Conquer Club

Aceshighk & GlobalGuerrillas

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Aceshighk & GlobalGuerrillas

Postby Servantes135 on Mon May 07, 2007 9:42 pm

Subject line: Aceshighk & GlobalGuerrillas

These are suspected to have a Secret Alliance.

Suspect users: Aceshighk & GlobalGuerrillas

Game number:

Comments: I have been playing with these guys in the world 2.1 map for days. they never attack each other. They never defend there bounderies agianst eachother. They attack in a single goal especailly when trying to eliminate green and red.

It is blateantly obvious that they have a secret alliance, especialy since they know each other. 4 out of the 6 games GlobalGuerrillas has been in so has Aceshighk. more so they are budding up with IImortII, HugeBalls, and a new recruit Kar.

In one game Aceshighk refers to the blatent abuse when he wrote " 2007-05-06 16:21:03 - Aceshighk: secret alliances...some punk was trying to catch me and upal in another game"

This group clearly know eachother. since in some games they are actually useing their real names. This actions are very unbecoming and I belive even if they aren't deliberately allying them selves then they have a non agression pact which is just as bad.

If any one plays in a game with any of the fore mentioned people I warn you that they will fight as if they were allies. however since I do not have any evidence that the others (not includeing Aceshighk & GlobalGuerrillas) do the same thing, I do not belive that the do what those two do, but it does need to be investigated. if any one has pleyed with these individualls before. please step foreward and let us hear your testemony.

Sergeant 1st Class Servantes135
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2007 3:05 am

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