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PACK vs. LHDD [30-11] Final 12/27/13

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [7-2]

Postby grifftron on Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:32 pm

sempaispellcheck wrote:We do respect you guys

Really? Probably the first clan that ever has!

And smegs... which one is Betiko? :lol:

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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [7-2]

Postby jltile1 on Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:11 am

smegal69 wrote:
sempaispellcheck wrote:
jltile1 wrote:
arno30 wrote:maybe, maybe not.

good start for you guys, it's gonna be tough now, but who knows ? general tao might start to win more than his normal 50%. watch out if he does...!

Is LHDD 50% ? I guess that is the real question.

60% all-time, will improve to 62.5% when our win over WAR is made official.
We do respect you guys, but we're confident we have what it takes to pull this one back.


Well you have to Plan you distractions a lot better!!! sending us 3 french maids to take our mind off our war games could have worked, but using betiko as one may have been your down-fall




I thought I had the beans going but this is too funny :lol:
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [7-2]

Postby smegal69 on Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:15 pm

grifftron wrote:
sempaispellcheck wrote:We do respect you guys

Really? Probably the first clan that ever has!

And smegs... which one is Betiko? :lol:


Easy, here is a clue....... you know how he like's to drink, takes his mind of been french, why do you think the french drink so much!!! you think wine tastes nice???
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [7-2]

Postby QuikSilver on Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:20 pm

grifftron wrote:
sempaispellcheck wrote:We do respect you guys

Really? Probably the first clan that ever has!

And smegs... which one is Betiko? :lol:


He made a mistake... it was ``We do respected you guys``.
LHDD: New Comers 4, CL6 - Second division & Random Cup winners!
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [7-2]

Postby sempaispellcheck on Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:27 pm

QuikSilver wrote:
grifftron wrote:
sempaispellcheck wrote:We do respect you guys

Really? Probably the first clan that ever has!

And smegs... which one is Betiko? :lol:


He made a mistake... it was "We did respect you guys".

High score: 2200 - July 20, 2015
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [14-4]

Postby grifftron on Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:48 pm

I do respected you too quicky ;)
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [14-4]

Postby QuikSilver on Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:39 am

And my good english? You know what I meant ;)

I'm an english teacher at school, they're good 8-[
LHDD: New Comers 4, CL6 - Second division & Random Cup winners!
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [14-4]

Postby sempaispellcheck on Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:43 am

QuikSilver wrote:And my good english? You know what I meant ;)

I'm an english teacher at school, they're good 8-[

There are certainly a decent amount of CCers (francophone and otherwise) whose English is not as good as yours.
I'd say you could pass for a native speaker about 90% of the time.
Granted, there are a lot of "native speakers" who don't really speak well.
(pick a random YouTube video and scroll through the comments :roll: )

High score: 2200 - July 20, 2015
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [17-5]

Postby grifftron on Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:47 pm

Who cares if quicky writes a wrong word here and there, even native speakers do that like you said semp. In Thailand I hear ugly English spoken everyday, quicky looks like an English god compared to some of these people. I was just poking fun quick.. you know I love ya.

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Re: Pack vs. LHDD (41 games starting Nov.1)

Postby smegal69 on Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:04 am

QuikSilver wrote:
smegal69 wrote:We don't take prisoners, so it no good throwing your hands up in the air!!!


Good Luck To all

Haha! Nice pic

We speak french, but the majority are from others countries than France!

When you said most of you were not French,

I was thinking that you were going to be like The French Foreign Legion and put up a real good fight, a hell of a lot tougher that the French Army.
but hell i was wrong, 8-)

Love the Aprons, maybe you cooks should stay in the kitchen :D
P.S can you guys shave? last time i had duck liver pâté there was a hair in it :o
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [17-5]

Postby Donelladan on Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:50 am

Well I have to admit we were not prepared enough for you for the 1st set. You gave us a real hard time.
Hopefully we made some adjustement and you'll see on the 2nd set that we can even up the things a bit :)
Last edited by Donelladan on Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [17-5]

Postby grifftron on Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:08 am

Donelladan wrote:Well I have to admit we were not prepared enough for you for the 1st set. You gave us a real hard time.
Hopefull we made some adjustement and you'll see on the 2nd set that we can even up the things a bit :)

When the Pack is at 90-100% strength, it is impossible for any clan to prepare for our wrath.
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD (41 games starting Nov.1)

Postby General_Tao on Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:20 pm

jltile1 wrote:
General_Tao wrote:Smegal, remember when you were a little kid at the amusement park and you couldn't get on the big exciting adult ride because you weren't tall enough,,, well on here you've got to be at least a major to get away with dishing serious trash! :lol:

Kidding aside guys, we play a bit better than our record and are improving as a clan. I expect to win more than 50% of my games, looking forward to it.

betiko wrote:
General_Tao wrote:You guys are too broke to start any wars at this point, already maxed out.

I actually lived a long time in the bay area, nice place to go to college.

You're on for a side game...

Yup, San José State for me. The bay area is awesome.

I d say 23-18 for pack.

Cool! Did you study CS at SJSU? I went to Cal, I almost ended up being stuck there, it's a hard place to leave.

So are you at 50% or close just wondering....

I'm at 50% right now, 1 of 2, but it's going to be hard to win 2 more from the 4 games I'm in against Pack. 2 of 6 or 33% is more likely. Bad timing for me this month, but that's no excuse, congrats on winning the war.
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD (41 games starting Nov.1)

Postby stahrgazer on Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:07 pm

General_Tao wrote:I'm at 50% right now, 1 of 2, but it's going to be hard to win 2 more from the 4 games I'm in against Pack. 2 of 6 or 33% is more likely. Bad timing for me this month, but that's no excuse, congrats on winning the war.

Don't give up so quickly. First Nations has been going back and forth so you could still pull it off (over my dead body :twisted: )

But win or lose, you guys are making it a fun war.
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [17-5]

Postby jltile1 on Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:46 am

Donelladan wrote:Well I have to admit we were not prepared enough for you for the 1st set. You gave us a real hard time.
Hopefully we made some adjustement and you'll see on the 2nd set that we can even up the things a bit :)

Looks like 7 - 3 for the Pack
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [19-5]

Postby jltile1 on Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:11 pm

Time to get the sand bags out as the flood is coming!!
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [19-5]

Postby smegal69 on Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:02 am

That's your Medal f#@ked, sorry to tell ou JT.

chemefreak wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:
chemefreak wrote:The next player that double posts in this thread is getting a forum hiatus. I have given out several warnings. There is no need for this shit. Basic forum etiquette.

Could someone explain to me what a double post is??

From the Forum Guidelines:

Spam is posting for the sole intention of being annoying.
There are a million ways you shouldn't be annoying, but ones worth mentioning:

Spamming Specifics

* Double/triple/multiple posting.

Simply put, if you have the last post in a thread, just go ahead and edit your last post (unless it is a mafia thread!) do not post another. Thanks.
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [19-5]

Postby jltile1 on Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:09 am

smegal69 wrote:That's your Medal f#@ked, sorry to tell ou JT.

chemefreak wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:
chemefreak wrote:The next player that double posts in this thread is getting a forum hiatus. I have given out several warnings. There is no need for this shit. Basic forum etiquette.

Could someone explain to me what a double post is??

From the Forum Guidelines:

Spam is posting for the sole intention of being annoying.
There are a million ways you shouldn't be annoying, but ones worth mentioning:

Spamming Specifics

* Double/triple/multiple posting.

Simply put, if you have the last post in a thread, just go ahead and edit your last post (unless it is a mafia thread!) do not post another. Thanks.

Off topic posts are posts which de-rail a topic either directly or indirectly, at any point.
If the post is not about you, don't try to make it about you.
If the main point of your post is about something other than what the OP intended, it's not on topic, even if you did post about how you agree with the OP.
Yes, you can joke around in a forum topic, but keep it on the topic originally intended by the OP
Whether or not your post is the first to take a forum topic off topic is irrelevant: Off topic is off topic.
Just because everyone in the forum topic doesn't mind it going off topic does not mean that it's okey doky.

You better watch your mouth! I can see you all over the CA and being stripped of your medals and even your pants. You have been WARNED. This is a war thread and derailing ones war talk is not allowed. Now back to your outback or outhouse.
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [19-5]

Postby sempaispellcheck on Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:46 pm

jltile1 wrote:
smegal69 wrote:That's your Medal f#@ked, sorry to tell ou JT.

chemefreak wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:
chemefreak wrote:The next player that double posts in this thread is getting a forum hiatus. I have given out several warnings. There is no need for this shit. Basic forum etiquette.

Could someone explain to me what a double post is??

From the Forum Guidelines:

Spam is posting for the sole intention of being annoying.
There are a million ways you shouldn't be annoying, but ones worth mentioning:

Spamming Specifics

* Double/triple/multiple posting.

Simply put, if you have the last post in a thread, just go ahead and edit your last post (unless it is a mafia thread!) do not post another. Thanks.

Off topic posts are posts which de-rail a topic either directly or indirectly, at any point.
If the post is not about you, don't try to make it about you.
If the main point of your post is about something other than what the OP intended, it's not on topic, even if you did post about how you agree with the OP.
Yes, you can joke around in a forum topic, but keep it on the topic originally intended by the OP
Whether or not your post is the first to take a forum topic off topic is irrelevant: Off topic is off topic.
Just because everyone in the forum topic doesn't mind it going off topic does not mean that it's okey doky.

You better watch your mouth! I can see you all over the CA and being stripped of your medals and even your pants. You have been WARNED. This is a war thread and derailing ones war talk is not allowed. Now back to your outback or outhouse.

Irrelevant. Even though both of your posts were on topic, you still double posted.
So, sorry, no. But thank you for playing. :D

High score: 2200 - July 20, 2015
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [21-6]

Postby jghost7 on Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:53 pm

Good War LHDD. Its been fun.


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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [21-6]

Postby jltile1 on Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:02 pm

Very nice to take the challenge on LHDD. Was very fun of course cause we win. I hope you all love the game chat as it was intended for fun. Glad we decided to play you guys!! Hope you have better luck in your next war.

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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [21-6]

Postby simmons4 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:25 pm

thanks for the war LHDD, good luck in your next one
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [21-6]

Postby Donelladan on Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:32 pm

Congrats Pack, well deserved victory.
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Re: PACK vs. LHDD [21-6]

Postby smegal69 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:11 pm

Grande Guerre LHDD, =D> =D> =D> Bonne chance dans vos autres guerres de clans,
peut-être faire l'amour et pas la guerre ...... vous les gars a inventé le baiser Frech :D
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