Hey, just wanted to say I've really enjoyed this tourney after playing in the last one as well. It was a great change to make both the skiier and hill benefit from a quick win, and really makes you feel like you're on a roll when you're doing well! But on the other hand, any loss is then a HUGE addition to your score, and it kills you. And that's what skiing is, a game of small mistakes with huge consequences. If you're not the absolute best skiier, you'll be left behind. I've loved being the most efficient exterminator possible in my games because of this but I also hit a few bumps along the way.
So thanks for doing this!
And although I understand the sort of rationale for having 4-point increments on the hill's score, because they're hills and it sets them apart from the skiier, it's also frustrating to just barely not make the score cut on the defensive rounds (like a round 5 victory), but then to have each round count for the skiier. It's not such a bad thing, but it's just frustrating at times, like I said. What if the hill was divided into more obstacles and each round could count without being rounded down as much? Either 1 or 2-point increments. A thought for a future tourney perhaps.
Rock on man. Just wanted to give you that feedback
