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[ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [39-35] - Final 6/9

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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[ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [39-35] - Final 6/9

Postby silversun6 on Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:35 am


OSA CONTACT: silversun6


show: Rules
    All clans entering must adhere to the 1 competetive clan rule.

    Each clan must designate an organiser for their 'home' map and settings selections and to arrange for players to join games.

    For each mini clan war, the clan drawn first must setup and update a thread to run that particular war.

    Best-of-2 singles involve head-to-head bouts, i.e. the same two opponents play each other twice. For each singles series both clans have 1 'home' and 1 'away' game (with the same 2 opponent players in both games). As with other game types, each clan chooses 'home' map and settings for half of the games. It is not possible for clan organisers to see an opponents 'away' games in advance. 1 v 1 players are PM'd to the Tournament Organiser in advanceof game creation and are therefore 'blind' to their opponents 'home' maps and settings. In any bout, if players draw (1-1), then neither clan wins a point for that bout.

    A round limit of 20 rounds (for singles and doubles) and 30 rounds (for trips and quads) will be set - there will be no result if there is no winner within the limit. It is anticipated that this will only occur extremely rarely and is only introduced to prevent a stalemate-game from holding the tournament up.

    12 hour Fog of War courtesy rule applies (unless otherwise agreed by both clans in the war thread).

    One Quadruples game will be Random, escalating, chained, sunny, no trench.

    If points are equal after all games are concluded then then following methods of determining the winner will apply (in this order):
      • Clan with most wins in team games.
      • Clan with most wins in triples and quadruples games.
      • Clan with most wins in quadruples games.
      • Clan with fewest transgressions (e.g. a game being declared a draw due to FOW violation / timing-out abuse / overuse of settings or players etc.).
      • Clan meeting deadlines for game creation.
      • A Random escalating doubles tie-break game.

    In spoils games, if a missed-turn or 'time out' appears to have deliberately occurred to gain an advantage, then the opposing team will be automatically awarded a victory for the game in question. In extreme circumstances, an appeal may be considered. Decisions will be at the discretion of the Tournamanet Organisers.

    When wars begin, clan organisers will be provided with 84 hours during which to create team games and ensure their members join games. Host clan organisers must also create a thread for the mini-war and both organisers must post their home games in the thread. Clan organisers will then have a further 84 hours to assign invites for 'away' games and ensure players join.

    Subsequently (within 1 week of the start), clan organisers must PM 1 v 1 game details (players, maps and settings) to the Tournament Organiser. Once these games are created and invites sent, a further 48 hours will then be provided for clan organisers to ensure their players have joined 1 v 1 games ('home' and 'away'). Tie-break games will also be created at this point and, 48 hours will be provided for organisers to send invites and ensure their players have joined the 'tie-break' game (which will be set-up the the Tournament Organiser as per 1 v 1 games).

    If deadlines are not met for creating games then the Tournament Organiser may create random games (escalating, chained, sunny) and randomly assign invites to the relevent clan members (but giving the opposition the time they would normally have been provided with - see above). Failure of clan members to accept invites at this stage (or accept then drop) will result in the game being awarded to the opposition.

    If a clan withdraws from the tournament after the beginning of a round is announced then their opponents will win by default.

    Player Usage
      • Individual players can play a maximum of 30% of games (counting a 1v1 bout as 1 game). In early rounds this is 12 games(and 15 games in the semis and final).
      • Individual players can only play in one 1 v 1 bout per round.

      • Each map can only be used twice per clan per clan war but can only be used once per game type (e.g. once for singles and once for quads).
      • No Beta maps.
      • 'Random' Map can be used unlimitedly.

      • No freestyle
      • No speed
      • No manual deployments
      • No Beta maps.
      • Nuclear spoils games are only allowed in 1 v 1 and doubles games.
      • Unlimited reinforcements are only allowed in triples and quadruples games. No more than 4 games per round per clan can involve unliminted reinforcements.
      • Trench settings can be used although no more than 4 games per round per clan can involve trench settings in team games (there is no limit for 1 v 1 games).

    If rules are contravened, then the Tournament Organisers may determine that the offending team cannot score any victories from games concerned. If it is concluded that the offending clan have deliberately contravened rules to gain an advantage then the games concernd will be ruled as automatic victories for their opponents.

    Missed Deadlines
    If there is any lateness on the creation of games, and the opposing MOW/captain can at that time request that random games be created and random clan members from the opposing clan be invited to those games. In addition, if there is any lateness accepting invites (the second invite at worst must be accepted), and the opposing MOW/captain can at that time request that the game be declared a victory in their favour. No further repercussions then occur once the games have started.

    Missed Turns in a No Spoils Game
    Missed turns in no spoils will not be scrutinised or result in any penalty (it is very rare for an advantage to be gained).

    Deadbeating will not be considered to be a deliberate act unless evidence is provided to the contrary (e.g. evidence of the player turns being taken in other games when they could have taken place in the game in question). As with deliberate missed turns / 'time outs', the opposing team will be automatically awarded a victory for the game in question if strong evidence is proivided.

    Any agreements (such as both clans agreeing to forgo the FOW rule), changes, official statements, and/or conflict resolution discussions need to include pm's to TOs and be approved before finalized and accepted. These must have the MOW/clan rep making the pm to the Tournament Organiser. Clans cannot agree to restart games alone - this will only happen with Tournamanet Organiser approval in extreme circumstances.

    Reporting Violations
    If there are any suspected rule violations, they would need to be reported promptly for consideration.

      Fog of War Courtesy Rule - Detailed Explanation
      A similar interpretation to the CLA rule will be applied:
      "If a team joining second starts first then they must either, wait for 12 hours, wait until their opponent states (in game chat) that they have seen the board, or take a turn without conquering or annihilating of their oppoinents' regions."

        Therefore, these examples show no violation of the rule:
        [size=90]Game 9710587 - Player waited more than 12 hours
        Game 9703286 - Player took turn within 12 hours but did not conquer (or annihilate) an opponent's region
        Game 9734213 - Player took turn within 12 hours but did not conquer (or annihilate) an opponent's region
        Game 9718975 - Player took turn within 12 hours but did not conquer (or annihilate) an opponent's region

        Here are examples of violations:
        Game 9698818 - Player conquered opponent region with 12 hours
        Game 9697012 - Player conquered opponent region with 12 hours
        Game 9703288 - Player conquered opponent region with 12 hours
        Game 9703292 - Player conquered opponent region with 12 hours

      In 1 v 1 matches, this will apply to whichever player goes first. Even if the player joining first goes first, he must wait or take a turn which doesn't conquer or annihilate an opponents' position (this is due to invites being sent simultaneously for 1 v 1 and thereby a lack of evidence available to confirm which player actually joined second).

        Therefore, these examples show no violation of the rule in 1 v 1:
        Game 9758032 - Player took turn within 12 hours but did not conquer (or annihilate) an opponent's region
        Game 9758028 - Player took turn within 12 hours but did not conquer (or annihilate) an opponent's region

        Here are examples of violations:
        Game 9758030 - Player conquered opponent region with 12 hours
        Game 9758111 - Player conquered opponent region with 12 hours

      FOW violations need to be reported, by the opposing MOW to the TOs, by the 3rd turn of turn of the affected game. Failure to do so implies consent to the move and will not be considered a violation.

show: TFFS HOME GAMES, 24-10
Game 12605768 Das Schloss - not counted to the score as played over 20 rounds. (per the rules of ACC2)
Game 12605757 Age Of Realms 2: Magic
Game 12652786 Rail Australia
Game 12652784 Rail Third Crusade
Game 12652782 Route 66
Game 12605753 Supermax: Prison Riot!
Game 12605750 Third Crusade
Game 12605620 Battle For Iraq!
Game 12652777 Draknor - Level 1
Game 12652771 Conquer Rome
Game 12652770 Cricket
Game 12652769 Stalingrad
Game 12605608 Cricket
Game 12605593 Stalingrad
Game 12605580 ]Forbidden City
Game 12652767 WWII Australia
Game 12652766 Eurasia
Game 12652765 Pearl Harbor
Game 12652762 Supermax: Prison Riot!
Game 12652768 Europa

show: OSA HOME GAMES , 12-23
Game 12593881 Berlin
Game 12593882 Ilberia
Game 12652043 Tribal
Game 12652047 Arms race
Game 12652051 Dawn of Ages
Game 12593885 Solar System
Game 12593888 Antarctica
Game 12593890 Feudal Epic
Game 12652066 World 2.1
Game 12652108 Rail USA
Game 12652065 Puget Sound
Game 12652096 Unification Germany
Game 12593894 Third Crusade
Game 12593895 WWII Europe
Game 12593897 HIVE
Game 12652098 D-Day
Game 12652099 Fractured China
Game 12652100 Antarctica
Game 12652102 Feudal Epic
Game 12652104 Middle Ages

show: 1 vs 1 bouts, 1-2
Game 12593876 tribal war Florida & Eurasia Game 12616569
Game 12593878 three Kingdoms Of Korea & Treasures Of Galapagos Game 12616570
Game 12652036 conquer rome & iraq Game 12652797
Game 12652038 random & conquer rome Game 12652800
Game 12652039 Arms Race! & Arms Race! Game 12652804

show: tiebreaker, 2-0
Game 12652123 -

TFFS Players

OSA Players

Last edited by silversun6 on Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:12 pm, edited 44 times in total.
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [starting soon]

Postby Arama86n on Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:38 am

OSA For The Win. =D>
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [starting soon]

Postby shoop76 on Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:25 pm

On behalf of TTFS I agree to the above terms. Good luck to OSA.
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [starting soon]

Postby patrickaa317 on Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:40 pm

Good luck OSA, I'm sure it'll be a fun one for both sides.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [starting soon]

Postby aaronvollrath on Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:02 pm

i thought this was otpisani...we may have a chance in this one! hf, OSA! you guys trade benga to the 1RFG yet? :lol:
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [starting soon]

Postby benga on Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:25 am

aaronvollrath wrote:i thought this was otpisani...we may have a chance in this one! hf, OSA! you guys trade benga to the 1RFG yet? :lol:

wild horses couldn't drag me away!
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [0-0]

Postby padsta on Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:58 am

i pick osa for the win here, but it will be a tight one,

actually i am hoping for an osa win, if/when we beat foed us in the sty owe you one for knocking us out in the first rd last year

good luck all involved

33-26, with 2 tied singles :-)
send me an invite if you are looking for teammate medal
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [0-0]

Postby silversun6 on Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:06 pm

padsta wrote:i pick osa for the win here, but it will be a tight one,

actually i am hoping for an osa win, if/when we beat foed us in the sty owe you one for knocking us out in the first rd last year

good luck all involved

33-26, with 2 tied singles :-)

After we will beat you in the finals of this ACC2 - will you be always cheering for us ? :lol: ;)
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [0-0]

Postby killboy108 on Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:35 am

Good luck TFFS!

OSA to win by 3 ;)
by Fake News Corp :---)
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [1-2]

Postby silversun6 on Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:56 am

first blood for both clans , OSA takes first lead
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [1-6]

Postby silversun6 on Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:37 am

meanwhile in this thread
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [5-15]

Postby silversun6 on Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:50 am

despite the lead TFFS have many wins coming their way , this one going to be close.

great challenge so far :) =D>
OSA 2013 GRAND POOBA Seamus76 AKA TopDog
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [5-15]

Postby beeps on Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:53 am

Are you just messing with us cause i went full retard in all of my games and i don't think it was the right thing to do... I should have checked in with killboy and found out to never go full retard damnit.
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [5-15]

Postby Auger13 on Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:07 pm

just going through the games and it actually does seem like TFFS has a slight lead right now despite the actual score. This will come down to the wire I think.
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [5-15]

Postby silversun6 on Thu May 02, 2013 12:01 pm

the current score with decided games is 24-23 to TFFS ! , and there are still 28 points undecided

nice show there 4skins ! =D> =D>
OSA 2013 GRAND POOBA Seamus76 AKA TopDog
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [5-15]

Postby OutSider on Thu May 02, 2013 9:42 pm

Good luck to both of you, down the stretch.

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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [5-15]

Postby aaronvollrath on Thu May 02, 2013 11:12 pm

silversun6 wrote:the current score with decided games is 24-23 to TFFS ! , and there are still 28 points undecided

nice show there 4skins ! =D> =D>

thanks, same to you as well! we may have a chance if benga covers a few more turns! :lol:
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [5-15]

Postby benga on Fri May 03, 2013 2:48 am

aaronvollrath wrote:
silversun6 wrote:the current score with decided games is 24-23 to TFFS ! , and there are still 28 points undecided

nice show there 4skins ! =D> =D>

thanks, same to you as well! we may have a chance if benga covers a few more turns! :lol:

Wow I really must stop drinking, didn't know I was covering... :D
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [9-17]

Postby aaronvollrath on Fri May 03, 2013 2:32 pm

i remember when benga was recruiting for us and recommended a few players to us. i contacted them and here was a response from one of them:

I cannot speak for the other two, but I would consider your offer if your clan didn't have such an idiotic name. I can see why you included only the acronym in the message. In any event, good luck with recruiting and your wars and such.

interestingly and to make it even more humorous/depressing, they are now members of a top 10 clan...
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [21-25]

Postby Auger13 on Thu May 09, 2013 10:12 am

That is quite funny Aaronvollrath :) - funny you saved the comment too :)

quite the battle here!!!
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [31-33]

Postby silversun6 on Fri May 17, 2013 2:54 pm

The semifinal is almost decided , this game is the last chance to OSA not to loose.
Game 12652766
OSA 2013 GRAND POOBA Seamus76 AKA TopDog
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [33-33]

Postby silversun6 on Wed May 22, 2013 5:49 am

OSA 2013 GRAND POOBA Seamus76 AKA TopDog
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [33-33]

Postby Conchobar on Wed May 22, 2013 11:05 am

Haha, good 1. Poor kitty.
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [33-33]

Postby shoop76 on Thu May 23, 2013 8:07 am

Clearly the best war I have been part of. Almost seems like my predicted outcome changes with every move.
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Re: [ACC2] Semi Finals - TFFS vs OSA [33-33]

Postby patrickaa317 on Thu May 23, 2013 7:56 pm

Agreed on the fun war part. You guys are great opponents.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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