***GA Medal Approved***
Welcome to the ninth tournament based around the Great Community Map Project. I hope you will take the time to head on over and have a look. A lot of fun is going to be had with medals galore being handed out in competitions.

Tournament format. Single Elimination Random Dubs.
Only one map will be used in this tournament. We will be playing this tournament on the Beta Map - Classic Cities: Moscow
Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, No Trench, Sunny, 20 Rounds.
Open to premiums only.
Sign up as an individual only please, you will be randomly placed with a partner for the tournament!!
Round 1
16 teams will play 1 game on Moscow
Round 2
8 teams will play a best of 3 games on Moscow
Semi Final
4 Teams will play a best of 3 games on Moscow
2 Teams will play a best of 5 games on Moscow and winning team takes the tournament!!
The Random dubs has been designed to fulfill all conquer club tournament requirements and still be a very fast tournament to run in conjunction with The Great Community Map Project.
* * *GA Medal Approved* * *
For the team who makes it to the Finals but does not win!!
(Winner of Finals receive a Tournament Achievement, loser of Final gets GA medal)
(Question or comment with this map. feel free to post here: CLASSIC CITIES: Moscow)