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Re: Gladiators Mafia - Endgame: Mafia Wins!

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Mithridaties on Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:35 pm

@: mtamburini

Asking questions in a search for answers in this troubling time is a normal reaction for me. Not wishing to be associated with the last guy who was lynched, vindicated or not, is also easy to understand? But Crying for more blood so soon after these last tragedies makes you look bad. mtamburini, did you just get a taste for blood and now you must have more? Rather then Jumping on you witch hunt, pack mentality mtamburini, i would like to offer to buy you a coffee. You seem stressed, tell me what's bothering you. I'm sorry for sounding like i don't like Gundula, i have just seen too many zombie films to be completely comfortable around the walking dead. he creeps me out. Plus all his ranting about salvation and seeing god... he wasn't my favorite person before all the religion... you like him. Good for you. Oh that's ok i remember your favorite coffee; He'll have a "Non fat half caff tripple grande quarter sweet sugar free vanilla non-fat lactaid extra hot extra foamy caramel macchiato. Dont judge, he has sensitive gums."
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:53 pm

Vote Mithridaties, agreed he is misleading when both Odug and Gundula ARE PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN TOWNIES.

Sirius is following up on 3rd party possibilities that I brought up, and I think he is just expounding on the chance of there being one. I think it's the only thing logical that accounts for 2 night kills instead of 1.

I'm thinking DB4 and Cump are mason buddies.

Yes, I voted frank on the 1st day, that was because he was the last to check in. I get results though.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:54 pm

Cump, you're being silent, what did you do last night during the quietness? Wolf?
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Mithridaties on Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:58 pm

I must be missing something. where does it say that they are proven townies? i had hope that Mobsters or masons or whatever were inadvertently killing each-other.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:05 am

Mith, look back at where the moderator posted what happened over night. Click on the drawdown boxes.... "Mr. Innocent"
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Mithridaties on Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:17 am

@ TheCrown

Ok that's cool, didn't notice that. Still doesn't say that Gundula is innocent just that he "has been revived and is back in the game!" where do i find the bit about him being a Townie? I don't want to be at a disadvantage to those who have played this before? already i am inspiring animosity with my ignorance, so let the coaching continue.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Mithridaties on Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:18 am

Ok, i found it... learning curve lol...
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:31 am

Unvote Mith, I guess he didn't know.

Cump and Wolf and whoever else hasn't chimed in, you need to get in here and talk.

@Wolf, why did you say that you couldn't believe people didn't vote for you? You a scum?

I left my notes at work, so will get back on here tomorrow to see who else is dodging the conversation.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Mithridaties on Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:38 am

Gundula, I would like to apologize, i was wrong about you. i have checked the coroners report illegally online, and you are not a super intelligent zombie. My bigotry, comic books, stereotypes and years of locker room slander has usually made me a keen judge of character. I gave into the temptation of labeling, but science cannot lie, you are not a brain-eating-zombie. I'm sorry for ever thinking you were. You are a fellow townie and you deserve my respect.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby SiriusCowKing on Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:03 am

DB4Christ wrote:I was at the hockey game last night and seen Cump there as well. Where were the rest of you? I know Guhnd to be a "True Townie", and believe that Cump is right as rain as well.

Sounds like you are either manson buddies, you are the cop and you know he's a townie, or you are both mafias. Yes, mafias know each others.

Mithridaties wrote:1st SiriusCowKing, Keeps implying that he is not one of these third parties. And yet helpfully ill admit keeps bring them up. As if he is trying to convince us of something??

I never said anything about my role, in fact I would say that you are trying to convince people to vote for me.

All I see is a logical night. The mafia and the 3rd party killed people who were pretty much inactive as chat goes, no one voted for them so no suspicion trail. My initial reaction would be to vote for Mithridaties as he threw suspicions on me, but if we just randomly attack each other we will not win the game, the mafia or 3rd party will. I would also say that TheCrown does talk a lot but I don't think he is a suspect because of it. He is just excited and participate a lot, just like the the forum of our alliance.

I took a final look back at my suspicion post. Akimaro was in the list. He didn't say a single word until we all started to vote for gundula, then just said "vote gundula". I think that makes him even more suspect. I may retract this later depending on your response but for now I vote Akimaro.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 15/15 - D1: Trouble in Vanilla Town

Postby Epitaph1 on Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:37 am


Akamiro - Sirius
Mith - mtamburini

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
Deadline is in 13days
StorrZerg wrote:i find no joy in this
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby mtamburini on Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:03 am

SiriusCowKing wrote:I took a final look back at my suspicion post. Akimaro was in the list. He didn't say a single word until we all started to vote for gundula, then just said "vote gundula". I think that makes him even more suspect. I may retract this later depending on your response but for now I vote Akimaro.

Based on this statement alone, it does look scummy.

Unvote Vote Akimaro
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:05 am

mtamb seems like an easy band-wagoner, trying to stay out of suspicion... got my eye on you!

Akamiro, Gundula, and Wolf all need to speak, as well as anyone that might have a night action that they found something out.

I'll wait a few more hours, then ask the moderator to bump them.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby mtamburini on Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:34 am

I find people who do not post often/ be apart of the vote that lynches someone scum. Granted I did vote Gundula on day 1 but I did so because of the above reasons. Quiet folks seem like they have something to hide.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby mtamburini on Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:37 am

Also why does Gundula need to speak crown? We know what he is, and also he has no night action as he was "dead" and by his description of his role we know he has no night action. What are you trying to get out of Gundula then?
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:02 pm

trying to get him in the game and helping out.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:05 pm

Frank was killed by a knife...

Odug by a bullet. Usually, I think, serial killers use a gun. We must have a 3rd party.

And for those of you townies with protective roles, please protect the best roles when we know them, or the best investigators.

Cump, what did you do last night?
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:06 pm

Cump, why is DB4 putting you in the same camp as him? Hockey game?
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby crasp on Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:38 pm

Cump Sherman wrote:I started to go to the donut shop but didn't. My appetite is gone as are two friends. And I'm totally confused. Why did we lose two friends? Was this because Odug brought Gundula back from the dead? And I still don't know if Gundula is innocent. I only know that he was a very good friend of Odug. Maybe too good. Odug's action obviously cost him his life.
Someone knows something. Isn't their conscience bothering them? They need to speak out!!!

Cumps first post after the we heard about the killings. No mention of any hockey game.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Gundula on Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:44 pm

Mithridaties wrote:Gundula, I would like to apologize, i was wrong about you. i have checked the coroners report illegally online, and you are not a super intelligent zombie. My bigotry, comic books, stereotypes and years of locker room slander has usually made me a keen judge of character. I gave into the temptation of labeling, but science cannot lie, you are not a brain-eating-zombie. I'm sorry for ever thinking you were. You are a fellow townie and you deserve my respect.

No problem mate, still trying to learn the role/game etc !!
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Cump Sherman on Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:56 pm

I'm here. Been here all the time. Ever been to a funeral? There are a lot of us that sit on the side quietly mourning our loss while many gather in groups to catch up on what's been happening with the family, etc. Shame, shame on most of you for quickly wanting to point the finger and hang someone else. That is how the first lynch happened. And it seems to me that The Crown is pushing too much of this.
I'm not going to vote yet. It is way too soon. But I know who I feel very uncomfortable with right now.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby crasp on Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:06 pm

Cump Sherman wrote:I'm here. Been here all the time. Ever been to a funeral? There are a lot of us that sit on the side quietly mourning our loss while many gather in groups to catch up on what's been happening with the family, etc. Shame, shame on most of you for quickly wanting to point the finger and hang someone else. That is how the first lynch happened. And it seems to me that The Crown is pushing too much of this.
I'm not going to vote yet. It is way too soon. But I know who I feel very uncomfortable with right now.

Quietly mourning at a hockey game??
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:09 pm

Yes Cump, feel uncomfortable, fine, but answer the question. Why were you with DB4 last night? Who did you visit?
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Gundula on Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:29 pm

I always believed in the good Lord above and I thank him for my revival. What a day its been, ive been taking it easy enjoying life, not seen anyone around really, Hockey game? missed out on that, what were the teams ?
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby crasp on Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:33 pm

Like Crump i am not going to vote yet but i reckon the Crown has a point. there is a big hole in the Cump, DB story regarding this hockey game.
But I think the Crown has some questions to answer as well. Why did you swap the method of murder of odug and frank then try to insinuate that Frank was the mafia kill.
Another thing thats bugging me is why would Odug bring back Gandula when Gandula had already voted Odug for a lynch. lots of stuff not adding up here.
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