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latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

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latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby stringybeany on Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:20 am

install the latest firefox.
install the latest greasemonkey & clickies
fire BOB.
turn on settings:Panel Interface

It works fine, and is structurally better.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby dgz345 on Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:14 am

stringybeany wrote:gonna need some fixes.

site clickies work.

bob is hosed. so are greasemonkey clickies

This one looks like a greasemonkey problem to me, atm. Firefox added a confirmation loop that screwed things up.

Yea it's a Greasemonkey / Firefox issue. And as you said they changed something to the page load process. I don't have more information than that. But it looks like some scripts are still working. Tho I can't confirm without a computer. (saw a console snappy that outputs from scripts)
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby timogl on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:58 pm

stringy, the firefox and the bob and the clickies will work. the update yesterday did mess them up.

first thing, on the settings for the firefox turn off all the updating, there where it says its a security risk, just say no. you can put on the thing where it asks you or whatever, but if it asks, you have to say no. also, you have to check it now and again to make sure the updates stay off.

load version 30. you do not have to unload version 31 or anything. just load version 30 from here. ... 647#thanks

that does not always start automatically. there is a little thing there that says "if it doesn't start" or whatever, "click here." click there.

then just say yes to everything, the very last thing says "update" something like that, and then '"finish." take all of that.

firefox will restart (for the sake of making it easy, i did this in IE with firefox closed). when firefox opens, open the site again and go to your games. the bob should be working. the clickies and the assualt odds might not be. just go to

and reload them, you do not have to delete what you already have. then everything should be working again.

again, i stress. you cannot take any firefox updates away from version 30. if it updates to 31 the stuff will not work. gl.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby timogl on Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:05 pm

(you still might have some trouble with the clickies from time time. they seem to come and go.)
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby timogl on Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:19 pm

or i should say, the clickies, i just don't think they will work, no matter what you do. the other stuff works though.

in reference to the use the panel thing above? i tried that, and, no matter what i set that on, i can't get the appearance of to come in a form that is useable. it puts a bunch or stuff over there to the side (and no matter whether i tell it do side stats or not do side stats, it continues to put it over there) and it strings the information we get from bob out in an unintelligible form, and it seems impossible to get the action panel or whatever that is where you make the deployments and do the attacking to sit in a place where it doesn't block the vision to the map and its UGLY what the hell, why does it have to look so bad? i tried that thing, it is a regular disaster.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby dgz345 on Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:21 pm

timogl wrote:or i should say, the clickies, i just don't think they will work, no matter what you do. the other stuff works though.

in reference to the use the panel thing above? i tried that, and, no matter what i set that on, i can't get the appearance of to come in a form that is useable. it puts a bunch or stuff over there to the side (and no matter whether i tell it do side stats or not do side stats, it continues to put it over there) and it strings the information we get from bob out in an unintelligible form, and it seems impossible to get the action panel or whatever that is where you make the deployments and do the attacking to sit in a place where it doesn't block the vision to the map and its UGLY what the hell, why does it have to look so bad? i tried that thing, it is a regular disaster.

Clicky should work there is just a few features that are not working as they should.

And just to say. I like the panel interface a lot. But I agree that is really buggy! I think it looks nice and that you can order around the Panels kinda as you like
I have it looking like this. ... erface.png
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby stringybeany on Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:29 am

Switching to panel interface now. Firefox changed the add on "rules". Scripts don't stay active unless they are enabled with each page load. I suppose that's a good thing.

I hate this site and game right now. I am too old for this. My fingers have been trained on greasemonkey clickies and BOB for years.

Not having fun.

If I hadn't re-upped my premium two weeks ago I would be walking away right now. :-P

Nah I am not backdating anything. Too many security risks.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby nesterdude on Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:31 am

stringybeany wrote:Switching to panel interface now. Firefox changed the add on "rules". Scripts don't stay active unless they are enabled with each page load. I suppose that's a good thing.

I hate this site and game right now. I am too old for this. My fingers have been trained on greasemonkey clickies and BOB for years.

Not having fun.

If I hadn't re-upped my premium two weeks ago I would be walking away right now. :-P

Nah I am not backdating anything. Too many security risks.

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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby stringybeany on Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:57 am

nesterdude wrote:
stringybeany wrote:Switching to panel interface now. Firefox changed the add on "rules". Scripts don't stay active unless they are enabled with each page load. I suppose that's a good thing.

I hate this site and game right now. I am too old for this. My fingers have been trained on greasemonkey clickies and BOB for years.

Not having fun.

If I hadn't re-upped my premium two weeks ago I would be walking away right now. :-P

Nah I am not backdating anything. Too many security risks.


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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby dgz345 on Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:04 am

Be sure to use clicky 4.22 ;-)
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14

Postby stringybeany on Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:31 am

dgz345 wrote:Be sure to use clicky 4.22 ;-)

yep, do this:
latest firefox
latest clickies
enable panel interface
move the views around so you like
get new snaps on current games.

all in all just like BOB but better.

love the auto snap, thanks.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby MGSteve on Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:51 pm

My computer did some kind of update that killed BOB and no way to get it back so I finally turned on the panels. Now, where I used to have the chat right there next to the map and everything easily accessible on one page, I now have to click on the chat box and move about 1/4 mile to the right and down to find the chat box every freakin time I want to look at chat, no matter how many times I move the chat box over against the map!! Then if I want the overview, it's click another box and change the page. Then to play, it's click the action box and change the page.

Whoever designed this fiasco called panels should have his scrot pulled up through his left nostril! Why would anyone want to take a perfectly good tool like BOB where you have everything right there on the same page to this abortion of a mess with a freakin box to click on and a new page to go to everytime you want to see an overview, to see chat, to make a play.... This is a perfect example of some nitwit taking something that wasn't broken and totally fucking it up so that all the convenience and ease of use that was BOB is now a string of clicks and page changes back and forth with everything you have to do during a turn or even to help a mate with advice on their turn.

The people responsible must surely be bureaucrats in some corporate/government offices where their job is justified by taking the simple and well working and turning into some god awful mess that now needs their countless hours of so called work to do what a real worker was able to do in an hour before they fucked it up. My renewal is up in September and this fiasco on top of the now Pogo-like dice have convinced me that my money is much better spent elsewhere. What a fucking mess! :evil:
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby dgz345 on Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:39 am

MGSteve wrote:My computer did some kind of update that killed BOB and no way to get it back so I finally turned on the panels. Now, where I used to have the chat right there next to the map and everything easily accessible on one page, I now have to click on the chat box and move about 1/4 mile to the right and down to find the chat box every freakin time I want to look at chat, no matter how many times I move the chat box over against the map!! Then if I want the overview, it's click another box and change the page. Then to play, it's click the action box and change the page.

Whoever designed this fiasco called panels should have his scrot pulled up through his left nostril! Why would anyone want to take a perfectly good tool like BOB where you have everything right there on the same page to this abortion of a mess with a freakin box to click on and a new page to go to everytime you want to see an overview, to see chat, to make a play.... This is a perfect example of some nitwit taking something that wasn't broken and totally fucking it up so that all the convenience and ease of use that was BOB is now a string of clicks and page changes back and forth with everything you have to do during a turn or even to help a mate with advice on their turn.

The people responsible must surely be bureaucrats in some corporate/government offices where their job is justified by taking the simple and well working and turning into some god awful mess that now needs their countless hours of so called work to do what a real worker was able to do in an hour before they fucked it up. My renewal is up in September and this fiasco on top of the now Pogo-like dice have convinced me that my money is much better spent elsewhere. What a fucking mess! :evil:

Don't use the Panels if you don't like em. I like getting every thing viewable on the same time.

And Bob has no connection to the site just so you know. It's a user created Addon script that anyone is possible to edit.

And the panel interface is a good creation and a great idea. It's just full of bugs but you didn't say anything about that. It's good that you type a lot about something you don't know any thing about.

And I'll say this. I'll never update Bob. Because I'm using the good panel interface. But any other person is free to update Bob. It's no one's responsibility to update Bob. And it's not the admins fault for breaking the scripts. As the scripts are made in a bad way often and brakes as fast as you change the position of anything. That would mean if we wanted all the scripts to work no changes would never be made to the site. No poly no speed games.

I'm getting a little angry at you because if feels like you never touched a piece of code and still talk high and mighty. Go and make your own version of Bob make it as you like. Or make a script that changes the panel interface so it is like you want it.
That's how all the scripts are created. By the community. So the community is responsible for Bob therefore you are also responsible for Bob. But I haven't seen you fix it still you are one of the creators for Bob. The community.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby deBlakstan on Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:41 am

It is rather disingenuous to imply that every user in the community is a programmer and is responsible for a script working. There is a large section of the community here that uses and likes BoB as their primary for making the game a better place. MGSteve and others are upset that BoB no longer works. They aren't upset by you. They aren't upset with the Admins other than that something that they have come to rely upon no longer functions correctly. I'm glad that you like the panel interface. I'm happy that you are happy. However, there are tools on BoB that are not replicated within the panel interface. The panel interface is also not particularly easy to use from a User Interface perspective. I've been trying and I can't come up with something I am happy with. While I understand that it isn't the Admin's responsibility to make BoB work, there is a certain amount of responsibility for keeping the site usable and the users happy. Without the users, the site improvements mean very little. And it doesn't matter if you like it, or don't like it, BoB appears to have a large following on CC because it is/was an excellent tool that fills a large gap in the User Experience.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby dgz345 on Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:11 am

deBlakstan wrote:It is rather disingenuous to imply that every user in the community is a programmer and is responsible for a script working. There is a large section of the community here that uses and likes BoB as their primary for making the game a better place. MGSteve and others are upset that BoB no longer works. They aren't upset by you. They aren't upset with the Admins other than that something that they have come to rely upon no longer functions correctly. I'm glad that you like the panel interface. I'm happy that you are happy. However, there are tools on BoB that are not replicated within the panel interface. The panel interface is also not particularly easy to use from a User Interface perspective. I've been trying and I can't come up with something I am happy with. While I understand that it isn't the Admin's responsibility to make BoB work, there is a certain amount of responsibility for keeping the site usable and the users happy. Without the users, the site improvements mean very little. And it doesn't matter if you like it, or don't like it, BoB appears to have a large following on CC because it is/was an excellent tool that fills a large gap in the User Experience.

Yea i know. I just got a little mad because people expect others to fix things. And the admins are working hard for this site. And sorry to say but the current focus is not on the existing players but the new players. And I also know and think that the panel interface is full of bugs and could be better. But it's working and there is a lots of other things. And I'm not really saying that it's the community that is responsible for Bob it's no one that's responsible. I used the word community to clarify that the admins have nothing with the scripts to do. And even the smallest change to the site could break the tools.

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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby nesterdude on Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:53 am

I've been on this site since 2006. When I started playing on this site, there was no BoB, and I was reluctant (and even thought it was near cheating, at least intellectually) to use it. Thing is, maps have become infinitely more complicated and I don't even think fog was an option back then.
Here's some things the panel interface doesn't compensate for, and I incredibly miss with bob:
- determining before you start your turn if territories touch one another (take for example USA and Civil war maps where Michigan does touch Wisconson in one, yet not the other)
- determining your enemies' troop count in fog with only the visible territories
- determining your enemies' last drop count, especially in fog, but even in other games (that includes your previous drop)
- snaps, SNAPS, SNAPS (if this is in standard game tools, haven't found it)

Whether consciously or subconsciously, a lot of maps were made with the tools that BoB offers in mind, since nothing is created in a vacuum, the complication of certain maps, while it doesn't require BoB, becomes infinitely more bearable with it's enhancements.

Yes I can play the game without the tool. Am I happy? No. Is it becoming more frustrating than fun? Yes. Will I reup? I'm not sure. So much of CCs base (which is significantly smaller as you are well aware dgz) uses these tools and feels the same as me. While you may think it's not the admin's responsibility to update/make sure it works, I would argue that as a provider of a service, it's the admin's responsibility to find a solution to mollify your customer base, being that's Bob's been with the site for so long and both the site's growth and Bob's growth are tied.

Think what you want, but that's my 2 cents.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby nesterdude on Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:55 am

Reading SB above, there's an autosnap I'm not aware of. so edit that.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby dgz345 on Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:58 am

nesterdude wrote:Here's some things the panel interface doesn't compensate for, and I incredibly miss with bob:
- determining before you start your turn if territories touch one another (take for example USA and Civil war maps where Michigan does touch Wisconson in one, yet not the other)
- determining your enemies' troop count in fog with only the visible territories
- determining your enemies' last drop count, especially in fog, but even in other games (that includes your previous drop)
- snaps, SNAPS, SNAPS (if this is in standard game tools, haven't found it.

Sorry but could you check the options? I think there should be some panel interface only options that does what you are missing.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby nesterdude on Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:19 am

Yes I see most is addressed (and that options menu is a bear to navigate). Thanks this makes it a bit more bearable.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby MGSteve on Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:04 am

Okay, it seems my silliness has successfully ticked off at least one person. And no, I have never done a single thing with code since my days in MI, that king of all oxymorons, unless it was some type of game. I'm far from computer literate and at this stage in my life I'm extremely confident that computer code is not something I will ever learn. I'm not a believer in reincarnation and have serious doubts that my genus will be here long enough after I kick off to allow me to re-enter life in a more computerized time than the one I grew up in should reincarnation turn out to be a reality.

I didn't realize that creating the site's tools was the responsibility of the paying customer. I also most adamantly don't believe anyone's scrot should actually be messed with in any way that is not pleasing to the person possessing said scrot. And pulling any bodily organ through a nostril should never ever be even half seriously contemplated by anyone. It's simply tongue in cheek for I find this panels concept vastly inferior to BOB and wish fervently that I hadn't lost BOB in the first place. And yes, I'm confident that if I were actually computer literate that I wouldn't have lost BOB in the first place.

So let me take my tongue out of my cheek and do my best to put it as the always level headed and on no one's side but right, deBlakstan would put it. The panel interface has some very good points to it. I particularly like how one can now receive all the information about any tert by simply hovering over it so that on a complex map such as Stalingrad, one can rather quickly and easily see with certainty which tert can actually attack or bombard which instead of simply having connected terts illuminate to show that there is a connection but not what it is, as with BOB.

That's a nice improvement. Not having that box of connections always pop up covering part of the map every time my cursor hits a tert in the lower left quadrant of the map so that I have to raise the map up where a lot of the upper part is cut off would be a great improvement and I will probably manage to figure out how to circumvent that sometime in the future. If there is a way, that is.

The succinctness and simplicity of BOB was one of the biggest assets of that program. It allowed the computer illiterate types like me a way to access a good deal of information without having our eyes cross and sending us off in a fog as trying to follow computer instructions tends to do to us. And we simple old farts don't do well with change, unless it actually makes things simpler and quicker for us without needing a long class or series of them to get to the simpler and quicker part.

Okay... so much for deB's way. Just can't keep my tongue outta that cheek! But here are some bugs, if you want to call them that, and things that are not improvements over BOB:

The chat window should stay where a person leaves it instead of returning to that position it's always found in. This position is, to the best of my ability to estimate, approximately one foot left of and below the lower left corner of the map. Having to cursor over and slowly drag the chat box back up and over next to the map every time you go to a game is far from an improvement.

The information that was available on one screen with BOB should be available on just one screen with anything that replaces BOB. Having to switch screens in order to see chat and then having to switch again to get the overview is a definite complication because all of that was accessible on one screen at the same time with BOB. Complications are not improvements.

And since none of the new kids can download BOB now, that's a concern for those in charge who are so concerned with and apparently focused on new players. I understand that BOB was a collaboration of the community but one would think that when so many people have come to rely on BOB that those in charge would seriously want to let them continue using it and would take it upon themselves to keep it available. Making a site where people come to play more complicated is not an improvement unless it makes play all much more enjoyable. And all the chatter in the forum and elsewhere should most clearly indicate that the game play has not improved nearly as much as it has transgressed with the panels.

If I've ticked off anyone who's had anything to do with the creation of panels, GOOD!!! Maybe that will get them to come up with ways to make the panel interface as seamless and inclusive as BOB was. But with the great loss of inclusiveness that the change from BOB to panels has caused, that formerly unnecessary switching back and forth from screen to screen to get what used to all be on one, I can find no improvements that justify it. Yes, the information on the Map Inspect box is nice but not so nice to make me want to have to switch back and forth from screen to screen every turn.

Make panels work as well as BOB and I won't complain. But "improvements" such as this will surely drive even more people away, just as the pogo dice have. And as deB said, those who run the site should be interested in making the customers happy if they don't want those of us who pay our measly $25 per year to continue doing so.
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby glide on Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:58 am

I am furious right now, and my wife is getting frustrated hearing me rant EVERY day about some dumbassed change that has been made on CC! For no apparent reason. This morning, after finally getting my BoB working by going back to the previous Firefox update, and limiting their ability to bring 31.0 back to my laptop, I finally managed to take my turns with everything working as it should.........then.......3 hrs later, I log on to check my turns, and there is a whole new way of taking the turns, with stats, info, and directions all on the right side of the map, ......its just tooooooo frickin' much! This is crap, and is driving people like me away! I have been a member since 06, and am the Gatekeeper for Xi games, yet this bull has me seriously considering just bailing.......the frustration factor is just too much.......smarten the hell up CC!
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby nesterdude on Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:58 pm

So with the new interface, which I agree is inferior to BOB, but works better than nothing, can I put Chat/Log down at the bottom?
It's super annoying to have to tab through everything to get to stats (which doesn't map inspect, to chat to log to screenshots, etc).
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby stringybeany on Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:45 am

nesterdude wrote:So with the new interface, which I agree is inferior to BOB, but works better than nothing, can I put Chat/Log down at the bottom?
It's super annoying to have to tab through everything to get to stats (which doesn't map inspect, to chat to log to screenshots, etc).

yeah navigating the panes around is a bit clunky, but doable. only two choices, "bottom" or "under map".
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Re: latest firefox update 7/31/14: the fix

Postby DaveS_WI on Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:32 am

stringybeany wrote:install the latest firefox.
install the latest greasemonkey & clickies
fire BOB.
turn on settings:Panel Interface

It works fine, and is structurally better.

Running a MAC OS 10.9.4
Firefox 31.1
Bob 5.3.0

Not working, if Monkey is on I can't play.
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