May The Conquer Gods Smile Upon You!
Inventory enriches your daily lives at the club with giving you sparkling new goodies to collect.
Win inventory from Games, Tournaments or from the Conquer Gods - if you treat them right.
You will be able to use Conquer Stars to enter Tournaments with delicious prizes - keep an eye on the Tournaments page
Our initial Inventory items are the 12 Conquer Stars, painted in our playing colors, however watch out for new items in the future!
Your Inventory will collect on your personal Inventory page, available on the left nav under Medal Stats.
Some items are more rare, and more valuable, than others - check out the Inventory Help for a full run down.
More new features:
- Scheduled AutoTournaments - Scheduled start times for autotournaments allows us to run speed and special event Autos far more effectively. Watch out for some scheduled Autos on the Tournaments Page.
- Transformation - Transformation is an expanded implementation of the Increasing / Decreasing Neutrals Suggestion by koontz1973 that allows mapmakers to control every territory on the map based on a very flexible set of rules. The new possibilities for gameplay that this opens up are endless! If you would like to participate in the Map Making revolution as it unfolds step on down to the Map Foundry.
- Announcements on left navigation - Announcements are now more tightly integrated into the site
- AutoTournament Upgrades - A variety of improvements and changes to Autos including changing how Speed Autos deal with offline players, showing more information on tourney pages and providing a tournaments tab in your my games section
- Automatic Game Snapshots, from a Suggestion by BGtheBrain - Note that this implementation takes an automated snapshot after each turn you play, when using the Panel Interface. At the same time we have cleaned up the snapshot functionality on this interface.
- Panel Interface Upgrades - Aside from the Automated Snapshots a variety of small improvements have been made to the functionality, including how Map Inspect behaves.
- Clan Leagues - Now have a tab on the Clans Page. Historic data will be getting populated over time, as will individual pages for Leagues be rolled out.
- "Waiting" Icon During Freestyle Waiting Period - Suggestion by Jdsizzleslice
- Increase Escalating Spoils to Avoid Stalemates - Suggestion by FabledIntegral
- 30+ Achievement Medal Structure - Continuing with the implementation of the Suggestion by Metsfanmax, the Tournament Achievement medals have been patched, per feedback, and the Tournament Organizer medals for 30+ Tournaments have been released
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