Doc_Brown wrote:A couple comments and questions:
1) I don't see names listed anywhere for the territories that attack clergy, nobility, and bourgeoisie. I suggest something like Priests, Conquistadors, and Merchants/Ports/Ships.
I had it in the legend before but decided to remove because that info was not relevant and occupied precious space. Those were the names u got it right
2) Is it true that, for example, Priests in red territories attack Spanish clergy but not Portugal Clergy?
No. That is not true. Would u think that could be a nice idea?
3) Does a given ship attack all other ships within the same colored sea route, or just the adjacent ones?
Just the adjacent
4) From the legend, it appears that someone controlling the 4 Portugal territories only can never attack anything except the pope. Do you intend for the home countries to attack out to either adjacent or all ports along the sea routes?
Portugal attacks Cabo Verde and Spain attacks Cuba
5) The pope seems very weak to me. Would it be too powerful to allow the pope to attack all priests on the map? That would make it more worthwhile to get to the pope and be able to get to anywhere on the map. It would better represent the Pope's authority to actually divide up the world. Making all those connections would probably require the Pope to reset to 10+ neutrals again though.
That sounds like a good idea making the pope more desirable
6) What are the intended connections for the Spain and Portugal Sovereigns? They're attacked by the social classes, and they can attack the Pope. But that appears to be it. If the Pope can only attack the two sovereigns (plus bombard a few other territories), the Sovereigns are basically dead ends, and the +1 auto isn't worth much.
That makes sense.In the same line of thought about having the pope attacking the priests we could have portugal and spain attacking either the ports or the nobles/conquistadores
7) It looks like your intention is to have all resources, social classes, sovereigns, and the Pope start as neutrals, correct? The only starting territories are Priests, Conquistadors, and Ships (using the terms I proposed - let me know what to call them)?Yes you are rightSome of the territory names are tough to read (especially Guinc Bissau and Filipinas).
Ill look into it
That's probably enough for now!
Thanks for your questions and comments