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dd515087 wrote:Charm you seem to think crasp is town, even though his name has been thrown around a lot for lynch consideration? Why? What makes you think this way? Your last post makes it seem as if he is completely cleared
Iron Butterfly wrote:My sincere apologies as well. I should have voted and did not. The inconsistency of people posting and lack of vote counts...time left threw me off.
crasp wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:My sincere apologies as well. I should have voted and did not. The inconsistency of people posting and lack of vote counts...time left threw me off.
You did more than not vote IB. as far as i am concerned you are responsible for that no lynch.
First you vindicate Legion despite him being the top read on most peoples list. Then you cause more doubt with this insane cop probability. The vote moves to virus and in you come to save the day again. Then you kick in with this claims only help scum b.s throwing more suspicion on to me. Now this I forgot to vote.
You seem to have forgotten something else. YOU taught me how to play.
How come claiming is so bad now?
Iron Butterfly wrote:"Then you cause more doubt with this insane cop probability."
Care to expand on this?
StorrZerg wrote:imma vote tamb on phone, back sunday.
charm wrote:StorrZerg wrote:imma vote tamb on phone, back sunday.
What does IMMA mean?
Were you on your phone and that is why your vote (note in red) went to MTam?
Why did you switch your vote?
StorrZerg wrote:charm wrote:StorrZerg wrote:imma vote tamb on phone, back sunday.
What does IMMA mean?
Were you on your phone and that is why your vote (note in red) went to MTam?
Why did you switch your vote?
on phone, shitty conection in mountains, i said i would vote tamb.
I didnt vote him, i said i was going to. I was back on sunday and didn't switch my vote.
Iron Butterfly wrote:I believe I was blocked as I was unable to open my gift, which was not the same gift that Storr received.
legionnare wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:I believe I was blocked as I was unable to open my gift, which was not the same gift that Storr received.
How do you know it was not the same as Storr's if you couldn't open it?
StorrZerg wrote:actually, strike that hotshot moves to more scummy over virus
StorrZerg wrote:crasp saved me previous night
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