First of all, this one is a premium only competition. Only premium members will be able to sign up for this league.
In this league, during four weeks I will create every Sunday one hundred speed games for the players in this tournament to join.
The tournament is scheduled to start 26/5/2013 and to end 16/6/2013. Once again: there will be only games on sundays.
Days/Hours to join the games:
Week one: from CC Time: 2013-05-26 05:00:00 until CC Time: 2013-05-26 22:00:00
Week two: from CC Time: 2013-06-02 05:00:00 until CC Time: 2013-06-02 22:00:00
Week three: from CC Time: 2013-06-09 05:00:00 until CC Time: 2013-06-09 22:00:00
Week four: from CC Time: 2013-06-16 05:00:00 until CC Time: 2013-06-16 22:00:00
Important notice: If any games start after sunday 22:00 CC Time, I will not count that game as being part of the tournament.
The games will be 1vs1. All in random maps. In order to be able to win this tournament, the players will have to play at least 15 games during the whole tournament. Also, nobody can join over 10 games per day. If anybody joins over 10 games in the same day, he will be eliminated from the tournament. His opponent's wins will still count, but he will be out of the tournament.
The winner of the tournament will be the person with highest percentage of wins.*
Every sunday at 05:00 CC Time I will send everybody the password to join that week's tournament games.
NO trench
20 round limit
3 minute rounds
1. Highest percentage of wins.
2. Number of wins
3. Player with more wins in the games between them (ONLY if the tie is between 2 players)
4. Playoff game (ONLY if the players are tied in 1st place)
If the league has to be decided with a final playoff game, the players at stake will decide with me in this thread the best time and date for the final game to be played.
I think that is all. The tournament will be played during four consecutive sundays. Hope everybody understood well the rules. Any questions, PM me or ask here. And, most important of all: Have fun!

* - "Percentage of win" = "total wins" / "games played" x 100%
EDIT1: Congratulations to DJ Teflon for winning the competition
EDIT2: I leave here my most sincere thanks to DJ Teflon and Dukasaur for all the help they gave me in this tournament's hour of need. This competition was not abandoned because of all their help. Thank you very much!