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PYP~Mafia [05/21] end game

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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:53 pm

idgaf for this game anymore, the people accusing me of scum are fucking retarded. The reasons they are giving point to me being more town then scum. Someone logically present a case where what I have done BENEFITS ME AS MAFIA Id like to hear it. Me calling out both names instead of one or none, how does that benefit me as mafia? IT doesnt, I just tell my teammates who i lovered and then we discuss what we want to do.

THATS LOGICAL. You can say the things Ive done have been stupid, dumb, illogical, but none of the things ive done lead to me being mafia.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby StorrZerg on Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:54 pm

Day post was missing something

magnifying glass has been invented

Also mtamb has been warned
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:06 am

Kill didnt strike wolf take your role anyway? So your a useless VT now?

You would definitely die in the night your right........ They are hunting for VT's now thats what mafia wants to do kill all the non roles.

Stop being fucking dense and open up your brain to LOGIC.

As mafia I know that hotshot is VT if and only if DJ is NRA. What benefits me more, lynching VT or lynching the NRA day 1? Lynching the NRA day 1 and pocketing hotshot and making him my buddy.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Streaker on Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:40 am

@Mtam, you are still talking shit.

This whole discussion is based on 1 thing: You saying you took cupid from the nr2 draft to 'help' town, Because you rely on your 'superb' reading skills.
How long have you been playing this game? You should know that cupid has to pick BEFORE the game even begins. I doubt that you can read scum on Day 0.

This leads me to conclude either of 2 things:
-You are mafia and picked cupid to have a double kill at night
-You are mafia (little chance here you are town) and are trying to protect a much stronger role. Which makes no sense because your 2 picks just confirmed.

I still want to go for NRA, but we isolated him so he is not as big of a threat as he could be.

@Charm, you need to come clean ASAP. Did you use a power that grants us a double lynch today, or not?
It seems 50/50 players think we have a double lynch, this needs to be confirmed by YOU. I doubt it though, if I got my read right on you.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:14 am

Streaker wrote:@Mtam, you are still talking shit.

This whole discussion is based on 1 thing: You saying you took cupid from the nr2 draft to 'help' town, Because you rely on your 'superb' reading skills.
How long have you been playing this game? You should know that cupid has to pick BEFORE the game even begins. I doubt that you can read scum on Day 0.

This leads me to conclude either of 2 things:
-You are mafia and picked cupid to have a double kill at night
-You are mafia (little chance here you are town) and are trying to protect a much stronger role. Which makes no sense because your 2 picks just confirmed.

I still want to go for NRA, but we isolated him so he is not as big of a threat as he could be.

@Charm, you need to come clean ASAP. Did you use a power that grants us a double lynch today, or not?
It seems 50/50 players think we have a double lynch, this needs to be confirmed by YOU. I doubt it though, if I got my read right on you.

the games ive played with cupid they can shoot anytime, ive vocalized this already.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby jonty125 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:22 am

Firstly, charm asks for this double lynch, which I took as charm been charm, but it appears that has caused some confusion, but charm claims not to be vote rigger. I don't think there will be a double lynch today as for one it would of been an incredibly scummy play in the open and two I'm going to take charm's word for now, but I suppose we'll really know when the day ends.

DJ finally showed up, as expected he says he's NRA, no point denying it from here. Does that make him scum ... no; can we take the risk ... probably not.

I don't know what Ultra has been reading but it hasn't been this thread,
UltrasPlot wrote:mtamburini, I know how to play. You fakeclaimed, case-in-point. Also if anyone has a day action (NOT A NIGHT ACTION) and wants protection, say so.

this is either a hideous softclaim or some scummy rolefishing. And IMO directing night actions, is also on the scummy side.FOS Ultra

mtamburini wrote:
Killuminati19 wrote:Mtam mentioned hitting someone with a baseball bat. Let me tell you who oughta be hit with a baseball bat. Any moron townie who takes a stupid role like cupid with the second pick. Then this moron gives up a two for one townie kill shot for all the mafia to see with no real heat on him and plenty of time left in day 2. Then the moron comes up with the piss poor excuse of "I had to out them to save myself. This moron also claims to be a great scum hunter but makes no effort to do so. This is a moron who should be hit with a baseball bat. If this moron is mafia, however, you just lynch him.
Mtam, I don't doubt that you are selfish enough to sacrifice two townies for yourself, but I don't buy for a second that you misinterpreted your role. I'm moving my vote off of dj and onto mtam.

Fp'd by moron

The fact that you claim to know Whatsasuage is TOWN is actually extremely disconcerning and im starting to think you could be mafia.

+1, this reminds of this comment I made N1,

jonty wrote:
Killuminati19 wrote:4 of us had it right yesterday. Of course pancake accused us of coordinating. I don't see where there is much of a debate left on this topic.

FOS Killuminati This could be a Freudian slip. How do you know you are "right"? What even is right? DJ is scum? DJ is NRA? You would only know if you're right if had more information than that was presented in the thread, and to the best of my imagination, only scum would have that information ...

For all the bashing mtam is getting for his choices I think he might have got at least one right (killuminati)

mtam wrote:You would definitely die in the night your right........ They are hunting for VT's now thats what mafia wants to do kill all the non roles.

Can I ask how you 2 questions 1. How do you know this based off one kill? and 2. Why would mafia go specifically VT hunting?

So I did a count of the votes and the only 2 candidates or DJ and mtam so if charm was been serious when she said double lynch they're both going down. vote DJ because we can't take the risk that he could be scum NRA.
War doesn't determine who's right; it determines who's left.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:43 am

jonty125 wrote:Firstly, charm asks for this double lynch, which I took as charm been charm, but it appears that has caused some confusion, but charm claims not to be vote rigger. I don't think there will be a double lynch today as for one it would of been an incredibly scummy play in the open and two I'm going to take charm's word for now, but I suppose we'll really know when the day ends.

DJ finally showed up, as expected he says he's NRA, no point denying it from here. Does that make him scum ... no; can we take the risk ... probably not.

I don't know what Ultra has been reading but it hasn't been this thread,
UltrasPlot wrote:mtamburini, I know how to play. You fakeclaimed, case-in-point. Also if anyone has a day action (NOT A NIGHT ACTION) and wants protection, say so.

this is either a hideous softclaim or some scummy rolefishing. And IMO directing night actions, is also on the scummy side.FOS Ultra

mtamburini wrote:
Killuminati19 wrote:Mtam mentioned hitting someone with a baseball bat. Let me tell you who oughta be hit with a baseball bat. Any moron townie who takes a stupid role like cupid with the second pick. Then this moron gives up a two for one townie kill shot for all the mafia to see with no real heat on him and plenty of time left in day 2. Then the moron comes up with the piss poor excuse of "I had to out them to save myself. This moron also claims to be a great scum hunter but makes no effort to do so. This is a moron who should be hit with a baseball bat. If this moron is mafia, however, you just lynch him.
Mtam, I don't doubt that you are selfish enough to sacrifice two townies for yourself, but I don't buy for a second that you misinterpreted your role. I'm moving my vote off of dj and onto mtam.

Fp'd by moron

The fact that you claim to know Whatsasuage is TOWN is actually extremely disconcerning and im starting to think you could be mafia.

+1, this reminds of this comment I made N1,

jonty wrote:
Killuminati19 wrote:4 of us had it right yesterday. Of course pancake accused us of coordinating. I don't see where there is much of a debate left on this topic.

FOS Killuminati This could be a Freudian slip. How do you know you are "right"? What even is right? DJ is scum? DJ is NRA? You would only know if you're right if had more information than that was presented in the thread, and to the best of my imagination, only scum would have that information ...

For all the bashing mtam is getting for his choices I think he might have got at least one right (killuminati)

mtam wrote:You would definitely die in the night your right........ They are hunting for VT's now thats what mafia wants to do kill all the non roles.

Can I ask how you 2 questions 1. How do you know this based off one kill? and 2. Why would mafia go specifically VT hunting?

So I did a count of the votes and the only 2 candidates or DJ and mtam so if charm was been serious when she said double lynch they're both going down. vote DJ because we can't take the risk that he could be scum NRA.

1) It wasnt on Night kill, Im presuming the world where im mafia and got htoshot the VT lynched, then he says now me and sausage are going to die but HES a vt now cuz his role was taken by strikewolf

2) They never would do that which is the point im making that if im mafia and want to lynch hotshot, then kill the 2 people who are lovers to only get potentially one roll is god awful logic.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby virus90 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:27 am

i think the only viable (double) lynch is mtam and DJ. we have no more "primary suspects" at the moment and might be (to) late to find any.
also this would mean that we dont have the NRA anymore, which is positive since else it will influence the talk of the town once again day 3. wouldnt surprise me if he was actually honestly picking it to keep it away from mafia, but then again why not claim day 1.
and mtam, well... the whole cupid story has some holes. might be unfortunate but its to sketchy to let it slip. also his language alone is basicly enough reason to vote him. i sometimes get frustrated aswell, it sucks when you feel like your in a hopeless position and you cant help it. but this is not the way to deal with it i think.
so i will add my vote to any of these 2 (depending on the score at the moment)
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Streaker on Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:11 am

virus90 wrote:i think the only viable (double) lynch is mtam and DJ. we have no more "primary suspects" at the moment and might be (to) late to find any.
also this would mean that we dont have the NRA anymore, which is positive since else it will influence the talk of the town once again day 3. wouldnt surprise me if he was actually honestly picking it to keep it away from mafia, but then again why not claim day 1.
and mtam, well... the whole cupid story has some holes. might be unfortunate but its to sketchy to let it slip. also his language alone is basicly enough reason to vote him. i sometimes get frustrated aswell, it sucks when you feel like your in a hopeless position and you cant help it. but this is not the way to deal with it i think.
so i will add my vote to any of these 2 (depending on the score at the moment)

You'll need to pick, not choose either one. Only 1 lynch will happen as it is now.
I'm sure Charm will confirm this.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Metsfanmax on Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:58 am

mtamburini wrote:I would not have picked cupid knowing I had to give 2 names immediately cause that is just stupid

You did give two names immediately. You have already admitted as much. Therefore, you knew that this was a requirement at the beginning of the game. So, basically, you are lying.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Killuminati19 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:00 am

Yeah, it's looking like one lynch. I'm keeping my vote on mtam. As someone said, we have Dj isolated and no townie should visit him at night. Mtam, you sound stupid. You knew full well what your role was and how it is used. You have also yet to give one logical reason why you would out a two for one kill for all the mafia to see WITH NO REAL HEAT ON YOU. I cannot stress that enough, you had no real threat of being lynched at that time and you offered me and whatsausage up anyway. On top of that, this "expert" scum hunter has made no attempt to do anything of the sort.

Jonty, you're not sounding so good right now either.

Fp'd by Metsfanmax - good point. Any confusion could have been cleared up with a conversation with Storr.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:13 am

Metsfanmax wrote:
mtamburini wrote:I would not have picked cupid knowing I had to give 2 names immediately cause that is just stupid

You did give two names immediately. You have already admitted as much. Therefore, you knew that this was a requirement at the beginning of the game. So, basically, you are lying.

Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby charm on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:24 am

I was only joking - but we might have been able to sneak it past the mod if some of you hadn't insisted onme fessing up!

Yes, I was just being CHARMing!
Yes, I was joking!
We only have one vote - I don't have a role that gives me double lynch power!

I'm keeping my vote on DJ for today!! By the way, MTam is a very good player, he is not a moron, he likes to use nasty words and try to intimidate. I'm pretty sure he is mafia and I look for us to Day 3 lynch him or maybe someone can save us the trouble and kill him tonight! If I knew him in real life I would give him a big bear hug and eskimo kiss!

@King Zerg-ee Baby - Does MTam need to get laid?
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:28 am

Metsfanmax wrote:
mtamburini wrote:I would not have picked cupid knowing I had to give 2 names immediately cause that is just stupid

You did give two names immediately. You have already admitted as much. Therefore, you knew that this was a requirement at the beginning of the game. So, basically, you are lying.

I didnt give it immediatley so your an idiot, if you look at when i said i talked to storr you can see that it does not match the same day i sent in role.

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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:30 am

Storr already confirmed there was an oversight with the fucking role so you saying i knew what the f*ck i was doing is bs so f*ck off
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:32 am

Killuminati19 wrote:Yeah, it's looking like one lynch. I'm keeping my vote on mtam. As someone said, we have Dj isolated and no townie should visit him at night. Mtam, you sound stupid. You knew full well what your role was and how it is used. You have also yet to give one logical reason why you would out a two for one kill for all the mafia to see WITH NO REAL HEAT ON YOU. I cannot stress that enough, you had no real threat of being lynched at that time and you offered me and whatsausage up anyway. On top of that, this "expert" scum hunter has made no attempt to do anything of the sort.

Jonty, you're not sounding so good right now either.

Fp'd by Metsfanmax - good point. Any confusion could have been cleared up with a conversation with Storr.

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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:32 am

StorrZerg wrote:any role or roles that required immediate action by player upon receiving their role could have been delayed due to over sight by mod.

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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Killuminati19 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:46 am

As if that would clear you anyway. Quit pissing around mtam. If you were town, you've played the dumbest town game I've ever seen.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:48 am

Day 2 Vote count

Djfireside (8): Killuminati19, UltrasPlot, streaker, Zivel, strike wolf, mtamburini, jwiedlin, charm, legionnare, jonty125
mtamburini(6): strike wolf, UltrasPlot, dd515087, Killuminati19, Metsfanmax, grt, virus90

Those not voting (5)
aage, Djfireside, crasp, Whatsausage, TheForgivenOne,

Day ends in roughly 6 hours. 17:00 cc time today
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Killuminati19 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:51 am

Those with a vote on DJ might want to reconsider

1. Not much difference in killing him today vs tomorrow
2. He has not voted and has low activity. Possible mod kill.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby mtamburini on Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:07 am

Killuminati19 wrote:As if that would clear you anyway. Quit pissing around mtam. If you were town, you've played the dumbest town game I've ever seen.

Ive proved my role and the fact that neither the mod or myself understood the role mechanics so where have I lied kill? WHERE HAVE I LIED?
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Killuminati19 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:12 am

mtamburini wrote:
Killuminati19 wrote:As if that would clear you anyway. Quit pissing around mtam. If you were town, you've played the dumbest town game I've ever seen.

Ive proved my role and the fact that neither the mod or myself understood the role mechanics so where have I lied kill? WHERE HAVE I LIED?

1. Your justification for picking the stupid role
2. On why you gave up me and sausage
3. On why you pushed for a hotshot lynch
4. That you are a great scum hunter (ha ha)

And then there was the matter of me telling you that I thought whatsausage was scum and you didn't make a peep until you threw a hail marry trying to paint me as scum.
Come on mtam, if you were in our shoes, what would you do? If someone who claims to be town played this poorly, what would you think?
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Streaker on Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:16 am

Killuminati19 wrote:Those with a vote on DJ might want to reconsider

1. Not much difference in killing him today vs tomorrow
2. He has not voted and has low activity. Possible mod kill.

Trust me, I'm having a very hard choice between the 2 of them. But my whole point of lynching HS was to take out NRA next. Besides, they are both scummy at this point and lynching NRA (positive result that we will know about) might give town roles some more room to manouver.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Killuminati19 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:29 am

Streaker wrote:
Killuminati19 wrote:Those with a vote on DJ might want to reconsider

1. Not much difference in killing him today vs tomorrow
2. He has not voted and has low activity. Possible mod kill.

Trust me, I'm having a very hard choice between the 2 of them. But my whole point of lynching HS was to take out NRA next. Besides, they are both scummy at this point and lynching NRA (positive result that we will know about) might give town roles some more room to manouver.

That's sound logic. I just think we have a very high certainty that Dj is the NRA and he is harmless in that role as long as no one visits him. Also, with his participation being what it is, he's not as likely to contribute to mafia discussion at night. I think we have some mafia votes on Dj right now. I'm confident you are not one of them.

Mtam doesn't need more time to weasel his way out of a lynch. He's not really defending himself. When he's asked why he gave everyone me and whatsausage, he doesn't really have anything to say other than "that makes me town". No it doesn't.
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Re: PYP~Mafia [19/21] Day 2 ends 10/14 17:00 cc

Postby Streaker on Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:41 am

I agree Kill, but if you read between the lines of the last few pages, maybe we don't NEED to lynch Mtam. We lynch the NRA (town plan from start of game), and we let 'other' roles take care of Mtam.
That's what I read in the last few pages.

I shall stand by my D1 decisions, and we will see tomorrow. We don't want Storr to modkill DJ, there might be enough players he'll modkill or replace as it is.
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