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The Championships - 1v1 - [t4mcr53s2]

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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby agentcom on Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:01 am

Uh-oh ... the tourney got re-seeded for the second half of the round ... :shock:
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby josko.ri on Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:23 am

agentcom wrote:Uh-oh ... the tourney got re-seeded for the second half of the round ... :shock:

Funny what happened. But at least, it paired players with the same "weight" from previous round. Still, all players with 6 wins play versus opponents with 5 wins.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby MudPuppy on Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:54 am

This is most unfortunate and takes much of the fun out of the Championship.
Is there really no way for auto-tourneys to handle a simple bracket setup with multiple batches?!?

EDIT: Sweet!!! Undone... Thanks so much for the quick response!!!! =D>
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby mcshanester29 on Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:03 pm

MudPuppy wrote:This is most unfortunate and takes much of the fun out of the Championship.
Is there really no way for auto-tourneys to handle a simple bracket setup with multiple batches?!?

EDIT: Sweet!!! Undone... Thanks so much for the quick response!!!! =D>

The problem with the auto tourneys is that in order to not send out 21 games out at once the round is split and then it wants to re-seed for the 2nd half of the games, bW is working on getting it setup so that you will be facing the same opponent for the 2nd part of the round.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby Clanlord Carl on Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:27 pm

not complaining i got 4 / 10 first starts
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby Godd on Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:00 pm

in middle of a turn all my tourney games disappeared this morning

whats up????
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby Electricksabers on Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:19 pm

Godd wrote:in middle of a turn all my tourney games disappeared this morning

whats up????

maybe read some of the posts in the thread?
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby Godd on Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:25 pm

shaneback wrote:
Godd wrote:in middle of a turn all my tourney games disappeared this morning

whats up????

maybe read some of the posts in the thread?

sry but only see the reseeding problems not the deletions of games
maybe I am blind, could be with age or other thingies
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby Godd on Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:00 pm

still see nothing of deleting games and restarting them.
I am still playing the same player with these new games but seeing I got the drop on
the first time it was sent out and now I dont for some odd reason this does not seem right.

If I was to be on the same seeded player first then why delete those games?
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby mcshanester29 on Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:42 am

Godd wrote:still see nothing of deleting games and restarting them.
I am still playing the same player with these new games but seeing I got the drop on
the first time it was sent out and now I dont for some odd reason this does not seem right.

If I was to be on the same seeded player first then why delete those games?

The games were made and deleted because we are now in the bracket round so you are supposed to play the same player for all games. They have been resent.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby Godd on Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:34 am

Generaly a good rule to follow in tourneys is if a game is messed up you should restart that game
I would not restart all games.
If 10 of 12 games are messed up then restart the 10 not 12

I see no reason what so ever to delete any game or games that are correct and good 'ever'
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby Electricksabers on Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:39 am

Godd wrote:Generaly a good rule to follow in tourneys is if a game is messed up you should restart that game
I would not restart all games.
If 10 of 12 games are messed up then restart the 10 not 12

I see no reason what so ever to delete any game or games that are correct and good 'ever'

You may of been playing the same person, but everybody else had a different opponent in the second batch of games this round. that is why they were deleted.

I played general cod in the first batch and when the next batch started my opponent was Leehar. This round is supposed to be best of 21 broken into 2 batches against the same opponent.

The auto part of the tourney goofed up, so they had to delete all the games, fix the tourney and restart the games.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby lanelaf on Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:47 pm

in pls
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby rick1063 on Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:07 am

So is Dustin going to keep those 21 points he's been gifted by jippd timing out in every game, seems very unfair to go from lower half of the table to leader without even winning a match!
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby MudPuppy on Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:17 am

rick1063 wrote:So is Dustin going to keep those 21 points he's been gifted by jippd timing out in every game, seems very unfair to go from lower half of the table to leader without even winning a match!

If it's truly a bracket as stated in the OP then no reseeding should be done based on margin of victory in the bracket phase. However, auto-tourneys don't always seem to follow the written rules. Hopefully, mcshanester/BW can manually assign quarter final matchups based on the rankings at the end of round 4 in order to maintain the integrity of the bracket.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby dustin800 on Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:42 pm

To be fair we played the first half and he was losing all but two before he quit the tourney and CC. Also many of the people still in had some forfeit games in early rounds
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 am

it's one thing to crush a noob so badly he leaves, but you should get a trophy for doing it to a player like jippd

I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round of 16b]

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:13 pm

rick and I finally finished our epic stuggle ; after all those games together why does it fell like I got very lucky to win
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [1/2 Finals]

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:55 pm

zips and I are winding up our last games, , and I've clinched ;

I want to acknowledge that I cant say I outplayed him ; I noticed more mistakes on my part then I did on his (though doubtless there were some I missed)... you wouldn't think 51 games would not be enough to decisively show superiority, but they weren't!
our final will be 29-22 (my error thinking 30) but I think I had 29-22 advantage in first turns, at least.

Zips was always the gentleman and fun to play, never complaining ....

Many thanks to the multiple TO's who started and brought this home
Last edited by t4mcr53s2 on Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [1/2 Finals]

Postby zips5000 on Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:07 am

Well, as T4 said the deed is done. Congrats and well played. By the way, you only got to 29 wins (not 30)! As I said at the beginning of Round 2, I'm just happy I didn't lose by 1 game because of the last game from Round 1.

Looking forward to the next one!
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [1/2 Finals]

Postby agentcom on Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:50 am

Congrats T4!!!! And thanks to MC for running this.

I have 500 credits in my account that I don't know where they came from, so I am guessing that prizes have been awarded, too?
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [1/2 Finals]

Postby mcshanester29 on Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:36 pm

agentcom wrote:Congrats T4!!!! And thanks to MC for running this.

I have 500 credits in my account that I don't know where they came from, so I am guessing that prizes have been awarded, too?

Yes that is correct all prizes have been awarded!!
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [t4mcr53s2]

Postby general cod on Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:35 am

Except the semi-final prize for general cod which he was cheated out of..... Congrats to t4 - mc I fart in your general direction and suggest u suck it up it may give you some balls which you're lacking.
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