Conquer Club

Speed League 100 [winner - DJ Teflon]

Tournaments completed in 2013

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Speed League 100 [winner - DJ Teflon]

Postby JohnAarson on Wed May 01, 2013 8:06 pm

So... this one will be my first time hosting a speed tournament. Let's hope it all works just right! :)

First of all, this one is a premium only competition. Only premium members will be able to sign up for this league.

In this league, during four weeks I will create every Sunday one hundred speed games for the players in this tournament to join.

The tournament is scheduled to start 26/5/2013 and to end 16/6/2013. Once again: there will be only games on sundays.

Days/Hours to join the games:
Week one: from CC Time: 2013-05-26 05:00:00 until CC Time: 2013-05-26 22:00:00
Week two: from CC Time: 2013-06-02 05:00:00 until CC Time: 2013-06-02 22:00:00
Week three: from CC Time: 2013-06-09 05:00:00 until CC Time: 2013-06-09 22:00:00
Week four: from CC Time: 2013-06-16 05:00:00 until CC Time: 2013-06-16 22:00:00

Important notice: If any games start after sunday 22:00 CC Time, I will not count that game as being part of the tournament.

The games will be 1vs1. All in random maps. In order to be able to win this tournament, the players will have to play at least 15 games during the whole tournament. Also, nobody can join over 10 games per day. If anybody joins over 10 games in the same day, he will be eliminated from the tournament. His opponent's wins will still count, but he will be out of the tournament.

The winner of the tournament will be the person with highest percentage of wins.*

Every sunday at 05:00 CC Time I will send everybody the password to join that week's tournament games.

NO trench
20 round limit
3 minute rounds

1. Highest percentage of wins.
2. Number of wins
3. Player with more wins in the games between them (ONLY if the tie is between 2 players)
4. Playoff game (ONLY if the players are tied in 1st place)

If the league has to be decided with a final playoff game, the players at stake will decide with me in this thread the best time and date for the final game to be played.

I think that is all. The tournament will be played during four consecutive sundays. Hope everybody understood well the rules. Any questions, PM me or ask here. And, most important of all: Have fun! :D

* - "Percentage of win" = "total wins" / "games played" x 100%

EDIT1: Congratulations to DJ Teflon for winning the competition

EDIT2: I leave here my most sincere thanks to DJ Teflon and Dukasaur for all the help they gave me in this tournament's hour of need. This competition was not abandoned because of all their help. Thank you very much!
Last edited by JohnAarson on Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:51 am, edited 29 times in total.
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Postby JohnAarson on Wed May 01, 2013 8:07 pm

1. JohnAarson
2. Osman76
3. Ico85
4. allinpoker1980
5. Dillybarr
6. DJ Teflon
7. DimnjacarStef
8. zapusca007
9. codierose
10. guzmanuk
11. Shaun850
12. yonatanfar
13. MarshallBobby
14. StackedAmazon
15. HighlanderAttack - forfeited
16. sing68
17. Gabriel13
18. andyf23
19. dean00
20. ChrisBeerens
21. Razorvich
23. zips5000
24. okinawaboyz
25. patrick1744
26. Kiwi3
27. OX1
28. mrsbaddestbrute
29. matoc
30. CrashAWC
31. Dukasaur
32. General Bax
33. Kshame1
34. summertimeBOSS
Last edited by JohnAarson on Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:46 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Postby JohnAarson on Wed May 01, 2013 8:07 pm

Day 1 standings
1. Zips5000 6-1 (85,71%)
2. Guzmanuk 3-1 (75%)
2. dean00 3-1 (75%)
4. Ico85 2-1 (66,67%)
5. Osman76 6-4 (60%)
6. Sing68 3-3 (50%)
7. CaptainKirk888 2-3 (40%)
8. JohnAarson 3-5 (37,5%)
9. yonatanfar 1-4 (20%)
10. Gabriel13 0-4 (0%)
10. StackedAmazon 0-1 (0%)
10. Razorvich 0-1 (0%)

Day 2 standings
1. yonatanfar 2-0 (100%)
2. sing68 1-0 (100%)
2. DJ Teflon 1-0 (100%)
4. osman76 2-1 (66,67%)
4. zips5000 2-1 (66,67%)
6. CaptainKirk888 2-2 (50%)
7. dean00 1-1 (50%)
8. JohnAarson 0-4 (0%)
8. guzmanuk 0-2 (0%)

Day 3 standings
1. DJ Teflon 6-0 (100%)
2.osman76 2-0 (100%)
3. dean00 4-2 (66,67%)
4. Zips5000 1-3 (25%)
5. JohnAarson 1-5 (16,67%)
6. guzmanuk 0-3 (0%)
6. sing68 0-1 (0%)

Day 4 standings
1. kiwi3 2-0 (100%)
2. osman76 1-0 (100%)
2. OX1 1-0 (100%)
2. Gabriel13 1-0 (100%)
2. mrsbaddestbrute 1-0 (100%)
6. Shaun850 5-1 (83,33%)
7. zips5000 3-1 (75%)
8. matoc 5-4 (55,56%)
9. DJ Teflon 6-3 (50%)
10. guzmanuk 1-1 (50%)
10. Razorvich 1-1 (50%)
10. JohnAarson 1-1 (50%)
11. CrashAWC 1-3 (25%)
12. Dukasaur 1-4 (20%)
13. StackedAmazon 0-1 (0%)
13. yonatanfar 0-1 (0%)
13. General Bax 0-1 (0%)
13. Kschame1 0-1 (0%)
13. Ico85 0-5 (0%)
13. summertimeBOSS 0-1 (0%)
13. sing68 0-1 (0%)

Final Standings
1. DJ Teflon 0-0 / 1-0 / 6-0 / 6-3 // 13-3 // 81,25%
2. Osman76 6-4 / 2-1 / 2-0 / 1-0 // 11-5 // 68,75%
3. Zips5000 6-1 / 2-1 / 1-3 / 3-1 // 12-6 // 66,67%
4. JohnAarson 3-5 / 0-4 / 1-5 / 1-1 // 5-15 // 25%
5. kiwi3 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 2-0 // 2-0 // 100% // < 15 games
6. OX1 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 1-0 // 1-0 // 100% // < 15 games
6. mrsbaddestbrute 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 1-0 // 1-0 // 100% // < 15 games
8. Shaun850 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 5-1 // 5-1 // 83,33% < 15 games
9. dean00 3-1 / 1-1 / 4-2 / 0-0 // 8-4 // 66,67% // < 15 games
10. matoc 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 5-4 // 5-4 // 55,56% // < 15 games
11. Sing68 3-3 / 1-0 / 0-1 / 0-1 // 4-5 // 44,44% // < 15 games
11. CaptainKirk888 2-3 / 2-2 / 0-0 / 0-0 // 4-5 // 44,44% // < 15 games
13. yonatanfar 1-4 / 2-0 / 0-0 / 0-1 // 3-5 // 37,5% // < 15 games
14. Guzmanuk 3-1 / 0-2 / 0-3 / 1-1 // 4-7 // 36,36% // < 15 games
15. Ico85 2-1 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-5 // 2-6 // 33,33% // < 15 games
16. Razorvich 0-1 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 1-1 // 1-2 // 33,33% // < 15 games
17. CrashAWC 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 1-3 // 1-3 // 25% // < 15 games
18. Dukasaur 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 1-4 // 1-4 // 20% // < 15 games
19. Gabriel13 0-4 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 1-0 // 1-5 // 16,67% // < 15 games
20. StackedAmazon 0-1 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-1 // 0-2 // 0% // < 15 games
20. General Bax 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-1 // 0-1 // 0% // < 15 games
20. Kschame1 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-1 // 0-1 // 0% // < 15 games
20. summertimeBOSS 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-0 / 0-1 // 0-1 // 0% // < 15 games
Last edited by JohnAarson on Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:03 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Speed League 100 [1/20]

Postby osman76 on Thu May 02, 2013 3:25 am

Nice! I will play
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Re: Speed League 100 [1/20] - UPDATING RULES

Postby chapcrap on Mon May 06, 2013 6:09 pm

Good to go here.
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Re: Speed League 100 [1/20] - UPDATING RULES

Postby JohnAarson on Mon May 06, 2013 6:16 pm

Great news! I though this was forgotten, lol. :)
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Re: Speed League 100 [1/20]

Postby osman76 on Mon May 06, 2013 6:25 pm

New timetable is ok for me... i will play
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Re: Speed League 100 [1/20]

Postby JohnAarson on Mon May 06, 2013 6:34 pm

nice. :)

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Re: Speed League 100 [2/20]

Postby Ico85 on Mon May 06, 2013 6:46 pm

In Ico85
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Re: Speed League 100 [3/20]

Postby allinpoker1980 on Mon May 06, 2013 9:45 pm

n plz
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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby JohnAarson on Tue May 07, 2013 9:39 am

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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby Dillybarr on Tue May 07, 2013 9:47 pm

I'll try I guess
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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby Teflon Kris on Wed May 08, 2013 6:12 am

In please

This will work - you dont necessarily need to limit to 20 players (you could say 16+)

PM me if you need any help mate(I have done speed leagues before)

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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby DimnjacarStef on Wed May 08, 2013 6:19 am

in pls
Winner (7) + Battle Royal game (1)
Finals (22) - look on the wall
high score 2638 (181st) - on 03.01.'10
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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby zapusca007 on Wed May 08, 2013 6:20 am

in plz
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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby codierose on Wed May 08, 2013 6:33 am

Yep why not I'm In
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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby guzmanuk on Wed May 08, 2013 6:50 am

in please
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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby Shaun850 on Wed May 08, 2013 6:59 am

I'm up for it.
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Re: Speed League 100 [4/20]

Postby JohnAarson on Wed May 08, 2013 7:19 am

Everybody is in. :)

DJ Teflon wrote:In please

This will work - you dont necessarily need to limit to 20 players (you could say 16+)

PM me if you need any help mate(I have done speed leagues before)


I know I don't need necessarily 20 players for this one, but with the quantity of games and limit of games for players to join, 20 makes sense. :)

I noticed. Before I started this league, I browsed older speed tournaments. I was surprised there were so few speed tournaments made so far.

And thank you very much. :) Hopefully I won't need help, but if I do, I'll PM you, then. :D Hope this tournament goes smoothly!
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Re: Speed League 100 [11/20]

Postby yonatanfar on Wed May 08, 2013 7:27 am

i'm in
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Re: Speed League 100 [11/20]

Postby Marshallbobby on Wed May 08, 2013 8:01 am

in please
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Re: Speed League 100 [11/20]

Postby StackedAmazon on Wed May 08, 2013 8:13 am

in please
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Re: Speed League 100 [12/20]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Wed May 08, 2013 12:37 pm

in please
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Re: Speed League 100 [12/20]

Postby sing68 on Wed May 08, 2013 12:50 pm

in please
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Re: Speed League 100 [16/20]

Postby Gabriel13 on Wed May 08, 2013 3:10 pm

In please :D
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