this is going to be a 1v1 single elimination bracket where you will be seeded by round robin play.
so first, there will be a round robin where you will play each person 1 time on feudal war map.
the winner of this, gets a bye to the final final.
the remaining 16 players will be thrown into a single elimination bracket with seeding values in respect to how you finished in the round robin tourney. tie's will be broken by heads up matchup. any other discrepancies will be decided randomly by however i feel like at the moment. ( usually i make a list in spreadsheet and type gobbeldy goop in some columns and then some random numbers in another and then sort by alphabetically then numerically. i'm a fair person )
the winner of the bracket will go head to head against the winner of the round robin in an 11 game series to crown the winner being a super duper feudal player.

round robin details.
all games will be default (+foggy +no spoils) on the feudal war map.
i'll send the games out in two weeks. meaning you will have about 8 games go out per week. i'm not going to stress over making every player have excatly 8 games because i don't want to have an anxiety attack. you may get 6 the iirst week and 10 the following week. but at the end of the day, you'll have played each person one time. that's a total of 16 games.
winner of this gets a bye to the final final.
bracket details
once the round robin has finished, you'll be seeded by wins. matchups will go as such....
game count will go like this....
round 1 = 3 games
round 2 = 5 games
round 3 = 7 games
final = 9 games.
settings will be default (+foggy +no spoils) on the feudal war map.