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Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby thenobodies80 on Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:00 am


I would delete the black lines, where visible, under the impassable.


This border, I would make a bit thicker.


Same here.

I would add a bit more green to the PT1 background and, on the opposite, have a bit less for HST, but i think it's just matter of personal preference.
I notice a few pixelation on a couple of names, but it's just nit-picking...the map looks really nice.

good work cairnswk. =D>
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:09 pm

thenobodies80 wrote:Image

I would delete the black lines, where visible, under the impassable.


This border, I would make a bit thicker.


Same here.

I would add a bit more green to the PT1 background and, on the opposite, have a bit less for HST, but i think it's just matter of personal preference.
I notice a few pixelation on a couple of names, but it's just nit-picking...the map looks really nice.

good work cairnswk. =D>

I've fixed all that tnb80 :)

Version 32


Click image to enlarge.


Click image to enlarge.

I have moved some army will get these fixed in new xml version.
Edit: the attached xml has the centering fixed for the above images. :)
(55.26 KiB) Downloaded 1566 times
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:10 pm

Ready for upload...tnb80...unless someone else has something to say. :)
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby agentcom on Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:52 pm

cairnswk wrote:Ready for upload...tnb80...unless someone else has something to say. :)

I've said pretty much all I have to say (except one thing): I like the old horses and the issues with the red that I brought up earlier. I like that you seem to have added back a little bit of the texture on all the territs.

But the one thing that I didn't say yet is thanks for taking the time to give this one another look. Really cool of you to go back and spend the time to update this even though you could just call it done since you already have the medal for it.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:35 pm

Mmmm, shame i didn't see this post before today...

agentcom wrote:I'm back! Sorry for the delay. I agree with ManB and others about toning down the bevel. Your last one where you did that is the best looking of the newest versions. I also agree with chap about the horses. That was one of the first things I noticed about the newest generation of map.

Bevel and horses are fixed i beleive.

Now onto what you're more likely asking about. I think that the newest versions are definitely a step forward in being able to see the infantry icons. I'd be happy with the latest version, as far as that goes.

Two things on that latest version (the bottom one in your last post): First, Is the red in the infantry, cavalry and artillery the same red? I can't tell if it's just due to the contrast, but: (1) the cavalry icon looks the "reddest" perhaps because of the black of the outline makes up a bigger portion of the "total" icon; (2) the cavalry icon looks slightly "less red" perhaps due to the fact that the outline only goes around the perimeter of the icon; and (3) the infantry icons look the "least red" and still somewhat "blend into" the image behind them perhaps because they have no outline. To me, this is only an issue with the red icons. Maybe the blue infantry could use a black outline, but the colors in the cavalry and artillery appear more consistent to me.
Yes there are small inconsistencies...which you have noticed...but i doubt if everyone else will notice or even bother with, certainly not enough for me to spend another several hours changing them all again on 2 maps.

Second, are you going to re-add the texture that you had on the old map now that you've changed the colors a bit? I think this is a bit too "crisp" for me. I think that could mute the birghtness of the colors a bit without actually changing the colors and bringing back whatever CB/contrast issues you may have been trying to fix.

There is texture in each region, and while this is slightly different from the original version because of as already explained differening treatments between software, i don't think it's all that bad.

Oh and one final thing: I notice that you're maybe not happy with the "Territory Naming" wording. Could I suggest "Territory Descriptions"

To me there is difference between naming and description, although a description can include a name.
Naming as applied here is the same as applied on other maps and discussions referring to xml/map naming and i'd prefer to keep it.

agentcom wrote:...
I've said pretty much all I have to say (except one thing): I like the old horses and the issues with the red that I brought up earlier...

The opportunity cost for me to redo these is far greater than getting on with something else.

But the one thing that I didn't say yet is thanks for taking the time to give this one another look. Really cool of you to go back and spend the time to update this even though you could just call it done since you already have the medal for it.

Thank-you, yes i could have created some argument, lucky for you i was receptive to change (which many times i admit i am not) and had time. :)
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby chapcrap on Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:35 am

I think it's a great change. :)
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby agentcom on Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:46 am

cairnswk wrote:The opportunity cost for me to redo these is far greater than getting on with something else.

Totally understand. No need to go line-by-line through your response. Move on to making us some more maps! :D
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby thenobodies80 on Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:52 am

Ok, so we're ready.
Please cairns post here the new files and as well in the OP for reference. :)
I will send them this evening, when back home.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:13 pm

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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby thenobodies80 on Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:37 pm

I was checking the files before sending....I see you changed the order of 2 regions Ney 04 and Ney 05.
To update the file using this order we have to close the map, wait all games end, etc etc due the way the game store the data.

I strongly suggest to use the old order so switch the two regions back in the old position, even if Ney 04 and Ney 05 are "not in order",specially considering that the change is just a cosmetic one.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:09 pm

thenobodies80 wrote:I was checking the files before sending....I see you changed the order of 2 regions Ney 04 and Ney 05.
To update the file using this order we have to close the map, wait all games end, etc etc due the way the game store the data.

I strongly suggest to use the old order so switch the two regions back in the old position, even if Ney 04 and Ney 05 are "not in order",specially considering that the change is just a cosmetic one.

R u sure about this, because i am in a waterloo game now, and N04 and N05 are stsill in the same order they were in quenched map on site?
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby thenobodies80 on Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:26 pm

Yes, it happened to me with far east when i worked on it. If you change the order of continents or regions the games will mess up.
I'm not talking about the drop down list in the game page, that is always in alphabetical order, it's an automated thing.
I'm talking about the xml file you posted and the one is currently live on the site, they have Ney 04 and Ney 05 in different positions, but maybe I'm wrong, gimme 2 mins to recheck. ;)
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby thenobodies80 on Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:29 pm

Yes I'm sure. ... esult.html

Check difference 63 and 66
On the left side is the current live xml, on the right side there's the one you posted here.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:44 pm

thenobodies80 wrote:Yes I'm sure. ... esult.html

Check difference 63 and 66
On the left side is the current live xml, on the right side there's the one you posted here.

Sorry, i can't see that image or doc you posted
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby ViperOverLord on Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:28 am

thenobodies80 wrote:I was checking the files before sending....I see you changed the order of 2 regions Ney 04 and Ney 05.
To update the file using this order we have to close the map, wait all games end, etc etc due the way the game store the data.

I strongly suggest to use the old order so switch the two regions back in the old position, even if Ney 04 and Ney 05 are "not in order",specially considering that the change is just a cosmetic one.

kchalot would be heartbroken if you closed the map. Other than that, I don't think it'd be too big a deal to close it if he wants to make the change.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:32 am

ViperOverLord wrote:
thenobodies80 wrote:I was checking the files before sending....I see you changed the order of 2 regions Ney 04 and Ney 05.
To update the file using this order we have to close the map, wait all games end, etc etc due the way the game store the data.

I strongly suggest to use the old order so switch the two regions back in the old position, even if Ney 04 and Ney 05 are "not in order",specially considering that the change is just a cosmetic one.

kchalot would be heartbroken if you closed the map. Other than that, I don't think it'd be too big a deal to close it if he wants to make the change.

I don't want the map closed either, but i would like an answer from tnb to my question above.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby thenobodies80 on Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:52 am

File actually on the site -->
show: File 1 details

File you posted --> download/file.php?id=1630

show: File 2 Details

If you see, Ney 04 and Ney 05 aren't listed in the same order.
In the first file, it is ney 03, ney 05, ney 04
In the second file it is ney 03, ney 04, ney 05

The game stored the territories with a " number" , so for example ney 04 could be the 10th territory. If you change its position, making it the 9th region, when the game will read the file, it will search for the 10th territory, not for ney04, so the game will mess up because de facto ney 05 will be ney 04 with your new file. So, if before the update you had ney04,after it you'll find yourself with ney05.

The same is for continents. You can change all names, coords, features, but you must keep the same order of the current live file when you list them ;)

In few words what i'm asking you is to swap ney 04 and ney 05 positions in your new xml to have them as they are in the current one that's live. Don't worry, no one will notice they are not in order in the xml because the drop down list will be a-z anyway so there's no difference while playing.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby ViperOverLord on Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:21 pm

I'm not against closing the map to make an artificial change that'll better the map. But if you do, I'd wait til the big auto Waterloo tourney has completed.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby ManBungalow on Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:33 pm

ViperOverLord wrote:I'm not against closing the map to make an artificial change that'll better the map. But if you do, I'd wait til the big auto Waterloo tourney has completed.

I think I'm right in saying that the change can be made without closing the map. In fact, as I understand it, the discussion above regarding the XML order is Nobodies trying to ensure an uninterrupted change from existing games to new games.

So long as the new XML (which should only be a change of region coordinates, not gameplay) is uploaded at the same time as the new image, it should work out okay...maybe some people will need to clear their cache or something.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:39 pm

thenobodies80 wrote:....

If you see, Ney 04 and Ney 05 aren't listed in the same order.
In the first file, it is ney 03, ney 05, ney 04
In the second file it is ney 03, ney 04, ney 05

The game stored the territories with a " number" , so for example ney 04 could be the 10th territory. If you change its position, making it the 9th region, when the game will read the file, it will search for the 10th territory, not for ney04, so the game will mess up because de facto ney 05 will be ney 04 with your new file. So, if before the update you had ney04,after it you'll find yourself with ney05.

The same is for continents. You can change all names, coords, features, but you must keep the same order of the current live file when you list them ;)

In few words what i'm asking you is to swap ney 04 and ney 05 positions in your new xml to have them as they are in the current one that's live. Don't worry, no one will notice they are not in order in the xml because the drop down list will be a-z anyway so there's no difference while playing.

My apologies for misunderstanding you on this one. :)
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:40 pm

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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:08 pm

I like that there no longer looks like a wall on the border of U04 and P05.
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Re: Battle of Waterloo [Quenched]

Postby agentcom on Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:02 am

Cairn, you going to keep some of the old versions in the OP for posterity?
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