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CCup4 - KORT Wins!!

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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby josko.ri on Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:05 pm

jetsetwilly wrote:
eddie2 wrote:
and this is my final post on any of the kort aka issue and my words of advice to any clan that faces them.

Of course it is.

I already lost count on how many "final" posts you wrote my friend ;) If you spend so much time on some strategy workshop with your clan how many time you spent for making spurious accusations, it would not happen that we will easy win hive, regardless of your 2 three carder mixed sets conparing to our one red set, and your for example breaking our bonus 3v1,2 with killIng teammate on the way. I know, you are man who desperately need attention and when you cannot get attention by your results (who would give you attention for winning 10 of 41 games?) then this is the only way left to you ;)
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby HardAttack on Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:50 pm

eddie2 wrote:
patrickaa317 wrote:Looks like we'll be taking on KORT next round. Unfortunately TFFS will not be able to provide the banter thread that AKA has. Perhaps we can hire Eddie to watch the clock to the minute on all the games to ensure no major or minor infractions occur... :-$

lol patrickaa i would love to but i will not play against any member of kort again. they actually disgust me in how they let there leadership run the war showing no respect to the other clan... even now the thread op does not hold the correct details. it has just been copied from the main thread. there was no fog rule in the war.....

show: rule

does not mean anything if not enforced at the time especially when all the clan had to do was say sorry not signed up to yet. communication is the key to anything and what caused 50 percent of the trouble...

then you got the sitting rule for clans which is stricter than site rules and does not recieve a ban. 3 times in the war players had been online playing games during the time they could of taken there shot only for them to have a sitter taking there shot in the closing minutes.
3. Emergency cover may be given if the person is in danger of missing a turn. A person will be in danger of missing a turn when:

this is another rule that means nothing all it does is give certain players a thing to say well we took that turn within the 2 hour time. and actually goes against why it was introduced.

then we have another thing from this same rule...
5. You must not be in another persons account for any reason, other than to cover turns during a prearranged sit, or in an emergency situation. Adding to chat in a game you are not in for example will not be allowed. You must also not give permission for anyone to wander in and out of your account at their will. Take care of your account. What happens with it is your responsibility.

now this rule means nothing because while aka and kort were talking about the closing of the threads one of the members accounts was jumping from usa to canada then back to usa... when i highlighted this because i wanted to know if we were actually talking with the said member i got this response.
I checked that time frame.
taken no turns here. Looks like normal team chatters

if anyone wants to see this which is screen shot send me a pm.
so someone else signed into another account to do team chat weather this was in all games or a non clan game who knows but was still against the rule above and site rules for sitting.

so the only advice i can give you patricaa is play the games and if you think you are being unfairly treated by kort just ignore it and play on dont pull them for anything wrong don't involve the organizers because really it will be a waste of time and effort because kort is run by the person who created the rules and knows what rules he can bend to the max and not be punished for them

and this is my final post on any of the kort aka issue and my words of advice to any clan that faces them.

REPORTED of Flame, baiting, being rude, bringing up issues back and back again to cause trouble in every possible thread, being unrespectful to community, being intentionally annoying...

Reasons of reporting;

1/ These accuasitions are basing full of lies, basing points which have been brought into the CDs attention previously in KORT AKA thread and caused a lot of flames there so got that thread locked. Why once back now we have got this bullshit once back again here ? Isnt it flame ? Someone, excluding eddie2 himself, please explain what is the point flaming every possible where ? CDs have come to a conclusion already about these untrue/wrong/false accuasitions...So what is the point bringing all of these previously presented flames once back again here ? This is if he is rising against everyone, rising against all KORT members, rising agaainst CDs and their given final desicions and more...

2/ The language eddie2 uses over the members of one of the most respected and successfull clan is real real low, dishonourfull, not good sport...
He all the times does it...This has to stop...Someone should come around give him the neccesary warning or punishment.

3/ He is telling he does not want to play any KORT ppl anymore...How funny is this ? Dont do it, change your mind please, KORT ppl are so so sad and regretful, please consider playing with them again mate!!! They have only single reason being in conquer club is this; playing with eddie2, do not hold them back from this please, we all beg you mate. How hilarious !!!

4/ you wonder why i am here and speaking against you, dont you ? Regardless of i am in or not in a clan, clan world/scene is my hobby and sure one day i ll be in a clan back again. This is my fun, interest...I dont have to explain anyone why i write anywhere...
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby HardAttack on Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:34 pm

this is your live chat lines eddie;
21/06/2013 19:24:03 ‹eddie2› hey bg blake i hope you gonna ban this player.
21/06/2013 19:24:05 ‹eddie2› viewtopic.php?f=441&t=192027#p4208992
21/06/2013 19:24:26 ‹eddie2› thread was closed so he takes baits over to a new war im not even running

now tell me,
if that thread is closed and you VERY WELL KNOW IT, to such a degree to complain about my FUNNY/JOKE post that in return resulted me 24 hours forum ban,

why on the hell, you now bring very the same points those have been dealt with and reached to a conclusion, caused a lot of flames already in KORT AKA thread and got that thread locked, tell me, what sort of right is that to prevent me post/make joke in another thread but strangely that same right to allow you to post in almost every threads ?

This question, i am not asking only to eddie2 himself, i am asking this to moderators who has issued my ban...
I deserved my ban, i am not crying out of it, do not miss my point please, my point is, very well same looking cases, so eddie should recieve something i had recieved i guess, if not, where is the fairness ?
Last edited by HardAttack on Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby patrickaa317 on Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:44 pm

I was joking and now I realize I should have said anything at all. It appears my joke threw some gasoline on a fire that was put out due to the CD's locking that AKA/KORT thread. Everyone should stop arguing in this one to prevent it from also being locked. Except Qwert fixing the one post saying that he has the best rhymes. That was funny.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby chemefreak on Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:58 am

Everyone play nice. I am going to bed.
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby HardAttack on Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:29 am

eddie2 wrote:Sorry i think people misunderstood my post.

Ok 2 clans said they would like me 2 get involved in threads when they face kort. I replied to that with my reason not mentioning names.

The part about late games was to try get the rule worded properly or changed for the next rounds where if a clan is late once then if late again in that war they are punished for it.

As for the sitting part this has been dealt with but there is a loophole in the rule which makes the rule needing altered for future issues.

Sorryif you felt offended shannon but i stated how i felt and didnt name the people who made me fell that way about kort.

Just curious,
1/ Are you kidding ?
2/ If any chance, two ppl using your account ? Cos you do not have any idea what you have written in the previous post so you come here telling something totally different than what you actually have written in your previous flamefull post.
3/ If any chance, were you drunk while you typed your previous post ?
4/ What difference there is you named a certain player or you didnt ? Actually, your not naming anyone specific but pointing the whole clan is even worse, since you simply covering each and all KORT players with mud when you do not call a certain name. KORT is a clan, an identity, so whatever you say about KORT unless you name it a certain member, then it becomes you are calling it all KORT members...
5/ What you have written and the way how you try to reshape to get it looks ok is really pathetic try... You better do a good and stop talking much. You better stop twisting facts.
Last edited by HardAttack on Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby Keefie on Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:35 am

ffs why don't you all give it a rest.

PM each other if you want to continue with your bilious posts.
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby Nicky15 on Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:53 am

I don't want to have to lock this. This thread is for everyone participating in the cup. Please keep AKA/Kort related comments out of here.
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby Qwert on Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:53 am

patrickaa317 wrote:I was joking and now I realize I should have said anything at all. It appears my joke threw some gasoline on a fire that was put out due to the CD's locking that AKA/KORT thread. Everyone should stop arguing in this one to prevent it from also being locked. Except Qwert fixing the one post saying that he has the best rhymes. That was funny.

exactly,, this its only post what are related on CC4, ,are others are lost in space :mrgreen:
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby eddie2 on Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:57 pm


to the organizers,

could we have a discussion about the signing up to games rule...

i am in favor of removing the must be fully joined part and think it needs to be turned into must be invited..
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby chemefreak on Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:21 pm

eddie2 wrote:ok

to the organizers,

could we have a discussion about the signing up to games rule...

i am in favor of removing the must be fully joined part and think it needs to be turned into must be invited..

No. The rules say "fully joined" which is completely different than the CL5 rule of "invited." Your clan won't have any more games to exchange anyways so contact your CDF rep and make sure they know your opinion.
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Re: CCup4 - Games MUST be fully JOINED prior exchanges!

Postby Qwert on Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:58 am

chemefreak wrote:
eddie2 wrote:ok

to the organizers,

could we have a discussion about the signing up to games rule...

i am in favor of removing the must be fully joined part and think it needs to be turned into must be invited..

No. The rules say "fully joined" which is completely different than the CL5 rule of "invited." Your clan won't have any more games to exchange anyways so contact your CDF rep and make sure they know your opinion.

Cl5 have round robin system, and its very diferent then CC4, because here you need to play imediatly home and away, where in CL5 you play round robin, so first play home(or away), and after first part of season are ower, then you play away(or home) against same opponent. Probably for CC4 its need to be fully joined, because speed up competition, where in Cl5 you all ready know entire schedule.
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Re: CCup4: WAR (21) KNT(19)

Postby DaveH on Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:09 am

WAR have claimed the win over KNT at 19 -21 with one game still to go.. It looks as though the final score will be 19-22.

We put up a great battle though and I am proud that such a young clan did so well to keep it so close.

Well played WAR and good luck in the next round!

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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby Qwert on Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:12 pm

i dont know who create ideas to split games in one round into 3 sets, because this only slow entire competition. For first round its need 2 month to get decisive winner, and now from round 3 and up to finale you will need minimum 3 month per round for decisive winner.
Mine prediction its that CC4 will last till next summer 2014.
You really need to make some effective and faster competition.
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby chapcrap on Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:54 pm

qwert wrote:i dont know who create ideas to split games in one round into 3 sets, because this only slow entire competition. For first round its need 2 month to get decisive winner, and now from round 3 and up to finale you will need minimum 3 month per round for decisive winner.
Mine prediction its that CC4 will last till next summer 2014.
You really need to make some effective and faster competition.

I do not disagree with my friend, qwert.
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby chemefreak on Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:08 pm

chapcrap wrote:
qwert wrote:i dont know who create ideas to split games in one round into 3 sets, because this only slow entire competition. For first round its need 2 month to get decisive winner, and now from round 3 and up to finale you will need minimum 3 month per round for decisive winner.
Mine prediction its that CC4 will last till next summer 2014.
You really need to make some effective and faster competition.

I do not disagree with my friend, qwert.

I think it might too, but next time around we will have continuity in ownership. So we should be able to structure the first round byes so that the CCup4 can wrap up for the final 4 clans or so and we can get CCup5 underway. Shouldn't be that hard to do. 30 games is a lot all at once. I'm a huge fan of 20 game sets. Perhaps the Round of 16 should only be 41 to cut down on the load. Obviously, when discussions start at the end of the year for CCup5 you should definitely bring this up. The format is not going to change this time around as clans signed up for this set of rules. Thanks!
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby freakns on Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:06 am

chemefreak wrote:
chapcrap wrote:
qwert wrote:i dont know who create ideas to split games in one round into 3 sets, because this only slow entire competition. For first round its need 2 month to get decisive winner, and now from round 3 and up to finale you will need minimum 3 month per round for decisive winner.
Mine prediction its that CC4 will last till next summer 2014.
You really need to make some effective and faster competition.

I do not disagree with my friend, qwert.

I think it might too, but next time around we will have continuity in ownership. So we should be able to structure the first round byes so that the CCup4 can wrap up for the final 4 clans or so and we can get CCup5 underway. Shouldn't be that hard to do. 30 games is a lot all at once. I'm a huge fan of 20 game sets. Perhaps the Round of 16 should only be 41 to cut down on the load. Obviously, when discussions start at the end of the year for CCup5 you should definitely bring this up. The format is not going to change this time around as clans signed up for this set of rules. Thanks!

3 rounds with 20 games in each are fine. but 3 weeks between rounds is pushing
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:25 am

chemefreak wrote:
chapcrap wrote:
qwert wrote:i dont know who create ideas to split games in one round into 3 sets, because this only slow entire competition. For first round its need 2 month to get decisive winner, and now from round 3 and up to finale you will need minimum 3 month per round for decisive winner.
Mine prediction its that CC4 will last till next summer 2014.
You really need to make some effective and faster competition.

I do not disagree with my friend, qwert.

I think it might too, but next time around we will have continuity in ownership. So we should be able to structure the first round byes so that the CCup4 can wrap up for the final 4 clans or so and we can get CCup5 underway. Shouldn't be that hard to do. 30 games is a lot all at once. I'm a huge fan of 20 game sets. Perhaps the Round of 16 should only be 41 to cut down on the load. Obviously, when discussions start at the end of the year for CCup5 you should definitely bring this up. The format is not going to change this time around as clans signed up for this set of rules. Thanks!

Well i have mine format presented for CCup4, but failed, but i will repeat that for CCup 5 again. ;)
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby jetsetwilly on Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:29 am

qwert wrote:
chemefreak wrote:
chapcrap wrote:
qwert wrote:i dont know who create ideas to split games in one round into 3 sets, because this only slow entire competition. For first round its need 2 month to get decisive winner, and now from round 3 and up to finale you will need minimum 3 month per round for decisive winner.
Mine prediction its that CC4 will last till next summer 2014.
You really need to make some effective and faster competition.

I do not disagree with my friend, qwert.

I think it might too, but next time around we will have continuity in ownership. So we should be able to structure the first round byes so that the CCup4 can wrap up for the final 4 clans or so and we can get CCup5 underway. Shouldn't be that hard to do. 30 games is a lot all at once. I'm a huge fan of 20 game sets. Perhaps the Round of 16 should only be 41 to cut down on the load. Obviously, when discussions start at the end of the year for CCup5 you should definitely bring this up. The format is not going to change this time around as clans signed up for this set of rules. Thanks!

Well i have mine format presented for CCup4, but failed, but i will repeat that for CCup 5 again. ;)

Urgh, the thought of format discussions again next year :sick:
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby freakns on Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:38 am

jetsetwilly wrote:Urgh, the thought of format discussions again next year :sick:

then why having it? organizer of tournament will present format of competition before competition starts. who doenst like, will not be forced to play it. end of discussion.
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby danryan on Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:52 am

freakns wrote:
jetsetwilly wrote:Urgh, the thought of format discussions again next year :sick:

then why having it? organizer of tournament will present format of competition before competition starts. who doenst like, will not be forced to play it. end of discussion.

Exactly right.
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby Genoke on Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:56 am

danryan wrote:
freakns wrote:
jetsetwilly wrote:Urgh, the thought of format discussions again next year :sick:

then why having it? organizer of tournament will present format of competition before competition starts. who doenst like, will not be forced to play it. end of discussion.

Exactly right.

I agree here too!
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby chemefreak on Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:13 am

Genoke wrote:
danryan wrote:
freakns wrote:
jetsetwilly wrote:Urgh, the thought of format discussions again next year :sick:

then why having it? organizer of tournament will present format of competition before competition starts. who doenst like, will not be forced to play it. end of discussion.

Exactly right.

I agree here too!

LOL. You guys are actually suggesting that I have unfettered discretion to make any rules I want? :lol:

I like this thread!
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Re: CCup4 - Bracket Updated

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:12 am

If you are so bold as to say you are the individual organiser, then I guess 'yes'.
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