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"Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Fri Jan 01, 2016 7:00 pm

nooruddinaftab wrote:And If any one of you guys have problems with my methods, file a C & A report and I will see you there.

Sorry to spoil nooruddinaftab's journey to the top of the Monthly Leaderboards. :oops:

But anyways, Private games will make it seem like you are farming. As previously stated, many people come to mind that have been kicked off this site for inviting users, especially young members and low ranked users, to their private games. Even if your intent was harmless, it's guilt by association. It "seems" like that is what is going on, whether you are actually doing this or not.

Just find a few maps, and create some public and speed games man. Don't be afraid to let anyone play against you. You don't see anyone complaining because I got to #1 in both monthly categories. Because the games I played were all public games that anyone could have joined. That's where the distinction lies my friend. Because if you invited other Brig's and Generals to your private games, and if they accepted, we would all be joking now about how you "Farm Generals" lol. :P But if you consistently invite the newbs and the low rankers... Well... That just puts a distaste in everyone's mouth against you.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Jan 01, 2016 7:20 pm

It's not just the private games. He also deliberately prolongs games when he could finish them several rounds quicker. It's not like he's playing the turn as late as possible, but literally just not killing his opponents as quickly as he realistically could.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Fri Jan 01, 2016 7:28 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:It's not just the private games. He also deliberately prolongs games when he could finish them several rounds quicker. It's not like he's playing the turn as late as possible, but literally just not killing his opponents as quickly as he realistically could.

The private games issue is definitely black and white. There shouldn't be consistent inviting low ranked users and new users.

The way he ends his games is more of a grey area, maybe there should be an interpretation on how quickly we should end games? Is a few rounds carried out acceptable or not? To me, it does not seem like a violation of the rules for now. That doesn't mean that it isn't considered cheap tactics. Idk. Lol.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby ronsizzle on Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:53 am

i thought it was ruled on a long time ago about hostage situations? you cant hold someone hostage, isnt that what he is doing?
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:17 am

ronc8649 wrote:i thought it was ruled on a long time ago about hostage situations? you cant hold someone hostage, isnt that what he is doing?

I think that holding hostage would be an exuberant amount of rounds to kill off your enemy when you have total control. Here, he just takes a few extra rounds to finish games. I personally wouldn't call it holding hostage. But you could argue that maybe he isn't following a proper etiquette that CC has. It's just a grey area.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Donelladan on Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:36 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
ronc8649 wrote:i thought it was ruled on a long time ago about hostage situations? you cant hold someone hostage, isnt that what he is doing?

I think that holding hostage would be an exuberant amount of rounds to kill off your enemy when you have total control. Here, he just takes a few extra rounds to finish games. I personally wouldn't call it holding hostage. But you could argue that maybe he isn't following a proper etiquette that CC has. It's just a grey area.

I am not even sure he is taking more turns, he just take the turn faster when he lose and wait longer to take it when he wins.- That's smthg I do too just not on the same scale and not so timely ( end /beginning of the month).
And he did it for the previous titles he got, not this time, this time he invited people on antartica escalating poly (4), he played all the game at the same speed, anyway you always win those game in one turn.
And it's definitely not cheating to time the loss and the wins. Ruled by C&A previously.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:53 am

Donelladan wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:
ronc8649 wrote:i thought it was ruled on a long time ago about hostage situations? you cant hold someone hostage, isnt that what he is doing?

I think that holding hostage would be an exuberant amount of rounds to kill off your enemy when you have total control. Here, he just takes a few extra rounds to finish games. I personally wouldn't call it holding hostage. But you could argue that maybe he isn't following a proper etiquette that CC has. It's just a grey area.

I am not even sure he is taking more turns, he just take the turn faster when he lose and wait longer to take it when he wins.- That's smthg I do too just not on the same scale and not so timely ( end /beginning of the month).
And he did it for the previous titles he got, not this time, this time he invited people on antartica escalating poly (4), he played all the game at the same speed, anyway you always win those game in one turn.
And it's definitely not cheating to time the loss and the wins. Ruled by C&A previously.

Oh I think you're right about the length of a turn. You have 24 hours to take your turn, and it's totally legal to wait till the last minute. But some might see that as cheap tactics, which I can sort of understand to a degree. But if it takes him more turns, then that's the question that should be answered: Does it fall under holding someone a hostage? Maybe the Mods need to draw the line somewhere.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:24 pm

You're wrong. I first checked this out there were several games he could have ended but deliberately drew the rounds out.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:54 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:You're wrong. I first checked this out there were several games he could have ended but deliberately drew the rounds out.

Which games are they? :?:
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby shoop76 on Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:55 pm

Honestly surprised that no one filed a report for farming. There has been very similar cases that have been busted several years back. GLG comes to mind, but I know there were others. Guess caff has been to busy to file a report.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Extreme Ways on Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:57 pm

shoop76 wrote:Honestly surprised that no one filed a report for farming. There has been very similar cases that have been busted several years back. GLG comes to mind, but I know there were others. Guess caff has been to busy to file a report.

GLG farmed new recruits, this is somewhat different. It's like luring 10 year olds to your van versus luring 18 year olds to your van.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby nooruddinaftab on Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:57 am

WOLFZ71 wrote:with all your efforts to win gold you ended up with silver? was it worth all your hard work and planning? do you still play that map so much?


yes it was worth it, I learnt a lot plus I am a general now. yup i still play that map.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby nooruddinaftab on Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:09 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
nooruddinaftab wrote:And If any one of you guys have problems with my methods, file a C & A report and I will see you there.

Sorry to spoil nooruddinaftab's journey to the top of the Monthly Leaderboards. :oops:

But anyways, Private games will make it seem like you are farming. As previously stated, many people come to mind that have been kicked off this site for inviting users, especially young members and low ranked users, to their private games. Even if your intent was harmless, it's guilt by association. It "seems" like that is what is going on, whether you are actually doing this or not.

Just find a few maps, and create some public and speed games man. Don't be afraid to let anyone play against you. You don't see anyone complaining because I got to #1 in both monthly categories. Because the games I played were all public games that anyone could have joined. That's where the distinction lies my friend. Because if you invited other Brig's and Generals to your private games, and if they accepted, we would all be joking now about how you "Farm Generals" lol. :P But if you consistently invite the newbs and the low rankers... Well... That just puts a distaste in everyone's mouth against you.

congrats. you came pretty fast didn't saw you coming.
I never invited low ranked players. Its all a fairy tale made by caff. I can provide the lists of players from each country I invited.
although since the accusation I have been playing public games on this map still retained my rank.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby nooruddinaftab on Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:10 am

shoop76 wrote:Honestly surprised that no one filed a report for farming. There has been very similar cases that have been busted several years back. GLG comes to mind, but I know there were others. Guess caff has been to busy to file a report.

be my guest.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby shoop76 on Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:18 am

nooruddinaftab wrote:
shoop76 wrote:Honestly surprised that no one filed a report for farming. There has been very similar cases that have been busted several years back. GLG comes to mind, but I know there were others. Guess caff has been to busy to file a report.

be my guest.

I'm not going to do it. Too lazy to do the research and honestly don't care all that much. But you say you never invited low ranked players. This is not true as you had quite a few games against low ranked players that were private. I also do not believe you invited everyone and that to some extent you were selective in who you invited.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby nooruddinaftab on Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:25 am

shoop76 wrote:
nooruddinaftab wrote:
shoop76 wrote:Honestly surprised that no one filed a report for farming. There has been very similar cases that have been busted several years back. GLG comes to mind, but I know there were others. Guess caff has been to busy to file a report.

be my guest.

I'm not going to do it. Too lazy to do the research and honestly don't care all that much. But you say you never invited low ranked players. This is not true as you had quite a few games against low ranked players that were private. I also do not believe you invited everyone and that to some extent you were selective in who you invited.

Well, nobody can control who accept/reject the sent invitations. most of the time I got rejected from high ranked players that is why you see more lower ranked players.
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby nooruddinaftab on Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:45 am

here are the lists of players from each country which I invited. lists for US and UK were separate and players were not invited because of this accusation and a PM received by King A to stop private games.


Daikon Anak
your mine
Glen Perry
Yellow Peril
im the one
black night

438 gbd88 2445 3642 2245 (62%) Major Major 49 4.9 Australia Australia

456 luxbock 2429 2391 736 (31%) Major Major 42 4.9 Australia Australia

548 co-co 2344 2530 1306 (52%) Major Major 39 4.9 Australia Australia
608 CC888 2295 18955 6701 (35%) Major Major 48 4.6 Australia Australia
621 Yynatago 2286 506 172 (34%) Major Major 9 4.9 Australia Australia

673 Agent 86 2251 4601 2238 (49%) Major Major 66 4.8 Australia Australia
693 Wizz00 2243 10062 4641 (46%) Major Major 72 4.8 Australia Australia
699 worldconquer 2240 7954 3532 (44%) Major Major 42 4.7 Australia Australia
734 luckylion88 2219 309 108 (35%) Major Major 9 4.8 Australia Australia

795 TeeGee 2185 5882 3161 (54%) Major Major 66 4.9 Australia Australia
846 puffball 2156 578 255 (44%) Major Major 22 4.8 Australia Australia
855 torresgerrard 2153 8006 4253 (53%) Major Major 43 4.6 Australia Australia
942 Blitzkrieg Frank 2111 3261 1820 (56%) Major Major 66 4.9 Australia Australia
1023 Matto18 2073 260 79 (30%) Major Major 5 4.6 Australia Australia
1051 scirrocco4 2063 217 109 (50%) Major Major 4 4.7 Australia Australia

1216 Derek the Great 1993 5422 2228 (41%) Captain Captain 17 4.9 Australia Australia
1225 Spike 1990 166 68 (41%) Captain Captain 8 4.8 Australia Australia

1422 chompskie 1915 305 68 (22%) Captain Captain 5 4.6 Australia Australia
1451 callisto* 1906 4924 1454 (30%) Captain Captain 33 4.8 Australia Australia

1488 lt.pie 1894 8308 4785 (58%) Captain Captain 92 4.8 Australia Australia
1531 M.K.C88-90 1881 7940 3293 (41%) Captain Captain 65 4.8 Australia Australia

1562 slickstick 1871 12710 5090 (40%) Captain Captain 105 4.9 Australia Australia

1701 Razorvich

422 peacemakers 2460 1189 570 (48%) Major Major 31 4.9 Australia Australia

58 Stickse 3190 184 105 (57%) Brigadier Brigadier 13 4.8 Australia Australia

98 ats888 3003 5314 3273 (62%) Brigadier Brigadier 15 4.9 Australia Australia
106 woodsy2115 2982 1417 672 (47%) Colonel Colonel 41 4.9 Australia Australia
142 killboy108 2885 2434 1073 (44%) Colonel Colonel 83 4.9 Australia Australia
159 All Black Rugby 2849 1645 974 (59%) Colonel Colonel 35 4.9 Australia Australia

315 moustache_vendor 2567 706 273 (39%) Colonel Colonel 23 4.9 Australia Australia
331 EminenceGrise 2547 6023 1725 (29%) Colonel Colonel 91 4.9 Australia Australia
346 cgianatti 2536 282 65 (23%) Colonel Colonel 7 4.7 Australia Australia
188 stotzi 2775 521 293 (56%) Colonel Colonel 28 5.0 Austria Austria
1392 Nymeria Stark 1931 75 34 (45%) Captain Captain 1 5.0 Austria Austria
3633 Hippie.Man 1345 1282 709 (55%) Sergeant Sergeant 11 4.8 Bahrain Bahrain

2035 razoget999 1726 8399 3234 (39%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 41 4.7 Barbados Barbados


20 ballenus 3640 2278 911 (40%) General General 52 4.9 Belgium Belgium
39 Genoke 3366 4142 2225 (54%) Brigadier Brigadier 96 4.9 Belgium Belgium
62 gertbomber 3132 554 178 (32%) Brigadier Brigadier 17 4.8 Belgium Belgium
137 Mc Lor 2905 15570 4788 (31%) Colonel Colonel 63 4.6 Belgium Belgium

177 bib.ou 2798 566 308 (54%) Colonel Colonel 14 4.9 Belgium Belgium
219 molespe 2713 4165 1879 (45%) Colonel Colonel 54 4.8 Belgium Belgium

473 the flip 2413 917 134 (15%) Major Major 17 4.8 Belgium Belgium
559 snuden 2336 1736 913 (53%) Major Major 48 4.9 Belgium Belgium

721 nacho65 2228 4396 1529 (35%) Major Major 27 4.7 Belgium Belgium

1018 P4Ssoa 2075 1998 769 (38%) Major Major 45 4.9 Belgium Belgium

1361 xmezx 1943 954 373 (39%) Captain Captain 24 4.8 Belgium Belgium

1606 Fatal_T 1857 63 27 (43%) Captain Captain 2 4.7 Belgium Belgium
1613 Streaker 1854 4450 2190 (49%) Captain Captain 57 4.8 Belgium Belgium
1701 eaglelem 1823 2768 1237 (45%) Captain Captain 26 4.8 Belgium Belgium
1701 Ghosteagle 1823 4390 2220 (51%) Captain Captain 29 4.7 Belgium Belgium

1984 pindary 1741 5781 1850 (32%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 54 4.8 Belgium Belgium

2073 Silvertop 1715 2371 700 (30%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 40 4.8 Belgium Belgium
2077 Liu_Kang_81 1714 7644 3943 (52%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 19 4.0 Belgium Belgium

2504 parapenteman 1608 8507 3929 (46%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 14 4.6 Belgium Belgium

2530 lezun 1603 6619 3419 (52%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 12 4.8 Belgium Belgium

3019 lucbra 1492 1520 350 (23%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 18 4.7 Belgium Belgium
3639 rockybilboa 1347 112 30 (27%) Sergeant Sergeant 2 5.0 Belgium Belgium

4032 Jason2000 1257 1770 329 (19%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 20 4.7 Belgium Belgium
5357 Mahoutsoukai 1003 3013 990 (33%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 27 4.8 Belgium Belgium

2451 peter_keating33 1622 454 132 (29%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 5 4.8 Bermuda Bermuda

15 Rodion 3759 2003 1255 (63%) General General 86 5.0 Brazil Brazil
539 MestreLion 2354 1407 1114 (79%) Major Major 24 4.8 Brazil Brazil
593 keef12 2305 4589 2551 (56%) Major Major 55 4.9 Brazil Brazil
760 contreras.ale 2206 979 257 (26%) Major Major 17 4.9 Brazil Brazil
775 msantop 2199 14582 5915 (41%) Major Major 47 4.5 Brazil Brazil
2614 KingZulu 1586 725 348 (48%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 4 4.9 Brazil Brazil
2787 gubarretto 1543 7777 3283 (42%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 69 4.7 Brazil Brazil
2791 Dudrix123 1541 42 16 (38%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 1 5.0 Brazil Brazil
3222 drwar 1448 1760 539 (31%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 28 4.8 Brazil Brazil
5296 RodrigoSanMartin 1014 114 22 (19%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 3 4.5 Brazil Brazil
7441 serram 585 213 14 (7%) Cook Cook 0 4.7 Brazil Brazil

1 random21 5013 1449 1122 (77%) Conqueror Conqueror 38 4.9 Canada Canada
6 kjg21 4114 1209 816 (67%) General General 53 4.9 Canada Canada
44 TheProwler 3344 4327 2606 (60%) Brigadier Brigadier 51 4.9 Canada Canada
61 overlander 3164 8592 3826 (45%) Brigadier Brigadier 67 4.9 Canada Canada
106 InnyaFacce 2996 12914 8344 (65%) Colonel Colonel 116 4.8 Canada Canada
138 patrick1744 2906 2326 1257 (54%) Colonel Colonel 48 4.8 Canada Canada
157 persianempire 2855 6450 2322 (36%) Colonel Colonel 36 4.3 Canada Canada
159 Chris98 2854 1986 971 (49%) Colonel Colonel 35 4.9 Canada Canada
163 John DM 2846 482 193 (40%) Colonel Colonel 24 4.9 Canada Canada
247 WOLFZ71 2668 8367 3898 (47%) Colonel Colonel 65 4.6 Canada Canada
259 jimboy 2646 8242 5072 (62%) Colonel Colonel 69 4.8 Canada Canada
273 Redfelt 2627 6785 3887 (57%) Colonel Colonel 58 4.9 Canada Canada
275 Backhander 2620 4332 1198 (28%) Colonel Colonel 14 4.5 Canada Canada
303 Overdsky 2588 810 361 (45%) Colonel Colonel 26 4.9 Canada Canada
303 rustytherooster 2588 443 130 (29%) Colonel Colonel 12 4.8 Canada Canada
309 RobbieDub 2582 4209 1838 (44%) Colonel Colonel 72 4.9 Canada Canada
334 Maxi_G 2548 559 206 (37%) Colonel Colonel 10 4.8 Canada Canada
428 4 U 2 NV 2450 4418 2216 (50%) Major Major 60 4.9 Canada Canada
440 Mande1992 2440 4327 2191 (51%) Major Major 60 4.9 Canada Canada
463 stealth99 2408 9540 3514 (37%) Major Major 102 4.5 Canada Canada
470 Kafka_c 2405 1210 547 (45%) Major Major 20 4.8 Canada Canada
477 The Poet 2400 3698 417 (11%) Major Major 32 4.8 Canada Canada
482 dingo750 2398 288 77 (27%) Major Major 12 4.9 Canada Canada
485 Smider 2394 831 264 (32%) Major Major 23 4.9 Canada Canada
497 Indalecio 2379 152 48 (32%) Major Major 5 4.8 Canada Canada
504 Silkzone 2373 1988 733 (37%) Major Major 8 4.6 Canada Canada
546 Greatwhite 2343 11596 8132 (70%) Major Major 34 4.8 Canada Canada
589 gravycanuck 2316 267 107 (40%) Major Major 7 4.9 Canada Canada
599 bandit1986 2303 2367 1514 (64%) Major Major 20 4.7 Canada Canada
619 babybatter 2293 4203 1780 (42%) Major Major 36 4.7 Canada Canada
628 brennanpd 2286 799 308 (39%) Major Major 18 4.9 Canada Canada
629 patrick1234321 2285 6351 2611 (41%) Major Major 55 4.4 Canada Canada
637 malabrosse 2278 9822 6651 (68%) Major Major 20 4.7 Canada Canada
640 Great-Ollie 2275 43163 14631 (34%) Major Major 136 4.7 Canada Canada
650 morleyjoe 2269 9909 3652 (37%) Major Major 129 4.9 Canada Canada
695 farm 2241 1633 778 (48%) Major Major 55 4.9 Canada Canada
701 DreadedFate 2238 1602 498 (31%) Major Major 29 4.7 Canada Canada
755 Momo33 2214 4932 2690 (55%) Major Major 103 4.9 Canada Canada
765 hutchkov 2205 2579 940 (36%) Major Major 70 4.9 Canada Canada
780 golfer69 2195 501 234 (47%) Major Major 3 4.8 Canada Canada
790 King Tet 2191 3854 1913 (50%) Major Major 69 4.9 Canada Canada
843 SheRocks 2163 692 148 (21%) Major Major 15 4.7 Canada Canada
850 TiiB 2159 1250 754 (60%) Major Major 17 4.9 Canada Canada
894 Colonel Krink 2141 1437 530 (37%) Major Major 38 4.9 Canada Canada
900 Dukasaur 2139 10172 3581 (35%) Major Major 158 4.9 Canada Canada
954 Bentelbow 2108 973 453 (47%) Major Major 29 4.9 Canada Canada
962 big jumbo 2105 12855 6263 (49%) Major Major 56 4.9 Canada Canada
985 akabob2 2096 11142 3080 (28%) Major Major 61 4.8 Canada Canada
1030 Coors1 2070 3458 1722 (50%) Major Major 43 4.8 Canada Canada
1049 zeus111 2062 4866 2061 (42%) Major Major 35 4.4 Canada Canada
1067 granny2.0 2051 514 234 (46%) Major Major 11 4.7 Canada Canada
1109 DominatED 2035 3359 1002 (30%) Major Major 37 4.7 Canada Canada
1124 SiriusCowKing 2029 2122 870 (41%) Major Major 53 4.8 Canada Canada
1158 Bighab 2017 8004 3659 (46%) Major Major 35 4.8 Canada Canada
1176 uyumaykimaw 2009 9718 4547 (47%) Major Major 112 4.9 Canada Canada
1203 ledrew 1996 6728 3299 (49%) Captain Captain 31 4.7 Canada Canada
1226 gen. BAEK 1989 1113 113 (10%) Captain Captain 14 4.2 Canada Canada
1230 earthen 1988 791 258 (33%) Captain Captain 22 4.8 Canada Canada
1242 KROCKMONSTER 1981 837 252 (30%) Captain Captain 12 3.7 Canada Canada
1260 riskllama 1976 1381 498 (36%) Captain Captain 28 4.8 Canada Canada
1276 Synigma 1971 1395 326 (23%) Captain Captain 22 4.7 Canada Canada
1289 JessBottll 1965 798 297 (37%) Captain Captain 9 4.7 Canada Canada
1338 ItzPetey 1948 5055 1614 (32%) Captain Captain 34 4.9 Canada Canada
1338 rambeaupied 1948 614 205 (33%) Captain Captain 17 4.8 Canada Canada
1371 Gabsensei 1940 599 164 (27%) Captain Captain 17 4.8 Canada Canada
1432 JL327 1915 2404 671 (28%) Captain Captain 28 4.7 Canada Canada
1449 Otnal 1909 5962 2298 (39%) Captain Captain 40 4.8 Canada Canada
1475 blonderic 1898 10260 3325 (32%) Captain Captain 90 4.9 Canada Canada
1484 peterz 1896 638 154 (24%) Captain Captain 13 4.6 Canada Canada
1488 jordy2425 1895 3910 1529 (39%) Captain Captain 66 4.8 Canada Canada
1515 hopalong 1887 1924 1205 (63%) Captain Captain 54 4.9 Canada Canada
1521 Barney Rubble 1884 9264 1727 (19%) Captain Captain 29 4.5 Canada Canada
1523 Shaqua Khan 1883 2914 993 (34%) Captain Captain 24 4.9 Canada Canada
1557 jigger1986 1871 14808 7547 (51%) Captain Captain 150 4.8 Canada Canada
1572 Domination_44 1864 5357 2069 (39%) Captain Captain 63 4.8 Canada Canada
1580 sebraider 1860 357 110 (31%) Captain Captain 13 4.9 Canada Canada
1588 simplyred60 1858 508 131 (26%) Captain Captain 9 4.8 Canada Canada
1622 jeremscarem 1847 3587 983 (27%) Captain Captain 49 4.9 Canada Canada
1627 katishere 1846 13552 7097 (52%) Captain Captain 23 4.4 Canada Canada
1691 Paulineee 1829 3908 701 (18%) Captain Captain 15 4.9 Canada Canada
1696 Garth Maul 1828 11244 4139 (37%) Captain Captain 25 4.3 Canada Canada
1708 notyou2 1824 3485 1316 (38%) Captain Captain 45 4.9 Canada Canada
1710 europeanson 1823 3909 1001 (26%) Captain Captain 20 4.5 Canada Canada
1774 Jerz 1801 1577 745 (47%) Captain Captain 38 4.9 Canada Canada
1859 panzermeyer 1773 4648 2098 (45%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 27 4.9 Canada Canada
1871 Eternal Shadow 1768 4251 1513 (36%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 57 4.8 Canada Canada
1878 doctor Cleon 1766 425 97 (23%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 11 4.6 Canada Canada
1886 Butters1919 1764 14920 5841 (39%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 113 4.8 Canada Canada
1903 cutebastard71 1759 3201 1777 (56%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 46 4.8 Canada Canada
1952 Dick-Tator 1745 1657 323 (19%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 10 4.8 Canada Canada
1973 genevieve roi 1740 890 238 (27%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 18 4.7 Canada Canada
1973 Larry46 1740 15579 5560 (36%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 55 4.8 Canada Canada
1979 csol4846 1738 651 300 (46%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 16 4.9 Canada Canada
1987 redhawk92 1736 5620 2919 (52%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 50 4.6 Canada Canada
2002 rrob74 1729 2861 1409 (49%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 32 4.8 Canada Canada
2026 slats789 1721 2607 1022 (39%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 25 4.9 Canada Canada
2033 Tucktovich 1720 1010 269 (27%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 24 4.8 Canada Canada
2056 bandwagon 1715 1565 571 (36%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 11 4.7 Canada Canada
2085 veronius 1707 1967 454 (23%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 13 4.8 Canada Canada
2095 Gumby1 1704 8770 3702 (42%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 45 4.8 Canada Canada
2214 tenbar 1676 6201 1647 (27%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 71 4.8 Canada Canada
2226 Jakes1 1672 5977 2541 (43%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 48 4.8 Canada Canada
2231 Toads 1669 6954 4160 (60%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 52 4.9 Canada Canada
2240 mambo72 1666 612 210 (34%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 5 4.5 Canada Canada
2265 dar2play
2303 RumbleGuts 1652 5094 1921 (38%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 32 4.8 Canada Canada
2306 MarathonMax
Steve the ruler
RB the Great
2476 tnecniv3 1615 3184 584 (18%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 32 4.6 Canada Canada
2542 kallysdead 1600 1825 671 (37%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 13 4.6 Canada Canada
2564 Fewnix 1595 3929 1253 (32%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 47 4.9 Canada Canada
2581 Nick76 1590 2658 747 (28%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 20 4.7 Canada Canada
2589 Trinitygreat 1589 820 301 (37%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 17 4.9 Canada Canada
2612 johnnythehun 1582 2656 1044 (39%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 19 4.5 Canada Canada
2691 The Provoker 1562 58 22 (38%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 2 4.9 Canada Canada
2695 Freaky1 1561 1339 446 (33%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 25 4.8 Canada Canada
2728 usetheforce 1554 249 53 (21%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 9 4.8 Canada Canada
2742 habanaclub 1551 654 259 (40%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 11 4.6 Canada Canada
2804 Greg Bishop 1536 1938 578 (30%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 37 4.8 Canada Canada
2826 tpotter7704 1532 7049 2667 (38%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 32 4.4 Canada Canada
2844 Marashu 1528 154 60 (39%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 6 4.9 Canada Canada
2871 jmro 1522 4658 1571 (34%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 23 4.5 Canada Canada
2879 cj1212 1519 970 381 (39%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 11 4.7 Canada Canada
2888 czar richard 1518 3547 1515 (43%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 24 4.8 Canada Canada
2909 Snake53 1512 4704 907 (19%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 26 4.8 Canada Canada
2974 CoolHand_79 1499 430 163 (38%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 11 4.9 Canada Canada
3120 Colonel Archie 1467 1278 590 (46%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 30 4.7 Canada Canada
3120 HightekRedneck 1467 961 185 (19%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 21 4.8 Canada Canada
3142 Lord Vanion 1461 8201 2674 (33%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 41 4.5 Canada Canada
3157 BG Warrior 1458 2762 764 (28%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 41 4.8 Canada Canada
3216 reb 1443 11651 3755 (32%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 36 4.4 Canada Canada
3238 Ghangis Khan 1439 2570 1386 (54%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 14 4.7 Canada Canada
3266 KingBruce 1434 571 157 (27%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 8 4.8 Canada Canada
3321 ryancoffeeman 1423 4323 2313 (54%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 10 4.6 Canada Canada
3382 tatoonie 1412 1329 388 (29%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 21 4.7 Canada Canada
3401 Littlest Daddy 1405 664 207 (31%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 9 4.9 Canada Canada
3415 Esgaroth 1402 910 351 (39%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 9 4.6 Canada Canada
3448 flabio 1396 3178 1501 (47%) Sergeant Sergeant 22 4.7 Canada Canada
3464 sneumair 1392 153 53 (35%) Sergeant Sergeant 10 4.8 Canada Canada
3471 Sey69 1391 3632 907 (25%) Sergeant Sergeant 41 4.8 Canada Canada
3479 rousse 1389 1516 209 (14%) Sergeant Sergeant 15 4.7 Canada Canada
3485 Jringe01 1388 881 127 (14%) Sergeant Sergeant 20 4.7 Canada Canada
3495 D Major 1385 7038 2027 (29%) Sergeant Sergeant 45 4.7 Canada Canada
3497 FERN01 1384 7753 2651 (34%) Sergeant Sergeant 35 3.8 Canada Canada
3497 pawnbully 1384 989 132 (13%) Sergeant Sergeant 15 4.8 Canada Canada
3507 Kunta 1383 2043 718 (35%) Sergeant Sergeant 17 3.9 Canada Canada
3562 wombat4 1369 4397 1020 (23%) Sergeant Sergeant 39 4.7 Canada Canada
3582 fabrizio5555 1365 2409 527 (22%) Sergeant Sergeant 15 4.5 Canada Canada
3610 Holystargazer 1358 4879 631 (13%) Sergeant Sergeant 28 4.5 Canada Canada
3666 erinjb 1343 3822 1456 (38%) Sergeant Sergeant 25 4.7 Canada Canada
3705 just_in_ross 1331 1826 702 (38%) Sergeant Sergeant 11 4.7 Canada Canada
3753 hairypies 1319 1905 589 (31%) Sergeant Sergeant 27 4.7 Canada Canada
3773 thoga14 1316 4739 1589 (34%) Sergeant Sergeant 29 4.1 Canada Canada
3786 dontor444 1313 1334 446 (33%) Sergeant Sergeant 20 4.9 Canada Canada
3825 frank_tank 1302 3987 1794 (45%) Sergeant Sergeant 38 4.9 Canada Canada
3833 lor 1300 117 41 (35%) Sergeant Sergeant 1 4.7 Canada Canada
3899 Matrix20027 1284 1956 386 (20%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 15 4.8 Canada Canada
3916 f.o.b. 1279 7513 3558 (47%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 58 4.8 Canada Canada
3945 actorday 1273 5884 1547 (26%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 33 4.7 Canada Canada
3966 yawata 1268 629 130 (21%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 10 4.6 Canada Canada
3969 Powerking 1267 380 110 (29%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 13 4.7 Canada Canada
3979 Will Lee 1265 6063 3004 (50%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 59 4.8 Canada Canada
4006 mtamburini 1258 2196 821 (37%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 39 4.8 Canada Canada
4035 WarmarkTim 1254 4776 848 (18%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 17 4.8 Canada Canada
4061 flamesfan77 1247 3301 1154 (35%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 13 4.2 Canada Canada
4067 mrsbaddestbrute 1246 15687 4376 (28%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 58 4.6 Canada Canada
4108 River_City 1237 611 124 (20%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 17 4.6 Canada Canada
4111 maxhuot 1236 383 44 (11%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 6 4.8 Canada Canada
4284 nv00021 1198 698 70 (10%) Corporal Corporal 3 4.8 Canada Canada
4412 RipsawDS 1175 27 6 (22%) Corporal Corporal 0 4.8 Canada Canada
4498 NZHostel 1155 2750 786 (29%) Corporal Corporal 29 4.8 Canada Canada
4584 TheTrueNorth 1135 20272 8963 (44%) Corporal Corporal 92 4.8 Canada Canada
4606 vltmoniz 1131 4060 1253 (31%) Corporal Corporal 19 4.3 Canada Canada
4624 lepatterson 1128 2326 389 (17%) Corporal Corporal 17 4.6 Canada Canada
4682 mashedpotato 1115 774 48 (6%) Corporal Corporal 7 4.7 Canada Canada
4696 stardust54 1112 2463 1020 (41%) Corporal Corporal 30 4.9 Canada Canada






589 lolochio 2318 1123 277 (25%) Major Major 19 4.9 Colombia Colombia
2393 cosme 1630 2503 808 (32%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 21 4.5 Colombia Colombia
2471 camiloherre 1612 1147 345 (30%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 20 4.6 Colombia Colombia
44 drpall 3297 3369 2185 (65%) Brigadier Brigadier 28 4.9 Denmark Denmark
55 dkmaster 3199 5157 2366 (46%) Brigadier Brigadier 68 4.9 Denmark Denmark
151 Scipio79 2874 901 434 (48%) Colonel Colonel 24 4.8 Denmark Denmark
265 Tviorr 2646 2264 944 (42%) Colonel Colonel 50 4.9 Denmark Denmark
896 Ragian 2144 4472 2233 (50%) Major Major 96 4.9 Denmark Denmark
936 Mightor 2120 13747 4168 (30%) Major Major 42 4.8 Denmark Denmark
1054 Philip Andersen 2055 506 179 (35%) Major Major
1441 MY1101 1914 832 236 (28%) Captain Captain 26 4.8 Denmark Denmark
1446 tjynne 1912 504 265 (53%) Captain Captain
2703 Sifosi 1560 141 57 (40%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 6 4.9 Denmark Denmark
2761 rittersport 1549 571 122 (21%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class
3288 Runeldo 1429 8835 5346 (61%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 51 4.7 Denmark Denmark
3306 Lord Banner 1426 519 124 (24%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 17 4.8 Denmark Denmark
3418 sportsmanden 1402 78 22 (28%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 2 5.0 Denmark Denmark
3471 Mr.Jay 1389 1032 159 (15%) Sergeant Sergeant
4006 1264 344 96 (28%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 15 4.8 Denmark Denmark
4050 Galaon 1254 341 93 (27%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 4 4.6 Denmark Denmark
4092 Styrmandkaos 1242 57 14 (25%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class

Lex Usi
donche64 2963 1183 632 (53%) Colonel Colonel 42 4.9 France France
Mishalex 2731 12277 6044 (49%) Colonel Colonel 94 4.8 France France
rrrowm 2647 679 299 (44%) Colonel Colonel 20 4.4 France France
ancessus 2644 4415 1674 (38%) Colonel Colonel 70 4.9 France France
djelebert 2642 5596 3004 (54%) Colonel Colonel 113 4.9 France France
samdemars 2616 1581 797 (50%) Colonel Colonel
HCl 2336 2085 696 (33%) Major Major 20 4.5 France France
663 toiz 2255 3465 1987 (57%) Major Major 20 4.7 France France
751 dragon dor 2215 23207 11300 (49%) Major Major
Unai 2175 7796 3045 (39%) Major Major 42 4.8 France France
863 BENCLUB 2155 4393 1725 (39%) Major Major
lancelot3 2069 515 132 (26%) Major Major 13 4.8 France France
1027 JELO 2064 2089 644 (31%) Major Major
Lancelot du Lac
Genghis Khunt
Master Merlin
Lord Vorkosigan

GROND 2cd. 2446 6832 3053 (45%) Major Major 77 4.9 Germany Germany
449 FrenchPupil
prior680 1765 8923 2738 (31%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 34 4.7 Germany Germany
1922 Amazonair 1754 514 175 (34%) Lieutenant Lieutenant
General von Aido
Duke of Omnikron
15 skillfull 3825 5038 2879 (57%) General General 57 4.9 Greece Greece
116 bebis72 2963 2136 1041 (49%) Colonel Colonel 31 4.8 Greece Greece
129 Casius Belius 2939 1511 667 (44%) Colonel Colonel 40 4.9 Greece Greece
276 Conchobar 2627 2841 1418 (50%) Colonel Colonel 68 4.8 Greece Greece
324 osman76
ckyrias 1730 11590 4973 (43%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 156 4.9 Greece Greece
2217 perkouv 1677 286 101 (35%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 6 4.5 Greece Greece
2233 giannikas 1672 7826 2719 (35%) Lieutenant Lieutenant
honest gabe
copan warrior

1427 gorehound 1919 3800 1708 (45%) Captain Captain 58 4.9 Ireland Ireland
1455 AndyBounce 1910 1090 394 (36%) Captain Captain 21 4.8 Ireland Ireland
1684 dvdmarra 1830 4406 2329 (53%) Captain Captai
KernowWarrior 1158 3941 1106 (28%) Corporal Corporal 23 4.7 Ireland Ireland
4598 Desperado1961 1130 1129 197 (17%) Corporal Corporal 14 4.7 Ireland Ireland
4671 pmul 1115 986 290 (29%) Corporal Corporal
jacobsgold 1544 8878 3570 (40%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 29 3.9 Israel Israel
2892 Nimrods Son
General Bax 1071 40518 14413 (36%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 132 4.7 Israel Israel
4977 grazza81
thetiger 661 10989 2595 (24%) Cook Cook 42 4.7 Israel Israel
7420 alonmat


Dualta 3078 1554 781 (50%) Brigadier Brigadier 47 4.9 Japan Japan
100 rousseau72 3001 1948 1133 (58%) Brigadier Brigadier 55 4.9 Japan Japan
155 josko.ri

King Zvonimir
488 Lindax 2398 11027 4436 (40%) Major Major 134 4.8 Mexico Mexico
492 Pajarito
jesuso 1
chidone 2044 9225 3790 (41%) Major Major 57 4.8 Mexico Mexico
1137 abygorb
Seamus Corrigan
96 JBlombier 3017 2997 1468 (49%) Brigadier Brigadier 62 4.9 Netherlands Netherlands
143 Egel 2898 5538 3025 (55%) Colonel Colonel 91 4.8 Netherlands Netherlands
164 Extreme Ways
2007spaceodyssey 2670 16697 7973 (48%) Colonel Colonel 99 4.9 Netherlands Netherlands
308 shoop76
398 eddys 2484 2095 548 (26%) Major Major 15 4.8 Netherlands Netherlands
473 virus90 2408 1360 659 (48%) Major Major 41 4.9 Netherlands Netherlands
517 westbo 2368 22239 3945 (18%) Major Major
863 osok68 2155 3505 986 (28%) Major Major 45 4.9 Netherlands Netherlands
873 Koganosi 2151 4396 1610 (37%) Major Major 75 4.8 Netherlands Netherlands
905 69Chevy 2134 3717 1278 (34%) Major Major 58 4.9 Netherlands Netherlands
954 brakh 2107 7413 4163 (56%) Major Major 61 4.9 Netherlands Netherlands
958 amor_ksir 2106 622 175 (28%) Major Major
Hawkeye Pierce
1427 blue baron 1922 5170 1359 (26%) Captain Captain 30 4.8 Netherlands Netherlands
1438 Jeanne d Arc 1918 5185 1574 (30%) Captain Captain 30 4.7 Netherlands Netherlands
1446 yorrick69 1915 2776 1369 (49%) Captain Captain
1817 Naisunev 1789 586 172 (29%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 20 4.9 Netherlands Netherlands
1867 zimmah 1775 1986 748 (38%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 48 4.8 Netherlands Netherlands
1881 sammie81 1771 189 102 (54%) Lieutenant Lieutenant
sniffie 1629 7442 1970 (26%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 68 4.8 Netherlands Netherlands
2444 tuono
wassie 1624 533 204 (38%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 10 4.8 Netherlands Netherlands
2487 goldenwarrior
11Joan11 1455 15231 3818 (25%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 47 4.6 Netherlands Netherlands
3226 Schildpad 1444 699 198 (28%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 11 4.9 Netherlands Netherlands
3232 xinchao!
general T
Desperado1961 1294 1134 200 (18%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 15 4.7 Netherlands Netherlands
3948 egerskydiver
the warrior65

new zealand_spain;
merida 3092 2420 490 (20%) Brigadier Brigadier 25 4.9 New Zealand New Zealand
93 jcstriker
Bantam 2417 1180 614 (52%) Major Major 43 4.9 New Zealand New Zealand
476 DAT_WAT_SHE_SAID 2408 2716 1268 (47%) Major Major 34 4.7 New Zealand New Zealand
818 SneakySheep 2179 1334 257 (19%) Major Major
skido 1823 1933 460 (24%) Captain Captain 26 4.8 New Zealand New Zealand
1750 longtime
Suppurator 1663 5422 2521 (46%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 49 4.9 New Zealand New Zealand
2420 thelord
brendor 1579 787 281 (36%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 9 4.8 New Zealand New Zealand
2680 Cornal Clink 1567 1177 225 (19%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 24 4.8 New Zealand New Zealand
2867 Sinate 1526 1599 597 (37%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 7 4.7 New Zealand New Zealand
2889 BustyJasmine 1519 216 125 (58%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class
ford anglia
roobin laden
Seinfeld1 2441 442 188 (43%) Major Major 10 4.3 Norway Norway
582 Twopoint 2328 15057 9136 (61%) Major Major 47 4.7 Norway Norway
654 EspenOvergaard 2268 494 214 (43%) Major Major 17 4.8 Norway Norway
729 tokle 2227 9032 4320 (48%) Major Major 165 4.9 Norway Norway
858 Terje TĆørholen 2161 378 95 (25%) Major Major 10 4.8 Norway Norway
907 VikingIIII
marijus 1710 12029 5074 (42%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 27 4.5 Norway Norway
2316 Bendiko 1649 154 69 (45%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 5 4.9 Norway Norway
2325 olatv
Oystein bloodaxe
king achilles
Tommy Atkins
Kabanellas 2024 2169 1050 (48%) Major Major 73 4.9 Portugal Portugal
1180 herus
rugbyplayer 1596 719 172 (24%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 13 4.7 Portugal Portugal
2586 Waze
88SSS 1985 3073 1455 (47%) Captain Captain 11 4.8 Romania Romania
1313 jmscoelho
vojinsek 2748 448 253 (56%) Colonel Colonel 23 4.9 Serbia Serbia
359 DavDanilo
Leverpuller 1830 7618 2823 (37%) Captain Captain 70 4.9 Singapore Singapore
1881 vinnoi 1775 611 249 (41%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 6 4.9 Singapore Singapore
2807 nicvert 1540 428 73 (17%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 5 4.7 Singapore Singapore
3214 JudeImperator
Risk_Averse 1291 3554 612 (17%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 32 4.8 Singapore Singapore
4341 az7791
ralph499 2025 7075 3602 (51%) Major Major 40 4.7 Slovakia Slovakia
5211 Oneyed
Kexor 3552 2456 1196 (49%) General General 60 4.9 Slovenia Slovenia
279 KKlemen
Leehar 2870 6977 3676 (53%) Colonel Colonel 142 4.9 South Africa South Africa
656 honest gabe 2267 4819 920 (19%) Major Major 26 4.8 South Africa South Africa
674 Nucker 2261 1153 374 (32%) Major Major 29 4.8 South Africa South Africa
1112 Charle 2027 3125 977 (31%) Major Major 67 4.9 South Africa South Africa
1992 RFC Onan 1740 8861 3645 (41%) Lieutenant Lieutenant
macken 3811 866 548 (63%) General General 20 4.6 Spain Spain
52 PaRKoN
joshzam 2552 1572 689 (44%) Colonel Colonel 46 4.9 Spain Spain
474 Lord Arioch
Pirate Si
rosco23 1616 981 229 (23%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 17 4.8 Spain Spain
2479 thephilys35 1614 4456 1883 (42%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 27 4.7 Spain Spain
2483 pershy
biggonso 1608 7880 3773 (48%) Lieutenant Lieutenant 20 4.6 Spain Spain
2504 WinstonTurqhill
Death Deliverer

srillanka-vietnam[not all players were invited because of the accusation:
Descon297 1436 1869 934 (50%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 29 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3272 lord of light 1433 259 59 (23%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 9 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3277 Rakorski Ray 1432 1864 641 (34%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 8 4.7 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3277 windy81 1432 3555 1363 (38%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 39 4.9 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3289 Burndamage 1431 1302 443 (34%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 25 4.9 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3289 stevejtr
jenss 1409 27 9 (33%) Sergeant 1st Class Sergeant 1st Class 2 5.0 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3405 neowarlord
txipi 1370 162 35 (22%) Sergeant Sergeant 6 4.9 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3562 Zhukov1968 1370 2021 770 (38%) Sergeant Sergeant 36 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3567 far2ezee 1369 3962 1335 (34%) Sergeant Sergeant 45 4.7 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3586 a.hall
paws1610 1362 10282 3644 (35%) Sergeant Sergeant 57 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3602 Tedspur 1360 3931 735 (19%) Sergeant Sergeant 25 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3639 SisuMoFo 1351 1719 666 (39%) Sergeant Sergeant 27 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3639 tommygun64
garyshirley 1331 5983 2825 (47%) Sergeant Sergeant 25 4.4 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3724 pheonixuk
chapmang 1316 1125 253 (22%) Sergeant Sergeant 12 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3796 Monkeymagic07 1316 1942 880 (45%) Sergeant Sergeant 20 4.9 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3796 shotinthedark
shahid04 1304 162 69 (43%) Sergeant Sergeant 2 4.1 United Kingdom United Kingdom
3846 flashing blade
the white rose 1287 27 16 (59%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 0 n/a United Kingdom United Kingdom
3928 Fred7777
rosco peco 1232 1572 466 (30%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 16 4.6 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4163 Caspian King
gazza1975 1217 2079 482 (23%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 9 4.5 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4220 MrSeb
MrSeb 1216 466 143 (31%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 15 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4248 _Vacuous 1209 884 409 (46%) Corporal 1st Class Corporal 1st Class 6 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4256 E13
100yvo 1185 577 87 (15%) Corporal Corporal 8 4.5 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4358 Blue Babboons
richiemaster 1181 1308 458 (35%) Corporal Corporal 10 4.7 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4396 rkwebb 1179 557 106 (19%) Corporal Corporal 13 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4396 ShootTheRunner
maxwell evans
top banana
Vladmick 1126 303 99 (33%) Corporal Corporal 8 4.7 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4651 petea
thismustbesonja 1083 8 3 (38%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 0 4.5 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4855 treetop 1080 128 36 (28%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 2 4.4 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4880 elvean
ItchIfeet 1059 541 116 (21%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 5 4.6 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4978 Nefatari
zivsss 1056 734 134 (18%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 11 4.5 United Kingdom United Kingdom
4999 hickok66 1055 1701 357 (21%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 5 4.6 United Kingdom United Kingdom
5007 hammer1967
Jimbuktu 1009 842 163 (19%) Private 1st Class Private 1st Class 5 4.6 United Kingdom United Kingdom
5303 SwervinMervyn
dcwmelbourn 945 2314 446 (19%) Private Private 20 4.8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
6747 ebandanna
Major nooruddinaftab
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:56 am

Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby nooruddinaftab on Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:47 am

Sorry for bad formating, i had to copy paste the premium users from the list since i had to invite them to poly games
Major nooruddinaftab
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:56 am

Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:09 am

nooruddinaftab wrote:Sorry for bad formating, i had to copy paste the premium users from the list since i had to invite them to poly games

You didn't have to do shit. Why do you still post here? It's more constructive when you don't.

nooruddinaftab wrote:I never invited low ranked players. Its all a fairy tale made by caff. I can provide the lists of players from each country I invited.

It seems you're the one making up fairy tales as I haven't once said you invited low ranked players. Please quote where I ever stated this.

I've changed my mind on my first comment in this post; please continue commenting so I can laugh more at your idiocy.
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Cook iAmCaffeine
Posts: 11699
Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:38 pm

Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Extreme Ways on Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:18 am

Gotta say, as much as I dislike the way of playing and 'farming', I admire how many games you can play at the same time and still enjoy them :shock:.
TOFU, ex-REP, ex-VDLL, ex-KoRT.
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General Extreme Ways
Posts: 1731
Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:02 am

Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:47 am

Extreme Ways wrote:Gotta say, as much as I dislike the way of playing and 'farming', I admire how many games you can play at the same time and still enjoy them :shock:.

I currently have 237 active games and have had 200+ for over half a year. The cheap wannabe has 14 active games.
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Cook iAmCaffeine
Posts: 11699
Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:38 pm

Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby Extreme Ways on Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:13 pm

Still played a shitton when he was farming the Antarctica map. I can't really play 30+ games without slacking.
TOFU, ex-REP, ex-VDLL, ex-KoRT.
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General Extreme Ways
Posts: 1731
Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:02 am

Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby nooruddinaftab on Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:48 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
nooruddinaftab wrote:Sorry for bad formating, i had to copy paste the premium users from the list since i had to invite them to poly games

You didn't have to do shit. Why do you still post here? It's more constructive when you don't.

nooruddinaftab wrote:I never invited low ranked players. Its all a fairy tale made by caff. I can provide the lists of players from each country I invited.

It seems you're the one making up fairy tales as I haven't once said you invited low ranked players. Please quote where I ever stated this.

I've changed my mind on my first comment in this post; please continue commenting so I can laugh more at your idiocy.

oh sorry I take my words back. must be the reason as I read almost every post in this thread in your voice.
Major nooruddinaftab
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:56 am

Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:51 pm

nooruddinaftab wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:
nooruddinaftab wrote:Sorry for bad formating, i had to copy paste the premium users from the list since i had to invite them to poly games

You didn't have to do shit. Why do you still post here? It's more constructive when you don't.

nooruddinaftab wrote:I never invited low ranked players. Its all a fairy tale made by caff. I can provide the lists of players from each country I invited.

It seems you're the one making up fairy tales as I haven't once said you invited low ranked players. Please quote where I ever stated this.

I've changed my mind on my first comment in this post; please continue commenting so I can laugh more at your idiocy.

oh sorry I take my words back. must be the reason as I read almost every post in this thread in your voice.

Do we know each other? Are you stalking me? How the f*ck would you know how I sound?

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Cook iAmCaffeine
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Re: "Monthly Leaders" aka Bollocks

Postby riskllama on Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:18 pm

ha! bigworm is at the top of the scoreboards as of right now. good to see he's keeping busy...
also, thx coffeeboy for telling me i was on there last month. now, i can't resist having a peek, fucker...
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Location: deep inside Queen Charlotte.


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