The Devil's Brigade contact: DualtaThe Pain Dispensers contact: jbadbear49 games (24 home games each + tiebreaker)
16 doubles, 16 triples, 17 quads (included tiebreaker)
Tiebreaker: Random, Quads, Escalating, Chained, Sunny
Play will be structured as:
Round 1 - 4 doubles, 4 triples, 4 quads by each side plus tiebreaker created by The Devil's Brigade
Round 2 - 4 doubles, 4 triples, 4 quads by each side
NO: freestyle, beta, manual, speed.
Trench and nuclear are okay.
Maps can be used multiple times, but only once with the same setting by each clan for the entire war, ex: doubles, triples, or quads.
Fog of war rule (aka snapshot rule) will be used.
Round 1The Devil's Brigade Home Games:Dubs:Game 12555594 Poker Club
TDB WinGame 12555596 Monsters
TDB WinGame 12555597 Poison Rome
TDB WinGame 12555671 Bamboo Jack
TDB WinTrips:Game 12555610 Arms Race
TDB WinGame 12555611 King's Court
TDB WinGame 12555620 All Your Base
TDB WinGame 12555623 Conquer Rome
TDB WinQuads:Game 12555625 Stalingrad
TDB WinGame 12555626 Das Schloss
TDB WinGame 12555627 Lunar War
TDB WinGame 12555629 Third Crusade
TDB WinThe Pain Dispensers' Home Games:Dubs:Game 12562681 Supermax Prison Riot
TDB WinGame 12562678 Luxemburg
TDB WinGame 12562677 Age of Merchants
TDB WinGame 12562674 Austerlitz
TPD WinTrips:Game 12562704 New World
TPD WinGame 12562672 The Citadel
TDB WinGame 12562656 Feudal War
TDB WinGame 12562651 Route 66
TDB WinQuads:Game 12562639 Oasis
TDB WinGame 12562638 Imperium Romanum
TDB WinGame 12562636 Prohibition Chicago
TDB WinGame 12562641 Feudal Epic
Tie-breaker:Game 12556484 Extreme Global Warming
TDB WinRound 2The Devil's Brigade Home Games:Dubs:Game 12857550 Age Of Realms 2: Magic
TDB WinGame 12857551 Lunar War
TDB WinGame 12857553 Feudal Epic
TDB WinGame 12857556 WWII Ardennes
TPD WinTrips:Game 12857558 Supermax: Prison Riot!
TPD WinGame 12857616 Space
TDB WinGame 12857560 WWII Poland
TDB WinGame 12857629 King's Court II
TDB WinQuads:Game 12857574 South Africa 1885
TDB WinGame 12857578 Clandemonium
TDB WinGame 12857580 Forbidden City
Game 12857582 Waterloo
TDB WinThe Pain Dispensers' Home Games:Dubs:Game 12837754 King's Court II
TDB WinGame 12837876 Luxembourg
TDB WinGame 12841012 Japan
TPD WinGame 12841731 Middle East
TDB WinTrips:Game 12837829 American Civil War
TDB WinGame 12837856 Nordic Countries
TPD WinGame 12837858 First Nations N. America
TDB WinGame 12840964 Iberia
TDB WinQuads:Game 12837833 World 2.1
TDB WinGame 12837844 First Nations Americas
TDB WinGame 12837853 New World
TDB WinGame 12840937 Eurasia