All freemiums are welcome, as long as they leave one slot open for this tournament.
map: City Mogul

Tournament Structure:
First Round: Two 8-player games. Winners and last three to lose* in each game advance to Second Round. Other players advance to Last Chance Round.
Last Chance Round: One 8-player game. Winner and last five to lose advance to the Second Round.
Second Round: Two 7-player games. Winner and last three to lose in each game advance to the Third Round
Third Round: Two 4-player games. Winners advance to the Final.
Final: One 1vs1 game. Winner takes it all.
Settings (non 1vs1 games):
Settings - Final - Instead of freestyle, it will be sequential. The rest remains the same.
Reserve policy:
- In the first game, i will send an invitation. If it's not accepted, I will send another one. If the second is not accepted as well, the player(s) at stake will be eliminated from the tournament and replaced by a reserve.
- If there are no reserves left, the game will start without the player at stake and he will be, therefore, disqualified.
- After the first game, if the invites are not accepted, the game will start without the player at stake and he will be, therefore, disqualified.
Players will be randomly seeded in the First, Second and Third round games with http://www.random.org
Have fun!

* - If any game ends after the 30 rounds and more than two players are left in play, it may be necessary to apply a tie breaker to decide who advances to the next round and who stays behind. The tie breakers are, respectively:
1 - number of troops
2 - number of regions
3 - kills
4 - number of spoils
5 - if the tie presists, playoff game between the tied players.
EDIT: Winner - therev1957