by AceHawk89 on Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:23 am
Sorry for the trouble. There was no alliance. I broke the southern continent from Fatal, then he broke the yellow greek continent from me, then we allied because OU has 2 continents and broke both of our continents. We announced our alliance but due to being complete enemies earlier in the game, we had weakened each other too much to come back even with the alliance and OU went on to win.
In our next classic game. My first 2 attacks were on Fatal, then I attacked OU to get a connected empire before making my fortifications so I could transfer all of my Europe and Asia men to Siam. OU then attacked my Oceana terretories with his Oceana terretories and lost leaving him with 2 terretorries with 1 army each, so Obviously I took all of Oceana. I then went on to Attack Fatal's Africa and move 4 men in in order to make sure he didn't get control of 2 continents.
Now notice how Fatal and OU have hardly attacked each other, and I have attacked Fatal more than OU and taken out more of Fatal's men than OU's men. I'm not suggesting they have an alliance but I think it is blatently obvious that there are no alliance at all and OU is victimizing himself after getting stuck with bad terretorries.