The accused are suspected of: racism / flaming within the forums
Comments: thread within the forums about site, lag, etc... responded to a post by the offending member and was met with a flame and racist retort. this user has a history of exactly this type of behaviour and this should be dealt with accordingly. no more sweeping this stuff under the carpet with nuances (a news report can't be racist). he straight up violated a major site rule and rounded it out nicely with a flame, also. comments and the thread link are below. you can see the entire thread. nothing was said to him that was abusive, offensive, derogatory or inflammatory. this type of racism/flaming should not be tolerated within the forums and this user needs to be dealt with accordingly.
Additional evidence:
Subject: Poor Server Performance
waauw wrote:owenshooter wrote:waauw wrote:If it were you'd hear non-stop whining on a daily basis.
um... but we do... so... um... thank you for helping to prove the point that the OP was making... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
p.s.-double thanks for helping to prove the point made about site lag, with this thread, too... took 25 min to file this, due to site lag.
Go f*ck yourself ghettoboy. Don't talk to me.
Don't you have some local rapbattles you have to attend to.
and just in case the mods are unable to find the portion that is racist, i have pulled it from the above quote:
Go f*ck yourself ghettoboy. Don't talk to me
Don't you have some local rapbattles you have to attend to.