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Forum Participation Lottery Day 8

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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby Captn B on Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:03 am

10 years ago, my marriage was on the rocks and my teen-aged son hated me. But trials have a way of either magnifying problems or healing them. Thankfully, through some pretty severe setbacks, our marriage has gotten much stronger and my wife and I love each other again very much! Our son has come full circle and we have rekindled a bond that I never expected to have again. He's clean and sober, not rebellious, positive, going back to school and loves his whole family more than ever. Not to be too religious, but I thank God for the positive changes that have occurred in my life during the ten years that have passed!
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery

Postby -1-1-3- on Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:55 am

Dukasaur wrote:13 players participated, and from them I have randomly drawn the following five winners:


13 players... you pick me... and you call that "random" : )
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:05 am

-1-1-3- wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:13 players participated, and from them I have randomly drawn the following five winners:


13 players... you pick me... and you call that "random" : )

Well the chance you'd be randomly chosen IS bigger than 1/13.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby robellis00 on Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:09 am

10 years ago I was in the USAF and ready to get out. My wife and I had just had our first child, who barely survived the birthing process due to an infection in her lungs. After getting out of the Air Force, I went back to college for my 2nd degree. 2 more kids later, we moved to Africa in 2011. Since then, life has been extremely challenging and humbling. But, my family and I love it. Now I'm working on my Master's degree between my turns on CC.
Most everyone I've come across on CC is an outstanding person, and I'm glad to be a small part of the community.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby GrudgeBringer_ on Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:06 pm

Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

In 2006 I didn't/wouldn't play a lot of online games because I was still playing Rugby 15's all over the US and had to drag a laptop as big as my car. I also could not find that game that I didn't feel I had to join a Clan or be ganged up on as I had played Chess (and Football, and Debate...I know, they ALL thought I was weird). I stumbled across Conquer club and was intrigued because I was an only child and loved Risk. But finding enough players in our area was really hard. I didn't like the original rules so we changed them...We had a 'Free Turn at the end and it had to be adjacent, We could only attack once and it had to be adjacent (we were like 10 to 12 at the time playing with the original wooden blocks) to the starting province where you dropped in and you could ONLY drop in 1 place.

There were a few more rules but when I DID take a closer look when I started...EGAD, I wanted to know whop started this game on here as I thought It HAD to be one of my friends. I still play by those same rules and am SOOOO glad that CC has left them about the same, yet added some new stuff that my still juvenile mind could grasp. I want to thank the powers that be for all the choices we have, as I am sure there are a LOT of kids out there that changed the rules and have a chance to replay their childhood.

I am 65 now and retired from sports (all beat to hell), but every time I fire this game up I still expect to see at least one of the kids I started with that we had so much enthusiasm for....but I STILL see adults act like kids over a game that can have so many rules and can be changed so easy. Win be damned, Thank you for taking an old timer back and make new friends (lol, that can act as silly as we did)...I am sure this resonates with a lot of folks on them I say "GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN MY FRIENDS (and not so friendly!!)

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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:14 pm

10 years ago I was in primary school and would CCU freestyle rt, because people would join within minutes. I also insulted people with broken English, or said other things in broken English.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby GrudgeBringer_ on Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:55 pm

As I was walking my dog and thinking of the things I forgot to say in my post 2 came to mind....bear with me please as I know this is a world wide game and I mean NO malice to anyone.....My post (a few back) goes out to to Ricky and Tom. Who went to war and never made it back. Good guys (and players ) both. Though Ricky had a tendency to stab you in the back out of the blue :roll:

Sorry if I offended was meant FOR my buddies not AGAINST anyone. :D

Thank You
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby dakky21 on Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:25 pm

Short: In last 10 years you asked what changed? Practically nothing. To be honest, I don't like the way I live. Was employed 3 months in whole 10 years.

Long: In 2006 I was still active playing online competitive shooter called America's Army... in 2008 someone from my clan discovered Conquer Club and we all joined (and I got a first job ever). It was a nice distraction till we found World of Tanks, which was still in beta at that time (2009-2010)... after WoT got out of beta and my account was wiped, I came back to CC and I'm here since then. So yeah, I've spent last 10 years playing games. And repairing PC's for friends. Not a story to be proud of.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby shoop76 on Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:53 pm

10 years ago next month, my oldest son was diagnosed with autism. Having only a basic understanding of what autism was I never expected the challenges that we have come across in these 10 years. Though I never know what the next day will bring, he has taught me more about life, joy, and appreciation than anything that has ever happened to me. 10 years, 2 more kids, a move across to ocean and countless other changes, I can honestly say that, you, my dear son have made me a better man today.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby biscuit boy on Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:11 pm

Damn it Shoop now I'm going to have to stop picking on you. :oops:

shoop76 wrote:10 years ago next month, my oldest son was diagnosed with autism. Having only a basic understanding of what autism was I never expected the challenges that we have come across in these 10 years. Though I never know what the next day will bring, he has taught me more about life, joy, and appreciation than anything that has ever happened to me. 10 years, 2 more kids, a move across to ocean and countless other changes, I can honestly say that, you, my dear son have made me a better man today.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby biscuit boy on Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:15 pm

10 years ago I started to work alot more from home with my job so I found CC. I was looking for a better online version of Risk then what I could download and play on my PC as AI players just stucked. About the only time my older brother and I ever got along is when we was playing Risk or Axis and Allies board games. Now I work from home all the time and I spend way to much time on CC and hope I never have to go back into an office.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby Silly Knig-it on Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:09 pm

There is only one thing that comes to mind and I don't want to be downer, so I am going onto the second thing.

Ten years ago I wasn't even close to being addicted to this silly game.

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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby ronsizzle on Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:43 pm

ten years ago we had freestyle players...
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 6

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:37 am

Day 6 is over

5 Random winners:
Captn B
Extreme Ways

Non-random editor's choice award:

As usual, you will get a Day 6 token unless you ask for something different.

Day 7 task. (Since we're in the season of the Epiphany.)

Do you think you have ever had what could be called an Epiphany? A sudden, out-of-the-blue burst of wisdom that changed your life?
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:48 am

I've had great, unexpected ideas which achieved great results, but I wouldn't say I've ever had an epiphany. If I did then I've long forgotten it.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby dakky21 on Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:29 pm

I think I wasn't in Epiphany (had to copy paste that word), but I was in Nirvana. Doesn't know if that helps.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby Nailsale on Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:25 pm

mine was the day my dad died. I realized that he spent way to much time at work and not enough living life. He died of Alzheimer's. I was with him the day he had to retire from work and then i watched him fade away for 10 years. On the day he died i realized I was heading down the same road working 12 to 14 hour days. My kids were growing up and i was not around. My wife did not know me.

I decided to slow down and experience life. It was quite the epiphany.

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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby thelord on Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:27 pm

That the quest for rank on this site is less important than just playing the game for fun!
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby robellis00 on Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:53 pm

After college I was angry at God for interfering in my life and I did not want to believe that I was accountable to Him. I would run 2 or 3 times a week and one particular time I remember running in the pouring rain, yelling at God. It was in that pouring rain that I truly had an epiphany; to throw off everything that I thought I knew about God and start learning about Him from scratch. I felt free and determined. It was because of this thought that I began the diligent study into how the Bible came into existence and why I should trust what it has to say. This has led to the most loving, fulfilling, joyful relationship in my life.

Another time in my life when I truly felt I had an epiphany was when I was asking questions regarding how Jesus Christ was conceived in the virgin Mary. God simply allowed my brain to understand that she had never had sexual relations with a man and was therefore just a virgin. I have now come to understand through study why it had to be this way, but it all started with that epiphany from God.

Thanks for asking the question.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby Symmetry on Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:27 pm

Yeah, I read Dubliners. Caused me to read Portrait of the Artist. Caused me to read Ulysses when my school English teacher told me he couldn't read it. Led me to read a bunch of books in the library that weren't on the reading list.

Caused me to never accept that a book is too difficult, or, more accurately, that difficult is the wrong word.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby Silly Knig-it on Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:42 pm

About 25 years ago this month I had my last run in with a fundamentalist Christian and when I got home I was still, so angry that I was literally on the floor on my hands and knees and beating the floor as hard as I could. In a moment, I had an epiphany and everything I knew about religion was lifted out of me. Not that I forgot it, just it didn't matter any more and I was completely free. In a series of fortuitous steps, (gentle taps on the shoulder, or perhaps, 2x4's upside the head), I was led to what has been my spiritual path for nearly 25 years. And it has made my head so much quieter, I can love the person in the mirror, and I have no need to convert anyone to anything. (Although I still like to work on Republicans. Kind of like beating your head against the wall. Feels good when you stop.) I don't know how I would have gone through the loss of my wife without the peace and comfort of my path. Today I am very grateful to that man who got me so angry, but I would never tell him because I would not want to hurt him. He is on the right path for him.

I will never forget that moment of complete peace and freedom any more than I can forget the time I surrendered to the alcohol and became free, (28 years now).
I guess that's two epiphanies. (if there is a plural).

What is the season of Epiphany? My early christian upbringing is long gone.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:52 pm

Silly Knig-it wrote:
What is the season of Epiphany? My early christian upbringing is long gone.

The octave (8 day feast) that begins January 6th.

Your epiphany today is that I am an exceedingly nice guy. Seven people participated today, and five winners were drawn, and I'm thinking "that must feel really shitty, knowing you had a 5/7 chance and you managed to be one of only 2 losers." So, in the spirit of the season, I am just going to arbitrarily award two extra tokens, so all 7 people that posted today will get one.

Silly Knig-it

Okay, Day 7 is over.

The Day 8 task: Go find one of your friends, drag them in here, and get them to post a request for you to get a token. They must be people who have not posted in this thread before! Six tokens will be given away, three to posters and three to the person on whose behalf they have come.
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 7

Postby BrutalBob on Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:28 am

Dukasaur wrote: I'm thinking "that must feel really shitty, knowing you had a 5/7 chance and you managed to be one of only 2 losers."

Lets not forget where we are. With a 5:7 chance of winning I would expect to lose nine times in a row then have a bunch of people call me a complainer when I mention how unlikely this is.

Dukasaur wrote:
The Day 8 task: Go find one of your friends, drag them in here, and get them to post a request for you to get a token. They must be people who have not posted in this thread before! Six tokens will be given away, three to posters and three to the person on whose behalf they have come.

I have no friends here so I have dragged myself here and am kindly requesting that I get a token. Given that I have not posted in this thread before and am both the poster and the dragger, I should be in the running for both a poster and a dragger token.

Consideration should also be given to another token for managing to whinge about dice in an unrelated thread (Like thats never happened before)
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 8

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:38 am

I would like to request a token for BIG_John :D
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Re: Forum Participation Lottery Day 8

Postby FrenchPupil on Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:01 am

please give shoop76 a token
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