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Re: Gladiators Mafia - Endgame: Mafia Wins!

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 14/15 - N1: Riot at the donut shop

Postby Gundula on Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:14 am

Guys, I have been sitting in the church gathering my thoughts about how this neighborhood has become, once we were all respected decent folk and now it seems we have a few how wants to take control and oust out the innocent. We live in terrible time with people who are prepared to kill.

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 14/15 - N1: Riot at the donut shop

Postby Gundula on Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:57 pm

Gundula wrote:Guys, I have been sitting in the church gathering my thoughts about how this neighborhood has become, once we were all respected decent folk and now it seems we have a few how wants to take control and oust out the innocent. We live in terrible time with people who are prepared to kill.


Oh. looks like i speak from the grave lol
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 14/15 - N1: Riot at the donut shop

Postby Epitaph1 on Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:27 pm

:-$ :-$
StorrZerg wrote:i find no joy in this
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 14/15 - N1: Riot at the donut shop

Postby Epitaph1 on Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:12 pm

Odug stood above the open casket of his late friend Gundula. He couldn't believe the town could lynch the poor guy while he was in the hospital. "He didn't even get a chance to claim," Odug murmured to himself. But Odug knew a way to make things right. He put his palm on Gundula's chest, rolled up his sleeve, and said "LIVE!" Gundula's eyes snapped open and his irises adjusted to the dim light of the funeral home.

Gundula has been revived and is back in the game!

Odug gave Gundula a pat on the back and a healthy handshake. With his work complete, Odug began his trek back home on foot. As he was walking, he could have sworn he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around suddenly on three occasions, but could never make out the source of the noise.

When he arrived home, he punched in the code to his garage and slid under the door as it lifted. But when he went to enter the door to the mudroom, he found that it was locked. He turned around just in time to see the silhouette of someone charging and then everything went black. When the neighbors woke up the next morning, they found Odug's body hanging in the garage without his right eyeball and several stab wounds on his chest.

Odug - Town Reviver - has been killed.

But Odug wasn't the only body the neighbors found in the morning. Down the street, Frank Martel lied in a heap on his front lawn just a few feet from the newspaper he was attempting to retrieve. He had a bullethole through the heart and a honey glazed doughnut stuffed in his mouth.

Frank Martel - Vanilla Townie - has been killed

With 13 alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch.
Deadline in 2 weeks.

Day 2 has begun!
StorrZerg wrote:i find no joy in this
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby SiriusCowKing on Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:20 pm

Is there a reason why we have 2 deaths this night?

At least now we know gundula is not a mafia.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Frank Martel on Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:21 pm

Well, at least I got part of a donut. This was not nearly as much fun as I'd hoped. See you all back on the CC boards.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:23 pm

wow, shocking night! At least Odug was able to use his ability and help town before he was whacked. But losing 2 townies in the night part is really strange. We either have a mafia group and a serial killer, or 2 mafias.

Does anyone have anything they saw last night?
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby SiriusCowKing on Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:49 pm

oh right, 3rd parties
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Cump Sherman on Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:16 pm

I started to go to the donut shop but didn't. My appetite is gone as are two friends. And I'm totally confused. Why did we lose two friends? Was this because Odug brought Gundula back from the dead? And I still don't know if Gundula is innocent. I only know that he was a very good friend of Odug. Maybe too good. Odug's action obviously cost him his life.
Someone knows something. Isn't their conscience bothering them? They need to speak out!!!
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby SiriusCowKing on Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:22 pm

Cump Sherman wrote:I started to go to the donut shop but didn't. My appetite is gone as are two friends. And I'm totally confused. Why did we lose two friends? Was this because Odug brought Gundula back from the dead? And I still don't know if Gundula is innocent. I only know that he was a very good friend of Odug. Maybe too good. Odug's action obviously cost him his life.
Someone knows something. Isn't their conscience bothering them? They need to speak out!!!

I know this is role playing, but yes he is innocent, his role was public after his death. No more vote for gundula, the admin said he was a townie. The reason why we lost 2 friends is because one of them got killed by the mafia and the other one was killed by a 3rd party. If you don't remember what the 3rd parties can be, here's the link again.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby crasp on Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:30 pm

Back to basics here. How does three people get stiffed in one turn. :o
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:01 pm

Yes, Gundula is someone we can trust now. Who can chime in on night actions? Everyone needs to speak here or you may draw attention to yourself.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Cump Sherman on Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:51 pm

Thank you Cow for clarifying for me. I did go back to the documents and read about 3rd parties. But I wasn't sure if they were in the Vanilla or not. So much to keep in mind. And just as this bad news hit us, we get notices we are at War.
Gundula - I apologize to you as a voice of the town. I feel ashamed for my vote.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby crasp on Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:46 pm

Lost. Why would Odug cast the vote that lynched Gandula then revive him. No mention of any of this stuff in that posted topic. Ie revivalists, serial killers or second mafia.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TuffyLess on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:22 pm

So the Mafia GodFather can take action during the night, a 3rd party can, and cant the Townie Cop as well?

If there are three parties that can take action during the night, why would there only be two people dead - Frank & Odug (Not counting Gundula since he was killed during the day)?

I know we dont know who took action during the night (Mafia, Townie, 3rd Party), but seems there is a lifeless body short in the rightup in the newspaper this morning. :-s
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:27 pm

most town roles do not kill during the night, that is for the bad guys to do... you know the song "The Freaks Come Out At Night" from back in the 1980's right?

Cops investigate and other town roles are usually a type of investigation. You're not hinting at your role I hope.... it would be bad for the mafia to know who the town cop was at this point.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby mtamburini on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:33 pm

Mafia finding out who the town cop is = the death of the town imo
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TheCrown on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:34 pm

mtamburini wrote:Mafia finding out who the town cop is = the death of the town imo

well, not quite that bad, but the town cop has a powerful role, so does the doctor if we have one
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby crasp on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:42 pm

Is there always a town cop then. In fact dont answer that. Seems to me anybody who comes to your line of sight ends up stiff. And talking of sight how come you and your lynch mob are of giving it blue eyes this and eyeball that and suddenly Odug ends sleeping with the fishes with an eyeball missing??
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby DB4Christ on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:47 pm

Thank God your alright Guhnd my friend! As far as I am concerned, everyone who was on that lynching committee is now suspect! Odug, bless his dear departed soul, did the only decent thing he could do, he revived his friend. He made a big mistake, he let the wrong people or person see his compassionate act, and it cost him his life. As for Good Citizen and Townie FM, I believe he was cut down for interfering with those Scumbags extorting money from our beloved doughnut shop. Why else would they stick a doughnut in his mouth, send a message to the rest of us!? I was at the hockey game last night and seen Cump there as well. Where were the rest of you? I know Guhnd to be a "True Townie", and believe that Cump is right as rain as well. I base this on the fact that my friend Cump likes doughnuts as much as I do, and would have eaten the doughnut, not wasted it in such a grotesque manor! Nor did he take part in lynching an innocent man. I will be gone a few days, as I have to go pick up FM's sister for the funeral. Try not to kill anymore innocent citizens while I am gone.
I :cry: for our fallen Townsman and friends. RIP Fella's.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby TuffyLess on Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:01 pm

TheCrown wrote:You're not hinting at your role I hope.... it would be bad for the mafia to know who the town cop was at this point.

No - not hinting at my role; was inquiring about 'the role' itself.
Im just trying to grasp the mechanics of whats going on when something is going on. :)
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Ignoreme on Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:39 pm

DB4Christ wrote:Thank God your alright Guhnd my friend! As far as I am concerned, everyone who was on that lynching committee is now suspect! Odug, bless his dear departed soul, did the only decent thing he could do, he revived his friend. He made a big mistake, he let the wrong people or person see his compassionate act, and it cost him his life. As for Good Citizen and Townie FM, I believe he was cut down for interfering with those Scumbags extorting money from our beloved doughnut shop. Why else would they stick a doughnut in his mouth, send a message to the rest of us!? I was at the hockey game last night and seen Cump there as well. Where were the rest of you? I know Guhnd to be a "True Townie", and believe that Cump is right as rain as well. I base this on the fact that my friend Cump likes doughnuts as much as I do, and would have eaten the doughnut, not wasted it in such a grotesque manor! Nor did he take part in lynching an innocent man. I will be gone a few days, as I have to go pick up FM's sister for the funeral. Try not to kill anymore innocent citizens while I am gone.
I :cry: for our fallen Townsman and friends. RIP Fella's.

OK, I just got back from chocolate town. Was down there for a car show with my 69 Barracuda Hotrod. Come in to find two towns folk have been "offed".
Really? I hear people crying....o my..o my...those poor folk. I think so to...but where were you? I'm not saying anything, but I am trying to figure out....did you really see cump there? ( a hockey game only the two of you knew about and no one else in town attended?) Or were the two of you busy with other things and just covering for each other? I'm open....what ever those other things may have been...but no one else knows of any "hockey game".
What's up guys?
Please explain....Please.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby Mithridaties on Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:50 pm

Well after Reading the local paper at the local Coffee shop, I have decided that those who frequent the Doughnut shop may have been inadvertently stepping on some toes. I have some questions that you all may enjoy having answered as much as i will.

1st SiriusCowKing, Keeps implying that he is not one of these third parties. And yet helpfully ill admit keeps bring them up. As if he is trying to convince us of something??

2nd If we look at the two assassinated people, Odug and Frank M., (Who may have been part of a gang war between parties) They were not lynched by the townies, but who did wont them dead? Who voted for them to die in the past? The crown voted to lynch Frank M. I find that interesting. Perhaps since TheCrown couldn't get us all to jump on that wagon he took matters into his own hands?

3rd But that still Leaves Odug (Rearranged letters... "U-God") who raised Gundula (The Jesus-look-alike) Back from the dead. Is it Easter already? Now who voted to kill Odug? Must be a 3rd party right CowKing? Also Why would Odug bring Gundula back from the dead? Kindness or is Gundula part of a 3rd party that is loosing the turf war? And Odug was bringing back a partner in crime? Lets just hope that the Mafia Isn't as bullet proof as Gundula. Welcome back Gundula, its nice to see you, but go sit over there. I don't want to attract the same kind of attention you get, Sounds uncomfortable. Hopefully his time in the afterlife will inspire him to make better friends and less enemies.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby DB4Christ on Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:49 pm

OK, I just got back from chocolate town. Was down there for a car show with my 69 Barracuda Hotrod. Come in to find two towns folk have been "offed".
Really? I hear people crying....o my..o my...those poor folk. I think so to...but where were you? I'm not saying anything, but I am trying to figure out....did you really see cump there? ( a hockey game only the two of you knew about and no one else in town attended?) Or were the two of you busy with other things and just covering for each other? I'm open....what ever those other things may have been...but no one else knows of any "hockey game".
What's up guys?
Please explain....Please.[/quote]
Well Mike, I guess you didn't know about the hockey game because you "were in chocolate town", I stated where I was. The question is, where was everyone else? Were you by yourself on this trip Mike? Just saying....! I think we all should take a long hard look at the lynching party!!
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 13/15 - D2: 1 up, 2 down

Postby mtamburini on Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:59 pm

Mithridaties wrote:3rd But that still Leaves Odug (Rearranged letters... "U-God") who raised Gundula (The Jesus-look-alike) Back from the dead. Is it Easter already? Now who voted to kill Odug? Must be a 3rd party right CowKing? Also Why would Odug bring Gundula back from the dead? Kindness or is Gundula part of a 3rd party that is loosing the turf war? And Odug was bringing back a partner in crime? Lets just hope that the Mafia Isn't as bullet proof as Gundula. Welcome back Gundula, its nice to see you, but go sit over there. I don't want to attract the same kind of attention you get, Sounds uncomfortable. Hopefully his time in the afterlife will inspire him to make better friends and less enemies.

Vote Mithridaties for putting a target on Gundula and accusing him of 3rd party when his role has been stated.
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