This is a Tournament Players Association Year 3 (TPA3) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments which are detailed at http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=175675.
All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA3 events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the scoreboard to see how you're doing:

This will be the Epsilon Race down
the Sigma Peak of the CC Mountain Range.

You will be ski racing down the mountain. There will be ten sections (maps, see below). Each will be 20 rounds with each round counting as a second. As the skier, If you beat your opponent in 9 rounds, then that section took you 9 seconds to go through. 12 rounds it took you 12 seconds. If you lose it took you 20 seconds. So you want to get through each section in as few seconds (rounds on the map) as possible. The winner will be the one with the quickest time. If you are the hill and are losing on a map you want it to take as long as possible. So drag it out.
Conversely, if you are the opponent (the one playing the hill, representing snow conditions, etc.), you want to remember that you are a fellow racer. So you want to delay the skier as much as possible so your own score will better hold up. You as the opponent represent, the terrain difficulty, steepness, snow condition, etc. You want to make the section as difficult as possible for the racer. (You will be the opponent on each map but with a different racer (random.org)) To make it even more fun to be the hill you will get the following negative (time off your run) bonuses.
Win in:
4 or less: -16
8 or less: -12
12 or less: -8
16 or less: -4
If you are the skier and are losing on a map you don't want your opponent to get these bonuses so drag it out.
In the interest of fairness on experience (feedback from my first race) there will be 3 qualifying groups of approximately 20 people each. These groups will be divided based upon number of completed CC games. So when you sign up please include the number of completed games you have. The top 5 of each will go to the finals.
All maps are 20 rounds, Auto, Seq, the rest as indicated next to the map.
All games to be accepted within 24 hours:
If you are the skier and you do not accept, then you can assume your skier is doing this

and you will be scored as a DNF (Did Not Finish) and you are out of the tournament. The only exceptions are if you pm me or wall me and say oops, please resend. I will always check my pms, and wall before eliminating anyone.
If an opponent (the hill, the green player) fails to pick up a round, they will be replaced by a random (random.org) player. So it is possible that you would have to pick up an extra defense round. The player who deadbeats will incur a 20 second penalty.
At the end of the qualifying rounds, a final with the top 5 from each round will occur. If there is a tie, then those tied will race two sections (maps, starting with 1 and 2) and you will be racer and defender. If necessary, a third map, etc. until there is no longer a tie.
The game load should never run over 4. I will issue a new section as soon as 80% of the players have finished each one.
(I won't say no freemiums, but I can't, because of the complexity of keeping everything going, delay things for a freemium, so you would probably need all four slots free. Hopefully I never use more than 2 but no promises.)
Looking for 51-80 skiers. I will close signups a calender week after I hit 51 or when I hit 80 (the max I feel I can handle).
Links to scoreboards will be in the 3rd post.