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StorrZerg wrote:so flavor. Im the IT guy, basically i know everyone's dirty little secrets. cause yall be terrible with computers. (well not yet, but i can get that information, and thats how i can kill someone/fire them)
charm wrote:This thread is moving at a snails pace!
Iron Butterfly wrote:why is hot shot and myself not on colton?
StorrZerg wrote:I'm vig. Your turn dd5.
StorrZerg wrote:so flavor. Im the IT guy, basically i know everyone's dirty little secrets. cause yall be terrible with computers. (well not yet, but i can get that information, and thats how i can kill someone/fire them)
legionnare wrote:Especially when Colton has 3 meaning Storr isn't under time stress, as it stands colton will be lynched.
Vote Storr
HotShot53 wrote:legionnare wrote:Especially when Colton has 3 meaning Storr isn't under time stress, as it stands colton will be lynched.
Vote Storr
Actually, as it currently stands no-one will be lynched, because 7 votes are needed for a lynch; if no-one has 7 at deadline there is no lynch.
That was a very strange early claim though.... why did you claim storr?
legionnare wrote:Especially when Colton has 3 meaning Storr isn't under time stress, as it stands colton will be lynched.
Vote Storr
Iron Butterfly wrote:StorrZerg wrote:so flavor. Im the IT guy, basically i know everyone's dirty little secrets. cause yall be terrible with computers. (well not yet, but i can get that information, and thats how i can kill someone/fire them)
You can "get" that information and that's how you kill? You need to be explicit. Why would you threaten to kill someone in the day then without having information?
I would like a vote count.
StorrZerg wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:StorrZerg wrote:so flavor. Im the IT guy, basically i know everyone's dirty little secrets. cause yall be terrible with computers. (well not yet, but i can get that information, and thats how i can kill someone/fire them)
You can "get" that information and that's how you kill? You need to be explicit. Why would you threaten to kill someone in the day then without having information?
I would like a vote count.
"information" is flavor. and how is that my kill? Because people are not shot or lynched in this game they are "fired" So why can i threaten to kill someone, because im the vig, and vig does what vig does. REMOVE PEOPLE FROM THE GAME.
So again "FLAVOR" wise, every single person here has something dirty they don't want the company to know. This includes both management and employees. I have the ability to find this "dirt" and present it to "someone (mod)" and thats how i "fire" someone. IN reality, nothing really happens besides a name submission...
mtamburini wrote:StorrZerg wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:StorrZerg wrote:so flavor. Im the IT guy, basically i know everyone's dirty little secrets. cause yall be terrible with computers. (well not yet, but i can get that information, and thats how i can kill someone/fire them)
You can "get" that information and that's how you kill? You need to be explicit. Why would you threaten to kill someone in the day then without having information?
I would like a vote count.
"information" is flavor. and how is that my kill? Because people are not shot or lynched in this game they are "fired" So why can i threaten to kill someone, because im the vig, and vig does what vig does. REMOVE PEOPLE FROM THE GAME.
So again "FLAVOR" wise, every single person here has something dirty they don't want the company to know. This includes both management and employees. I have the ability to find this "dirt" and present it to "someone (mod)" and thats how i "fire" someone. IN reality, nothing really happens besides a name submission...
Why has your play been significantly different then any other game played thus far? You havent been really been allowing me to read you this game as apposed to other games I asked you to give read on charm and your response lead me to believe your not paying attention. Everyone has a role this game so you claiming does not make you claim more towny then scummy. I can confirm storr likes claiming vigi early in video mafia and shooting early but we only play with a town aligned vigi not a mafia vigi so that point is null and void.
The only thing that is making me read you town is that I think DD and charm are scummy and they both are voting on you.
StorrZerg wrote:I like to use the momentum of the claim to prove myself as town, and be able to lead town. Since i find that aspect of a confirmed claim more valuable than my bullet/s.
charm wrote:I say we have Streaker PM Colton and DD. IF they do not show up in the next 24 hours, then we vote to fire one of them. An employee or manager not showing up would naturally be fired in real life, unless they are on a leave of absence.
Anyways, by killing one of them off early on, we may be able to learn more about the game roles. Day 1 always seems like a crap shoot.
Also, has anyone decided on the statics of employees vs management?
Finally, I expect Storr and MTam to be fighting by now or would consider them as brothers somehow. Just a thought.
charm wrote:mtamburini wrote:StorrZerg wrote:i think what mtamb is trying to get at, is less QQ about what happens day 1 if we lynch a townie, and more pew pew on trying to lynch a scum.
as for your statement making you town or mafia, neither. Imo it isn't relieving as to the current game at hand, and your stance on who you want lynched. Its a general point of view on how you feel about the game/ player statements.
No shit lol, however the discussion on whether or not to lynch in inactives or not is a way of how I like to scumhunt. Voting them off completely I think is bad but you can generally get some sort of feel where people stand on it and why it helps reveal their alignment.
Having said that where's your read on charm nerd, I think she rolled scum this time. Her towniness is very apparent early on and I've not seen that.
Well, first of all I think that it is very interesting that you want everyone to give opinions about me when I'm off playing on roller coasters. 2nd, after reading through the discussion on lynching no-shows, I agree that it makes better sense to let the mod-kill or get a replacement - however, I have not seen a reason to vote no lynch in any game I've played so far on day 1. Where is the fun in a no lynch?
We have someone evolve their thoughts, she comes into agreement with your opinion on inactives. (yes i like that)
Next we have the dreaded list postcharm wrote:Well, I think we are in the middle of this week now and I find it interesting the lack of participation. My scum hunting radar is up! I decided to go back through the list of players and see if I spotted those that may raise an eyebrow. For those of you not participating much, if you don't start participating then I'm going to assume you are wanting to be labeled scummy because management typically let's the worker bees do all the work and then take away our credit.
Here are a few my thoughts thus far...
1. crasp - leaning town based on the way he is posting and challenging thoughts.
2. UCAbears - leaning scum, he has only posted enough to stay off the radar, no substance to his posts, and hasn't posted since Thursday.
3. HotShot53 - no opinion yet
4. mtamburini - leaning scum, just because he is not being his mean ruthless self and it usually seems like he comes up town the nastier he is. On the other hand, he may have changed his tune since people were giving so much crap and taking things personally in previous games. I kinda miss the nasty MTam - added some interesting reading.
5. virus90 - no opinion yet
6. StorrZerg - not sure, but I'm surprised that he didn't catch the mass claim being useless, he usually catches everything.
7. colton24 - get to talking dude!
8. Iron Butterfly - leaning town, but it's only a gut thing I have no reason one way or the other, just based on how he is communicating in his posts.
9. dd515087 - get to talking dude!
10. Metsfanmax - he talked about Day 1 statistics in not finding scum, which would be a good way to scare the employees into a no lynch.
11.Charm - employee
12.legionairre - no opinion yet
Now, I'm off to decorate the lobby with flowers, because happy employees make for healthy employees and will increase the productivity - which will make the company more money and harder for management to fire us.
Metsfanmax wrote:StorrZerg wrote:I like to use the momentum of the claim to prove myself as town, and be able to lead town. Since i find that aspect of a confirmed claim more valuable than my bullet/s.
You might be confirmed as town, but that doesn't mean we need to listen to you on what to do.
HotShot53 wrote:Storr, how does proving you are a vig confirm you as town? There could be a mafia vig around (see the game you referenced with the day 1 lynch... a mafia vig willing to shoot on night 1), or you could just do a mafia kill and claim it was a vig kill. So I don't see how you will verify yourself as town in any way.
As to why a scum storr would claim early.... could be because you figure it's best to "prove" yourself early, so no-one looks at you later, because with your play style sooner or later someone will make a case on you, and the earlier you claim the more people will usually believe your claim.
So... it could be that you are following your usual protocol for being a vig, or it could be that you are a scum... not enough information to decide either way, and your shooting someone tonight won't prove it any more for me.
StorrZerg wrote:I think if i had a list of people i'd shoot in no particular order. (as well as people id be fine with lynching)
colton lack of activity
UCAbears lack of activity
Virus lack of activity
mets lack of progression
mtamb disappointment
Mr. Squirrel wrote:pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed
One fool reporting for duty!
StorrZerg wrote:And whats the point of this comment? Your absolutely right with that statement, but it also means that i can't be trying to "trick" the town since my motivation is pure. That in it self is very good information to have. Helps everyone else as well, cause they have 1 less person to worry about.
I think if i had a list of people i'd shoot in no particular order. (as well as people id be fine with lynching)
colton lack of activity
UCAbears lack of activity
Virus lack of activity
mets lack of progression
mtamb disappointment
StorrZerg wrote:mtamburini wrote:StorrZerg wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:StorrZerg wrote:so flavor. Im the IT guy, basically i know everyone's dirty little secrets. cause yall be terrible with computers. (well not yet, but i can get that information, and thats how i can kill someone/fire them)
You can "get" that information and that's how you kill? You need to be explicit. Why would you threaten to kill someone in the day then without having information?
I would like a vote count.
"information" is flavor. and how is that my kill? Because people are not shot or lynched in this game they are "fired" So why can i threaten to kill someone, because im the vig, and vig does what vig does. REMOVE PEOPLE FROM THE GAME.
So again "FLAVOR" wise, every single person here has something dirty they don't want the company to know. This includes both management and employees. I have the ability to find this "dirt" and present it to "someone (mod)" and thats how i "fire" someone. IN reality, nothing really happens besides a name submission...
Why has your play been significantly different then any other game played thus far? You havent been really been allowing me to read you this game as apposed to other games I asked you to give read on charm and your response lead me to believe your not paying attention. Everyone has a role this game so you claiming does not make you claim more towny then scummy. I can confirm storr likes claiming vigi early in video mafia and shooting early but we only play with a town aligned vigi not a mafia vigi so that point is null and void.
The only thing that is making me read you town is that I think DD and charm are scummy and they both are voting on you.
You always say im playing weird or different. I'm really tempted to go through the past few games and just quote you on your initial read on me every game. Secondly charm, i gave my response. You want a read now, because she has said more than 2 posts? I lean town on her. The fact that you prove my point about how i play vig, should confirm to yourself my alignment. Being a "mafia vig" what reason do i have to announce this day 1, in this manner. I'd almost assuredly wait to use it in a situation that could end the game. I would have 0 reason outing, with little perssure on day 1.
So right now, i absolutely don't like how wishy washy you are being over reading me. I really feel you should have a much better grasp of the situation, so much so that you should be defending me. Since right now, it appears you are staying neutral so you can see if others will lynch me, and say "well i guess storr was the vig and that makes sense now, but i couldn't have been sure earlier"
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