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Postby DJPatrick on Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:27 am

Be sure before you accuse someone!
yEp...I'm sure I screwed up


he accused are suspected of:

Other: <Being clusters>
Got called away on duty 2 and a half days ago and needed Raz to sit for me in a crisis situation...we were playing a couple of team games and a standard Feudal where he had already been eliminated...asked him to cover those and just post when it was my turn in the one game where we were both still active opponents that I was away and would not return till (about now) Thurs PM...
I had not communication with Raz over this except the crisis sit plea due to duty short notice and left with Unit before a response...
Raz took the turns no drama except:


where he duly announced he was sitting for me and took my turn...unfortunately he was/is my opponent in that game...I would say he just forgot the protocols given his wide involvement in CC but this sort of stuff comes back to bit one in the ass...prob hasn't changed the game and no-one has complained but let's get it out there...He was not cheating as he announced he was taking my turn in a standard Feudal game (yeah West Australians are sometimes dumb but not that dumb if he was trying to cheat)...We play a lot of games as opponents as well as team games (were teamates before the AKA V KORT bloodletting) but this is just a slip-up.

Given that he was only taking these turns because I'd asked him at short notice due to operational imperatives, I'm willing to wear any and ALL flack for this so I'm asking a C&A Mod to rule a reasonable penaltyTO ME and then it can move on...

Have been on CC for over six years and often lamented that I've had NO C&A reports against me...seems I have to file them myself!!!!


PS" MY next turn in the game in question comes due in less than three hours so I'm just after some direction whether I should play it out and wait for punitive action or just let it time out??? :evil:

Game number(s):


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Postby BoganGod on Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:56 am

There are penalties for deliberately missing turns. So assume until told otherwise you continue as you were. Might I suggest that your punishment be to move to New South Wales, learn to speak without saying aye, and learn how to post game links.

I'm sure the other's in the game would have rather the turn got taken by someone in the game, then having to wait whilst you dead beated. I know that is how I would have looked at it.
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Postby Frox333 on Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:14 pm

haha bogan, if it were me, I would let this just slip by. It was an emergency and a last resort situation. If it had altered the game, then this would be a different situation, but It didn't.
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Postby Vid_FISO on Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:16 pm

Have more than one member of your clan as a sitter? That's if you can trust more than the one? :-)

Potential similar issue coming up for me, I've asked everyone involved in the game to slow it down as much as possible to avoid it being a problem. I'll pass the password onto someone else if the move comes around too soon though.
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Postby codierose on Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:52 pm

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Postby king achilles on Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:16 pm

Noted. I hope that was just one and the last turn made by Razorvich for you in Game 13620524. If no one else can take turns for you, leave this game out from him.
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Postby Razorvich on Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:27 am


My fault entirely, running late with a few under the belt after a work pub outing and rushing turns tired.

An honest mistake, I didn't even realize I took the wrong turn.

Apologies to all involved.

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Postby eddie2 on Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:32 pm

rofl dj raz tut tut tut dont do it again......

only joking this didnt even need a noted. genuine mistake that i think any sitter has made. and honestly how many players have sat others in a game and looked at fog games they are in to see who has what that they cannot see. what do i see coming from this... dj raz now knows what base you have and what stack you have kiss goodbye he gonna kill you :mrgreen:
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