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The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Blakkrose on Mon May 19, 2014 3:06 am

swimmerdude99 wrote:I think that for Standard escalating at least it is gonna become pretty stagnant. I wanted to try bombarded from fire crystal but I can't get to Ghul. I was thinking... maybe allow bombarding from the crystal without the Ghul and it switches to being able to attack if you hold Ghul?

This is possible???
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Slaylark on Thu May 22, 2014 11:16 am

Donelladan wrote:+3 autodeploy for monster would be definitely too high imo. +1 could be enough.
I am also of an idea that currently crystals are rather useless.
What about having water crystal give you +1 for each 2 water gems you have? and same for all crystals.

I have to agree with the last idea wholeheartedly. and the first one is close, +2 would do it just fine.. otherwise this map just puts on the same coat and pants most others do.. no one will go for crystals much less the key and temple, youhave to make it worth going for.. no game , no setting has made it worth going for, crystals or temple.. thanks and good luck, i love the potential!!
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Donelladan on Thu May 22, 2014 11:30 am

Multiplayer escalating can make it worth to go to the temple. When spoils are high and some players are left with 1 regions and 5 spoils the temple is really attractive.
The crystals, I never seen them used, ever.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Pezter on Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:01 am


I'm having a glitch on this one, game 14461704

I'm unable to assault the Air Crstal despite holding the relevant territs - ac1, ac2 and ac3
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Gilligan on Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:52 am

Pezter wrote:Hi

I'm having a glitch on this one, game 14461704

I'm unable to assault the Air Crstal despite holding the relevant territs - ac1, ac2 and ac3

Your game is trench ;)
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Pezter on Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:57 pm

Gilligan wrote:
Pezter wrote:Hi

I'm having a glitch on this one, game 14461704

I'm unable to assault the Air Crstal despite holding the relevant territs - ac1, ac2 and ac3

Your game is trench ;)

Nope, that's not the problem; the Air Crystal is showing as ? although I hold all the squares to attack it
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Gilligan on Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:19 pm

Pezter wrote:
Gilligan wrote:
Pezter wrote:Hi

I'm having a glitch on this one, game 14461704

I'm unable to assault the Air Crstal despite holding the relevant territs - ac1, ac2 and ac3

Your game is trench ;)

Nope, that's not the problem; the Air Crystal is showing as ? although I hold all the squares to attack it

You also need ghul, do you have that?
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby fiction on Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:58 pm

Playing this map on a trench, a change I believe should be implemented is that the crystals should be one way. What I mean is that one should not be able to attack from the crystal, the crystals should only be able to bombard, much like the emperor in the Colosseum or I guess more aptly because there is nothing to indicate it unless it was changed the yard shooters in Supermax. Capturing one early is almost an insurmountable bearer to overcome without this change.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby dwenell on Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:24 am

I could not place my troops during my last turn. I repeatedly tried to place troops, refreshed, closed the web page, reloaded,....couldn't place troops. Eventually, I ran out of time, missed an attack opportunity, and then got no spoil. I have had similar issues with loading troops, but this was the first time that I could not successfully complete my turn.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby dakky21 on Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:51 am

dwenell if you are using BOB and latest Firefox 31, it is the cause of your problem. Either revert to FF30 or disable BOB and use panel interface. This has nothing to do with the map.

The bigger problem is the obvious change in XML, the graphics states the bonus for gems: +2 for 4 gems, and +5 for 7 gems. Holding 7 gems grants you 3 troops bonus, not 5.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Fuchsia tude on Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:49 pm

dakky21 wrote:dwenell if you are using BOB and latest Firefox 31, it is the cause of your problem. Either revert to FF30 or disable BOB and use panel interface. This has nothing to do with the map.

The bigger problem is the obvious change in XML, the graphics states the bonus for gems: +2 for 4 gems, and +5 for 7 gems. Holding 7 gems grants you 3 troops bonus, not 5.

That's cumulative with the 4 gems bonus. Hence 7 gems = 2 + 3 = 5 total.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby RedBaron0 on Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:46 pm

If there is additional issues pop up with this, perhaps a legend tweak is in order. Say instead of "+3" it could be "add 3."
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Fuchsia tude on Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:25 am

After playing some games on this map, I have a few issues.

First, Djinn and Dao seem extremely close together. Anyone who spawns up top uncontested has access to two powerful abilities there. Perhaps Dao could face the other way, bridging Wg05 instead of Ag03.

But my biggest problems with this map are more fundamental. First, it's almost entirely linear. There's really only a single path through, beginning to end: T2a to Dao, to Djinn (optional Iblis and temple), to Acolyte and Key, to T1 and Marid, to Ghul (optional Efreet), ending back at T2. Having no other options to cut somebody off makes it very difficult to undermine the leader in a given game; you effectively have only two options, head for them from above or from below. I'd like to see at least a few more paths through: say, connecting Wf07 to Ag08, Ag14 to Wg16, Fg22 to Wg22, and maybe Fg10 to Ag10 (I don't like the crystal doodad between Fg09 and Wg10, either; all other blocked movement is indicated with dark space). As it is now, Ghul and Iblis are really the only two junctions. Everywhere off the path is just a dead end, and aside from Efreet and the Temple they're of minimal reward, as well.

Which brings me to my next point: the crystals are kind of uninteresting as a pacing/territory bonus mechanism. Since they're distributed more or less at random, you need to take an average of 13 before you see any bonus at all, and then 14, 15, and 16 likely each gives you +2; and then you see probably nothing at all until 25+, when it's possible 26, 27, and 28 could give you +3 each; and so on. The rewards are so discontinuous and difficult to strategize towards that they mainly just give the leader a massive income.

If every dead end had 60-80% all of one color, that could make heading for specific locations an interesting strategy. And/or if each one provided a different bonus: say +1 per 2 W, +1 per 3 E, +2 per 5 F, +3 per 7 A, and crystal numbers were altered so there were more As and fewer Ws.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby degaston on Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:06 pm

Fuchsia tude wrote:After playing some games on this map, I have a few issues.

First, Djinn and Dao seem extremely close together. Anyone who spawns up top uncontested has access to two powerful abilities there. Perhaps Dao could face the other way, bridging Wg05 instead of Ag03.

But my biggest problems with this map are more fundamental. First, it's almost entirely linear. There's really only a single path through, beginning to end: T2a to Dao, to Djinn (optional Iblis and temple), to Acolyte and Key, to T1 and Marid, to Ghul (optional Efreet), ending back at T2. Having no other options to cut somebody off makes it very difficult to undermine the leader in a given game; you effectively have only two options, head for them from above or from below. I'd like to see at least a few more paths through: say, connecting Wf07 to Ag08, Ag14 to Wg16, Fg22 to Wg22, and maybe Fg10 to Ag10 (I don't like the crystal doodad between Fg09 and Wg10, either; all other blocked movement is indicated with dark space). As it is now, Ghul and Iblis are really the only two junctions. Everywhere off the path is just a dead end, and aside from Efreet and the Temple they're of minimal reward, as well.

Which brings me to my next point: the crystals are kind of uninteresting as a pacing/territory bonus mechanism. Since they're distributed more or less at random, you need to take an average of 13 before you see any bonus at all, and then 14, 15, and 16 likely each gives you +2; and then you see probably nothing at all until 25+, when it's possible 26, 27, and 28 could give you +3 each; and so on. The rewards are so discontinuous and difficult to strategize towards that they mainly just give the leader a massive income.

If every dead end had 60-80% all of one color, that could make heading for specific locations an interesting strategy. And/or if each one provided a different bonus: say +1 per 2 W, +1 per 3 E, +2 per 5 F, +3 per 7 A, and crystal numbers were altered so there were more As and fewer Ws.

I agree with most of what you've said here. I made a suggestion a while back that would have reduced the linear gameplay by having the teleports work in groups of 3 instead of 2. I think that was after the gameplay stamp, so I doubt anything is going to change. It will get through beta as is because it is playable, and be thrown into the pile with all the other maps that could have been much better.

This is just one more example of how backwards the map making process is here. It makes no sense to give a gameplay stamp before anyone has ever played the map. And what mapmaker is going to want to go back and make major changes to the design after they've finished the graphics?
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby 69Chevy on Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:52 am

Hi All,

First of all, thank you for this nice map, looking good and nice to play...., untill .....

Game 14121081

Ok , I know it's still Beta so I'm not allowed to complain about things but now I've got a problem with an escalating game here. Sets are worth 83360 troops now but I can't deploy them anymore. No matter I play in firefox / Chrome or IE , it just keeps crashing. On my lapop as well as on my sitters computer.
By now I lost at least 5 sets of armies ( aprox 380.000 troops) and it's hard to defend myself without them.

I've tried to deploy smaller amounts of troops, but no go either. 4 days ago I've mannaged to deploy 1 single army :o ( out of 80K !)
Closing my browser and start again won't solve the problem anymore, this was the solution before.

So, nice map, but not to play Trench Escalating , I think it's better to delete this game ??!

grtz, Chevy
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Donelladan on Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:24 am

Hey 69chevy, nothing to do with the map, it has to do with trench escalating in general, go to the bug section and post there.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Silly Knig-it on Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:42 pm

It is generally an interesting map. A couple of suggestions that would keep me playing it. As it sits now, this is a rarely play map for two reasons.

1. One cannot get a crystal without the ghul
2. One cannot get to Jinn's crystal without the key.

So there are only 2 paths to attack anyone, essentially.

This would be a lot more fun and wide open if one could just go to any of the crystals and use them. Then one could leave the key requirement for Jinn's crystal and it would be like many maps, a difficult but not impossible winning condition.

If the crystals could be used, I think this would be a lot of fun and wide open for possiblities.

Anyway, that's my two cents.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Donelladan on Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:18 pm

Concerning the key I for Jinn''s crystal I don't think it need to be change.
Concerning the other crystals, I never see them used in any games, so I tend to agree with Silly knig-it, it is too restrictive.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby spjegues on Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:12 pm

One change I think needs to happen after playing this board handful (10+ times) is the crystal needs to be only able to attack spots with another player on them . I can card all day and not have to risk anything if I can attack from crystals to another color spot that are a white 1 (neutral). Having read through the comments the board is working well just that one change I would like to see even though it would not help me right now as I like getting easy cards.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Fuchsia tude on Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:11 pm

spjegues wrote:One change I think needs to happen after playing this board handful (10+ times) is the crystal needs to be only able to attack spots with another player on them . I can card all day and not have to risk anything if I can attack from crystals to another color spot that are a white 1 (neutral). Having read through the comments the board is working well just that one change I would like to see even though it would not help me right now as I like getting easy cards.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe such a restriction can be coded. Neutral stacks are treated entirely the same by the game as those owned by players.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby blackdragon1661 on Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:05 pm

This is one of my favorite maps! I find it best to play with fog and either polymorphic or teams.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby blakebowling on Mon May 25, 2015 12:40 pm

I don't have the stamps, but this map has been in beta long enough.

Without any further objections, I hereby quench this map for live play.

Congratulations, Blakkrose.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Eternal Shadow on Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:03 am

Love this map, other than only Ghul gives access to the crystals. Maybe allow access to crystals from any monster. If you don't start near Ghul, it makes the crystals useless.

I would suggest making crystals accessible after gaining any monster, and maybe making Ghul and the crystals connected/bombardable to eachother.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby chapcrap on Fri Jul 07, 2017 5:00 am

Can CC do something to archive images of maps that are stored in threads?

Can someone also direct me where to find map xml? I cannot remember after so long.

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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby degaston on Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:02 am

chapcrap wrote:Can CC do something to archive images of maps that are stored in threads?

Can someone also direct me where to find map xml? I cannot remember after so long.


Seems like a reasonable request - which means it will probably not happen. I wonder how many have disappeared already.
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