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CD Team Change

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CD Team Change

Postby chemefreak on Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:46 pm


It has been an absolute honor and pleasure being a CD on this site since jpcloet picked me to assist him with the wild, wild world of clans in January 2011. Over the past three and one-half years we have seen some incredible changes to clans, almost all for the good. Over the past few months I have noticed a degradation not only in the treatment of clans (see removal of usergroups, change in medal structure, etc.) but the degradation of the site as a whole towards those of us that have been loyal members for years.

My frustration with the site has been extremely difficult to mask (those of you that have dealt with me in any capacity over the past 3.5 years know that I have no filter). This leads me to the pm I received today from Admin:

blakebowling wrote:Due to numerous violations of the Volunteer Agreement over the past few months, primarily regarding your belligerence and insulting behavior towards members of the community, you have been removed from TeamCC and the Clan Directors. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I've spoken with you several times regarding your inappropriate behavior and yet it continued for months.


My only disappointment here is that I received absolutely no warnings from Admin…although I doubt I would have stopped criticizing their dumb policies if they had!

Anyways, I just wanted you all to know that I did not resign on my own, and that I did not abandon you. The CD Team will do great and I will continue to assist them as they move forward. I doubt leehar had any say in the decision. My plan will be to continue CCup4 & 5 until (if) Admin decides I need to be removed (you know, for sowing the discontent) ;) I will also make sure to help get the medal backlog for events caught up.

My only worry is the black mark on my resume that will show being fired from a volunteer position on a website where adults roll imaginary “attacker cubes”…and take it seriously!

With great cheers, humility, and sadness,

:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby blakebowling on Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:11 pm

chemefreak wrote:
blakebowling wrote:Due to numerous violations of the Volunteer Agreement over the past few months, primarily regarding your belligerence and insulting behavior towards members of the community, you have been removed from TeamCC and the Clan Directors. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I've spoken with you several times regarding your inappropriate behavior and yet it continued for months.


Go f*ck yourself.

Glad we could be mature about the whole thing.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby chemefreak on Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:32 pm

blakebowling wrote:
chemefreak wrote:
blakebowling wrote:Due to numerous violations of the Volunteer Agreement over the past few months, primarily regarding your belligerence and insulting behavior towards members of the community, you have been removed from TeamCC and the Clan Directors. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I've spoken with you several times regarding your inappropriate behavior and yet it continued for months.


Go f*ck yourself.

Glad we could be mature about the whole thing.

For once, I appreciate the honesty from you.
:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Bruceswar on Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:53 pm

One of the best mods ever.... Lost due to disagreements. Shame... :(
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby angola on Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:06 pm

Well, this sucks. You've done a tremendous job taking the clan area to the next level. Thanks for all your hard work. It is appreciated.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Lindax on Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:14 pm

Wasn't I the one who got you the job?

Anyway, it's a sad day for CC when hardworking mods get booted for petty things and other mods sit there being pretty with their colored name, doing next to nothing but still collecting their free Premium (btw: I paid for my own Premium, even though I'm a mod).

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Re: CD Team Change

Postby jltile1 on Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:35 pm

Seems the bully ways got put in check.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby j1mathman on Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:09 am

:( will miss you not being cd
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Masli on Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:50 am

Thanks chemefreak for all the time and effort you put in the team. Always loved working side by side with you =D> =D> =D>
Sad to see your time as a cd end like this... :(
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Razorvich on Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:08 am

Thank you Chem, for your time and effort in a most difficult department.

Authough I have not agreed with some of your comments and judgments in the past, the clan scene is where this site really heats up at times

Dealing with so many aggressive personalities is not easy, your contribution, unique style and devotion to the clan activities will be missed.

All the best for the future, hope to see you on the battlefield soon.

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Re: CD Team Change

Postby jetsetwilly on Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:43 am

Nick your passion for the job was special and I very much enjoyed working with you. Anyone who knew you well understood that any anger you showed came from a good place. You'll be missed.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Slaylark on Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:35 am

jetsetwilly wrote:Nick your passion for the job was special and I very much enjoyed working with you. Anyone who knew you well understood that any anger you showed came from a good place. You'll be missed.

great words, you have to know him before you judge him. he is great.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby laughingcavalier on Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:43 pm

The hard work you put in here is much appreciated - thanks.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Foxglove on Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:25 pm

Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into supporting and growing the clan scene.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Denise on Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:50 pm

Aw, I was just starting to like you. Thank you for everything you did for the game, Nick. :)
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby hyposquasher on Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:43 pm

Cheme, I didn't really know you or work with you but I appreciate all the hard work anyone on this site does as a volunteer. I love clan life on the site and I understand you had a lot to do with helping make it great. Therefore, thank you.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Agent 86 on Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:43 pm

Wow, just wow. Thanks Cheme for everything you did to make the clan scene so great. You will be sadly missed by many :cry:
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby JamesKer1 on Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:02 pm

Sad to see you go Cheme :( Wish I had the chance to know you better
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby WPBRJ on Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:06 pm

blakebowling wrote:
chemefreak wrote:
blakebowling wrote:Due to numerous violations of the Volunteer Agreement over the past few months, primarily regarding your belligerence and insulting behavior towards members of the community, you have been removed from TeamCC and the Clan Directors. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I've spoken with you several times regarding your inappropriate behavior and yet it continued for months.


Go f*ck yourself.

Glad we could be mature about the whole thing.

Well i thought the post was very mature!! With all respect the response from the owner on the other hand looked like it came from a 10 year old kid and that is a shame coming from the top guy. Chems response was in private and you decided to muddy this thread up and almost is on the border of breaking forum rules in baiting and flaming.

gl Chem thnx for all
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby friendly1 on Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:20 am

Ahhhh, very disappointed to hear this!

Thanks for everything you did for the site Cheme, and very sorry things ended as they have. Not a shining moment for any of the parties involved...

May the ripple effect be minimal.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby blakebowling on Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:39 pm

WPBRJ wrote:
blakebowling wrote:
chemefreak wrote:
blakebowling wrote:Due to numerous violations of the Volunteer Agreement over the past few months, primarily regarding your belligerence and insulting behavior towards members of the community, you have been removed from TeamCC and the Clan Directors. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I've spoken with you several times regarding your inappropriate behavior and yet it continued for months.


Go f*ck yourself.

Glad we could be mature about the whole thing.

Well i thought the post was very mature!! With all respect the response from the owner on the other hand looked like it came from a 10 year old kid and that is a shame coming from the top guy. Chems response was in private and you decided to muddy this thread up and almost is on the border of breaking forum rules in baiting and flaming.

gl Chem thnx for all

Do recall that he posted the PM I sent to him before I posted his reply.

Also, I'm not the owner.
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Agent 86 on Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:57 pm

blakebowling wrote:
WPBRJ wrote:
blakebowling wrote:
chemefreak wrote:
blakebowling wrote:Due to numerous violations of the Volunteer Agreement over the past few months, primarily regarding your belligerence and insulting behavior towards members of the community, you have been removed from TeamCC and the Clan Directors. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I've spoken with you several times regarding your inappropriate behavior and yet it continued for months.


Go f*ck yourself.

Glad we could be mature about the whole thing.

Well i thought the post was very mature!! With all respect the response from the owner on the other hand looked like it came from a 10 year old kid and that is a shame coming from the top guy. Chems response was in private and you decided to muddy this thread up and almost is on the border of breaking forum rules in baiting and flaming.

gl Chem thnx for all

Do recall that he posted the PM I sent to him before I posted his reply.

Also, I'm not the owner.

Seriously that's your reply, shit you're going to get a wake up call as the new administrator :lol:
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby Armandolas on Sun Aug 24, 2014 6:34 pm

Probably they will replace you with a Bot.
Thanks for the hard work
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby WPBRJ on Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:47 pm

blakebowling wrote:Do recall that he posted the PM I sent to him before I posted his reply.

Also, I'm not the owner.

I recall that he posted a letter stating you removed him from cd team. I also recall him writing a sincere letter to all he worked for with no ill will at all. He wasn’t bashing baiting or flaming a discussion from any one he was saying good-bye to his VOLENTEER job that he was removed from because you felt he was disrespectful. He was removed because he was passionate about how this site develops and you dint like some one saying that what your doing is wrong. You want people that kiss your ass and say what you want to hear. That’s why you felt the need to post a response that really had nothing to do with the post at hand.

Ya is chem always political correct well probably never, but bottom line he always has best interest of the clan seen and this site in his mind. Your petty effort to make your side of the street clean by post a response from a VOLENTEER of 3 and a half years tell you to f*ck off just shows you probably really dint have just cause to let him go. It does show that you probably just could not handle someone disagreeing with you and its just easer to let him go rather than maybe try and work with him.

Well you might not be owner but you should respect the VOLENTEER base because you keep throwing your weight around like a big shot it wont be long before you are standing by yourself doing it all just the way you want it. Armandolas said it best you can have a bunch of bots for your volunteer base then you get exactly what you want a team of yes men!

So as just a simple paying member of the community you can go f*ck your self!!!!

You going to fire me as well?
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Re: CD Team Change

Postby ViperOverLord on Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:03 pm

BB has always been fair to my mind; so, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. CF may be a victim of his own devices, but I think he did do a lot of good work over the last couple years.
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