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Whac a Mod VIII

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Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Razorvich on Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:25 am

Image supplied by: Ronaldinho viewtopic.php?f=634&t=214666&p=4734792#p4733064

Whac a Mod VIII
January 1 - 7

SCOREBOARD: ... vent_id=37

show: Mod Team List

Casual OPEN Team Games:
Will be created on a daily basis, 1st in first served.

Casual OPEN Singles:
Will also be created on a daily basis, 1st in first served.
(Trench/Poly games will be set up with a 20 - 30 turn limit)

The Mods will set up as many games as they are able to, be sure to check the Chat Rooms for any with passwords.

Bounty Games:
The Chat team will set up ON DEMAND one of the following Bounty Games.
*You must have won an event in chat to be eligable

Bounty Games:
The Chat team will set up ON DEMAND one of the following Bounty Games.
*You must have won an event in chat to be eligable

show: Available Bounty Games

One member wins a mini event in chat and has the choice to recieve an invitation, to one of the Bounty Games.
This winning member will be responsible for filling the away team to take on the Mod Team, if it is a team game.
These game passwords are only obtained in the Chat Rooms.
These games will have an increased Drop Rate for CC 10 tokens.

Bounty Game list will be updated throughout the Event.

General Rules:
Members only allowed to take on a Mod 1v1.... 3 times
Winners of multiple Mod Team Passwords in the Chat Event, can only take on a MOD twice.
There is no limit to how many WAM games a Moderator can set up.
Moderators may place passwords on games, that are only accessable by the Chat Event.
First in first served for all the games.

Any game that has been set up with an error..
GOOD LUCK TO YOU !!! :lol: :-$ ... the Mod should have known better :roll:
Last edited by Razorvich on Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Scavenger Item removed
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TeeGee has my PW... Wall him if I get below 1 Hour in CLAN GAMES ONLY !!
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby owenshooter on Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:40 pm

Razorvich wrote:Whac a Mod VIII

how many times? seriously? sigh...-JĆ©sus noir

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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Razorvich on Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:05 am

owenshooter wrote:
Razorvich wrote:Whac a Mod VIII

how many times? seriously? sigh...-JĆ©sus noir

Sorry ...Roman Numerals seem to confuse Owen 8 mate.....Whac a Mod 8

Very typical of you to bring your negative vibes to a site event... again... and again.....and again.. wow how many times? seriously? sigh.

Have you ever thought that there are people that havn't had a chance to play one of these events...

NO, once again you are thinking only of yourself

And Owen ... get ready for 10 days of spam in your beloved Global Chat advertising Events.... be sure to slag them off too

I have an idea.... lets start this year off with a vow ...

"I will not cast negative MOJO on events that people have given a lot of PERSONAL time to prepare for the enjoyment of members"

Bet you couldn't last 2 weeks

Take your baits and negativity elsewhere please, they are not welcome here in this thread
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby grt on Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:45 am

Does a Bounty game count on the Whac a Mod scoreboard?
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Razorvich on Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:13 am

grt wrote:Does a Bounty game count on the Whac a Mod scoreboard?

yes it will
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Fri Jan 01, 2016 12:01 am

Alriht it's 2k16. Where are the games... :shock:
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby sdh on Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:17 am

Are General Achievement medals still awarded for winning a game?
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Swifte on Fri Jan 01, 2016 1:41 pm

sdh wrote:Are General Achievement medals still awarded for winning a game?

Had been wondering the same thing - luckily the info is shown on the Whac a Mod scoreboard:

Collect 7 Play Tokens + 2 Win Tokens and score a General Achievement
The Top 7 Players with 40 Play Tokens or more win a Challenge Achievement

So need to play at least 7, win at least 2 to get the GA.
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Erdogan on Sat Jan 02, 2016 2:01 pm

i would like to join a game :D
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jan 02, 2016 2:16 pm

Erdogan wrote:i would like to join a game :D

If you click the Whac-a-Mod link at the top of your Central Command page, there are usually games there.

Also, there are some Bounty games whose passwords are give away in the Chat Rooms.
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby robellis00 on Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:37 pm

First, I want to thank the MODS for putting this event on.
Really classy of you all to open your point coffers up to us common folk!
Here's my question:
What chat rooms are people using for this event; I know of only Social; and Event. Are there other rooms we can access to get passwords?

Mainly because it looks like 99% of the games visible on the banner are password protected or reserved.

There's got to be another way for the masses to get in on the action here! Or is this event more designed for the elite to challenge their friends (the MODS)?

Just wondering.
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby shoop76 on Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:45 pm

Why are the games staying on the banner when they are full?
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:51 pm

shoop76 wrote:Why are the games staying on the banner when they are full?

I know yesterday when creating the games I invited myself, and then put it on the banner for people to join. I forgot to then go to the central command area invitations to accept my own invite, so they sat on the banner yesterday for awhile even tho i had an opponent because I forgot to join.

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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:57 pm

robellis00 wrote:First, I want to thank the MODS for putting this event on.
Really classy of you all to open your point coffers up to us common folk!
Here's my question:
What chat rooms are people using for this event; I know of only Social; and Event. Are there other rooms we can access to get passwords?

Usually an event is run in its own room. However, the location is always announced in Social. So if you're in social and nothing is being announced, there isn't currently an event running.

Mainly because it looks like 99% of the games visible on the banner are password protected or reserved.

Games on the banner shouldn't require a password. I mean, yes, they have a password, but clicking the "Join" link in the banner should bypass that.

There's got to be another way for the masses to get in on the action here! Or is this event more designed for the elite to challenge their friends (the MODS)?

Just wondering.

There are a variety of ways. Every mod is free to create as many games as they wish and to publicize the passwords how he wants. Some mods are creating complex games in the chat rooms to win a password, others are doing other kinds of contests, some are just inviting whoever walls them and asks for an invite. There isn't any "one size fits all" answer here.

I, for instance, have invited a few people who just walled me and asked, but I also created a special game just for Great War fans, and I expect to do a lot more of that tomorrow. Watch the banner, or wall your favourite mod, or watch Live Chat or Global Chat, or check the facebook page. All of these are places where a game password might be released.

shoop76 wrote:Why are the games staying on the banner when they are full?

Reserved games should not be put on the banner. Some have been put there by mistake. Life's like that with an all-volunteer workforce and the short time span we're working with. Just grin and bear it...:)
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Donelladan on Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:14 am

Could you explain the scoring system ? it doesn't make sense to me right now.
Like grt is 2nd with 7 whac a mod play token and 2 whac a mod win token, while igrekzed is 6th with 22 whac a mod play token and 4 whac a mod win token,
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Koganosi on Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:58 am

Donelladan wrote:Could you explain the scoring system ? it doesn't make sense to me right now.
Like grt is 2nd with 7 whac a mod play token and 2 whac a mod win token, while igrekzed is 6th with 22 whac a mod play token and 4 whac a mod win token,

Seems pretty easy to me. Let me try to explain.

The official rule says:

Scoring is via Whac% (Wins Tokens/Play Tokens) with a qualifier of 7 Play Tokens.

That means for your score to count, you need 7 play tokens. Although it will still show you on the scoreboard if you dont, it wont score you properly. For example mishalex atm has 1 play token and 1 win token. If we go by the rule he would have 100% and would be on top. But since he has only 1 play token. He has at number 25.

Now ill take your example to explain the rest.
Grt has 7 play tokens, so qualifes for the scoreboard and igrekzed has 22 so also qualifies. The amount past 7 doesnt matter.

So lets take Whac% = (Wins Tokens/Play Tokens) *100.
Grt Whac% = (2 Win Tokens / 7 Play Tokens) *100 = (0.285714.....) * 100 = ~28,5%

So he has won ~28,5%. Now lets check Igrekzed.

Igrekzed Whac% = (4 Win Tokens / 22 Play Tokens) * 100 = (0.2222222....) * 100 = ~22,2%

So Igrekzed has won 22,2%, which is lower then Grt. The scoreboard then values the score of Grt higher. So puts him on a higher spot! Even if Igrekzed has 6 win tokens he is still officialy on a lower spot then Grt, whould he get 7 then he will surpass Grt.

Basicly the system checks for Quality over Quantity!

Hope this helps!


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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Donelladan on Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:29 am

Thx, didn't notice about the % part ... it helped :)
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby djelebert on Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:11 am

"Members only allowed to take on a Mod 1v1.... 3 times"

just one question how can we know which mod will be on game?
I joined 3 times clandemonium with catchersMitt14. And 1 random, and it 's catchersMitt14 again. does one of my game will not count?
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Razorvich on Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:14 am

Just a reminder for everyone

Razorvich wrote:General Rules:
Members only allowed to take on a Mod 1v1.... 3 times

To Clarify ... THE SAME MOD 3 times.

Hope this clears up any confusion.
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby djelebert on Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:22 am

Thanks Razor, but it still not clear, but that doesn't matter.
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby josko.ri on Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:09 am

Razorvich wrote:Just a reminder for everyone

Razorvich wrote:General Rules:
Members only allowed to take on a Mod 1v1.... 3 times

To Clarify ... THE SAME MOD 3 times.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

Oh I didn't know for this rule and it seems counter logical for me given that top 7 players with 40 or more games receive challenge medal. It is hard or almost impossible to play 40 games if maximal 3 games are allowed per player. That means 14 mods to play versus and only if we successfully catch 3 games from each.

Could someone tell what happens when someone unintentionally joins 4 games vs the same mod? does simply that 4th game doesn't count?
I joined 4 games vs Razorvich (fortunately only versus him) not knowing for this rule because it is not written in general page of whac a mod, it is written only here in the forum.
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Razorvich on Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:23 am

josko.ri wrote:
Razorvich wrote:Just a reminder for everyone

Razorvich wrote:General Rules:
Members only allowed to take on a Mod 1v1.... 3 times

To Clarify ... THE SAME MOD 3 times.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

Oh I didn't know for this rule and it seems counter logical for me given that top 7 players with 40 or more games receive challenge medal. It is hard or almost impossible to play 40 games if maximal 3 games are allowed per player. That means 14 mods to play versus and only if we successfully catch 3 games from each.

Could someone tell what happens when someone unintentionally joins 4 games vs the same mod? does simply that 4th game doesn't count?
I joined 4 games vs Razorvich (fortunately only versus him) not knowing for this rule because it is not written in general page of whac a mod, it is written only here in the forum.

I have already noted that josko, and as it was not intentional, and is the only game you have over the limit we have decided to let it slide.

That said... I open myself up, in fairness to play everyone 4 times.

If anyone would like a 4th game against me, same settings as your other 3, PLEASE WALL ME .. no PMS.... i am getting heaps.
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby josko.ri on Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:28 am

Razorvich wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Razorvich wrote:Just a reminder for everyone

Razorvich wrote:General Rules:
Members only allowed to take on a Mod 1v1.... 3 times

To Clarify ... THE SAME MOD 3 times.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

Oh I didn't know for this rule and it seems counter logical for me given that top 7 players with 40 or more games receive challenge medal. It is hard or almost impossible to play 40 games if maximal 3 games are allowed per player. That means 14 mods to play versus and only if we successfully catch 3 games from each.

Could someone tell what happens when someone unintentionally joins 4 games vs the same mod? does simply that 4th game doesn't count?
I joined 4 games vs Razorvich (fortunately only versus him) not knowing for this rule because it is not written in general page of whac a mod, it is written only here in the forum.

I have already noted that josko, and as it was not intentional, and is the only game you have over the limit we have decided to let it slide.

That said... I open myself up, in fairness to play everyone 4 times.

If anyone would like a 4th game against me, same settings as your other 3, PLEASE WALL ME .. no PMS.... i am getting heaps.[/b]

Thank you for solving the issue positively, it was really not intentional from my side, and actually I got to know this rule by inviting others to play me more than 3 times and being rejected as they said 3 times per mod is limit, then I went to search for the thread because the rule is not written in the menu of whac a mod.
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Razorvich on Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:41 am

josko.ri wrote:
Razorvich wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Razorvich wrote:Just a reminder for everyone

Razorvich wrote:General Rules:
Members only allowed to take on a Mod 1v1.... 3 times

To Clarify ... THE SAME MOD 3 times.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

Oh I didn't know for this rule and it seems counter logical for me given that top 7 players with 40 or more games receive challenge medal. It is hard or almost impossible to play 40 games if maximal 3 games are allowed per player. That means 14 mods to play versus and only if we successfully catch 3 games from each.

Could someone tell what happens when someone unintentionally joins 4 games vs the same mod? does simply that 4th game doesn't count?
I joined 4 games vs Razorvich (fortunately only versus him) not knowing for this rule because it is not written in general page of whac a mod, it is written only here in the forum.

I have already noted that josko, and as it was not intentional, and is the only game you have over the limit we have decided to let it slide.

That said... I open myself up, in fairness to play everyone 4 times.

If anyone would like a 4th game against me, same settings as your other 3, PLEASE WALL ME .. no PMS.... i am getting heaps.[/b]

Thank you for solving the issue positively, it was really not intentional from my side, and actually I got to know this rule by inviting others to play me more than 3 times and being rejected as they said 3 times per mod is limit, then I went to search for the thread because the rule is not written in the menu of whac a mod.

IF any other MOD wants to break the 3 game rule... post HERE !!
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Re: Whac a Mod VIII

Postby Keefie on Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:01 pm

3 or 4 or 30 or 40, bring it on I say, you're going down. Mods rule.
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