you lose 4 points to both of your top rivals in 2nd division its over.

I guess this is a long winded way of saying that the average level of competition is much higher in Premier.
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Re: -- Platoon Report: May 2016 Calm Before the Storm --

Postby Donelladan on Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:16 am

@rockfist, you misunderstood what betiko wanted to say.

Icepack listed 3 titles for LHDD, being RC1, NC4, TNCACC1.

What betiko said, is, our CL5 2nd division title is more relevant than the NC4 or the TNCACC1.

Therefore for betiko, it make sense to say we have 4 titles. ( or 2 if you only take the most "relevant" one according to betiko).

Ofc winning 1st division is harder than the 2nd div. And the CL 1st div or the CC are the most prestigious and difficult title to get.

@Icepack, take care, there is no hurry for the next Platoon Report, even if we like them very much.
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