Conquer Club

The Championships - Doubles [Winners: Swifte & cooldeals]

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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby sempaispellcheck on Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:18 am

I am sorry - I had not realized all games had finished, and I had thought the next round would have started automatically.
I will PM bigWham shortly to start Round 1B.

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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby sempaispellcheck on Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:55 am

My apologies to all for the delay, but Round 1A results have finally been calculated and Round 1B groups have been made.

show: Rankings after Round 1A

show: Groups for Round 1B

Round 1B should start soon.

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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby agentcom on Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:07 pm

Awesome! Thanks sempai
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby agentcom on Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:38 am

What's up with the (sort of lame) map selection?
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby sempaispellcheck on Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:48 am

agentcom wrote:What's up with the (sort of lame) map selection?

We choose a few maps that (we think) are relatively easy and simple for Round 1. Harder, more complex maps will be added as the tourney continues.

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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby agentcom on Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:41 pm

sempaispellcheck wrote:
agentcom wrote:What's up with the (sort of lame) map selection?

We choose a few maps that (we think) are relatively easy and simple for Round 1. Harder, more complex maps will be added as the tourney continues.


OK, glad to hear more will be added. I'm already getting tired of a couple of these :)

My hope is that you'll soon expand it to random like it is in the 1v1 championship.
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby friendly1 on Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:25 am

The satellite tournament #1 for entry to this is not completed and no prizes have been issued. Has the final round for the satellite been forgotten?
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby sempaispellcheck on Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:05 am

friendly1 wrote:The satellite tournament #1 for entry to this is not completed and no prizes have been issued. Has the final round for the satellite been forgotten?

I guess it slipped under the radar somehow. I'll take care of it as soon as I get the chance.

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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby friendly1 on Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:08 am

Thanks Sempai!
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby agentcom on Thu May 08, 2014 11:10 pm

Any chance you'll open up the maps for the next round?
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby jghost7 on Fri May 09, 2014 10:22 am

When does the next round start?

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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby sempaispellcheck on Mon May 12, 2014 10:37 am

jghost7 wrote:When does the next round start?


Soon. Please bear in mind that I am not notified when each round finishes - I will ask bigWham if that can be changed.

Rankings after Round 1B have now been compiled.
Since no tiebreaker was specified, we will be using the default autotournament tiebreaker - total number of rounds of games won.
Teams are ordered using this tiebreaker on the AutoTournament page.

Dako and Chariot of Fire have been disqualified for violating the sitting rule.
VioIet and NoSurvivors have been disqualified because NoSurvivors has been banned for point dumping.

Round 2A should start soon.

High score: 2200 - July 20, 2015
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby agentcom on Tue May 13, 2014 12:05 am

Cool. Thanks!
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby dkmaster on Tue May 13, 2014 12:10 pm

Just send this pm to sempai and maybe some of you has an opinion to this matter :)

Hi sempai

Just looked at the big double tournament were round 2 is soon to start.

You have put in tiebraker rules that total rounds of won games count and that is ok

But looking at first team which is still in with only 5 points like my partner and I

Gabriel13 and Emilywink total rounds 41 and dkmaster, mrpinky total rounds 41

How did you decide that we were out and they were in ?

Another used tiebreaker in these large tournaments are wins going second. That should be used as tiebreaker rule number 2.

There I counted that gabriel/emily has 1 and dkmaster/mrpinky has 3

I didnt check the other yet but will do now and be back soon :D

But looking at the above we should still be in the tournament


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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby dkmaster on Tue May 13, 2014 12:39 pm

Just looked up the tiebreaker rules for auto tournaments

Ties in Score shall be broken by the following rules, applied in order:

Percentage of wins in the tournament as a whole
The cumulative number of Game rounds required to win the games they have won in the tournament (winning in less rounds is better)
The order in which the player joined the tournament (first player to join wins)

There is a third rule. I sure dont like it and prefere looking at win going second.

But looking at the third rule we would still be ahead as we joined first.
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby MrPinky on Tue May 13, 2014 12:43 pm


Unless they use other rules than the ones they said they use, there has been a small mistake made. We joined the tournament 12 days before the other team :D
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby dkmaster on Tue May 13, 2014 1:15 pm

To be sure I looked at the numbers and can see that 2 more teams ended up with 5 points and 41 rounds to win. But they both joined later than our team according to the tiebreaker rules.
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby sempaispellcheck on Tue May 13, 2014 4:02 pm

We are looking into the issue of ties. Eliminations were determined automatically, and I have asked bigWham to let me see how the eliminations were done.

What I can tell you, though, is that this...
dkmaster wrote:Another used tiebreaker in these large tournaments are wins going second. That should be used as tiebreaker rule number 2. not going to happen. In fact, I can't see how this could be used as a tiebreaker in any tournament that doesn't have less than 10 games per round.
It would be way too much work for me (or anyone else) to go through all of these games to see who played second.

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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby Rodion on Tue May 13, 2014 4:15 pm

sempaispellcheck wrote:Dako and Chariot of Fire have been disqualified for violating the sitting rule.

Since they are still 8/14, does that mean the teams that lost to them during round 1b did not get the point? I think those 4 teams should be awarded the win, which will possibly change the seedings.
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby dkmaster on Tue May 13, 2014 4:27 pm

Actually we are using wins going second in this 1v1 championship


were there are 31 games pr round right now so it wasnt something I just invented myself :)
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby Rodion on Tue May 13, 2014 4:31 pm

Rodion wrote:
sempaispellcheck wrote:Dako and Chariot of Fire have been disqualified for violating the sitting rule.

Since they are still 8/14, does that mean the teams that lost to them during round 1b did not get the point? I think those 4 teams should be awarded the win, which will possibly change the seedings.

Also please make sure you've tallied this one correctly.

It appears you did not revert the win to samuelc812 and aalii.
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby agentcom on Wed May 14, 2014 1:42 am

Well, the good news is that these tourneys should start getting faster as all the kinks are worked out :)
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby -Maximus- on Wed May 14, 2014 10:45 am

Rodion wrote:
Rodion wrote:
sempaispellcheck wrote:Dako and Chariot of Fire have been disqualified for violating the sitting rule.

Since they are still 8/14, does that mean the teams that lost to them during round 1b did not get the point? I think those 4 teams should be awarded the win, which will possibly change the seedings.

Also please make sure you've tallied this one correctly.

It appears you did not revert the win to samuelc812 and aalii.

I don't think any of their 1b wins have been converted.
If you wrong me I will hunt you down and destroy you.
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Re: The Championships - Doubles

Postby dkmaster on Wed May 14, 2014 2:28 pm

Looks like we could be in trouble anyway :D

But important that the right teams move on so thumps up for this investigation :D

Keep up the good work sempai and hopefully it gets easier and more automatic in the future with help from some small programming :D
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