Minister Masket wrote:Lynch Me!
With pleasure.
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Minister Masket wrote:Lynch Me!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
jonty125 wrote:care to elaborate, by my reckoning there have been no mod slips.
Commander9 wrote:nagerous wrote:The VC is still pretty screwy, not sure if some of it is role related or not - can we have some clarification?
What exactly do you mean? If you mean not being allowed to state your victory conditions... Then yes, that is not allowed. You may ambiguously state them, but you can't give out all the details. So, example:
Iron Butterfly wrote:Time to claim Minister.
Iron Butterfly wrote:I'm sure strike wolf is just thrilled you blew his cover.
Minister Masket wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:I'm sure strike wolf is just thrilled you blew his cover.
Hey, you asked me to claim. So technically he should blame you.
Also he didn't know who I was so this was a good of a chance as any to clear that up.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.
ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
strike wolf wrote:Well...I had honestly taken the fact that you knew who you were aligned with to mean you were not a Lannister (I guess being my lord father, you know more than I). It is true I am Jaime Lannister. It is also true that I have no incentive to favor any faction, other than mine own family.
Here you go:kgb007 wrote:did i miss MM's post where he knew who he was aligned with?strike wolf wrote:Well...I had honestly taken the fact that you knew who you were aligned with to mean you were not a Lannister (I guess being my lord father, you know more than I). It is true I am Jaime Lannister. It is also true that I have no incentive to favor any faction, other than mine own family.
Minister Masket wrote:Because I know the other guy in my faction and it makes sense to assume it's the same for the others.strike wolf wrote:I would like to know why MM automatically assumes those in other factions know each other.
Minister Masket wrote:jonty125 wrote:care to elaborate, by my reckoning there have been no mod slips.Commander9 wrote:nagerous wrote:The VC is still pretty screwy, not sure if some of it is role related or not - can we have some clarification?
What exactly do you mean? If you mean not being allowed to state your victory conditions... Then yes, that is not allowed. You may ambiguously state them, but you can't give out all the details. So, example:
Mod thought VC meant victory conditions, when it means Vote Count. That was basically it.Iron Butterfly wrote:Time to claim Minister.
Fair doos. ... hrones.jpg
Not only am I a JOAT, but with my son Jamie we can join any faction and support them.
In other news, Strike Wolf is Jaime.
So if you want your faction to win, get us on your side basically. ^^
Nebuchadnezer wrote:Minister Masket wrote:Commander9 wrote:Minister Masket wrote:Flow520 wrote:So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.
Too bloody right mate. Understatement of the century right here.
I've read all the books so am happy to help out if anyone wants an info dump on the source.
On this subject in particular, we probably have King's Court, the Starks and Daenerys as 3 factions, with maybe a couple from the Wall lobbed in there too. Mafia's likely headed up by Cersei or her son Joffrey (AKA: evil git)
As Wolf has mentioned, the scenario is indeed based on Robert's Rebellion, so Joffrey himself is not born. As far as anything/everything else... Well, I think you have enough clues and ideas around you to figure a thing or two. did Wolf know that this was based on Robert's Rebellion?
And I just went over the opening scene again, IE: more like a factions game than a traditional mafia. Fair doos!
13 characters guesses are:
1) Robert
2) Ned Stark
3) Cersei Lannister
4) Mad King whatshisface
5) His son whatshisface
6) Tywin Lannister
7) Another Lannister - likely Jamie.Dorne bloke
9) Martell bloke
10) Some guy from the Wall.
11) Ned's sister whatsherface
12) Stannis
13) An Other (I wish)
Okay....maybe I read the books months ago and maybe some of the names escape me. =L
I don't see why someone from the wall would be in here, neither would an "other." If you just wiki it, I come up with:
1. Rheagar Targaryen
2. Robert Baratheon
3. King Aerys II
4. Eddard Stark
5. Jon Arryn
6. Jaime Lannister
7. Mace Tyrell
8. Jon Connington
9. Hoster Tully
10. Grand Master Pycelle
11. Varys
12. Tywin Lannister
13. Some other minor house (Frey, Greyjoy)
(I could see only one character of the small council, so maybe Frey and Greyjoy are both in.)
I see the blue as "rebellion", red as "loyalists", green as "will choose" and orange as "survivor." I could also see only a few chosen people to be masoned...possibly Robert/Eddard and/or Rhaegar/King Aerys.
Anyway you put it, it will be interesting to see how the major and minor victories play out.
Minister Masket wrote:Because I know the other guy in my faction and it makes sense to assume it's the same for the others.strike wolf wrote:I would like to know why MM automatically assumes those in other factions know each other.
strike wolf wrote:It is also true that I have no incentive to favor any faction, other than mine own family.
Nebuchadnezer wrote:Minister Masket wrote:
Not only am I a JOAT, but with my son Jamie we can join any faction and support them.
In other news, Strike Wolf is Jaime.
So if you want your faction to win, get us on your side basically. ^^, you're hoping that each faction decides to NOT kill you, in the hopes that you'll join their side? When in reality, neither faction can count on you due to your erratic play, including your vindictive outing of your son. Also, when do you have to make this decision? And how will factions "get you to their side"?
Presumably the faction or coalition of factions the commands the majority vote will attempt to lynch their enemies. Obviously not everyone within this group will know the identity of everyone else in that group, so it stands to reason that those in the minority factions will in some manner pretend to be in the majority group so to attempt to avoid their lynch. So you know, just like regular mafia in many regards. The biggest difference will probably stem from different members of the coalition having differing priorities.Iron Butterfly wrote:The question arises what criteria constitutes we lynch someone if every claim/role is beneficial to at least one faction?
spiesr wrote:Presumably the faction or coalition of factions the commands the majority vote will attempt to lynch their enemies. Obviously not everyone within this group will know the identity of everyone else in that group, so it stands to reason that those in the minority factions will in some manner pretend to be in the majority group so to attempt to avoid their lynch. So you know, just like regular mafia in many regards. The biggest difference will probably stem from different members of the coalition having differing priorities.Iron Butterfly wrote:The question arises what criteria constitutes we lynch someone if every claim/role is beneficial to at least one faction?
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.
ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
safariguy5 wrote:I'm a bit confused by the reaction here, did strike know that MM was aligned with him? I would think this faction would be a mason thing, not a one-way knowledge arrangement.
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.
ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
jonty125 wrote:Hmmm, survivor with JOAT powers, and a buddy, but not masoned. Normally survivors don't last very long round here but this game is unique unvote
@MM, VC can mean Victory Condition or Vote Count
jonty125 wrote:Hmmm, survivor with JOAT powers, and a buddy, but not masoned. Normally survivors don't last very long round here but this game is unique unvote
@MM, VC can mean Victory Condition or Vote Count
Could he have kept me out of his claim? Quite likely but it's done nothing else to say there. As far as why should they not kill us? Well first of all mafia or whichever faction most closely resembles mafia won't waste kills on potential allies when there's enemies at hand and no faction can afford to lynch us when that only delays them losing to their opposing faction at best. Any case against either of us would be a waste of time because it's easy for anyone of any faction to jump on a third party bandwagon and blend in.Nebuchadnezer wrote:Minister Masket wrote:jonty125 wrote:care to elaborate, by my reckoning there have been no mod slips.Commander9 wrote:nagerous wrote:The VC is still pretty screwy, not sure if some of it is role related or not - can we have some clarification?
What exactly do you mean? If you mean not being allowed to state your victory conditions... Then yes, that is not allowed. You may ambiguously state them, but you can't give out all the details. So, example:
Mod thought VC meant victory conditions, when it means Vote Count. That was basically it.Iron Butterfly wrote:Time to claim Minister.
Fair doos. ... hrones.jpg
Not only am I a JOAT, but with my son Jamie we can join any faction and support them.
In other news, Strike Wolf is Jaime.
So if you want your faction to win, get us on your side basically. ^^, you're hoping that each faction decides to NOT kill you, in the hopes that you'll join their side? When in reality, neither faction can count on you due to your erratic play, including your vindictive outing of your son. Also, when do you have to make this decision? And how will factions "get you to their side"?
So, with you two as third parties, there are 11 other players. What do you think the faction break down is out of the other 11? Do you think either faction can take the chance that you tip the scales dramatically against them? Which leads me back to my earlier post...
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
safariguy5 wrote:Okay, but if we have multiple no lynches, then following your logic strike, the "mafia" faction would not target you two because of your low threat. They would target other factions which would mean that it would be beneficial for your faction as it would increase the power disparity. Thus, more no lynches probably means you would side with the "mafia" faction towards endgame.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
Iron Butterfly wrote:jonty125 wrote:Hmmm, survivor with JOAT powers, and a buddy, but not masoned. Normally survivors don't last very long round here but this game is unique unvote
@MM, VC can mean Victory Condition or Vote Count
It would not be the first game we have played where a survivor faction has existed that is for the most part neutral in regards to who wins.
If you are third party AND a JOAT, who's mission is to survive, what use would your JOAT powers be other then to help your own faction?
nagerous wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:jonty125 wrote:Hmmm, survivor with JOAT powers, and a buddy, but not masoned. Normally survivors don't last very long round here but this game is unique unvote
@MM, VC can mean Victory Condition or Vote Count
It would not be the first game we have played where a survivor faction has existed that is for the most part neutral in regards to who wins.
If you are third party AND a JOAT, who's mission is to survive, what use would your JOAT powers be other then to help your own faction?
I'm on the belief that whilst they always pay their debts we can never trust a Lannister, and keeping him alive this will come to bite you in the bum, doubting the fact that they are completely innocent as Masket claims. Surviving is probably a lesser victory. Tywin's ultimate goal is most likely to gain the throne and they will not stop until this is achieved. Saying that he might be better alive a little while to see if he provides information on the true villains of the piece, the Taegaryans. Jamie Lannister, the man who pushed a defenceless kid out of a high window might be a better place to start today.
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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