Ok I get that you guys don't want to open the pandora box, because if this passes you will have way too many reports accumulating here.
You still need to take the context into consideration. Last round of the semi finals of the only tournament you have t pay for. If you guys aren't protecting the players from this type of behaviours, no one will agree to join and pay. I think for the conquer cup 5 you guys need to write somewhere that "deliberately giving the game to another player" is punishable.
Come on guys, this is a way bigger offense that secret diplomacy or even point dumping imo. This is to me the biggest type of tolerated cheat on this site, it needs to stop.
also, in the only game I've playe vs ponez, he was this type of player:
Game 11093064
basically an assassin game where yellow was about to get killed and this idiot instead of protecting him kills him in the regions away from his assassin to get bonuses and not last one more round. He is basically the type of player that gives the game away when he has/thinks he lost all his chances.