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Random Cup - FULL [16/16]

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Random Cup

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Total votes : 27

Random Cup - FULL [16/16]

Postby uckuki on Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:56 pm

Random Cup:


Deadline for signups: March 15, 2014
Tentative start date: April 1, 2014

Estimated time-frame: all wars should start by April 1 or no more than few days
after that. the length will depend on the number of clans signing up. we would like
to reach the finals before the next season of random league starts (September), so we
don't have similar competitions clogging the calendar. though, more than 8 clans have
signed up already which means at least 4 rounds of competition. I doubt we can finish 3 rounds of full scale
wars by September unless we rush things. so, we should at least have the semi-finals well
on the way before September, if we allow approx. 2.5 months for each round. We don't wanna rush
things and as long as wars proceed at fair pace the cup will proceed in timely fashion.

We don't know yet if we'll have play-ins or byes. That will depend on number of clans.
If the number is for example 14 or 15 it will make more sense to have byes. As March 15 gets closer
we'll have a better picture. if, for instance, there are 16 clans singed up by say March 10 we will close
the competition. I don't like turning people down, but there is plenty of time to sign up and practicality
will take precedence. if you think your clan might like to participate don't wait until the last minute.
just 1 round of plan-ins would significantly extend the timeline.

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Primary Contact: uckuki
Secondary Contact: OutSider

Primary Contact: QuikSilver
Secondary Contact: Momo33

3. VVV
Primary Contact: mcshanester29
Secondary Contact: GioDuce

4. UM8
Primary Contact: crazy4catnip
Secondary Contact: Jerz

5. FAD
Primary Contact: Razorvich
Secondary Contact: Barum Boy
6. OSA
Primary Contact: benga
Secondary Contact: silversun6

7 HH
Primary Contact: Keefie
Secondary Contact: Johnny Dickshot

Primary Contact: kizkiz
Secondary Contact: vid_fiso

9 GR
Primary Contact: xman5151
Secondary Contact: kmhebert

10 G1
Primary Contact: Gilligan
Secondary Contact: Kinnison

11 ATL
Primary Contact: shoop76
Secondary Contact: Genoke

12 RET
Primary Contact: conde180711
Secondary Contact: therealdeal_37

13 Phoenix
Primary Contact: WPBRJ
Secondary Contact: pearljamrox2

Primary Contact: lanyards
Secondary Contact: gorehound

15. GoN
Primary Contact: Bantam
Secondary Contact: TuffyLess

16. LOW
Primary Contact: Crazyirishman
Second Contact : chard

Reserve: TNC
First contact: Epitaph1
Second: MoB Deadly


please post in the thread with name of your clan, primary and
secondary contact

Last edited by uckuki on Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:33 pm, edited 41 times in total.
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Re: Random Cup

Postby uckuki on Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:57 pm

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Re: Random Cup

Postby mcshanester29 on Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:07 pm

VVV would definitely play in this if it went forward!
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Re: Random Cup

Postby benga on Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:51 pm

well you know me :D
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Re: Random Cup

Postby IcePack on Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:52 am

Doesn't benga already have a random cup?

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Re: Random Cup

Postby uckuki on Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:35 am

IcePack wrote:Doesn't benga already have a random cup?

that's only side show to random league, same thing like we had clan league/cup.
this would be stand-alone full-scale war competition, like conquer cup.
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Re: Random Cup

Postby Keefie on Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:25 pm

HH would be up for this.
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Re: Random Cup

Postby QuikSilver on Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:15 pm

LHDD is in!
LHDD: New Comers 4, CL6 - Second division & Random Cup winners!
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Re: Random Cup

Postby uckuki on Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:18 pm

I wouldn't mind cutting off signups once we get 8 clans,
to avoid qualifications?
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Re: Random Cup

Postby kizkiz on Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:28 pm

Fiso would be in
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Re: Random Cup

Postby uckuki on Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:44 pm

can I get some opinions as to the possible draw. I would really like to give every clan equal
chance, no seeding. if we cut off at 8 that resolves it, but then we might have to turn down
people. does anyone mind if we take all sing-ups and then have a completely random draw,
qualifications included?
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Re: Random Cup

Postby WPBRJ on Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:12 pm

i think TFFSDYNASTY would love to play but it really comes down to when it starts and if TFFS war has ended. yes we as a new clan would not be aloud to participate until there war is over if i understand the rules of competitive clans goes. if there was a first round bye we would probably be able if your looking to start right away. maybe i am wrong i guess we would need a CD decision on this matter and find out more details of when were and how.
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Re: Random Cup

Postby Momo33 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:51 pm

I don't think that limiting entries to 8 is a good option. Personnally I would try to get the most clans possible and then make a random draw. It will go wil the cup, a random one!
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Re: Random Cup

Postby mcshanester29 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:52 pm

uckuki wrote:can I get some opinions as to the possible draw. I would really like to give every clan equal
chance, no seeding. if we cut off at 8 that resolves it, but then we might have to turn down
people. does anyone mind if we take all sing-ups and then have a completely random draw,
qualifications included?

i think that taking all who want to participate and then having a completely random draw would fit in perfectly with the 2 cents :)
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Re: Random Cup

Postby uckuki on Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:50 pm

WPBRJ wrote:i think TFFSDYNASTY would love to play but it really comes down to when it starts and if TFFS war has ended. yes we as a new clan would not be aloud to participate until there war is over if i understand the rules of competitive clans goes. if there was a first round bye we would probably be able if your looking to start right away. maybe i am wrong i guess we would need a CD decision on this matter and find out more details of when were and how.

what's the name of the new clan?

I'm not 100% sure but I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to participate. I know there are some
restrictions in regards to F400 ranking and maybe CL/C Cup, but this is a brand new competition
and I don't wanna prevent anyone from participating, other than having required number of players
and the other stuff that usually goes with clan wars. as far as I am concerned you're more than welcome. having other war(s) at the same time is not a problem as long as you can field
enough players.
I haven't set the start date because I first wanted to see if there is enough interest. the wars
themselves wouldn't have to start on a particular date. that can be negotiated between clans.
though, we wouldn't want us all wait too long once things get moving. I'll consult benga to hammer
out rules/procedure in a more detailed fashion.

if I had to suggest a start date I would say month, month and a half from now - April 1? :)
that gives us plenty of time to prepare. maybe set March 15 as a deadline for signups.
take everyone, have random, open draw, so everyone gets a fair chance (no seeding).

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Re: Random Cup

Postby WPBRJ on Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:33 pm

uckuki wrote:what's the name of the new clan?

we dont have one yet were working on it
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Re: Random Cup - signups until March 15

Postby crazy4catnip on Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:42 pm

uckuki wrote:each home set is 10 + 10 + 10

Does this mean that all 61 games are created at once? 30 per side (10 dubs, 10 trips, 10 quads) plus a tiebreaker?

Any chance we can split the games into multiple rounds to lessen the game load?

-- crazy4catnip
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Re: Random Cup - signups until March 15

Postby uckuki on Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:36 pm

crazy4catnip wrote:
uckuki wrote:each home set is 10 + 10 + 10

Does this mean that all 61 games are created at once? 30 per side (10 dubs, 10 trips, 10 quads) plus a tiebreaker?

Any chance we can split the games into multiple rounds to lessen the game load?

-- crazy4catnip

I prefer to leave the batches to the teams to decide, whatever they prefer. I can have as a default 2 batch set up in case
there is no agreement. you don't have to set specific dates, just do next batch once the first winds down, something
like that? whatever works, just don't take long breaks in-between, delay competition.

my estimate is that each round should take two maybe two and a half months, so we can have finals under way before
next season of random league starts (September). so, no rush just don't go snails pace I guess.

my thinking was to use for draw. unless someone has a better solution.

for qualifiers (if needed) we can do short war - 13 games (4 + 4 + 4 + 1)
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Re: Random Cup - signups until March 15

Postby Armandolas on Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:38 am

IMO, if you are going for a "full war" format, then qualifiers should also fit in that system. Maybe 41
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Re: Random Cup - signups until March 15

Postby crazy4catnip on Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:30 am

UM8 are in!

-- crazy4catnip
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Re: Random Cup - signups until March 15

Postby hopalong on Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:48 am

great initiative, uck. good to see you make use of your free time.
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Re: Random Cup

Postby Leehar on Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:07 pm

In terms of the 1 Competitive Clan rule, players can't compete for 2 clans at the same time. Unfortunately, the precedent has already been set with ACE, so TFFS, and the merged clan The Foreskin Dynasty, are seen as separate clans, and so players from TFFS can't play for TFD until their games in tffs-md are complete.

However, that shouldn't affect whether the merged clan can join this competition.
It will just have to be observed diligently that individual players don't start playing in games for the merged clan until their games for 'other clans' are finished.

uckuki wrote:
WPBRJ wrote:i think TFFSDYNASTY would love to play but it really comes down to when it starts and if TFFS war has ended. yes we as a new clan would not be aloud to participate until there war is over if i understand the rules of competitive clans goes. if there was a first round bye we would probably be able if your looking to start right away. maybe i am wrong i guess we would need a CD decision on this matter and find out more details of when were and how.

what's the name of the new clan?

I'm not 100% sure but I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to participate. I know there are some
restrictions in regards to F400 ranking and maybe CL/C Cup, but this is a brand new competition
and I don't wanna prevent anyone from participating, other than having required number of players
and the other stuff that usually goes with clan wars. as far as I am concerned you're more than welcome. having other war(s) at the same time is not a problem as long as you can field
enough players.
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Re: Random Cup - signups until March 15

Postby uckuki on Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:52 pm

hopalong wrote:great initiative, uck. good to see you make use of your free time.

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Re: Random Cup - signups until March 15

Postby uckuki on Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:54 pm

so, new clan can compete as long as they can field enough players without
those active in the ongoing war.

qualifiers, if needed, will be 41 games.

please, only clan reps vote in the poll
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Re: Random Cup - signups until March 15

Postby xman5151 on Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:56 pm

Personally I love this idea! I'm a bigger fan of cups than leagues, and love random maps. Will definitely talk to the rest of the clan and let you know
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