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dice sucks

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dice sucks

Postby Oneyed on Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:46 am

are you happy how dice works on Conquer club?
it is idiotic dive if I can not beat 5 troops by 14. or if I attack 1 troop with 12 and result was 4:0, so I lost 7 troops. or yesterdy morning each my the first attack in each game started that I lost 2 troops. and its not just me, I see this often.
I played Risk on some similar sites as CC, but dice was never so bad.
is here any possibility how to setup dice?

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Re: dice sucks

Postby Lord Arioch on Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:25 am

It happens:) take a brew, and wait 12 hours while playing bots ... it works wonders for mine... since im out of relatives to sacrifice to the Dice god:)

U know in my youth i played 2nd ed spacehulk ... the genestealers all had 3 Dice, and 6 attacks ... a spece marine had 1 Dice and 3 attacks ... i managed to kill off 42 stealers with one marine Before he Went down so bad/good Dice happens ... in RL not so often though :D
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Re: dice sucks

Postby Agent 86 on Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:16 pm

I say take an English lesson first. Then get very close to the dice generator, or maybe join a better clan :lol:
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Re: dice sucks

Postby Donelladan on Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:27 am

Damn you Lord Arioch, you just made me critically want to play Spacehulk !
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Re: dice sucks

Postby ben.cleuch on Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:46 am

And paint some Blood Angels. For my son of course.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby khazalid on Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:46 am

blood angels are so cheez.

ive got a shit ton of new dark elder waiting to be painted back home. i actually checked out gw website last week for shits n giggles, and just looking at the prices made my balls retract. i'm only 28, yeah? i can remember when i could get a box of 15 tactical marines for £8 sterling. those guys are fuckin nuts and i hope they're bankrupt within the decade. i for one will never buy another gw product.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby Lord Arioch on Sun Jun 28, 2015 12:42 pm

Spacehulk kicks ass and yes GW is wicked expansive ... lucky me ive already got Blood Angels by the ton ... started collecting 94 ... and Black legion... and Eldar ... and Chaos Daemons .... and i just bought a Baneblade :) dont play so much lately but its still fun to paint ... oh ive got 8 fullsized tables with terrain :) good for when friends and brewskys appear :9
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Re: dice sucks

Postby stretchly on Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:06 pm

Currently suffering -68% luck on my assault dice stats. Getting ruined by a single defender vs 3 or more for 5 or 6 throws. That sucks.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby waauw on Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:09 pm

stretchly wrote:Currently suffering -68% luck on my assault dice stats. Getting ruined by a single defender vs 3 or more for 5 or 6 throws. That sucks.

According to your stats page, it's your opponents who are suffering a -68% luck in dice rolls vs you. You got -27%.
Though on the grander scheme of 25 battles you did much worse.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby BuckNasty00 on Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:51 pm

I've been rolling crap for like a month now. Whatever bug is in the system needs fixed. Its ridiculous. I can have a 20 troop advantage and lose.

I'm sure CC will just tell me that sometimes it happens blah blah blah

what are the chances of it happening. very small. I never had the crap dice rolling in real life i have on here. and its game after game day after day.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:57 am

In real life you're playing one game at a time with the same set of dice with what, 2-5 people? On here there are thousands of active games at the same time using dice from a limited pool, there are going to be all kinds of ridiculous results that we don't expect. A couple of weeks ago I lost eight large escalating games where I had over 75% chance to take the sweep each time and it was shit, but it's not a bug. Furthermore, it's a human's nature to remember the bad times more than the good, and we also see more bad results than good because we will obviously attack 18v2 (which I've lost before) but we're not gonna try 5v20.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby owenshooter on Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:33 am

BuckNasty00 wrote:I've been rolling crap for like a month now.

*cough*...-Jésus noir
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Re: dice sucks

Postby BuckNasty00 on Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:49 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:In real life you're playing one game at a time with the same set of dice with what, 2-5 people? On here there are thousands of active games at the same time using dice from a limited pool, there are going to be all kinds of ridiculous results that we don't expect. A couple of weeks ago I lost eight large escalating games where I had over 75% chance to take the sweep each time and it was shit, but it's not a bug. Furthermore, it's a human's nature to remember the bad times more than the good, and we also see more bad results than good because we will obviously attack 18v2 (which I've lost before) but we're not gonna try 5v20.

Thats exactly the response that I was expecting. I remember when I roll well too. Because I think wow this is unlikely that I would roll this well etc. Again I've been rolling poorly in all my games for like a month but again no one cares. No one will admit theres an issue. Its just that crazy shit happens and you hold on to it. Please...... Im done discussing this. Its pointless. I should just look into another site. Too bad FB doesnt still have Attack
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Re: dice sucks

Postby BuckNasty00 on Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:53 am

One more thing I can literally lose time after time after time after time when say Im just pointing and clicking on a territory. But if I hit the roll, attack button whatever it is i cant remember off the top of my head then my rolls magically get better and better as in realistic. probable. but again thats just coincidence. ok Now Im done for real lol
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Re: dice sucks

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:36 pm

BuckNasty00 wrote:One more thing I can literally lose time after time after time after time when say Im just pointing and clicking on a territory. But if I hit the roll, attack button whatever it is i cant remember off the top of my head then my rolls magically get better and better as in realistic. probable. but again thats just coincidence. ok Now Im done for real lol

Yeah, I've heard it said that if you click your attacks one at a time instead of going Auto, your rolls will have a smaller standard deviation, and thus individual results will be closer to the average (what you call "realistic"). Not sure if it's true, but a couple fairly reliable sources have said this to me.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby owenshooter on Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:26 pm

BuckNasty00 wrote:One more thing I can literally lose time after time after time after time when say Im just pointing and clicking on a territory. But if I hit the roll, attack button whatever it is i cant remember off the top of my head then my rolls magically get better and better as in realistic. probable. but again thats just coincidence. ok Now Im done for real lol

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Re: dice sucks

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:30 pm

This is more fair than playing actual risk with actual dice.

My brother hates playing me as I have an uncanny ability to roll 6's. The dice on here are ridiculous as they dont give me a massive advantage.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby Coler on Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:38 pm

"This one time I swept the board even though I had nothing but rags to make the first kill"

Said no Dice thread EVER.

Go suck it up y'all who start these threads. You are the definition of losers. Because why ? Because everyone loses from time to time, but youse guyses, youse guyses want to blame something other than yourselves.

How does it feel to be that powerless ?
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Re: dice sucks

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:49 am

Just look at Game 1675072.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby degaston on Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:39 am

Dukasaur wrote:
BuckNasty00 wrote:One more thing I can literally lose time after time after time after time when say Im just pointing and clicking on a territory. But if I hit the roll, attack button whatever it is i cant remember off the top of my head then my rolls magically get better and better as in realistic. probable. but again thats just coincidence. ok Now Im done for real lol

Yeah, I've heard it said that if you click your attacks one at a time instead of going Auto, your rolls will have a smaller standard deviation, and thus individual results will be closer to the average (what you call "realistic"). Not sure if it's true, but a couple fairly reliable sources have said this to me.

If the dice generation method has not changed recently (one 50,000 roll file that is repeated over and over), then making one attack at a time would allow others to attack in between your rolls. This way, if you are at a point in the file where there is a long trend that is bad for the attacker, you would be less likely to be affected by it. Of course, you might also miss a long positive trend for the attacker, but we all know that that never happens anyway. ;) And if no one else is making a move at the same time as you, then it won't make a difference either way.

I almost never use auto-assault. Not because I think it has a huge effect on my dice results, but because I may want to stop or change an attack mid-way if it is not going well for me.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby owenshooter on Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:41 pm

I swept the board even though I had nothing but rags to make the first kill... the dice suck...-Jésus noir
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Re: dice sucks

Postby hmsps on Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:01 pm

This is the main reason why people leave the site, dice streaks at times are just silly.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:05 pm

If you hit a bad streak, the best thing to do is come back to your games at a later hour, if time allows.
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Re: dice sucks

Postby Metsfanmax on Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:43 pm

BuckNasty00 wrote:I've been rolling crap for like a month now. Whatever bug is in the system needs fixed. Its ridiculous. I can have a 20 troop advantage and lose.

I'm sure CC will just tell me that sometimes it happens blah blah blah

what are the chances of it happening. very small. I never had the crap dice rolling in real life i have on here. and its game after game day after day.

I just checked -- it wasn't a bug. We had programmed it so that BuckNasty00 would get worse dice, because (according to the code comments) he's kind of a dick. If you file an eTicket they might remove it -- gl.
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