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Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

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Re: Age of Discoveries [14/03] [P7] [V7.1]

Postby Donelladan on Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:55 am

I find it is difficult to read the names of the regions. Kind of white on white. Hurt my eyes personnaly.You should maybe fill the letter with a color.

Concerning the gameplay, if I understood correctly for the objectif you need both kingdom, spain and portugal, plus the 3 social class in each kingdom.

And the social class can be attack from almost anywhere on the map, at least one of the 6 you need. Therefore I think it is almost impossible to win with the objectif right now.

Concerning the bonus. Social class, hold 3 in a reign for +2. It means I need Bourgoisie + Clergy + Nobility to get a +2 ? 15 neutrals, breakable easily, to get a simple +2?
And taking Bourgeoisie, or clergy or nobility give me the ability to bombard regions, but bombarding those regions do not break any bonus so it is a almost useless bombarding ability.
Correct me if I am wrong but Port, Noble, and Priest do not give any bonus?

Noble and priest are connected through sea and land. Port only by sea. I see no advantage in taking a port.

So, I think you should change the objectif or get rid of it, because no one ever gonna achieve it right now.
I think you should give incentive to take the social classes, right now I'd only take them if I play escalating multiplayer game. Otherwise I have difficulty to see interest in taking those 5 neutrals, breaking no bonus, and being easily countered by any opponent.
Incentive could be +1/spanish noble for spanish nobility and the same for all the others, or an auto deploy.

Spain and Portugal, can they attack anything on the map except the Pope? Seems not to me. So you have a +1 auto deploy that can only attack Pope and it cost you 10 neutral to go there. I will also never take the kingdoms.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [14/03] [P7] [V7.1]

Postby Teflon Kris on Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:53 am

I think your intro means 'In the 1400s' (unless the Pope had a time machine) or 'in the 15th century'.


Nice work
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Re: Age of Discoveries [14/03] [P7] [V7.1]

Postby iancanton on Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:58 pm

the spanish galleons did not sail directly from peru to filipinas. this is by far the longest sea journey and ought to be more difficult than an attack between adjacent land regions. can u delete that sea route and add one from peru to a second nueva espana port, one from nueva espana to guam (a new colony) and one from guam to filipinas?

where is the tordesillas line? i suggest displaying it as the impassable amazon forest (lots of tree symbols), to block the path between brasil and both nueva granada and peru.

i also recommend that u remove the sea route from spain to cabo verde to rio de la plata. not only did such a trade route not exist at the time, but it is confusing because cabo verde and brasil were portuguese-controlled.

the shape of australia at the time was unknown. perhaps replace it with a larger, imaginary terra australis, further to the south, to give more space for the timor troop boxes?

a further idea is to add spain and portugal as playable geographical areas, with ports, priests and nobles. it looks odd if only the spanish and portuguese crowns are playable, but the countries are not playable.

although i thought at first that there were too many types of resource, making gameplay unnecessarily complex, the symbols are different enough that players can distinguish them easily.

Donelladan wrote:Concerning the gameplay, if I understood correctly for the objectif you need both kingdom, spain and portugal, plus the 3 social class in each kingdom.

And the social class can be attack from almost anywhere on the map, at least one of the 6 you need. Therefore I think it is almost impossible to win with the objectif right now.

for the objective, is it an improvement to require the sovereign plus the 3 social classes of either spain or portugal, instead of both spain and portugal?

Donelladan wrote:Concerning the bonus. Social class, hold 3 in a reign for +2. It means I need Bourgoisie + Clergy + Nobility to get a +2 ? 15 neutrals, breakable easily, to get a simple +2?
And taking Bourgeoisie, or clergy or nobility give me the ability to bombard regions, but bombarding those regions do not break any bonus so it is a almost useless bombarding ability.

the bombardments help to secure the objective.

Donelladan wrote:I think you should give incentive to take the social classes, right now I'd only take them if I play escalating multiplayer game. Otherwise I have difficulty to see interest in taking those 5 neutrals, breaking no bonus, and being easily countered by any opponent.
Incentive could be +1/spanish noble for spanish nobility and the same for all the others, or an auto deploy.

i agree that the bonus for holding the social classes needs to be bigger. the example of +1 per spanish noble for spanish nobility might work well.

Donelladan wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but Port, Noble, and Priest do not give any bonus?

i believe there is no bonus. ports, nobles and priests are starting locations and provide a way to move around the board.

Donelladan wrote:Noble and priest are connected through sea and land. Port only by sea. I see no advantage in taking a port.

perhaps we can let nobles and priests connect thru land borders only.

Donelladan wrote:Spain and Portugal, can they attack anything on the map except the Pope? Seems not to me. So you have a +1 auto deploy that can only attack Pope and it cost you 10 neutral to go there. I will also never take the kingdoms.

the sovereigns can attack only the pope, but they can also bombard nobles within the same realm. their main use is probably to bombard nobles if someone else already occupies the nobility square. even +2 auto-deploy does not make the sovereigns very attractive.

the artwork appears, to my untrained eye, to be among the best that we've seen on cc so far.

ian. :)
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Re: Age of Discoveries [14/03] [P7] [V7.1]

Postby Armandolas on Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:44 am

Donelladan wrote:Noble and priest are connected through sea and land. Port only by sea. I see no advantage in taking a port.

I think you have a point. I believe its better if priests and nobles can only attack by land border, that will give port a better role

Donelladan wrote:I find it is difficult to read the names of the regions. Kind of white on white. Hurt my eyes personnaly.You should maybe fill the letter with a color.

Ill try to make it more readable

DiM wrote:pair doesn't necessarily mean 2 of the same kind. it can mean 2 items that have a logical connection between themselves. at first glance i thought cattle pairs up with cereals cause cattle eat cereals, and cotton pairs up with slaves but that was it as i couldn't see any correlation between the rest.

You are right. I will probbaly use one of your suggestions of text

DiM wrote:also on a non-related issue, your map is supposed to be drawn on an old parchment thus making the bevel on the legend boxes look out of place. also the top center box should be made a bit taller to fit the names on top (portugal/pope/spain).

if you really want to add a 3d element on the map, then a nice thing would be to add 2 vertical creases on the map and on one side add like the remains of a broken wax seal.

Agree with the center top box to be bigger and fit those names in.
I dont understand what you mean about vertical creases and all that stuff :)

Teflon Kris wrote:I think your intro means 'In the 1400s' (unless the Pope had a time machine) or 'in the 15th century'.


Nice work

Yeah, 15th century looks better . Or maybe XV century ?
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Re: Age of Discoveries [14/03] [P7] [V7.1]

Postby Armandolas on Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:56 am

iancanton wrote:the spanish galleons did not sail directly from peru to filipinas. this is by far the longest sea journey and ought to be more difficult than an attack between adjacent land regions. can u delete that sea route and add one from peru to a second nueva espana port, one from nueva espana to guam (a new colony) and one from guam to filipinas?

Yes. The routes are just simplified to reach the "main " portuguese and spanish colonies". Im having space limitations, so i cant really fit in more territs.Also since priests and nobles can reach nueva espana by land, then i didnt feel that i should extend that sea route from peru to nueva espana

iancanton wrote:where is the tordesillas line? i suggest displaying it as the impassable amazon forest (lots of tree symbols), to block the path between brasil and both nueva granada and peru.

Even with tordesillas meridian line and later on with the antimeridian line created by the treaty of Zaragoza(wich changed the positioning of the "tordesillas line" and created another "line" near the philipines) the disputes over territories never really endeed between portugal and spain.

iancanton wrote:i also recommend that u remove the sea route from spain to cabo verde to rio de la plata. not only did such a trade route not exist at the time, but it is confusing because cabo verde and brasil were portuguese-controlled.

Ferdinand Magellan used it before he reached Brasil, but i can skip it and make his route go between cape vert and guinea

iancanton wrote:the shape of australia at the time was unknown. perhaps replace it with a larger, imaginary terra australis, further to the south, to give more space for the timor troop boxes?

I undestand what u mean. Even though Australia lands were discovered in 1528, its shape was not known . The problem is. If i would try to do what you suggest i would be in trouble since i dont have technical and artistic skill to make it look nice

iancanton wrote:ia further idea is to add spain and portugal as playable geographical areas, with ports, priests and nobles. it looks odd if only the spanish and portuguese crowns are playable, but the countries are not playable.

A good idea, but im struggling with space limitations. Maybe after this one i will create a map only for that, where all those politics and diplomatic bullshit could be better detailed

Donelladan wrote:Concerning the gameplay, if I understood correctly for the objectif you need both kingdom, spain and portugal, plus the 3 social class in each kingdom.

And the social class can be attack from almost anywhere on the map, at least one of the 6 you need. Therefore I think it is almost impossible to win with the objectif right now.

iancanton wrote:for the objective, is it an improvement to require the sovereign plus the 3 social classes of either spain or portugal, instead of both spain and portugal?

My original idea was to follow history and make both kingdoms into one major one. So thats why i though that unifying portugal and spain would be the "major" acomplishment"
But you guys are right. Maybe it will be nicer with Ians suggestion

Donelladan wrote:Concerning the bonus. Social class, hold 3 in a reign for +2. It means I need Bourgoisie + Clergy + Nobility to get a +2 ? 15 neutrals, breakable easily, to get a simple +2?
And taking Bourgeoisie, or clergy or nobility give me the ability to bombard regions, but bombarding those regions do not break any bonus so it is a almost useless bombarding ability.

iancanton wrote:the bombardments help to secure the objective.

Yes, the bombardments help to secure it. Would it be an inprovement if those social classes were a +1 autodeployement?

Donelladan wrote:I think you should give incentive to take the social classes, right now I'd only take them if I play escalating multiplayer game. Otherwise I have difficulty to see interest in taking those 5 neutrals, breaking no bonus, and being easily countered by any opponent.
Incentive could be +1/spanish noble for spanish nobility and the same for all the others, or an auto deploy.

iancanton wrote:i agree that the bonus for holding the social classes needs to be bigger. the example of +1 per spanish noble for spanish nobility might work well.

You guys mean, if i hold Nobility and 3 nobles i would get +3 bonus? Or Clergy and 2 priests i would get +2 bonus, right. That seems a nice idea.
What do u think of the +1 auto together with that kind of bonus, would it be too much?

Donelladan wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but Port, Noble, and Priest do not give any bonus?

iancanton wrote:i believe there is no bonus. ports, nobles and priests are starting locations and provide a way to move around the board.

Yes, no bonus, but that can change with your previous suggestion

Donelladan wrote:Noble and priest are connected through sea and land. Port only by sea. I see no advantage in taking a port.

iancanton wrote:perhaps we can let nobles and priests connect thru land borders only.

Agree here.Let the ports to the sea routes and priest / nobles to the land thing

Donelladan wrote:Spain and Portugal, can they attack anything on the map except the Pope? Seems not to me. So you have a +1 auto deploy that can only attack Pope and it cost you 10 neutral to go there. I will also never take the kingdoms.

iancanton wrote:the sovereigns can attack only the pope, but they can also bombard nobles within the same realm. their main use is probably to bombard nobles if someone else already occupies the nobility square. even +2 auto-deploy does not make the sovereigns very attractive.

bombard the social classes are the thing.With your previous suggestion that might give an extra importance to it. I can increase it to a +2 auto

iancanton wrote:the artwork appears, to my untrained eye, to be among the best that we've seen on cc so far.

Thenk you VM
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/09] [P5] [V8]

Postby Armandolas on Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:28 am

So after reading all the suggestions i decided to make a few changes.

What do you guys think of the boxes in Timor? Do they look better than the other ones?

-territory names for better readability
-Bonus in social classes( ex. nobility+1 noble = +1bonus)
-Sovereigns autodeploy to +2
-priests and nobles can now only attack adjacent by land
-To achieve winning condition, its now only need to hold 1 sovereign and its social classes instead of both sovereigns and all its classes
-No spanish route goes through Cabo Verde and connects directly to Rio de la Plata
-Top center box is now bigger to acomodate Portugal/Pope/Spain text

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/09] [P5] [V8]

Postby Oneyed on Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:59 am

this is realy nice map. for me a litle lot off resources and so on.

I think Timors boxes fit better with ornamentation of large boxes for legends..
why you have arrows (as one way) in Social Classes? I think that you need hold pair for bonus, so + or just line would be better.
the shadows of legend boxes are too outstanding. make them smaller or less Offset distance.
why you do not use interval in region names? they will be better readable, I think.
maybe I missed something but why South America has white borders and coast? and Angola, Mozambique not?
Argetina looks as there is Bevel and Emboss used, I can not see it anywhere else.
the lines of compass could go over all map (or just seas).

will look at gameplay later.

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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/09] [P5] [V8]

Postby Armandolas on Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:12 pm

Oneyed wrote:this is realy nice map. for me a litle lot off resources and so on.

I think Timors boxes fit better with ornamentation of large boxes for legends..
why you have arrows (as one way) in Social Classes? I think that you need hold pair for bonus, so + or just line would be better. cant remember why. But u are right
the shadows of legend boxes are too outstanding. make them smaller or less Offset distance. ill try to play with it a bit
why you do not use interval in region names? they will be better readable, I think. Ill try that too, cant remember why i didnt earlier :)
maybe I missed something but why South America has white borders and coast? and Angola, Mozambique not? Im missing that too. Probably ive deleted it from africa or so
Argetina looks as there is Bevel and Emboss used, I can not see it anywhere else. yeah. I screwd it in the beggining , now i cant fix it, only do it again..i might do that later on
the lines of compass could go over all map (or just seas). Ive tried that on an early stage and didnt like much of the result

will look at gameplay later.


thanks for your opinion and suggestions
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Re: Age of Discoveries [14/03] [P7] [V7.1]

Postby Oneyed on Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:51 pm

Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:the spanish galleons did not sail directly from peru to filipinas. this is by far the longest sea journey and ought to be more difficult than an attack between adjacent land regions. can u delete that sea route and add one from peru to a second nueva espana port, one from nueva espana to guam (a new colony) and one from guam to filipinas?

Yes. The routes are just simplified to reach the "main " portuguese and spanish colonies". Im having space limitations, so i cant really fit in more territs.Also since priests and nobles can reach nueva espana by land, then i didnt feel that i should extend that sea route from peru to nueva espana

agreed with ian here. there is space in Mexico to do small colony as Cuba (with only four boxes).
Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:where is the tordesillas line? i suggest displaying it as the impassable amazon forest (lots of tree symbols), to block the path between brasil and both nueva granada and peru.

Even with tordesillas meridian line and later on with the antimeridian line created by the treaty of Zaragoza(wich changed the positioning of the "tordesillas line" and created another "line" near the philipines) the disputes over territories never really endeed between portugal and spain.

in South America could be any impassables, it is much open as the rest regions.
Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:the shape of australia at the time was unknown. perhaps replace it with a larger, imaginary terra australis, further to the south, to give more space for the timor troop boxes?

I undestand what u mean. Even though Australia lands were discovered in 1528, its shape was not known . The problem is. If i would try to do what you suggest i would be in trouble since i dont have technical and artistic skill to make it look nice

I think this is not hard. if you decide that you will do it just something like this could works

look how people "knew" Australia:
Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:ia further idea is to add spain and portugal as playable geographical areas, with ports, priests and nobles. it looks odd if only the spanish and portuguese crowns are playable, but the countries are not playable.

A good idea, but im struggling with space limitations. Maybe after this one i will create a map only for that, where all those politics and diplomatic bullshit could be better detailed

you have space there. Portugal between North America-Britain, Spain in the Europe. I think this could do map 50% better :)

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Re: Age of Discoveries [14/03] [P7] [V7.1]

Postby Armandolas on Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:20 pm

Oneyed wrote:
Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:the spanish galleons did not sail directly from peru to filipinas. this is by far the longest sea journey and ought to be more difficult than an attack between adjacent land regions. can u delete that sea route and add one from peru to a second nueva espana port, one from nueva espana to guam (a new colony) and one from guam to filipinas?

Yes. The routes are just simplified to reach the "main " portuguese and spanish colonies". Im having space limitations, so i cant really fit in more territs.Also since priests and nobles can reach nueva espana by land, then i didnt feel that i should extend that sea route from peru to nueva espana

agreed with ian here. there is space in Mexico to do small colony as Cuba (with only four boxes).

Allright then. Though, that colony was not relevant enough to fit here. Then i would have to create another Portuguese colony.
Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:where is the tordesillas line? i suggest displaying it as the impassable amazon forest (lots of tree symbols), to block the path between brasil and both nueva granada and peru.

Even with tordesillas meridian line and later on with the antimeridian line created by the treaty of Zaragoza(wich changed the positioning of the "tordesillas line" and created another "line" near the philipines) the disputes over territories never really endeed between portugal and spain.

in South America could be any impassables, it is much open as the rest regions.

We are talking about decades of exploration here. There were not really any impassbles for both of the countries :)
Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:the shape of australia at the time was unknown. perhaps replace it with a larger, imaginary terra australis, further to the south, to give more space for the timor troop boxes?

I undestand what u mean. Even though Australia lands were discovered in 1528, its shape was not known . The problem is. If i would try to do what you suggest i would be in trouble since i dont have technical and artistic skill to make it look nice

I think this is not hard. if you decide that you will do it just something like this could works

I might do that..with time

look how people "knew" Australia:
Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:ia further idea is to add spain and portugal as playable geographical areas, with ports, priests and nobles. it looks odd if only the spanish and portuguese crowns are playable, but the countries are not playable.

A good idea, but im struggling with space limitations. Maybe after this one i will create a map only for that, where all those politics and diplomatic bullshit could be better detailed

you have space there. Portugal between North America-Britain, Spain in the Europe. I think this could do map 50% better :)

In the colonies the classes are represented by the the nobles priests and ports wich are the social classes in the nation. There u have the nobility(for the nobles) Clergy(wich tuled the priests) and Bourgoisie(who owned the ships). Above that you have the crowns. Above that u have the pope. The only thing i considered was a port, but since the crown allready connects to the route(and its 1st port) then i didnt think it was necessary

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Re: Age of Discoveries [14/03] [P7] [V7.1]

Postby iancanton on Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:11 pm

Armandolas wrote:
Oneyed wrote:
Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:the spanish galleons did not sail directly from peru to filipinas. this is by far the longest sea journey and ought to be more difficult than an attack between adjacent land regions. can u delete that sea route and add one from peru to a second nueva espana port, one from nueva espana to guam (a new colony) and one from guam to filipinas?

Yes. The routes are just simplified to reach the "main " portuguese and spanish colonies". Im having space limitations, so i cant really fit in more territs.Also since priests and nobles can reach nueva espana by land, then i didnt feel that i should extend that sea route from peru to nueva espana

agreed with ian here. there is space in Mexico to do small colony as Cuba (with only four boxes).

Allright then. Though, that colony was not relevant enough to fit here. Then i would have to create another Portuguese colony.

ships really did stop in guam. two boxes, including a port, is enough for a small colony there. u can make space by moving the legend boxes slightly to the east and cutting off the extreme left of the map, while adding an equal area to the extreme right. for equal chances, the number of colonies does not need to be equal, so u do not have to create another portuguese colony. however, if u do want one, then ceilĆ£o or malacca are possible candidates. in nueva espana, only one extra port box is needed, to give one atlantic port and one pacific port. a possible alternative to adding guam is to have the sea route from nueva espana to filipinas pass through a pacific storm killer neutral.

certainly remove the sea route from peru to filipinas. if u believe that a new sea route from peru to nueva espana is pointless, then it is fine to have the peru port connected only to the chile port.

Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:where is the tordesillas line? i suggest displaying it as the impassable amazon forest (lots of tree symbols), to block the path between brasil and both nueva granada and peru.

Even with tordesillas meridian line and later on with the antimeridian line created by the treaty of Zaragoza(wich changed the positioning of the "tordesillas line" and created another "line" near the philipines) the disputes over territories never really endeed between portugal and spain.
Oneyed wrote:in South America could be any impassables, it is much open as the rest regions.

We are talking about decades of exploration here. There were not really any impassbles for both of the countries :)

the amazon forest was effectively impassable for nearly all europeans, except explorers! the spanish and portuguese in south america did not constantly fight or trade with each other, except for the area close to the river plate. u do not need the real tordesillas line in the middle of south america, just a lot of impassable trees to separate peru and ecuador from brazil. brazil ought to be a narrow strip of green along the east coast, not a solid green block that dominates south america, since the interior was unsettled and, under the treaty of tordesillas, certainly not portuguese. ships were the only practical way for brazil to contact peru.

Armandolas wrote:
iancanton wrote:a further idea is to add spain and portugal as playable geographical areas, with ports, priests and nobles. it looks odd if only the spanish and portuguese crowns are playable, but the countries are not playable.

A good idea, but im struggling with space limitations. Maybe after this one i will create a map only for that, where all those politics and diplomatic bullshit could be better detailed
Oneyed wrote:you have space there. Portugal between North America-Britain, Spain in the Europe. I think this could do map 50% better :)

In the colonies the classes are represented by the the nobles priests and ports wich are the social classes in the nation. There u have the nobility(for the nobles) Clergy(wich tuled the priests) and Bourgoisie(who owned the ships). Above that you have the crowns. Above that u have the pope. The only thing i considered was a port, but since the crown allready connects to the route(and its 1st port) then i didnt think it was necessary

if spain and portugal are not playable, then the sea routes that go there need to disappear, to avoid having some sea routes that have a gameplay meaning (for example cabo verde to angola) and others that look identical but have no gameplay meaning (for example cabo verde to portugal).

ian. :)
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/09] [P5] [V8]

Postby Armandolas on Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:25 am

That route is the route of Magalhaes who was the first person doing the "around the world thing"He was Portuguese but did it representing the Spanish crown.(then a panish guy finish that later on from filipinas)
I dont want to add anymore colonies. I know i can still fit a lot, but i clean maps. The map might allready sound "difficult" to people and i dont want to add any more visual complexity. I dont think an extra colony will add anything extra concerning gameplay.


It does not make sense to me blocking brasil from other colonies with impassibles. I want them to be all connected by the priests and by the nobles. I want to have that mobility.
I agree that point, historically it makes sense, but i cant fit in every detail(neither i want to)
I want a map that looks nice, that have a good historical view and have good playability. Thats what i want to reach. Not a perfect history lesson(if that exists)
Same with the pacific port for nueva espana, that makes sense as well, but unless im missing something, ships didnt reach that area. They went straight for indias.
So in a piece you want history to be accurate, in another piece you want to "adapt" history a bit to improve gameplay.

I like your option n2 :)

So thats why i dont think adding guam or impassables will add anything new to the gameplay(unless of course u explain me better what can it improve) but a pacific port in nueva espana might add some flow to the map

Another thing. Portugal and Spain are playable. They just dont have the same icons of the colonies. Instead of having a priest they have Clergy, and so on. You can find that in top center of the map.The crown is the beggining of the route since it funds the expeditions, so if u hold portuguse crown it connects to cabo verde and spanish crown connects to cuba and riodelaplata, but only one way

Once again. Thanks for your input. It means a lot to me. Ive liked your previous suggestions concerning game play, just not those last ones..hahah
(did u notice that i change a few things that u and donelladan suggested before?)
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/09] [P5] [V8]

Postby Armandolas on Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:20 am

Here is my latest version with some of the purposed gameplay and graphic changes.
How can i have the graphics stamp?Do you think this high quality enough?
How about gameplay. Is it ready for beta that stamp as well?
How about the XML, Doc_brown had a previous version and he will be working on this last updates to change it. Does he need the small version as well?
I would like to request permission to have a bigger smaller version. Im struggling to fit things and make them readable. How far can i go?

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby RjBeals on Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:48 pm

what a sweet map - great visual style.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:59 am

It's definitely pretty, but I wouldn't quite say it's there yet. Then again, I wouldn't have allowed half the maps we have to be quenched with how they look.

For me there is too much blank space. Could you maybe add something in with a low opacity, or increase the territory sizes?

Also, make the strokes on the region names thinner.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby Armandolas on Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:08 am

RjBeals wrote:what a sweet map - great visual style.

Thank you ;)

iAmCaffeine wrote:It's definitely pretty, but I wouldn't quite say it's there yet. Then again, I wouldn't have allowed half the maps we have to be quenched with how they look.

For me there is too much blank space. Could you maybe add something in with a low opacity, or increase the territory sizes?

Also, make the strokes on the region names thinner.

That blank space ,your major concern is within the Indian Ocean area only?

About the strokes. Ive had them thinner, but some people found them hard to read. In the Op you can find some previous versions. Check it out and tell me how you feel about those strokes

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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:50 am

Armandolas wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:It's definitely pretty, but I wouldn't quite say it's there yet. Then again, I wouldn't have allowed half the maps we have to be quenched with how they look.

For me there is too much blank space. Could you maybe add something in with a low opacity, or increase the territory sizes?

Also, make the strokes on the region names thinner.

That blank space ,your major concern is within the Indian Ocean area only?

About the strokes. Ive had them thinner, but some people found them hard to read. In the Op you can find some previous versions. Check it out and tell me how you feel about those strokes


Mostly the Indian Ocean but there are other areas as well. Maybe just add something to the texture? Also, I think the background images on the land sections could have a greater opacity. I've only just noticed them for the first time.

With the strokes, did you only change the weight and not the colour? A balance can always be found, but right now they're definitely too thick. I did look at older versions and they were hard to read. Just try messing about with them.

Finally, I'm finding it hard to understand which regions are adjacent to each other, but maybe that's because I'm tired.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby Armandolas on Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:24 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Mostly the Indian Ocean but there are other areas as well. Maybe just add something to the texture? Also, I think the background images on the land sections could have a greater opacity. I've only just noticed them for the first time.
Ill remove a little opacity to see how it works.
And ill think about what to do in that area. Im also thinking on adding another board there, so i dont have the info so packed, or to add any new relevant info)

With the strokes, did you only change the weight and not the colour? A balance can always be found, but right now they're definitely too thick. I did look at older versions and they were hard to read. Just try messing about with them.
Ill add that to my to-do list. Im pretty sure i can make it somehow thinned and readable

Finally, I'm finding it hard to understand which regions are adjacent to each other, but maybe that's because I'm tired.
Ports are adjecent when imediatly connected by a sea route.(Mocambique connects to Goa, or Rio de laplata connects to Chile)
In the land, borders are pretty much like they are drawn. Brasil connects to riodelaplata,peru,venezuela and nueva granada. Chile connects to rio dela plata. nueva espana connects to nueva granada)
By land you can connect bordered priests or nobles
Then Portugal connects to Cabo verde and Spain connects to cuba and rio de la plata(because the sea routes starts on the sovereign)

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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:15 am

Okay, sounds good. I'll see what you come up with:)
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby Armandolas on Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:25 am

-Backgrounds and compass: reduced opacity
-Territoty names:increased size,reduced stroke size,darkened stroke font(Mocambique,cabo verde, Portugal,Pope,Spain)
-Added ports to Portugal and Spain
-Added bombardment capacity to Portugal and Spain
-Changed attacking condition on the Pope

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:31 am

Cool, I like it all apart from the strokes and region names. It's a lot less consistent now. You should keep the same stroke thickness for all of them because the thin ones are too hard to read now. You could always try using a shadow rather than a stroke.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby Armandolas on Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:51 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:Cool, I like it all apart from the strokes and region names. It's a lot less consistent now. You should keep the same stroke thickness for all of them because the thin ones are too hard to read now. You could always try using a shadow rather than a stroke.

Ive just changed a few so u could see the differences between the strokes
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:11 am

Armandolas wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Cool, I like it all apart from the strokes and region names. It's a lot less consistent now. You should keep the same stroke thickness for all of them because the thin ones are too hard to read now. You could always try using a shadow rather than a stroke.

Ive just changed a few so u could see the differences between the strokes

Right now the thicker ones are better, but I still think they can be improved.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby macken on Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:25 am

Edit. repeat post. Delete please.
Last edited by macken on Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

Postby macken on Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:25 am

Good idea Armandolas.
I just saw this post and I have not read all the comments and game features, I will do, sure

Apart from the features of the game, it is important concordance with history.
The history surrounding the Treaty of Tordesillas is extending, its history antecedents and what happened after transcends a game map, but I would add one thing.

The treaty was based on the establishment of a line, a meridian, which divided into two zones, one for Spain and one for Portugal. That line was pierced by Portugal into the continent and by Spain in the Philippines. Many reasons for this, but it's not important now, is history.
I think adding the line gives the map of historical detail that should not be overlooked.

Original line - meridian, who was pierced, but reflect on the map is a historic detail.

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