Oneyed wrote:looking good.
will it be supersized map?
for me there are too much resources.
Thanks m8
Yes i requested to be supersized
About too many resources. You mean too many different ones or too many laying around?Anyway i will try to explain why so many on both questions:)
The reason why all this discoveries and explorations happened was the need for money and the money and those resources meant money..alot, also a lot of money was investe to finance this travels.
So all resources in the map were all really important and they are the main focus of the map(and there were a lot more)
They are represented in order of importance ex gold have 6 territs, silver 5, slaves 4, etc. It means that gold represented the "most important" resource, then silver, and so on.
I could remove a few but then i would feel i was removing a page of a history book