It has been an absolute honor and pleasure being a CD on this site since jpcloet picked me to assist him with the wild, wild world of clans in January 2011. Over the past three and one-half years we have seen some incredible changes to clans, almost all for the good. Over the past few months I have noticed a degradation not only in the treatment of clans (see removal of usergroups, change in medal structure, etc.) but the degradation of the site as a whole towards those of us that have been loyal members for years.
My frustration with the site has been extremely difficult to mask (those of you that have dealt with me in any capacity over the past 3.5 years know that I have no filter). This leads me to the pm I received today from Admin:
blakebowling wrote:Due to numerous violations of the Volunteer Agreement over the past few months, primarily regarding your belligerence and insulting behavior towards members of the community, you have been removed from TeamCC and the Clan Directors. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I've spoken with you several times regarding your inappropriate behavior and yet it continued for months.
My only disappointment here is that I received absolutely no warnings from Admin…although I doubt I would have stopped criticizing their dumb policies if they had!
Anyways, I just wanted you all to know that I did not resign on my own, and that I did not abandon you. The CD Team will do great and I will continue to assist them as they move forward. I doubt leehar had any say in the decision. My plan will be to continue CCup4 & 5 until (if) Admin decides I need to be removed (you know, for sowing the discontent)

My only worry is the black mark on my resume that will show being fired from a volunteer position on a website where adults roll imaginary “attacker cubes”…and take it seriously!
With great cheers, humility, and sadness,