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Three Kingdoms of China - v10.1 [2015-02-01] p15 [Quenched]

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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.0 [2013-12-31] p22 GFX & X

Postby chouette on Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:34 am

First off, I just wanted to say that I really like this map. The three kingdoms theme and the artwork is great. I've seen a few comments about the capital bonus and how not very many people try to grab that bonus. I agree with this sentiment and feel like changing capitals to count as cities for the city bonus and adding a +1 auto-deploy on top of them might make more sense. Changing them to 3n from 2n might be necessary to balance out that change. Having said that, leaving the capital bonus the same really wouldn't bother me. I just don't like bonuses that are never used :). Other than that, my only complaint is the readability of the text. Maybe I'm just going blind, but I find myself squinting to try to read the text, especially the red territory names. Otherwise this map is great, keep up the good work
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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.0 [2013-12-31] p22 GFX & X

Postby iancanton on Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:28 pm

thanks for ur comments, chouette, and welcome to the foundry!

the last 30 completed 1v1, auto-placement, sequential, escalating, chained, sunny, non-trench games with unlimited rounds are those from Game 14572968 to Game 15045777 inclusive (excluding Game 14760447, where one player deadbeated). these all used the xml with the +6 bonus for holding 3 capitals. 3 capitals were attacked successfully in 6 games (20%), 2 capitals in 11 games (37%), 1 capital in 5 games (17%) and 0 capitals in 8 games (27%). the 2 capitals bonus was held in 11 games (37%) and the 3 capitals bonus in 2 games (7%). in 10 of the 11 games (91%) where the 2 capitals bonus was held, the first player to receive this bonus won. in both games (100%) where the 3 capitals bonus was held, the only player to receive this bonus was the eventual winner. 45 capitals were held in these 30 games, which is an average of 1.5 per game.

given the above figures, the +6 bonus is big enough to prevent the capitals from being ignored, even though the +6 rarely pays out in full. on the contrary, 2 capitals is one of the most popular bonuses now.

adding an auto-deploy bonus to each capital is something that we're trying on the czecho slovak fragmentation map. despite this map being in some ways similar, we can probably conclude that there is enough capital activity to be satisfied with the gameplay.

as well as the red names mentioned by chouette, there are two graphics niggles from a previous post of mine that haven't yet been answered. once seamus puts these to bed, i see no reason to delay quenching the map.

iancanton wrote:two things i've noticed about the map images are that the shu character to the left of the kingdom of shu mini-map is barely visible and there appears to be the shadow of a character to the left of jiaozhi. perhaps u can darken slightly the background behind the shu character?

ian. :)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.0 [2013-12-31] p22 GFX & X

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:18 pm


Sorry for the long delay. I'll try and put this one to bed.
- Tried to bring out the Wu tert names a bit (the red names), but can't really change those too much without changing the entire color scheme.
- I did not change the Wu symbol, because again that would require changing the other colors, which I really don't want to do. I also think it adds to the overall "aged" look of the map to have the symbols faded in a way. They are also just there for aesthetic purposes, so not really a big part.
- I'm not sure about the character to the left of jiaozhi, maybe the little red bonsai tree? There were a couple of scratches in that tert I cleaned up, but the bonsai is just a symbol I threw in at the beginning.


v10.1 - Large (840x800)
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v10.1 - Small (630x600)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.0 [2013-12-31] p22 GFX & X

Postby iancanton on Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:48 pm

Seamus76 wrote:I'm not sure about the character to the left of jiaozhi, maybe the little red bonsai tree? There were a couple of scratches in that tert I cleaned up, but the bonsai is just a symbol I threw in at the beginning.

it's a bonsai tree? that explains everything. on examination, i see that it really has been in from the start!

although the red names appear at first sight to be very similar to before, they look good enough to me. as for the shu (not wu) symbol, it's of relatively minor importance.


the Beta period has concluded for the Three Kingdoms of China map. all objections have had their time. the Foundry and i hereby brand this map with the Foundry Brand. let it be known that this map is now ready to be released into live play.

congratulations, seamus76, your shiny new medal is well-earned! =D>

Conquer Club, enjoy!


ian. :)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.1 [2015-01-20] p15 GFX ONL

Postby Swifte on Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:21 am

Congrats Seamus!! A lovely map :)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.1 [2015-01-20] p15 GFX ONL

Postby Seamus76 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:35 pm

Thank you very much!

And thanks especially to my partner in cartography v.j. As well as Gilligan, Koontz, and all of the foundry volunteers for all they do.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.1 [2015-01-20] p15 GFX ONL

Postby Oneyed on Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:42 pm

congrat seamus. Alaska is also close ;)

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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.1 [2015-02-01] p15 [Quench

Postby mrswdk on Tue Dec 24, 2019 7:44 pm

Have noticed a typo in the tert names: 'Wuxjng' should be 'Wuxing'.

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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.1 [2015-02-01] p15 [Quench

Postby iancanton on Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:06 pm

well spotted! i'll try to contact the developers, who haven't been active recently.

ian. :)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.1 [2015-02-01] p15 [Quench

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Dec 31, 2019 9:35 am

Hi all!

Wow, amazing that error went so long without being noticed.

I was able to update the map, I actually still have the files, so just let me know how best to pass it along.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of China - v10.1 [2015-02-01] p15 [Quench

Postby iancanton on Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:16 pm

happy new year, seamus! i'm so pleased that u're still around!

simply give a new version number to the update, save the images as .png files and reply to this post, adding both .png files and the new xml file by using the "upload attachment" tab and amending the subject to show the new version number.

ian. :)
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