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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:49 pm

Gilligan wrote:you don't need the required tags.

this will make the file much bigger.

I'll knock this out when I get home and we can see how that works.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:22 pm

OK this xml should allow you to reinforce favored territories that you control.

I'm probably not going to add that to the key as it should just be a given... at least I feel like people will figure it out pretty quick.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby Gilligan on Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:49 pm

dolomite13 wrote:OK this xml should allow you to reinforce favored territories that you control.

I'm probably not going to add that to the key as it should just be a given... at least I feel like people will figure it out pretty quick.



I agree.
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby Gilligan on Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:00 pm

Dolomite, this XML does not work.

Code: Select all
      <border condition="No Basic Land">F1 - Caverns</border>
      <border condition="No Basic Land">F2 - Crypts</border>
      <border condition="No Basic Land">F3</border>
      <border condition="No Basic Land">F4</border>
      <border condition="Treefolk - F1 - Caverns">F1 - Caverns</border>
      <border condition="Treefolk - F2 - Crypts">F2 - Crypts</border>
      <border condition="Treefolk - F3">F3</border>
      <border condition="Treefolk - F4">F4</border>

It appears that the engine reads this as follows:
Condition = "No Basic Land" AND "Treefolk - F3" to attack F3

It does NOT read it as follows:
Condition = "No Basic Land" OR "Treefolk - F3" to attack F3
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby Gilligan on Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:49 pm


I will propose this.

Leave the code the way it is. You can attack out only once. Lose the autodeploy to forget the lack of reinforcement. Or just leave the autodeploy for future turns if you don't have any land territories.

Then, we exclude nukes for this map. This way, you cannot lose your kingdom and just as important, your special features.
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:23 pm

Gilligan wrote:dolomite,

I will propose this.

Leave the code the way it is. You can attack out only once. Lose the autodeploy to forget the lack of reinforcement. Or just leave the autodeploy for future turns if you don't have any land territories.

Then, we exclude nukes for this map. This way, you cannot lose your kingdom and just as important, your special features.

I think I will drop the autodeploy and the +2 bonus for your kingdom and restore the map minimum of 3 troops

This makes kingdoms a way to select a start territory and get back in the game but also makes it more like special features as more of an indicator than a map position.

I am not sure we need to exclude nukes as in nukes games you take your chances and it can make the map even more chaotic. Nukes represent the chaotic nature of the magic in the land the same way that bonus sets represent an increase in conscription or maybe how the chaotic magic effect your troops making them more powerful. I will need to write some story text explaining the game modes just for fun.

I will look at this as soon as I get home.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:41 pm


- Escalating: the chaotic magic of the seems to feeds off of the anger and conflict. In return the energies have begun to change the denizens of the land making them more powerful and aggressive.

- Flat Rate: a steady supply of troops flows from your kingdom as you continue your attempt for control of the Forbidden Lands.

- Nuclear: the chaotic magics of the land seem to lash out. Entire armies simply disappear. Portals to your home kingdom cease to function. Your troops become twisted and unable to gain an advantage from your favored terrain and even the very fabric of your being seems somehow twisted and altered leaving behind an amorphous form that no longer resembles your natural form.

- No Spoils: with the portal to your kingdom no longer allowing travel on a regular basis you and your troops are left to bolster your position by recruiting the indigenous population.
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:28 pm

OK here is the latest change.

- dropped +1 autodeploy from Kingdoms
- dropped +2 deployable bonus from kingdoms
- dropped -1 standard territory offset
- set minimum deployable bonus to +3

Here is new XML and Maps. Note the changes in the Kingdoms and Bonuses part of the key.


XML 3.0.4
(70.84 KiB) Downloaded 571 times

Small Map 3.0.4

Large Map 3.0.4
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby Gilligan on Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:30 pm

so no matter how many territories you have, it's 3 deploy?
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 10/29

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:59 pm

Gilligan wrote:so no matter how many territories you have, it's 3 deploy?

Yep you always get at least 3 so of you lose a kingdom it doesn't hurt you that much and that makes the bonus the same as the old kingdom bonus of +1auto/+2deployable ... and their is also +1/3 basic land bonus. So you should start with 3 and once you grab that 1st favored you are at +4... conquer 2 more adjacent to that you are at +6. I am not sure if this is too much but it makes sure you get troops weather you have no kingdom or no basic lands and if you have neither your eliminated. We can always balance it by making it +1/4 or +1/5 basic land.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 11/7

Postby dolomite13 on Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:54 pm

updated small image above so we are good to go

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 11/7

Postby DearCyrus on Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:06 am

Any news?
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 11/7

Postby dolomite13 on Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:05 pm

DearCyrus wrote:Any news?

I haven't heard anything since posting the last update that should have fixed several problems that Gilligan and I saw while testing it last week.

I am hoping we can get this updated on the live servers soon (in the next week or two) but with the number of changes we want to make sure the the xml works as intended. I would like to not go through another overhaul like this last one again if we can avoid it.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 11/7

Postby DearCyrus on Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:41 pm

That is more than understandable! ;)
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 11/7

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:00 pm

Looks like testing has uncovered a few bugs ... I am working on them now.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 11/7

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:06 pm

Looks like we found a few bugs with conditional borders. To condition statements in the xml that end on the same territory and originate from the same territory acted like you needed both conditions. I was able to make some virtual continents for the territories that border chasms like "Human or Yeti" to fix some of this. But I had to make a change to a few territories to make it all work. D4 - Caverns becomes D4 - Radiation, S4 - Mines becomes S4 - Caverns, T2 - Radiation becomes T2 - Mines. These changes should fix all the conditional border issues and hopefully Gilligan and I can test this tomorrow.


XML - v3.0.5
(70.84 KiB) Downloaded 635 times

SMALL - v3.0.5

Large - v3.0.5
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML/Map Uploaded 11/13

Postby DearCyrus on Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:29 pm

Are we in a "no news is good news" kind of situation? ;)
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML/Map Uploaded 11/13

Postby dolomite13 on Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:55 pm

DearCyrus wrote:Are we in a "no news is good news" kind of situation? ;)

I think Gilligan needs to upload this latest update to the beta server so he and I can give it a test yet. I was hoping he would get to it this past week but I haven't heard anything.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML/Map Uploaded 11/13

Postby Gilligan on Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:31 pm

dolomite13 wrote:
DearCyrus wrote:Are we in a "no news is good news" kind of situation? ;)

I think Gilligan needs to upload this latest update to the beta server so he and I can give it a test yet. I was hoping he would get to it this past week but I haven't heard anything.


I can't upload anything, that has to be tnb. I sent him a message a few days ago about it.
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML Uploaded 11/7

Postby thenobodies80 on Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:51 pm

The files below are available for testing

dolomite13 wrote:XML - v3.0.5

SMALL - v3.0.5

Large - v3.0.5
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML/Map Uploaded 11/13

Postby dolomite13 on Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:55 pm

Testing so far it looks promising. I will play a few more test games this evening to make sure.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML/Map Uploaded 11/13

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:07 pm

After a few more test games I am not seeing any issues with connections or bonuses.

I would like to take one more day (today) and do a little more test gaming on the beta server before calling it ready to roll.

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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML/Map Uploaded 11/13

Postby agentcom on Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:02 am

This map is absolutely amazing. I think it might be the coolest map that I've ever seen. Nice job working with all the different XML to make this.

Couple of things I noticed on the map:

You never say what symbol denotes a Blood Tower. It takes a very long time figure out what a Blood Tower is just by looking at the map. You kind of have to do process of elimination and figure out that everything else means something else and the words "Blood Tower" are kind of close to the little black and red symbol in one corner of the key. I would think that should be labeled more clearly, perhaps where you define the other territory types.

The reason I was even looking for the Blood Tower is that I was trying to figure out what the deal was with the Forbidden Lands. As it stands now, it's really unclear what the interaction is between the Blood Towers and the Forbidden Lands. If you mean that you have to control 2 territs that border a Blood Tower in order to attack the Forbidden lands, then why not just say that? As it stands now, there are a few problems with the wording. First there are no "territories that border 2 Blood Towers" that I can see. Second, I am unclear on what "its impassible borders." Does that mean that you have to hold 2 Blood Tower-bordering territs in order to attack the Forbidden Lands? Third and much more minor point is that "borders" is misspelled down in that same area.

Also, I spent a long time trying to figure out where the asterisks along the right side were trying to lead me to. I finally figured out that the asterisks refer back into the middle of the panel second from left. This is hardly an intuitive place to look for what an asterisk means. I would suggest copying the asterisk definition (by this I mean the "* = each" text) and putting it also at the bottom right of the map, where people will naturally look to find out what the asterisk means.

Anyway, that's all I see from the visual/understanding part of things. I'll let you know if I find any problems with the gameplay.

Nice work.
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Re: [Beta] - Krazy Kingdoms - Revised XML/Map Uploaded 11/13

Postby Gilligan on Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:26 am

The Blood Tower description is on the bottom right, to the left of Wizards

For the asterisks... I was thinking it would be easier just to say it outright.

1 (nuke) +1
2 (nuke) +2
3 (nuke) +4
4 (nuke) +6

this would be much easier to really comprehend.
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