The Clan Department is excited to bring you our latest development for the Clan World! Each Report contains a variety of insightful and informative pieces designed to keep you well informed of the goings on within the Clan World. We strive to provide easy access to up to date information, stats, rankings, interviews and much more!

In This Edition
In our brief monthly update, Lindax provides us with in depth updates on all the new clan events, I bring you some interesting Top 5 Clan Stats, we hear from Leehar in our fourth "meet the CD's" interrogations, discuss upcoming & starting events, and as always provide you with the most up to date F400 Clan Rankings!
Quick Link for May Articles
War Games CC6, CL7, RL6, Mini Cup, Poly Updates!
Mess Hall Vital Clan Stats, F400 Rankings
Interrogation Room Leehars Interview
Friendly Fire Clan Contests - Clan War Predictions, Mystery Event, Previous Platoon Report Links

This area will be where we highlight any changes within the Clan World, announce new features, or make other assorted announcements and opportunities.
The newest activity around the clan world are the new Mini Cup and Poly Wars that just started up! Check out Lindax's highlights in the War Games Section. Did you check out the shiney new Conquorors Cup? We are gathering information for potential future engraved rings. If you are interested in helping out, check out the thread!
Other than that, I've taken a mini-birthday break this month and have nothing else new to report!