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Postby KittyKatara on Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:22 am

Do you do any trainings on good strategy for freestyle? Or can anyone help me with this? It is definitely a weak point in my play.
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Re: Freestyle...

Postby rhp 1 on Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:49 pm

KittyKatara wrote:Do you do any trainings on good strategy for freestyle? Or can anyone help me with this? It is definitely a weak point in my play.

don't play... at least speed fs games... lag is awful.. casual? sit at your comp and hold b all day (or weight the b key down with something), or join up with with a quads team of farmers...
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Re: Freestyle...

Postby Koganosi on Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:26 am

rhp 1 wrote:
KittyKatara wrote:Do you do any trainings on good strategy for freestyle? Or can anyone help me with this? It is definitely a weak point in my play.

don't play... at least speed fs games... lag is awful.. casual? sit at your comp and hold b all day (or weight the b key down with something), or join up with with a quads team of farmers...

Eeeeh thats quite bad exactly, you'll basicly have to time your turn correctly and be able to clear the board, also you basicly have to constantly watch freestyle games, caus if you see someone else clearing the board, or atleast attempting it, you wanne try steal a kill and clear the board instead! For freestyle games you jsut need to invest alot of time!


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Re: Freestyle...

Postby Donelladan on Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:40 am

Eeeeh thats quite bad exactly, you'll basicly have to time your turn correctly and be able to clear the board, also you basicly have to constantly watch freestyle games, caus if you see someone else clearing the board, or atleast attempting it, you wanne try steal a kill and clear the board instead! For freestyle games you jsut need to invest alot of time!



Only true for freestyle escalating.
You may play freestyle without playing escalating, then you don't have to watch so constantly the game.
However, it is true that being able to check your game very often give you an advantage in freestyle game, whatever the settings are. And you have to be very careful when you play a map with objectif if it is freestyle, because someone may take the objectif playing last, then as soons as someone else start this other player will win the game if he online. So if there is an objective, always try to be the last to play so that nobody can take this objectif ( or you do it yourself).
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Re: Freestyle...

Postby Koganosi on Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:59 am

Donelladan wrote:
Eeeeh thats quite bad exactly, you'll basicly have to time your turn correctly and be able to clear the board, also you basicly have to constantly watch freestyle games, caus if you see someone else clearing the board, or atleast attempting it, you wanne try steal a kill and clear the board instead! For freestyle games you jsut need to invest alot of time!



Only true for freestyle escalating.
You may play freestyle without playing escalating, then you don't have to watch so constantly the game.
However, it is true that being able to check your game very often give you an advantage in freestyle game, whatever the settings are. And you have to be very careful when you play a map with objectif if it is freestyle, because someone may take the objectif playing last, then as soons as someone else start this other player will win the game if he online. So if there is an objective, always try to be the last to play so that nobody can take this objectif ( or you do it yourself).

Your right about that.

Indeed with objectives you need to watch carefully. Also in No spoils especially its a good tact to go last take a bunch of bonusses and indeed start spamming your b button = begin turn. This way youll get some nice troops for it and can use it wisely :)!


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Re: Freestyle...

Postby Silly Knig-it on Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:33 pm

Because of all the reasons mentioned above, like I can only check my game once or twice a day or I am playing on my iPad, I don't play freestyle.

Now I am slowly working on my freestyle medal by attempting to narrow down maps and conditions that make freestyle like sequential.
So far:
2 person games (but realize you only have a 12 hour window, not 24)
trench - helps a lot, no sweeps
fog - added to trench, slows things

If you are playing on your iPad or phone and your opponent comes on in the middle of the game, give up, you just got hosed. No way you can keep up with someone on a desktop.

If you have more ideas I would love to here them.

For those of you who love freestyle, I would probably be with you but Real Life doesn't cooperate for me to do that.
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Re: Freestyle...

Postby Assassin07 on Sat Jun 28, 2014 4:44 pm

Freestyle is my game realm although right now I am on a phone and can not really manage. I did before use freestyle to make it to 4000 points and number 8 on the Scoreboard as well as I was if not the fastest one of the fastest known freestyle players ...I can help teach anyone the fundementals but the key is all time ..
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