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ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (10/13) - D3: The Bloody Winter Rose

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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby kgb007 on Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:31 am

Nebuchadnezer wrote:I was actually sad to see Jonty pull his vote so quickly after Spiesr semi-called him out. I was hoping to see who else took the bait and ran with it. I can only figure that Jonty got a little spooked that he might actually draw more attention to himself than he wanted too...which is also slightly odd, but I can pass for now, given the complexity of this game and all its levels of win conditions.

safariguy5 wrote:I have to say, the no lynch jokevote is pretty obvious a joke to me. Reading any more deeply into it would be a waste of time IMHO.

agree with what saf and others have stated previously, i interpreted it as a joke vote but neb raises an interesting point nonetheless
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby jonty125 on Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:04 pm

[quote="Nebuchadnezer"]I can only figure that Jonty got a little spooked that he might actually draw more attention to himself than he wanted too.../quote]

Last time I was in a game with an amazing setup (D&D) I ended up been the D1 lynch, I don't want a repeat of that. So I moved to a standard jokevote.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby nagerous on Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:01 pm

safariguy5 wrote:I have to say, the no lynch jokevote is pretty obvious a joke to me. Reading any more deeply into it would be a waste of time IMHO.

Incidentally, I get the feeling allegiances will probably change in the course of the game, could make it difficult to pin down whether someone's claim is town or not.

What makes you get this feeling?
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:26 pm

My assumption would be that he means like the Tyrells and some of the Kingsguard. Ones who serve Aerys but bent the knee to Robert Baratheon once Aerys died. I disagree though. I would imagine that any alternate win conditions would not be a change but maybe instead fulfill a partial victory requirement. To name an example outside of the game. Say in a Hunger Games based mafia, Peeta wins if he and Katniss survive but he could also earn a partial victory as long as Katniss stays alive. Something like that.

jonty125 wrote:
strike wolf wrote:
jonty125 wrote:
strike wolf wrote:
spiesr wrote:
jonty125 wrote:vote no lynch why can't we just live in peace?
So, is this a slip to us that your victory condition doesn't require anyone to be eliminated? So like survivor or something?
*Note: The above statement(s) is about half serious.

FOS Spiesr. You've been in enough games with Jonty to realize that voting no lynch is currently a staple of his joke vote activities, whether he is scum, town or 3rd party. Really not worth investigating.

Yeah I lack creativity, but a FOS, harsh.

I wasn't FOSing you.

I know. In hindsight, I didn't make that clear.

I still don't see how it's harsh. Putting an FOS on someone is the minimum step you can take to say "I'm suspicious of that move but I don't have strong enough suspicions to vote you."
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby jonty125 on Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:19 am

strike wolf wrote:I still don't see how it's harsh. Putting an FOS on someone is the minimum step you can take to say "I'm suspicious of that move but I don't have strong enough suspicions to vote you."

OK, I just didn't see spiesr's actions as suspicious.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby safariguy5 on Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:58 am

I preface this flavor spec by saying I am not familiar with the lore except what wikipedia tells me.

What I mean to say is that it's possible someone would be town or mafia until some condition is met (say someone else dying or whatever) that causes the person to switch alignments. Could be some king getting killed or whatnot.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby The Weird One on Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:04 pm

safariguy5 wrote:I preface this flavor spec by saying I am not familiar with the lore except what wikipedia tells me.

What I mean to say is that it's possible someone would be town or mafia until some condition is met (say someone else dying or whatever) that causes the person to switch alignments. Could be some king getting killed or whatnot.

It's not unseen in regular mafia games, even...Not that it's common...I just remember at least one instance of it happening...If I get a chance, later, I'll try to cite this. I'm too swamped, right now, for more, though. Sorry for the inactivity.
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.

ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Flow520 on Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:50 pm

So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.
Thus, I would imagine there would be more than two groups/alignments. (Unless it was truncated due to the number of players...)
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby spiesr on Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:04 pm

Flow520 wrote:So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.
Thus, I would imagine there would be more than two groups/alignments. (Unless it was truncated due to the number of players...)
As far as I can tell, the number of factions has not been revealed. Additionally, things may be more complex than that as the rules seem to suggest that even those within the same faction may have differing sub-goals.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:01 pm

Flow520 wrote:So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.

Too bloody right mate. Understatement of the century right here.
I've read all the books so am happy to help out if anyone wants an info dump on the source.

On this subject in particular, we probably have King's Court, the Starks and Daenerys as 3 factions, with maybe a couple from the Wall lobbed in there too. Mafia's likely headed up by Cersei or her son Joffrey (AKA: evil git)
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:13 pm

Actually this is based on Robert Baratheon's rebellion so we probably have the Starks, The Baratheons, the Lannisters, The Targaryens, The Tyrells and possibly the Tullys and the Martells involved. Though the Starks, Baratheons and Tullys should have near identical win conditions opposing the Targaryens. Tyrells And the Martels should be Targaryen supporters though how loyal either are would be questionable and the Lannisters are probably more or less neutral. Of course we could also have oddballs potentially mixed in like The Late Lord Frey.

So the main factions are probably:

Stark+Baratheon+Tully+Arryn vs Targaryens+Tyrells+Martells with various subconditions (For instance, HighGarden (Tyrell) and Dorne (Martells) have traditionally hated each other so there are possible sub conditions for both of them, especially if Oberyn Martell is in this game.

The Lannisters are less directly on one side or the other, they only joined in after the Battle of The Trident and by that point, the war had pretty much already been decided in favor of the Starks and Baratheons.

There's also the possibility of the Greyjoys but I don't think they are majorly involved in this one.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:15 pm

Oh and if you think that's complicated. Wait till we get to the war of The 5 Kings where we will probably need 13 players just to have one for each potential winning faction.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:46 pm

Minister Masket wrote:
Flow520 wrote:So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.

Too bloody right mate. Understatement of the century right here.
I've read all the books so am happy to help out if anyone wants an info dump on the source.

On this subject in particular, we probably have King's Court, the Starks and Daenerys as 3 factions, with maybe a couple from the Wall lobbed in there too. Mafia's likely headed up by Cersei or her son Joffrey (AKA: evil git)

As Wolf has mentioned, the scenario is indeed based on Robert's Rebellion, so Joffrey himself is not born. As far as anything/everything else... Well, I think you have enough clues and ideas around you to figure a thing or two.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:09 pm

Commander9 wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:
Flow520 wrote:So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.

Too bloody right mate. Understatement of the century right here.
I've read all the books so am happy to help out if anyone wants an info dump on the source.

On this subject in particular, we probably have King's Court, the Starks and Daenerys as 3 factions, with maybe a couple from the Wall lobbed in there too. Mafia's likely headed up by Cersei or her son Joffrey (AKA: evil git)

As Wolf has mentioned, the scenario is indeed based on Robert's Rebellion, so Joffrey himself is not born. As far as anything/everything else... Well, I think you have enough clues and ideas around you to figure a thing or two. did Wolf know that this was based on Robert's Rebellion?
And I just went over the opening scene again, IE: more like a factions game than a traditional mafia. Fair doos!

13 characters guesses are:
1) Robert
2) Ned Stark
3) Cersei Lannister
4) Mad King whatshisface
5) His son whatshisface
6) Tywin Lannister
7) Another Lannister - likely Jamie.
8) Dorne bloke
9) Martell bloke
10) Some guy from the Wall.
11) Ned's sister whatsherface
12) Stannis
13) An Other (I wish)

Okay....maybe I read the books months ago and maybe some of the names escape me. =L
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby aage on Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:37 pm

Minister Masket wrote:
Commander9 wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:
Flow520 wrote:So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.

Too bloody right mate. Understatement of the century right here.
I've read all the books so am happy to help out if anyone wants an info dump on the source.

On this subject in particular, we probably have King's Court, the Starks and Daenerys as 3 factions, with maybe a couple from the Wall lobbed in there too. Mafia's likely headed up by Cersei or her son Joffrey (AKA: evil git)

As Wolf has mentioned, the scenario is indeed based on Robert's Rebellion, so Joffrey himself is not born. As far as anything/everything else... Well, I think you have enough clues and ideas around you to figure a thing or two. did Wolf know that this was based on Robert's Rebellion?

I dunno, the clue might have been in the prologue.

People put time into stories, you know.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby nagerous on Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:56 pm

The Kingslayer will no doubt be in this somewhere
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:02 pm

Huh...I managed to miss that giant prologue somehow.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:04 pm

There are more than a couple that are all but guaranteed parts to play. As far as how I know, the scene gives it away and Commander mentioned it once or twice himself.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:26 pm

In all honesty, I'd be willing to say that if you have any idea about the history of the Rebellion, you can figure at least a few characters that are most likely in-game. In general, I think both me and aage gave some hints (and may possibly be more), but most of them will not be obvious. However, I'd be a terrible liar if I'd say that I don't enjoy seeing the speculation and the "cracking" of my codes :lol: :lol:

Vote Count:

Iliad (1) - Spiesr
Flow (1) - illy
Wolf (3) - KGB, Butterfly, TWO
Nagerous (1) - Nebs
jonty (1) - safari
safari (2) - flow, jonty
Fircoal (2) - Nagerous, Wolf

With 13 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

P.S. Oct 6th Midnight is the current deadline. Can be changed.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:28 pm

Minister Masket wrote:
Commander9 wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:
Flow520 wrote:So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.

Too bloody right mate. Understatement of the century right here.
I've read all the books so am happy to help out if anyone wants an info dump on the source.

On this subject in particular, we probably have King's Court, the Starks and Daenerys as 3 factions, with maybe a couple from the Wall lobbed in there too. Mafia's likely headed up by Cersei or her son Joffrey (AKA: evil git)

As Wolf has mentioned, the scenario is indeed based on Robert's Rebellion, so Joffrey himself is not born. As far as anything/everything else... Well, I think you have enough clues and ideas around you to figure a thing or two. did Wolf know that this was based on Robert's Rebellion?
And I just went over the opening scene again, IE: more like a factions game than a traditional mafia. Fair doos!

13 characters guesses are:
1) Robert
2) Ned Stark
3) Cersei Lannister
4) Mad King whatshisface
5) His son whatshisface
6) Tywin Lannister
7) Another Lannister - likely Jamie.
8) Dorne bloke
9) Martell bloke
10) Some guy from the Wall.
11) Ned's sister whatsherface
12) Stannis
13) An Other (I wish)

Okay....maybe I read the books months ago and maybe some of the names escape me. =L

I don't see why someone from the wall would be in here, neither would an "other." If you just wiki it, I come up with:

1. Rheagar Targaryen
2. Robert Baratheon
3. King Aerys II
4. Eddard Stark
5. Jon Arryn
6. Jaime Lannister
7. Mace Tyrell
8. Jon Connington
9. Hoster Tully
10. Grand Master Pycelle
11. Varys
12. Tywin Lannister
13. Some other minor house (Frey, Greyjoy)

(I could see only one character of the small council, so maybe Frey and Greyjoy are both in.)

I see the blue as "rebellion", red as "loyalists", green as "will choose" and orange as "survivor." I could also see only a few chosen people to be masoned...possibly Robert/Eddard and/or Rhaegar/King Aerys.

Anyway you put it, it will be interesting to see how the major and minor victories play out.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:30 pm

Commander9 wrote:In all honesty, I'd be willing to say that if you have any idea about the history of the Rebellion, you can figure at least a few characters that are most likely in-game. In general, I think both me and aage gave some hints (and may possibly be more), but most of them will not be obvious. However, I'd be a terrible liar if I'd say that I don't enjoy seeing the speculation and the "cracking" of my codes :lol: :lol:

Vote Count:

Iliad (1) - Spiesr
Flow (1) - illy
Wolf (3) - KGB, Butterfly, TWO
Nagerous (1) - Nebs
jonty (1) - safari
safari (2) - flow, jonty
Fircoal (2) - Nagerous, Wolf

With 13 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

P.S. Oct 6th Midnight is the current deadline. Can be changed.

Are those all joke votes on Strike Wolf, or was there some actual reasoning that I missed somewhere?
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby The Weird One on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:33 pm

I think they're all joke.
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.

ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:34 pm

They are joke votes unless I missed a serious vote as well admittedly I drew some attention to myself being agressive in the joke vote stage. I could see Varys in this game and I might need some reminding of who Connington is but I don't know that Pycelle is all that likely. The others seem fairly likely but I wouldn't guarantee many of them.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby The Weird One on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:37 pm

strike wolf wrote:They are joke votes unless I missed a serious vote as well admittedly I drew some attention to myself being agressive in the joke vote stage. I could see Varys in this game and I might need some reminding of who Connington is but I don't know that Pycelle is all that likely. The others seem fairly likely but I wouldn't guarantee many of them.

I could honestly see Pycelle as a doc...It's been a good year and a half since I last read the books, but no other name springs to mind as far as who could serve that role...then again, I'm probably just thinking in a rather outdated fashion [that every game has a doc]
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.

ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby jonty125 on Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:17 am

The Weird One wrote:[that every game has a doc]

Most games do, but not all.

My flavour knowledge - zilch. So I'll leave it those who know what they're on about to talk about what they know about. (I am trying to research flavour on the wiki)
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